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International Breastfeeding Journal
Open Access
Women's liberation and the rhetoric of "choice" in infant feeding
Bernice L Hausman
Address: Department of English, College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA
Email: Bernice L Hausman -
This short essay examines infant formula marketing and information sources for their
representation of "choice" in the infant feeding context, and finds that while providing information
about breast and bottle feeding, infant formula manufacturers focus on mothers' feelings and
intuition rather than knowledge in making decisions. In addition, the essay considers how "choice"
operates in the history of reproductive rights, shifting the discourse from a rights-based set of
arguments to one based on a consumerist mentality. Utilizing the work of historian Rickie Solinger
and a 2007 paper for the National Bureau of Labor Statistics, I argue that the structure of market
work, and not abstract maternal decision making, determine mothers' choices and practices
concerning infant feeding. For true freedoms for mothers to be achieved, freedoms that would
include greater social provisions for mothers, our culture will have to confront how structural
constraints make breastfeeding difficult, as well as how the concept of choice divides mothers into
those who make good choices and those who do not.
I began to prepare this presentation with the idea that
choice, as a concept, has been appropriated by infant for-
mula companies in connection with women's liberation.
Yet websites by Ross Laboratories, Mead Johnson, and
Nestle/Carnation present "the choice to feed a baby with
infant formula" as being increasingly under fire, presum-
ably by strong medical evidence about the health contri-
butions of breastfeeding. In this context, "choice" is
presented as based on maternal feelings; mothers make
good choices when they follow their sensibility, or
"heart," rather than their heads.
Specifically, current rhetoric from infant formula com-
pany websites articulates choice defensively, or with qual-
ifiers about what is actually important in infant feeding.
For example, in some articulations, love is more signifi-
cant than breast milk or infant formula, which displaces
the choice altogether onto the question of maternal emo-
tions and, at some level, fitness. Implicitly, there's the
sense of attack if you feed with formula, you do not love
your baby enough. The response, then, is to argue that it
is love that counts in infant feeding and care, not what
goes into the baby. Palpable in this rhetoric is the sense
that mothers feel burdened by the need to demonstrate
that they are good mothers by the fact that they love their
Important in these materials is the notion of an "informed
decision" to breastfeed or feed with infant formula. The
information on each site about advantages and disadvan-
tages of each choice exists to help mothers make these
"informed decisions." However, the notion of an
informed decision is undermined by the idea that deci-
Published: 4 August 2008
International Breastfeeding Journal 2008, 3:10 doi:10.1186/1746-4358-3-10
Received: 16 June 2008
Accepted: 4 August 2008
This article is available from:
2008 Hausman; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
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International Breastfeeding Journal 2008, 3:10
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sions about infant feeding are made by the heart, not the
head: in the end, information is not really the deciding
factor. For example, on Mead Johnson's Enfamil website,
after the discussion of "Choosing to Breastfeed," the page
ends with the following statement: "Now that you're
familiar with some of the advantages of breastfeeding,
you have the added advantage of making an informed
decision. In the end, of course, you'll do what your heart
tells you. You can't go wrong. After all, that's the organ
that's pumping out all that love for your baby" [1].
Another Enfamil web page discusses "It's Your Family's
Decision": "Only mom and dad know what will work best
for their family. So, be confident in the choice that you
make. The best way to deal with people who question
your choice is to simply tell them, politely but firmly, that
you have discussed how to feed your baby with your
baby's doctor. Feel good about your decision and be con-
fident your baby is getting the essential nutrients he
needs" [2]. Reading this I imagine what discussions of
abortion would be like in the same register: "Look, I've
discussed my decision to terminate this pregnancy with
my doctor and she agrees it's a good idea, healthy for me.
It's the right decision for my family as well. I'm confident
in this decision, so you need to butt out." To anyone
familiar with the abortion debates, it's clear that infant
formula makers champion a rhetoric around "choice" that
used to be a common approach to abortion rights but
which is difficult to promote publicly today.
Thus "choice" concerning infant feeding in these product-
oriented informational sites echoes some aspects of the
discourses of reproductive rights struggles. Some feminist
historians have struggled with the concept of choice with
respect to abortion rights, seeing it as a figuration of con-
sumerism right from the 1970s, when Roe v. Wade made
abortion legal in the USA. Rickie Solinger has shown that
"choice" (as a concept) obscures the importance of rights
with respect to abortion and reproductive freedom. In an
article "Poisonous Choice," and her subsequent book Beg-
gars and Choosers, Solinger criticizes the use of "choice" to
articulate abortion rights, and demonstrates how "choice"
operates to stratify mothers into categories of good and
bad choosers (i.e. good and bad mothers) [3,4]. First, she
demonstrates how the concept of "choice" moved abor-
tion rights from a rights framework to one focused on
women as consumers, arguing that choice was already
being used in terms of consumer privilege with respect to
reproductive rights in the initial aftermath of Roe v. Wade.
The use of "choice" instead of "abortion rights" made an
alliance between the right to control one's fertility
through pregnancy termination with the consumerist con-
notations of "choice." Any decision a woman makes
about reproduction thus becomes vaguely connected to
her "rights" as a consumer, rather than her rights as a
human being [3].
Then Solinger argues that the articulation of abortion
rights as "choice" opened up the possibility of women
being criticized for making wrong choices. The rhetorical
links of "choice" to consumerism, and the ability to turn
the discourse of choice into one of blame led to "choice"
becoming a very narrow political slogan that fore-
grounded the experience of middle-class women and
made all other women vulnerable, because what are con-
strued as "rights" in this scenario turn out to be privileges
available to very few [4].
So what are the links between infant formula use and
women's liberation, then? Is there no connection between
infant feeding choice and women's freedom? It seems to
me that there does not need to be a rhetorical link made by
infant formula companies between replacement feeding
and maternal freedoms. The link exists materially in the
structure of market work. In a recent "working paper"
published in 2007 by the U.S. National Bureau of Labor
Statistics, Albanesi and Olivetti demonstrate that life deci-
sions and practices associated with increasing freedom for
women largely understood as participation in waged
labor were made possible by technological advances
perceived to free women from domestic burdens, includ-
ing the reproductive burden of breastfeeding [5]. The
resurgence of breastfeeding since 1970 has occurred in the
context of women's increased labor force participation,
which means that breastfeeding is configured as a
"choice" to be made against a structure market work
that became available to women largely when they
stopped breastfeeding. Since replacement feeding was
believed to solve the problem of mothers' embodied
responsibility to feed their babies, other kinds of solu-
tions to mothers' market work were not structured into
the economy. Thus, "infant feeding choice" is figured as a
personal decision, which is why, as Albanesi and Olivetti
remark, while the rate of breastfeeding initiation in 2004
"is comparable to those observed in the 1920s, the dura-
tion of breastfeeding is now much lower" [5].
Additionally, by identifying the development and market-
ing of infant formula as a necessary corollary to women's
increased involvement in waged labor, Albanesi and
Olivetti demonstrate how infant formula is linked to per-
ceptions of women's liberation [5]. In the United States,
liberation and freedom are connected with economic self-
sufficiency. In breastfeeding advocacy we see how much
economic self-sufficiency makes breastfeeding a difficult
practice to sustain for most women [5]. This is why, in my
view, the structure of market work is one thing that must
change in order to accommodate true maternal freedom,
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International Breastfeeding Journal 2008, 3:10
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which would involve a relatively unconstrained ability to
breastfeed one's children.
What would real liberation for mothers entail? Structural
changes to market work and greater social provisions,
sponsored by the state, for mothers and their families,
would lead to increased freedoms for mothers. However,
even societies with generous maternity provisions con-
tinue to identify breastfeeding as a risky behavior, thus
perpetuating a widespread distrust of nursing. This sug-
gests that instituting breastfeeding as a norm will entail
cultural changes in the way we think about women and
their bodies in public spaces, as nurturers, as sexual
beings, as autonomous adults who are nevertheless phys-
ically connected to infants. Most perceived risks about
women's bodies as breastfeeding mothers surround anxi-
eties about modern maternity. Cultural change is needed,
as feminism has always argued, to perceive women as
responsible individuals fully capable of living their lives
as free people. What we need to do is find new definitions
of freedom that incorporate dependence, chance, and
connectedness as essential and ordinary, so that women's
rights as mothers are not abrogated by normative expecta-
tions of their fitness to carry out those roles.
Significantly, choice is not liberation. If Rickie Solinger is
correct, "choice" has only meant the right of access to
abortion for middle class women, and thus it has never
really meant choice, nor rights, in a universal sense [3].
"Choice" in infant feeding method has not liberated
women from the burdens of maternity, although many
women have benefited from entry into waged labor made
possible under current constraints by replacement feed-
ing. It is possible that the pressures felt by women who do
not breastfeed who feel that others look at them as if
they have made a "bad choice" are a legacy of the way
choice rhetorically operates in relation to motherhood,
functioning to distinguish mothers who choose well from
those who do not. Infant feeding rhetoric on the formula
manufacturers' websites responds to this perceived stigma
by suggesting that women choose well when they use their
emotions. All choices, when made from the "heart," are
good choices, especially when women make choices per-
ceived to be poor from a medical point of view.
Constraints on breastfeeding are far harder to overcome
for poor women, young women, women of color, and
women with less education than for those women with
education, resources, and more life experience. We can
apply Solinger's analysis of abortion to infant feeding and
notice that "choice" in infant feeding method operates to
distinguish women who make "good choices" from those
who do not, as if those choices are unconstrained. Infant
feeding choices whether made by "heart" or "head" are
practiced in the context of the social, cultural, and eco-
nomic forces that structure most people's daily lives and
intimate decisions. It is our responsibility, as feminists, to
identify the constraints that reveal the "choice" itself to be
not so much a choice but a class privilege, and then to fig-
ure out how to challenge the status quo that makes it so.
Competing interests
The author declares that she has no competing interests.
1. Choosing to Breastfeed, Enfamil, Mead Johnson Nutritionals
2. Feeding Your Baby, Enfamil, Mead Johnson Nutritionals
3. Solinger R: Beggars and Choosers: How the Politics of Choice Shapes Abor-
tion, Adoption, and Welfare in the United States New York: Hill and
Wang; 2001.
4. Solinger R: Poisonous Choice. In "Bad" Mothers: The Politics of Blame
in Twentieth-Century America Edited by: Ladd-Taylor M, Umansky L.
New York: New York University Press; 1997:381-402.
5. Albanesi S, Olivetti C: Gender Roles and Technological
Progress, Working Paper 13179. In NBER Working Paper Series
Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research; 2007.

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