Newsletter WK 4
Newsletter WK 4
Newsletter WK 4
Sports Captains:
Kirra Red Dolphins: Isabelle T / Jay R / Sydnie W / Noah C. Currumbin Blue Whales: Abbey H / Max M / Molly M / Reef B. Tugun Green Sharks: Halle G / Liam S / Lola D-M / Damien S. Coolangatta Gold Marlins: Ruby M / Josh B / Brooklyn K / Ky M. We congratulate all of these children and know that they will carry out the duties and responsibilities of these positions to the best of their ability.
Swimming Carnival
Congratulations to the Kirra Red Dolphins on winning the swimming carnival this year and to all of the age champions, who were given their medals at assembly last week. There is a group of children who will be swimming at the District Swimming on Tuesday this week.
Principals Review
A reminder that the online survey for Stephen s Principal Review will be closing shortly. A random selection of parents were sent the survey from Ardjuna. Please check your Spam mail in case you received an invitation to participate. Thank you to those who have already sent responses.
Apology Day
Last Thursday, St Augustines remembered Apology Day with the presentation of a Proud Race Bollard created by the Art students, Minnie, Bailey and Matthew in Year 6. Under the guidance of Mrs Tania Wood our first bollard was completed with both sides depicting parts of Aboriginal life in the area. This begins an annual project to promote the National Apology to Australias First Peoples which remembers the event of 2008. The bollard will be placed in the Heritage Garden outside the Chapel/Library.
Staff News
Natalie Barrett will be attending a Hearing Impairment Inservice on Tuesday. Shaun Dolan will be at the District Swimming on Tuesday.
Good luck to our District swimmers on Tuesday. Stephen Montgomery, Lynne Rohanna and Jane Marrison (Leadership Team)
General News
Chess News
Chess will begin this week! Despite being off to a slow start due to changes to timetables, I am pleased to say class times have finally been decided. Lessons will go over two days. Tuesday: 11:30-12:20pm - Year 2/3 boys; Tuesday: 12:20-1:20 - Year 4 boys; Wednesday: 11:20 - 12:20 - Girls; 12:20-1:20 - Year 5/6/7 boys. As the girls' class includes a variety of year levels it is always a difficult one to organise. I strongly encourage girls to learn chess for its many benefits. Please see me in the Year 1 rooms if there are any problems. Chess will be conducted in the Drama room and Mr F will be our coach again this year. There are still places left in some of our classes. Please collect a form from the office if you are interested in learning. Karen Dick (Chess Co-ordinator)
St Augustine's School together with Musicorp are excited to offer a variety of instruments for students to learn. Flute, Trumpet, Saxophone, Trombone, Clarinet and Guitar lessons are available during school time. Please call Musicorp on 1300 858 911 or email Amber on
Library News
RIBIT (Read In Bed It's Terrific!)
Welcome to another year of RIBIT reading. RIBIT stands for Read In Bed It's Terrific! The program aims to promote reading as a pleasant and enjoyable activity and encourages children to read regularly (almost every night for at least 10 minutes) and to read more. We hope to encourage life long reading.
For every 10 pages read 1 RIBIT point is awarded. The first prize is awarded when 50 points have been reached. Fiction AND non-fiction titles are accepted and even Take Home Readers may be added. Parents are asked to sign off books as they are read. A prize list in the inside front cover of the RIBIT book is given as a reference. Simply place RIBIT books into the green box outside the Library by Friday each week. RIBIT prizes will be announced at a morning assembly the following week and recipients will be published in the school newsletter. I encourage all students from Years 2 -4 to join the RIBIT Reading Program and Students in Years 57 to join in SUPER RIBIT! Congratulations to our first RIBIT prize winners for 2014: Courtney S, Lilly M, Blythe G, Daniel P, Daniel M and Finn M. Congratulations to Felix L and Ben C who have already completed 1000 points and have now started their second round of RIBIT. What a mighty effort! Keep up the wonderful effort everyone and here's to a great year of reading. Mrs Lonnie Rutland (Librarian)
St A's 2014 Swimming Carnival Results
Congratulations to the following students who achieved Age Champion success for their respective age divisions.
Age Champions:
Girls: Boys:
8 years
Isabelle L
Harper J
9 years
Emily H
Matt B
10 years
Ellena P
Mitchell S
11 years
Eden G
Damien S
12 years
Abbey H
Sam F
13 years
Alex D
Josh B
35.56 (1999)
Ellena P 35.41
41.12 (2010)
Ellena P 40.72
Well done to all four House Colour teams for displaying fantastic House spirit and wonderful enthusiasm at our carnival. Congratulations to the Kirra Red Dolphins who are the 2014 champions.
Agenda: Amending the P & F Constitution. Draft available on the school website or by clicking on this link: pdf 6:40pm Annual General Meeting Agenda: Principal, president and treasurer reports. Election of committee. 7:00pm General Meeting Agenda: 2014 Budget, Calendar of events, Carpark Safety Audit and Mothers Day Stall. 7:30pm Meeting close (approximate) Agenda proposal forms are available from the website and should be returned to Michelle Lynch at least 7 days prior to meetings. Meetings will be held in the staff room with tea and coffee supplied. Please feel free to bring nibblies. Martin Sanders (
Parish News
Telling the Lenten Gospels with Joy! Lent begins on Ash Wednesday 5 March. Are you prepared? Are you familiar with the Lenten gospels you will hear at Mass? Are you looking for some time for prayer and reflection to nurture your spirit? Join with your fellow parishioners and friends to:
Hear each of the gospels of Lent and Holy Week told with passion and joy by Biblical Storytellers Have time to reflect on the Gospel message of joy Pray and sing!
Date: Time: Place: Sunday, 2 March 2014 10:45 am - 12:45 pm St Monicas Parish Hall, 485 Golden Four Drive, Tugun
Presenters: Rina Wintour (Mountjoy Enterprises) and Carole Danby (Archdiocese of Brisbane) More information: phone or email Rina Wintour 0400 332 120
Tuckshop Roster
TUCKSHOP COOKING/HOME BAKING: Thank you for sending in ONLY cakes/biscuits etc. made from safe or nut free products to sell at our tuckshop. NO almond meal please.
Please click on the link for the 2013 Tuckshop Price List.
Tuckshop Helpers:
Monday 17 February
Tuckshop Closed
Tuckshop Closed
Help please!
P Walsh
S Hawney
P Walsh, T Jones
Friday 21 February
Wednesday 22 February
S Dickinson
M Suddes
Coming Events
Tuesday 18 February Thursday 21 February Tuesday 25 February Wednesday 26 February Friday 28 February Monday 3 March Wednesday 5 March Thursday 6 March Friday 7 March Monday 10 March Friday 21 March Thursday 27 March Monday 31 March Thursday 3 April Friday 4 April Monday 21 April Tuesday 22 April Wednesday 23 April Wednesday 7 May Tuesday 13 May Wednesday 14 May Thursday 15 May Thursday 29 May
District Swimming, Somerset Pool Spanish classes commence (3:30-5:00pm) Year 3-7 students P & F Special Meeting and AGM, 6:30pm Medical Alert meeting, 3:15pm in the staffroom. School fees due Regional Swimming Ash Wednesday, 11:30am Mary MacKillop Centre Parent Meeting for Confirmation/First Communion - 7pm, St Monica's Tugun. Catholic Swimming School Photos Summer Sport Commences Whole School Mass Year 6 Surfing End of Term 1 Holiday Term 2 commences St A's Cross Country District Cross Country NAPLAN Testing NAPLAN Testing NAPLAN Testing Confirmation
Thursday 29 May 31 May/1 June 8/9 June Monday 9 June Tuesday 10 June Thursday 24 July Friday 25 July Tuesday 29 July Monday 4 August Thursday 14 August Friday 15 August 18/8 - 22/8 Tuesday 26 August Friday 29 August Friday 29 August Thursday 4 September Friday 12 September Monday 6 October Wednesday 8 October Monday 20 October 27/10 - 31/10 Tuesday 11 November Wednesday 12 November 17/11 - 27/11 Tuesday 25 November Thursday 27 November Friday 5 December
Catholic Cross Country First Communion First Communion Queen's Birthday holiday Regional Cross Country St A's Field Events St A's Track Events Track and Field "C Schools" Trakc and Field Championship Day Catholic Schools Music Festival Catholic Schools Music Festival Bookweek Regional Schools Track and Field Events Gold Coast Show Holiday St Augustine's Feast Day Catholic Athletics/Ballgames St A's Beachathon Labour Day holiday Extra Curricular Photos, plus Year 6 and 7 Group photos Pupil Free Day Book Fair Catholic Readers Cup Catholic Aquathon Swimming Lessons (prep - Year 5) Prep - Year 2 Christmas Concert Year 3 - 6 Christmas Concert Last day of term 4
Term Dates
Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Professional Development and Planning Days To be advised Wednesday 29 January - Friday 4 April Tuesday 22 April - Friday 27 June Monday 14 July - Friday 19 September Tuesday 7 October - Friday 5 December
Community News
Peace for Rhys - Eczema Free
Parents, we are trying to raise funds for Rhys Doherty who is currently in Year 5 at our school. Rhys has suffered from Eczema, Anaphalyxis and Allergies his entire life. He has tried many treatments including conventional and alternative methods including diets, lotions, topical steriods, oil baths, wraps and antibiotics.
Eczema is a cruel condition which is wearing him down both physically and mentally. We as a community would love to raise the funds to send Rhys to the Avene Hydrotherapy Centre in France which offers a 21 day treatment (for three years) for people who suffer from this condition.
We are currently organising fundraising activities to raise the money required. If you would like to make a donation or be informed of fundraisers coming up, please join the Rhys fundraiser page on Facebook: Peace For Rhys - Eczema Free Thank you. (Lisa, Michelle and Shannon)
Lovely St A's family looking for a rental property in local area. 3-4 bedroom, with yard for a small pet. Reliable and good references. Phone Lea 0407 151 363.
Dog kennel - as new $100 (new $195). Please see Mrs Pullen in the music room.