Communication - Advisory #188 For August 16 - 2014

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East Jamaica Conference

Communication Department
74 Constant Spring Road P.O. Box 181 Kingston 10 Jamaica W.I.
Tel:(876) 924-1061-3, Fax (876) 924-0263. E-Mail:

August 14, 2014

To: All Pastors, Elders, Leaders and Church Members

Sincere Christian greetings!

Please see important dates and events of the East Jamaica Conference of Seventh-day Adventists below.

(1) Letter to the Constituency Re: Pastoral Assignments

August 15, 2014

To All Pastors, Elders and Members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, East Jamaica Conference.

Dear Church Family,

Jesus our Lord and Savior, the Head of the Church is with us as we in a spiritual context carefully plan to
grow His work in our territory.

Consequently, after much prayer, our Executive Committee at its meeting held Tuesday August 12, voted the
following pastoral district arrangements, assignments, and office appointments toward maximizing the Great
Commission in our domain:

District #1
Pastor Leabert Williams
North Street

District #2
Pastor Hanson Drysdale
Rollington Town
Stadium Gardens
Metro Mission 14

District # 3
Pastor Adrian Johnson
Kings Chapel
Johnson Town
Port Royal

District #4
Pastor Neville Walters
Harbour View
Bull Bay
Green Vale View
Harbor Height

District #5
Pastor Kevin White

District #6
Pastor Holland Thompson
Heroes Circle
Cross Road

District #7
Pastor Carl Honeyghan
Arnold Road

District #8
Pastor Leonard Steele
Hagley Park
Oak Glades

District #9
Pastor Anthony Taylor
Trench Town
Regent Street
Whitfield Town
Hannah Town
District #10
Pastor Samuel Lewis
Andrews Memorial

District #11
Pastor Enroy Ferguson
Greenwich Town
Omara Road

District #12
Pastor G.C. Carr
Balcombe Drive

District # 13
Pastor Windel Montaque
Seaview Gardens
Olympic Way

District #14
Pastor Howard Smith
Halls Delight
Constitution Hill
Dallas Castle
Cane River

District #15
Pastor Owen Thomas

District #23
Pastor Melvin Francis

District #29
Pastor Linton Hamilton
Sandy Park
Spanish Church

District # 16
Pastor Adrian Cotterell
Half- Way Tree

District # 17
Pastor Paul Bailey
August Town
Bedward Gardens
Gold Smith Villa

District #18
Pastor Ray Davis
Gordon Town

District #19
Pastor Marvin Chin
Mavis Bank
Hagley Gap
Content Gap
Ginger Piece

District #20
Pastor Cedric McAnuff
New Haven
Riverton Meadows

District #21
Pastor Errol Griffiths
Pembroke Hall

District #22
Pastor Devon Osbourne
Constant Spring
Whitehall Ave

Everton Park
Rock Hall
Burnside Valley
Guava Gap

District #24
Pastor Cornel Jackson
Jacks Hill
Barbican Company

District #25
Pastor Anthony Baugh
Florence Hill
Lawrence Tavern
Peat Hill
Toms River

District #26
Pastor Jovan Whyte
Irish Town

District #27
Pastor Carl Brooks
Golden Spring
Mount James
Clarks Hill
Stony Hill
River View
Brandon Hill

District #28
Pastor Titmus Morgan
Morant Bay
Needham Pen
Spring Gardens
Morant Bethel

White Horses
Aleous Valley

District #30
Pastor Ralston Tyrell

District #31
Pastor Romean Smith
Danvers Pen
White Hall

District 32
Pastor Joel Jump
Port Morant

District # 33
Pastor Dane Ferguson
Hampton Court

Director: Spirit of Prophecy Sis. Kathleen Dunkley -
Associate Director: Ministerial and Family

-Pastor Manley Philips

Associate Director: Sabbath
School/Personal Ministries and
Community Service
-Pastor Carl Honeyghan
Chaplaincy (School and Hospital) and

a. Pastor Alton Heslop
b. Pastor Whain Graham
c. Pastor Sebert Hamilton

These assignments and appointments take effect September 1, 2014. We apologize for all discomfort this
short notice will cause, but the timing is critical in relation to matters pertaining to our Calendar of Events.

On behalf of the President and our committed Team, thanks for your prayers, advice, and encouragement. Let
us continue to pray for the advancement of the work of the Lord here in East Jamaica Conference and may
God bless you richly.

Your Servant

Meric Walker, PhD, JP

(2) Notices from JAMU

1. We are saddened by the passing of Pastor Grover Hyatt, retiree of Central Jamaica Conference. He
died on Sabbath, August 9, 2014. The Thanksgiving Service will be held on
Sunday, August 24, 2014, at 11:00 a.m., at the Spanish Town Seventh-day
Adventist Church. Our prayers are with Sis Hyatt and family during this
difficult moment, and we are assured that the God of all comfort will sustain

2. The Family Ministries Department of JAMU presents Mens
Convention under the theme Adventist MenAgents of Change leading to a
brighter future. Main Speaker Pastor Everett Brown, JAMU President. Other speakers, Dr. Eric
Nathan, President EJC and Dr. Trevor Gardener, President NCU. Please see flyer below.

(3) Notices from the Health Ministries & Stewardship Department

1. Sunday, August 17: Adventists Health Professionals' Summit, at East Jamaica Conference
Office, Kingston, starting at 9:30am.
Attendees: Adventist Health Professionals, Health Ministries Directors, and other health
conscious persons.
Topical areas: Wellness and Wholeness; Change the Game - The Effect of Stress on Cardiovascular
Disease; Health Care/Professional Leadership - The Power to Influence and Change; and
Health Behaviour Change.
Presenters: Doctors Carol Reid, Craig Jackson; Wycliffe Wright, and Columbus Batiste.
Reward: Continuing Education Union Certificate (CEU) Credits Available upon Request.
Registration Required: Contact EJC Health Ministries Department
Seminar Fee: $2,000.00 per attendee. (Fee covers lunch, materials and other related costs.) We are
recommending that each church sponsor at least two health professionals to attend this Summit on
August 17, 2014. Please see website for forms and details.

2. Leadership & Professional Development SeminarSeptember 3-4, 2014. Please see website for

(4) Notices from the Education Department

1. Congratulations to all our students who were successful in this years CSEC examinations. Kingsway
High School received 100% passes in: Caribbean History, Social Studies, Electrical Technology,
Electronic Document Preparation Management, Food & Nutrition, Home Management, Technical
Drawing and Physical Education. Special mention is being made of Glendon Caballero who received
9 Subjects including Mathematics and English. The top girl: Janeal Richards, received 8 Subjects
including Mathematics and English as well.
2. Port Maria High, a private high school located in St. Mary and operated by the Seventh-day Adventist
Church, seeks to fill the teaching vacancies listed below beginning September 1, 2014.
Teacher of Mathematics & Physics -The incumbent will be required to teach both subjects up to the
CXC/CSEC level.
Bachelors degree in Secondary Teacher Education with specialization in Mathematics and
Physics or equivalent tertiary preparation
Experience in the preparation of SBAs
Teacher for Preparatory division two vacancies
Bachelors degree in Primary Teacher Education
Creative, reliable and able to motivate for excellence
General requirements
Must be knowledgeable of and committed to the philosophy, principles and mission of the Seventh-
day Adventist church in education and give witness to these values in his/her professional and
Christian life. To apply, please send your application (cover letter and resume)
to with the appropriate subject line as indicated below no later than Friday,
August 15, 2014.
PMHS - Science Teacher or
PMHS Primary Teacher
Please note that applications must be submitted exactly as stipulated as all incoming mails are filtered

3. The Roosevelt Avenue SDA Basic School is search of Principal. Click here for details.

4. The Destowe Bennett Early Childhood Development Centre, operated by the Seventh-day Adventist
Church in Rollington Town, invites applications from suitably qualified persons for the position of
Principal. Click here for details.

5. Kindly note contact information for the East Jamaica Conference Preparatory Schools and Kingsway
High School along with the tuition cost per term.

School: Kingsway High
Address: 10-12 Osbourne Road, Kgn. 5
Principal: Mr. Jaron Whitely
Tel.: (926-2379 school)
Email: (
( - personal)
Tuition: $36,500.00 Per Term

School: Kingsway Prep.
Address: 10-12 Osbourne Road, Kgn. 5
Vice Principal: Mrs. Kaydene Pusey-Bernard
Tel.: (926-2379) school (845-1026/527-4830)
Email (
school ( personal
Tuition: $36,450.00 Per Term

School: Miramar Kinder-Prep.
Address: 2 Miramar Drive, Morant Bay
Principal: Mr. F. E. Bingahm
Tel.: (410-5176) personal
Email: (
Tuition: $13,000.00 Per Term

School: New Hope Prep.
Address: 56 James Street, Kingston
Principal: Mr. Lambert Forrest
Tel.: (922-6507) school (833-1797/756-9430)
Email: ( school
( personal
Tuition: $26,000.00 Per Term

School: Woodford Prep.
Address: Woodford P.O., St. Andrew
Principal: Mr. Dave McNeish
Tel.: (323-9512) personal
Email: (
Tuition: $10,000.00 Per Term

School: Hagley Park Prep.
Address: 171Hagley Park Road, Kingston 11
Principal: Mrs. Elyn Spence
Telephone: 923-9507 school, 527-4824/9819805
Email: ( school
( personal
Tuition : $25, 000 Per Term

Education quote:
Henceforth Elisha stood in Elijahs place. And he who had been faithful in that which was least, proved
himself faithful also in much. .The lesson is for all. None can know what may be Gods purpose in His
discipline; but all may be certain that faithfulness in little things is the evidence of fitness for greater
responsibilities. Ed. page 60,61

(5) Notice from the Sabbath School, Personal Ministries & Comm. Services Dpt.

1. The East Jamaica Conference Community Services Federation expresses thanks to the hard working team
members and churches, who gave their support to our Annual Fun Days on August 6 & 10, 2014. We are
asking all Community Services Leaders to turn in the proceeds from ticket sales as soon as possible.

and reminding all Adult Sabbath School Teachers to attend the next corporate class session, which will
convene on Sunday August 17, 2014 at 9:00 a.m, at the Half Way Tree SDA Church (for all Zones). The
topic to be presented is Laws of Teaching and Learning. Our Presenter will be Mrs. Sharon Smith-
Whyte, Territorial Education Officer, Region 1. KINDLY TAKE YOUR REFRESHMENT WITH YOU.
Graduation - October 25, 2014

3. EJC Junior & Teen Ambassadors finals on Sabbath, August 23, 2014 - Kings SDA at 4 pm. The Sashing
will be held on Sunday, September 7, 2014 on the EJC grounds at 5 p.m.


5. Birthday greetings to our seniors, born in the month of August; wishing you good health and a blessed
and peaceful 2014.

(6) Womens Ministries Department

1. Kindly note that the WMD will be out of office until August 18, 2014 because of the Belize Children &
Youth Mission Impact. Kindly direct all your requests to the Administrative Assistant, Mrs. Sophia
2. Fellowship, family and faithfulness to God is the reason we pause Our October 2014 retreat is for
those who are interested in relaxation and rejuvenation of body, mind and soul. Kindly call or visit the
office to make your first retreat deposit. Your J$, US $ or credit cards will be accepted. Dont be caught
napping. Take your children, spouses, family and friends. More details will follow.

(7) Notices from the Childrens Ministries Department

1. CM team members kindly note that this department has taken on a broader scope and has been
renamed Children and Adolescents Ministries.

2. CMDs - Bible Spell-a-thon zone finals will be held in August. Kindly return the master trophies to the

3. 2014 & 2015 Missionaries, come help in the spread of the gospel through the sale of Metro Mission
crusade DVDs. A surprise awaits you for every sale you make. Call the Childrens and Youth
Ministries Departments for details.

4. Coming soon! Jewels Father Child Affair. Begin to promote this. Details to follow. Remember to
invite some non SDA fathers.

(8) Notice from the Family Life Department

1. Calling all trained personnel in counseling, mediation, HR from zones 1-4 to avail themselves to
assist with the team of counselors who will form part of the core for our Family Ministries. Let us
work while it is day. The night cometh when no man can work.

2. Kindly watch the press for date and time for the pre-marital counseling sessions that will be held in
your zone on a monthly basis. All persons interested in or who intend to enjoy a manageable
relationship are asked to plan to make us of these sessions.

3. BEAMS- All churches are being asked to select and send the names of 2 males (one below age 16
and the other 17 and over to be trained as BEAMS President for your church as well as zonal

4. Fellowship, family and faithfulness to God is the reason we pause Our October 2014 retreat is
for those who are interested in relaxation and rejuvenation of body, mind and soul. Kindly call or
visit the office to make your first retreat deposit. Your J$, US $ or credit cards will be accepted.
Dont be caught napping. Take your children, spouses, family and friends. More details will

(9) Youth Ministries Department

1. BIBLE BOOM September 2014: Its almost time for the play-offs to begin and Bible Boom
promises to be more inspiring, interesting and fun. The Books to be studied are Hosea-Micah. Every
AYS must be on board as we want our youth to become men and women of the WORD!!!

(10) Notices from the Constituency

1. The New Haven SDA Church invites you to their Youth Prayer Conference on Sabbath August 30,
2014 beginning at 9:00 am. Guest speakers include Pastor Michael Henry, Youth Director Jamaica
Union Conference and Pastor Dane Fletcher, Youth Ministries Director, East Jamaica Conference.
See flyer below for further information.
2. On Sunday, August 31, 2014 between 10.00am and 2.00pm the Kencot SDA church will be offering
FREE medical and legal services, counselling on employment, healthy lifestyle features, cooking
demonstration, spiritual counselling etc.

3. The Andrews Memorial SDA church will be hosting the Good Samaritan annual Run/Walk
on August 31, 2014 starting at 6:30 a.m. Please see flyer below for details.

4. The Family Life Department of the Kencot Seventh-day Adventist Church has planned a Thomson
Caribbean Cruise that will depart from Montego-Bay on March 31, 2015 and return April 7, 2015.
Family members and friends are invited to this exciting cruise. Foremost in planning was to find a
cruise that would originate in Jamaica, so that church members and other interested persons who are
without a US visa would not be denied the privilege of participating in the cruise. Please see flyer
below or call Elder Paulette Stewart @ 891-5640 for further information.

The East Jamaica Conference Administration wishes to express condolence to the church and family members
on the passing of Elder Leroy Lindsay of the Summerset SDA Church in St. Thomas, who died tragically on
Friday August 8, 2014. He was 36 years of age.

We also express sincere condolence to the church and family members on the passing of Bro. Pablo Thomas
of the Johnson Town SDA Church who died tragically on the job on August 13, 2014. Bro. Thomas served
the church as faithfully as a member of the Deacon board.

We invite the church to pray for and comfort the members of these families during this period of grief and

(11) Notices from the Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Department

dventist Church president releases statement on persecution of religious minorities in raq ria
dventist News Networ
Please see link below of statement from Pastor Ted Wilson and his request for Seventh-day Adventist
members worldwide to pray for those who face religious persecution in Iraq and Syria at this time. We want
our members in Jamaica to pray for these Christians (including Seventh-day Adventists) and so, I am asking
that you send out the request for prayers to our local church membership in your weekly advisories.
Additionally, please post the statement on your respective websites and use the various social media to get the
statement and request for prayers out.
Religious persecution is taking place in many parts of the world and prophesy is fulfilling. Let us use the
freedom we now enjoy to pray for our brothers and sisters who are being persecuted, and to continue to share
the gospel of salvation, bearing in mind that we too can lose our God-given right to freedom of religion and
worship in the near or distant future.
Elder Nigel Coke
Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Director -JAMU

2. Knowing your rights: Every Religious body or denomination shall have the right to provide
religious instruction for persons of that body or denomination in the course of any education
provided by that body or denomination whether or not that body or denomination is in receipt of
any government subsidy, grant or other form of financial assistance designed to meet, in whole
or in part, the cost of such course of education. Section 17 - 3 (Constitutional Amendment) Act,

(12) Notices from the Communications Department
1. Communication Directors are being asked to update and forward the "New EJC
Communication Scorecard 2014" with current and accurate information for the months of
January to July 2014. Special emphasis will again be placed on the submission of this form
since it will be used as a tool to assess the performance of the local church Communication
team going for the rest of the year.
The form, which was posted in April 2014, may be accessed from the ejcsda website by
following this link. Click Here,
2. Latest News Update. Read news updates from here and abroad by following this section of
our website at :Click here for Latest News

Schedule of Upcoming Conference Dates and Events

Dates Event Location
Aug 14-17 Health Summit Mandeville
Aug 31 Good Samaritan 5k Walk/Run Andrews SDA
Sept 6 JAMU Mens Convention NCU

Phillip E. L. Castell
Communication Director

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