The document discusses car infotainment systems and describes the design and development of device drivers for serial sound interface (SSI) and serial peripheral interface (SPI) in a car infotainment system-on-chip platform using a real-time operating system. It covers the SSI and SPI protocols, real-time operating system concepts, and the design of the sound subsystem driver, SPI driver and SSI driver.
The document discusses car infotainment systems and describes the design and development of device drivers for serial sound interface (SSI) and serial peripheral interface (SPI) in a car infotainment system-on-chip platform using a real-time operating system. It covers the SSI and SPI protocols, real-time operating system concepts, and the design of the sound subsystem driver, SPI driver and SSI driver.
The document discusses car infotainment systems and describes the design and development of device drivers for serial sound interface (SSI) and serial peripheral interface (SPI) in a car infotainment system-on-chip platform using a real-time operating system. It covers the SSI and SPI protocols, real-time operating system concepts, and the design of the sound subsystem driver, SPI driver and SSI driver.
The document discusses car infotainment systems and describes the design and development of device drivers for serial sound interface (SSI) and serial peripheral interface (SPI) in a car infotainment system-on-chip platform using a real-time operating system. It covers the SSI and SPI protocols, real-time operating system concepts, and the design of the sound subsystem driver, SPI driver and SSI driver.
Car infotainment is a very advancing area in automotive industry. In-
fotainment includes information-based media content and entertainment in an eort to enhance passenger experience. The scope is endless. And cur- rently they oer multiple options like AM/FM or satellite radio, CD/DVD player for music and video, navigation system, multimedia, GPS, vehicle sta- tus information, internet, Bluetooth, etc. The feature set is expanding. New technological developments have advanced and converged to allow for more services, entertainment and connectivity. Automotive-specic platforms and OSs are available which enables multiple concurrent applications and a uid user experience for car infotainment. The Sound Subsystem is a major part of the infotainment system. It in- cludes microphone, speakers, converters, audio processing devices, etc. There are several options for audio. Passengers can stream audio from the Internet, play back music from USB, Bluetooth, CD/DVD players, AM/FM radio etc. SSI (Serial Sound Interface) is used for the transfer of digital audio data and SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) for transferring commands and messages in the sound subsystem. SSI and SPI are standard serial interfaces. This project includes the design and development of T-kernel RTOS based device drivers for SSI and SPI devices in a latest Car Infotainment based SoC platform. Also includes the study of various protocols involved in enabling smartphone USB connectivity in an RTOS based development system. Contents 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 LITERATURE SURVEY 3 3 SYSTEM OUTLINE 6 4 SPI & SSI PROTOCOL 9 4.1 RSPI : SPI Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 4.2 SPI Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 4.2.1 8-bit Serial transfer for CPHA = 0 . . . . . . . . . . . 15 4.2.2 8-bit serial transfer for CPHA = 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 16 4.2.3 32-bit MSB First Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 4.2.4 16-bit MSB rst transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 4.2.5 8-bit MSB First Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 4.2.6 2-bit LSB First Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 4.2.7 16-bit LSB First Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 4.2.8 8-bit LSB First Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4.3 Serial Sound Interface (SSI) Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 4.4 Serial Sound Interface (SSI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 1 4.5 SSI Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 5 RTOS CONCEPTS 29 5.1 General RTOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 5.2 T-Kernel RTOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 5.2.1 T-kernel RTOS Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 6 SYSTEM DESIGN 39 6.1 Sound Application Framework For PLAY . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 6.2 High Level Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 6.2.1 Design Of Sound Subsystem Driver . . . . . . . . . . . 40 6.2.2 Sound Sub System Driver Design Flow Chart . . . . . 42 6.3 Low Level Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 6.3.1 Design Of Sound Driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 6.3.2 Design Of SPI Driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 6.3.3 Design Of SSI Driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 7 SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION & RESULTS 62 7.1 Host PC Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 7.2 Target Board Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 7.3 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 8 SOFTWARE & HARDWARE TOOLS 68 8.1 Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 8.1.1 RTOS:T-kernel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 8.1.2 Toolchain : RVDS 4.1(Real View Development Suite v4.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 8.1.3 Debugger : eBinder v1.9 + Partner Jet loader . . . . . 71 8.1.4 Database:Tortoise Subversion SVN 1.7 . . . . . . . . . 71 8.1.5 Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition . . . . . . 71 8.2 Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 9 CONCLUSION 73 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 List of Figures 3.1 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4.1 Master Slave SPI Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 4.2 SPI Master to Audio Codec Interfacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 4.3 SPI Module Block Diagram (For 1 channel) . . . . . . . . . . 12 4.4 Transfer format(CPHA = 0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 4.5 Transfer format (CPHA =1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 4.6 32-bit MSB First transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 4.7 16-bit MSB First Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 4.8 8-bit MSB First Transfe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 4.9 2-bit LSB First Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 4.10 16-bit LSB First Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4.11 8-bit LSB First Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4.12 SI Half Duplex System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 4.13 SSI Full Duplex System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4.14 SSI Master interfaced to Audio Codec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 4.15 Block Diagram of Serial Sound Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 4.16 SSI Philips Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 4.17 Padding zeros after data word length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 4.18 No padding for System word length = data word length . . . . 27 4.19 MSB-rst and Left-aligned format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 4 4.20 MSB-rst and Left-aligned format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 5.1 RTOS kernel services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 5.2 Format of Messages using a MailBox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 6.1 Sound Subsystem Driver block diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 6.2 Sound initialise() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 6.3 Sound open() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 6.4 Sound write() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 6.5 Sound read() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 6.6 Sound cancel() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 6.7 Sound close() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 6.8 Sound uninitialise() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 7.1 Build Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 7.2 Hardware Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 7.3 Loading the executable le to eBinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 7.4 Download to board using eBinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 7.5 Running the executable using eBinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 7.6 Audio Jack connected to board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 7.7 Play running . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 List of Tables 5.1 Task Management APIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 5.2 Task Synchronisation APIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 5.3 Semaphore APIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 5.4 Event Flag APIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 5.5 Mailbox APIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 5.6 Interrupt Handler APIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 6 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Car Infotainment System includes information and entertainment services. Information services are navigation, engine diagnostics, etc. Entertainment services include audio, video, games, etc. All the services that we now have in Smart phones and tablets can be provided by a Car Infotainment Sys- tem. The Sound Subsystem of an Infotainment System takes care of the audio requirements inside the car. The Sound Subsystem hardware includes interfaces like SPI and SSI, ADC and DAC. It also includes microphones, headset, speaker and other audio processing devices. SPI devices are used for the transfer of audio commands and SSI is used for audio data transfer. Also there is Bluetooth, USB and display interfaces to enable connecting to Smart phones. Now users can stream audio from Internet, play back music from USB, SD Card, CD/DVD players. And most importantly users can now use their smart phones to listen to music inside the car by connecting to the infotainment hardware. This project includes Sound Subsystem driver development for SPI and SSI devices and the driver runs on a Multimedia Framework. The driver Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 1 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System will be POSIX-compliant and RTOS based and developed using C language. The driver is developed for the embedded platform Eagle using ARM Cortex A9 chip as the main processor. It is a 32-bit processor and is Little-Endian. It has lot of peripherals like SPI, SSI, I2C, DMA, visual display control, etc. The SPI and SSI Controllers in the hardware have features such as low power consumption, multiple channel support, Tx/Rx FIFO support, noise suppression and high performance. 1.1 Objective To meet the audio requirements of the user in a car infotainment system with optimizations on power, performance, noise suppression. 1.2 Scope This project includes the design and development of device drivers for lat- est SSI and SPI devices in market having lower power consumption, multiple channel support, Tx/Rx FIFO support and noise suppression. Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 2 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Chapter 2 LITERATURE SURVEY For selecting a serial interface for transferring commands in the Sound Sub- system, SPI and I2C protocols were compared in the initial stage and SPI was selected as the Control Interface. Then the current infotainment plat- form and previous platform was compared to identify the improved hardware resources in current platform. The current platform is the Eagle platform with an ARM Cortex A9 processor. Next, the dierent RTOSs used in info- tainment were compared and the advantages of T-kernel RTOS used in the project were identied. The detailed survey is given below. In [12] A.K. Oudjida gives a comparative study on FPGA implementation of I2C and SPI protocol. Both I2C and SPI are used for low bandwidth data transfers. In comparison to I2C, SPI has a higher transfer rate, lower design cost, full duplex communication and lower power consumption. In [13] a comparison on Eagle Platform and the previous development platform is given. Eagle platform has an ARM Cortex A9 as core processor with 400MHz operating frequency. SH726X platform used SH-2A core with maximum operating frequency of 144MHz. The new platform has improved Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 3 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System features like 10MB integrated SRAM, Serial high speed ash interface with Execute-in-Place(XiP), support for booting from QSPI ash memory, 5chan- nel SPI interface, 6channel SSI interface. SH7267 platform only supported 2 channel SPI interface and 4 channel SSI interface. The new platform includes a Quad-SPI ash interface and external serial ash memory. This combina- tion gives a performance improvement over previous implementations when data-intensive applications like audio and graphics are used. Both platforms had the latest SPI and SSI controllers in market. The features include multiple channel support, lower power consumption, noise suppression. The SPI Controller has features such as 5 channels, master mode and slave mode selectable, programmable bit length, clock polarity, and clock phase, consecutive transfers, MSB rst/LSB rst selectable, maximum trans- fer rate: 33.33 Mbps. The SSI controller has 6 channel bidirectional serial transfer, duplex communication (channels 0, 1, 3, and 5), support of various serial audio formats, support of master and slave functions, generation of programmable word clock and bit clock, multi-channel formats, support of 8, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, and 32-bit data formats, support of eight-stage FIFO for transmission and reception, etc. The dierent RTOSs used in infotainment are QNX Neutrino, Windows CE, Nucleus RTOS, VxWorks, etc. T-kernel RTOS is a traditional RTOS which has monolithic architecture. This is the major dierence from other RTOSs available in market. The other RTOSs have a microkernel archi- tecture. The dierence between monolithic and microkernel architecture is in that, in microkernel except for a few kernel services, all other services like le systems and networking and other drivers runs in memory-protected user space, whereas in monolithic, most services including le systems are Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 4 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System in kernel-space. The disadvantage of monolithic is that if any fault occurs in le system or drivers the entire system may be aected. In microkernel, these services run in isolated spaces without interrupting other services and kernel. Thus microkernel provides memory protection, but there is over- head caused by this feature as there is constant switching between user space and kernel space which aects speed of system. Monolithic kernels are faster and requires less context switching. The advantage of T-kernel is that being a monolithic kernel, it oers more speed compared to a mi- crokernel. Also it provides dynamic management of kernel objects and has less memory constraints. So when compared to the existing sound systems like ALSA(Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) for Linux OS, the T-kernel RTOS based sound system is a customized ecient implementation with less memory constraints and less bugs. Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 5 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Chapter 3 SYSTEM OUTLINE This gure shows the six layers, the hardware layer, driver layer, middle- ware, framework layer, logical layer, application layer. The RTOS manages the transfer between layers. If the use case is to play music from an audio le present in a USB pendrive, then rst the pendrive is connected to the boards USB port. The le from USB is automounted to the le system in middleware layer. When play is called by the application, the audio les from middleware layer is loaded to the application. Then, the logical layer checks if the audio le format is supported or not. If the audio le format is not supported, a message is displayed to the user that the audio le format is not supported. Otherwise, the le is decrypted in framework layer and passed to the driver layer. The driver layer decides whether the le goes to SPI or SSI. Then SPI device is opened for transferring commands and SSI for transferring audio to the DAC. From DAC, the analog audio is provided to the speaker. Another use case is recording which can be explained similarly. Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 6 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Figure 3.1: Block Diagram What comes under each layer is described below: 1. Hardware layer Includes the SPI and SSI controllers and the peripherals interfaced to it, USB device and USB host controller, Audio Codec, Speaker, Microphone, etc. 2. Driver layer Includes the kernel mode driver for SPI and SSI Controller. Also USB driver and DAC Control resides here. 3. Middleware Includes the le system, USB Stack and Driver Abstraction layer(IOIF) Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 7 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System 4. Framework layer Includes POSIX library, audio libraries and decoders 5. Logical layer Supports HMI for the user requirements. Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 8 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Chapter 4 SPI & SSI PROTOCOL The Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) is a three or four wire bidirectional synchronous serial data link standard. SPI operates in full-duplex mode with a master device initiating communications and a slave device responding. Data is passed in data frames which may consist of various number and size of data words. Each signal line of the SPI bus is unidirectional, with the primary signals being SCLK (serial clock), SS (slave select), MOSI (master- out, slave-in), and MISO (master-in, slave-out). Therefore, a minimal system consists of a single master and a single slave device. Figure shows a Single Master Single Slave SPI system. Here the SS signal will be always active. Multiple slave devices may be present on the bus simultaneously with the individual slave enabled by the use of an SSL (slave select) signal. Each slave will normally have its own unique select line. In the hardware, there is a SPI Controller, RSPI which is described next. Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 9 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Figure 4.1: Master Slave SPI Implementation 4.1 RSPI : SPI Controller The SoC in Eagle platform has a SPI peripheral controller which enables high-speed serial communication with multiple processors and peripheral de- vices. Features : Five channels Master mode and slave mode selectable Programmable bit length, clock polarity, and clock phase can be se- lected. consecutive transfers MSB rst/LSB rst selectable Maximum transfer rate: 33.33 Mbps Peripheral devices(SPI) can be connected to each SPI channel. The pe- ripherals can be any SPI device like SD card, Serial ash memory, LCD, ADC/D Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 10 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Figure 4.2: SPI Master to Audio Codec Interfacing Fig 4.2 shows SPI Peripheral Controller(master) interfaced to Audio Codec (slave). SPI is used for conguring the audio codec for Power Management, Volume Control of PGA inputs from microphone, Headphone & Speaker vol- ume control, DAC & ADC Sample rate clock. The audio codec includes ADC, DAC, PGA (Programmable Gain Amplier), Filters, Microphone in- puts, Speaker and headphone outputs. Fig 4.3 shows the block diagram of the SPI module. It includes a SPI controller, a transmit FIFO, receive FIFO, baud rate generator, etc. Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 11 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Figure 4.3: SPI Module Block Diagram (For 1 channel) The dierent registers in SPI Controller are described below: 1. Control register Includes functions to enable transmit interrupt, receive interrupt, error interrupt; select master/slave mode 2. Slave Select Polarity register Sets the polarity of slave select. 0 : 0-active 1 : 1-active 3. Pin control register Sets MOSI idle value when SSL is inactive Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 12 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System 4. Status Register Includes receive buer full ag, transmit buer empty ag, transmit end ag, mode fault error ag and overrun error ag 5. Data register 32-bit register for transmission and reception. Accessed in bytes, words, and longwords. 6. Bit Rate register Sets bit rate in master mode 7. Data Control register Includes functions to enable dummy data transmission in master mode, select access width(bytes, words or longwords). 8. Clock Delay register Sets a delay from SSL active to clock oscillation 9. Slave Select Negation Delay register Sets a delay from transmission of nal clock edge to negation of SSL 10. Next-Access Delay register Sets a non-active period after termination of a serial transfer 11. Command register Each channel can access 4 command registers sequentially in master mode. The functions include: clock delay enable, SSL negation delay enable, next-Access delay enable, LSB/MSB-rst, data length setting, SSL level keeping, bit rate division setting, clock polarity and clock phase Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 13 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System 12. Sequence Control register Sets the pattern when the module is performing sequential operations in master mode. The 4 command registers are accessed sequentially based on this pattern 13. Sequence Status register Indicates the command register in use during a sequential operation 14. Buer Control register Includes functions like transmit buer data reset, receive buer data reset, transmit buer data triggering number, receive buer data trig- gering number 15. Buer Data Count Setting register Indicates the number of bytes to be transmitted in transmit buer and the number of bytes received in receive buer Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 14 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System 4.2 SPI Operation 4.2.1 8-bit Serial transfer for CPHA = 0 Fig 4.4 shows the transfer format for CPHA = 0. CPHA = 0 implies sampling is done at odd edges of RSPCK clock. During sampling time module fetches transfer data into shift register. For CPHA = 0, driving of valid data to MOSI and MISO starts at SSL assertion. The rst RSPCK change timing that occurs after SSL assertion is the rst transfer data fetching timing. The change timing for MOSI and MISO is 12 RSPCK cycle after transfer data fetch timing. t1 : RSPCK delay t2 : SSL negation delay t3 : Next Access delay Figure 4.4: Transfer format(CPHA = 0) Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 15 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System 4.2.2 8-bit serial transfer for CPHA = 1 Fig 4.5 shows the transfer format for CPHA = 1. CPHA =1 implies sampling is at even edges. When CPHA = 1, driving of invalid data to MOSI and MISO starts at SSL assertion. The driving of valid data starts at rst RSPCK change timing after SSL assertion. After this timing data is updated at every 1 RSPCK cycle. The transfer data fetch timing is always 12 RSPCK cycle after data update timing. Figure 4.5: Transfer format (CPHA =1) 4.2.3 32-bit MSB First Transfer Fig 4.6 shows the 32-bit MSB First Transfer. The CPU or DMA controller writes T31 to T00 to transmit buer of SPDR. If shift register is empty, this module copies data in transmit buer to shift register. When serial transfer starts, this module outputs data from MSB(bit 31) in shift register, and shifts in the data from LSB(bit 0). After 32 RSPCK cycles, data R31 to R00 is stored in shift register. If receive buer does not have a space for receive Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 16 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System data length, another serial transfer is not started. If another serial transfer is started before CPU or DMA controller writes to transmit buer, received data R31 to R00 is shifted out from shift register. Figure 4.6: 32-bit MSB First transfer 4.2.4 16-bit MSB rst transfer Fig 4.7 shows the 16-bit MSB First transfer. The CPU or DMA controller writes T15 to T00 to transmit buer of SPDR. If shift register is empty, this module copies data in transmit buer to shift register. When serial transfer starts, this module outputs data from bit 15 in shift register, and shifts in data from LSB(bit 0). After completion of serial transfer, data that existed before transfer is retained in bits 31 to 16 in shift register. The module copies data from shift register to receive buer. Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 17 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Figure 4.7: 16-bit MSB First Transfer 4.2.5 8-bit MSB First Transfer Fig 4.8 shows the 8-bit MSB First transfer. The CPU or DMA controller writes T07 to T00 to transmit buer of SPDR. If shift register is empty, this module copies data in transmit buer to shift register. When serial transfer starts, this module outputs data from bit 7 in shift register, and shifts in data from LSB(bit 0). After completion of serial transfer, data that existed before transfer is retained in bits 31 to 8 in shift register. The module copies data from shift register to receive buer. Figure 4.8: 8-bit MSB First Transfe Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 18 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System 4.2.6 2-bit LSB First Transfer Fig 4.9 shows the 32-bit LSB First transfer. The CPU or DMA controller writes T31 to T00 to transmit buer of SPDR. If shift register is empty, this module reverses order of bits of data in transmit buer, copies it to shift register. When serial transfer starts, this module outputs data from MSB (bit 31) in shift register, and shifts in data from LSB(bit 0). After 32 RSPCK cycles, the module copies data from shift register to receive buer. Figure 4.9: 2-bit LSB First Transfer 4.2.7 16-bit LSB First Transfer Fig 4.10 shows 16-bit LSB rst transfer. The CPU or DMA controller writes T15 to T00 to transmit buer of SPDR. If shift register is empty, this module reverses order of bits of data in transmit buer, copies it to shift register. When serial transfer starts, this module outputs data from MSB (bit 31) in shift register, and shifts in data from bit 16. After 16 RSPCK cycles, the module copies data from shift register to receive buer. Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 19 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Figure 4.10: 16-bit LSB First Transfer 4.2.8 8-bit LSB First Transfer Fig 4.11 shows 8-bit LSB rst transfer. The CPU or DMA controller writes T07 to T00 to transmit buer of SPDR. If shift register is empty, this module reverses order of bits of data in transmit buer, copies it to shift register. When serial transfer starts, this module outputs data from MSB (bit 31) in shift register, and shifts in data from bit 24. After 8 RSPCK cycles, the module copies data from shift register to receive buer. Figure 4.11: 8-bit LSB First Transfer Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 20 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System 4.3 Serial Sound Interface (SSI) Protocol The SSI protocol basically consists of 3 lines : SDATA, BCLK, WCLK. The clocks are generated by master which can be a transmitter or receiver. The SDATA line carries multiplexed data channels. In a 2 channel case, the SDATA will carry the left and right channels of audio data. Fig 4.12 shows a half duplex SSI system. In this case, either transmission or reception occurs at the any time. Fig 4.13 shows a full duplex system. Here, transmission and reception can occur at the same time Figure 4.12: SI Half Duplex System 4.4 Serial Sound Interface (SSI) The SSI is designed to send or receive audio data interface with various devices oering SSI bus compatibility. It also provides additional modes for other common formats, as well as support for multi-channel mode. The SoC has a SSI which handles the audio data through the sound subsystem. Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 21 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Figure 4.13: SSI Full Duplex System During audio playback, it transports digital audio to the audio codec which is connected to external speakers or headsets. Features : Six-channel bidirectional serial transfer Duplex communication (channels 0, 1, 3, and 5) Support of various serial audio formats Support of master and slave functions Generation of programmable word clock and bit clock Multi-channel formats Support of 8, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, and 32-bit data formats Support of eight-stage FIFO for transmission and reception Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 22 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Fig 4.14 shows the SSI interfaced to codec. During audio playback, it transports digital audio to the audio codec which is connected to external speakers. Figure 4.14: SSI Master interfaced to Audio Codec Fig 4.15 shows SSI Block Diagram. It includes a control circuit, trans- mit FIFO, receive FIFO, bit counter, etc. In full duplex channels, channels 0,1,3,5 SSIDATA can be used independently as SSITxD for transmission and SSIRxD for reception. The dierent registers in SSI module are described below: 1. Control register Includes functions to enable transmit underow interrupt, transmit overow interrupt, receive underow interrupt, receive overow inter- rupt, idle mode interrupt: select clock source, number of channels per system word, number of system words per TDM frame, data word length, system word length, serial bit clock direction, serial WS direc- tion, serial bit clock polarity, serial WS polarity, data alignment, serial Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 23 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Figure 4.15: Block Diagram of Serial Sound Interface data delay, mute enable, transmit enable. 2. Status register Includes transmit underow error interrupt ag, transmit overow error interrupt ag, transmit channel number, transmit serial word number, idle mode status. 3. Transmit data register 32-bit register holds data to be transmitted 4. Receive data register 32-bit register holds received data 5. FIFO control register Includes transmit data trigger number, transmit interrupt enable, trans- mit FIFO data register reset 6. FIFO status register Indicates number of bytes stored in transmit data register, transmit Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 24 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System data empty, receive data full 7. Transmit FIFO data register Consists of 8 stages of 32-bit registers for storing data to be transmitted 8. Receive FIFO data register Consists of 8 stages of 32-bit registers for holding received data 9. TDM mode register Includes functions to enable TDM mode, WS continue mode, set receive direct data mute 10. Frequency change control register Include functions to enable frequency change detection interrupt enable 11. Frequency change mode register Sets maximum and minimum number of cycles of peripheral clock 12. Frequency change status register Indicate current cycle count of peripheral clock 4.5 SSI Operation The SSI bus (Inter-IC Sound bus) shown in g 4.16 is a 3-wire, half-duplex serial link for connecting digital audio devices. The bus has three lines - continuous serial clock (SCK), word select (WS), serial data (SD) and the device generating SCK and WS is the master. The word select line indicates the channel being transmitted: WS = 0 for channel 1 (left) and WS = 1 for channel 2 (right). Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 25 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Serial data is transmitted in twos complement with the MSB rst. The MSB is transmitted rst because the transmitter and receiver may have dif- ferent word lengths. It isnt necessary for the transmitter to know how many bits the receiver can handle, nor does the receiver need to know how many bits are being transmitted. Figure 4.16: SSI Philips Protocol When the system word length is greater than the transmitter word length, the word is truncated (least signicant data bits are set to 0) for data trans- mission, as shown in Fig 4.17 If the receiver is sent more bits than its word length, the bits after the LSB are ignored. On the other hand, if the receiver is sent fewer bits than its word length, the missing bits are set to zero in- ternally. And so, the MSB has a xed position, whereas the position of the LSB depends on the word length. The transmitter always sends the MSB of the next word one clock period after the WS changes as shown in Fig 4.18. This allows the slave transmitter Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 26 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Figure 4.17: Padding zeros after data word length to derive synchronous timing of the serial data that will be set up for trans- mission. Furthermore, it enables the receiver to store the previous word and clear the input for the next word. Figure 4.18: No padding for System word length = data word length Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 27 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Fig 4.19 shows the MSB-rst and Left-aligned format. Here data is trans- mitted and received in the order of serial data and padding bits. Figure 4.19: MSB-rst and Left-aligned format Fig 4.20 shows the MSB-rst and Right-aligned format. Here data is trans- mitted and received in the order of padding bits and serial data. Figure 4.20: MSB-rst and Left-aligned format Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 28 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Chapter 5 RTOS CONCEPTS 5.1 General RTOS RTOS is a real-time operating system that supports real-time applications and embedded systems by providing logically correct result within the dead- line required. The kernel of an RTOS provides an abstraction layer between the application software and hardware. This abstraction layer comprises of six main types of common services provided by the kernel to the application software. Figure shows the six common services of an RTOS kernel. For Eagle platform, T-kernel RTOS is used. 5.2 T-Kernel RTOS T-Kernel is a real-time operating system for embedded system use, ap- plicable to a wide range of systems large and small. T-Kernel comes from uITRON and it is older than GNU/Linux, managed by T-engine forum un- der T-license. T-kernel is a traditional proven RTOS than any other in the market which were supposed to run on some custom architectures. T-Kernel Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 29 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Figure 5.1: RTOS kernel services is so scalable that it can cover with a single kernel architecture a wide array of systems. The factors why T-kernel is chosen are: 1. Licensing terms (which aect cost) if we manufacture bulk of same hardware with RTOS 2. Performance in custom hardware/arch and enhanced speed in ARM architecture 3. Limitations are less and familiar to all developers as the same was used from past 20 years. 4. More stable and bugs are less 5. Great debugging features(task level debugging/scheduler level) with nice GUI options and proling also possible 6. File systems support Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 30 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System 7. T-Kernel also has a function not provided in ordinary real-time ker- nels: the dynamic management of kernel objects such as tasks and semaphores to facilitate the addition of miscellaneous middleware and device drivers. 8. T-kernel 2.0 provides time management functions in microseconds. Most audio tasks require clocks with a resolution that is at least in the mi- crosecond range. 5.2.1 T-kernel RTOS Functions T-Kernel/OS provides the following functions: 1. Task Management Functions 2. Task Synchronization Functions 3. Synchronization and Communication Functions 4. Interrupt Management Functions Task Management Functions Task management functions are functions that directly manipulate task states. Functions are provided for creating, for task starting and exit. A task is an object identied by an ID number called a task ID. The APIs under Task Management service are: Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 31 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Table 5.1: Task Management APIs API Functions tk cre tsk Create Task tk sta tsk Start Task tk exd tsk Exit and Delete Task Task Synchronization Functions Task synchronization functions achieve synchronization among tasks by direct manipulation of task states. They include functions for task sleep and wakeup, for changing a task state to SUSPENDED state, for delaying task. Table 5.2: Task Synchronisation APIs APIs Functions tk slp tsk Sleep Task tk wup tsk Wakeup Task tk sus tsk Suspend Task tk rsm tsk Resumes a task in a SUSPENDED state tk dly tsk Delay Task Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 32 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Synchronization and Communication Functions Synchronization and communication functions use objects independent of tasks used to synchronize tasks and achieve communication between tasks. The objects available for these purposes include semaphores, event ags, and mailboxes. 1. Semaphore A semaphore is an object indicating the availability of a resource and its quantity as a numerical value. A semaphore is used to realize mutual exclusion control and synchronization when using a resource. Functions are provided for creating and deleting a semaphore, acquiring and re- turning resources corresponding to semaphores. A semaphore is an object identied by an ID number. The ID number for the semaphore is called a semaphore ID. A semaphore contains a resource count indicating whether the cor- responding resource exists and in what quantity, and a queue of tasks waiting to acquire the resource. When a task returns m resources, it increments the semaphore resource count by m. When a task ac- quires n resources, it decreases the semaphore resource count by n. If the number of semaphore resources is insucient, a task attempting to acquire resources goes into WAITING state until the next time re- sources are returned. A task waiting for semaphore resources is put in the semaphore queue. To prevent too many resources from being re- turned to a semaphore, a maximum resource count can be set for each semaphore. Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 33 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Table 5.3: Semaphore APIs APIs Functions tk cre sem Create Semaphore tk del sem Delete Semaphore tk sig sem Signal Semaphore tk wai sem Wait on Semaphore 2. Event Flag An event ag is an object used for synchronization, consisting of a pattern of bits used as ags to indicate the existence of the correspond- ing events. Functions are provided for creating and deleting an event ag, for event ag setting and clearing, event ag waiting. An event ag is an object identied by an ID number. The ID number for the event ag is called an event ag ID. In addition to the bit pattern indicating the existence of correspond- ing events, an event ag has a queue of tasks waiting for the event ag. The event ag bit pattern is sometimes called simply event ag. The event notier sets or clears the specied bits of the event ag. A task can be made to wait for all or some of the event ag bits to be set. A task waiting for an event ag is put in the queue of that event ag. Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 34 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Table 5.4: Event Flag APIs APIs Functions tk cre g Create Event Flag tk del g Delete Event Flag tk set g Set Event Flag tk clr g Clear Event Flag tk wai g Wait Event Flag 3. Mailbox A mailbox is an object used to achieve synchronization and commu- nication by passing messages in system (shared) memory space. Func- tions are provided for creating and deleting a mailbox, sending and receiving messages in a mailbox. A mailbox is an object identied by an ID number. The ID number for the mailbox is called a mailbox ID. A mailbox has a message queue for sent messages, and a task queue for tasks waiting to receive messages. At the message sending end, messages to be sent go in the message queue. On the message receiving end, a task fetches one message from the message queue. If there are no queued messages, the task goes to WAITING state for receipt from the mailbox until the next message is sent. Tasks waiting for message receipt from a mailbox are put in the task queue of that mailbox. Since the contents of messages using this function are in memory space shared both by the sending and receiving sides, only the start Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 35 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System address of a message located in this shared space is actually sent and received. The contents of the messages themselves are not copied. T- Kernel manages messages in the message queue by means of a linked list. An application program allocate space at the beginning of a mes- sage to be sent called the message header. The message header and the message body together are called a message packet. When a system call sends a message to a mailbox, the start address of the message packet (pk msg) is passed in a parameter. Figure 5.2: Format of Messages using a MailBox When a system call receives a message from a mailbox, the start address of the message packet is passed in a return parameter. If mes- sages are assigned a priority in the message queue, the message priority (msgpri) of each message must be specied in the message header as shown in gure Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 36 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System The user puts the message contents not at the beginning of the packet but after the header part (the message contents part in the gure). Table 5.5: Mailbox APIs APIs Functions tk cre mbx Create Mailbox tk del mbx Delete Mailbox tk snd mbx Send Message to Mailbox tk rcv mbx Receive Message from Mailbox tk rcv mbx u Receive Message from Mailbox (in microseconds) tk ref mbx Reference Mailbox Status Interrupt Management Functions Interrupt management functions are for dening and manipulating han- dlers for external interrupts and CPU exceptions. An interrupt handler runs as a task-independent portion. System calls can be invoked in a task independent portion in the same way as in a task portion, but the following restriction applies to system call issuing in a task- independent portion. A system call that implicitly species the invoking task, or one that may put the invoking task in WAITING state cannot be is- sued. Error code E CTX is returned in such cases. During task-independent portion execution, task switching (dispatching) does not occur. If system call processing results in a dispatch request, the dispatch is delayed until process- ing leaves the task independent portion. This is called delayed dispatching. Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 37 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Table 5.6: Interrupt Handler APIs APIs Functions tk def int Dene Interrupt Handler tk ret int Return from Interrupt Handler Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 38 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Chapter 6 SYSTEM DESIGN 6.1 Sound Application Framework For PLAY //Audio le is opened for play fp
fopen(a.wav,r) //Sound driver function to initialise SOUND module is called sound initialise() //Sound driver function to open a sound channel0 is called device ID = sound open(ch0,O WRONLY) //Function to set bit rate, LSB or MSB rst, MOSI idle value, SSL polarity, Serial data alignment, sampling rate, etc is called sound ioctl() //Audio le is read into a buer fread(&buer,sizeof(buer),1,fp) //Audio le is parsed to obtain audio data data = parse() //Function to write audio to headset is called sound write(data.ssich0) Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 39 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System //After Play, audio le is closed fclose(fp) //Function to close sound channel is called sound close() //Function to uninitialise sound module is called sound uninitialise() 6.2 High Level Design 6.2.1 Design Of Sound Subsystem Driver The design of Sound Subsystem driver is shown in gure. First, the appli- cation layer calls one of the functions init, uninit, open, close, ioctl, cancel, read, write. These functions will be dened in IOIF layer. From IOIF, associated sound driver functions like sound init, sound uninit, sound open, sound close, sound ioctl, sound cancel, sound read, sound write will be called. The Sound driver manages the device operation by controlling the SPI and SSI drivers. During playback, audio is sent to the codec via SSI, and the analog audio is fed to the speaker. SPI provides commands to congure the codec. During recording, analog audio from microphone is oversampled in the codec and the digital audio samples written to a sound le. Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 40 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Figure 6.1: Sound Subsystem Driver block diagram Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 41 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System 6.2.2 Sound Sub System Driver Design Flow Chart Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 42 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Figure 6.2: Sound initialise() Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 43 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Figure 6.3: Sound open() Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 44 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 45 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Figure 6.4: Sound write() Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 46 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 47 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Figure 6.5: Sound read() Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 48 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Figure 6.6: Sound cancel() Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 49 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Figure 6.7: Sound close() Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 50 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Figure 6.8: Sound uninitialise() Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 51 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System 6.3 Low Level Design 6.3.1 Design Of Sound Driver 1. sound initialise() This function is called to initialise Sound driver. The function will: Check module is uninitialized, if already initialized return error Initialise a semaphore to be used by open() and close() semid1 = tk cre sem(&csem info open) semid2 = tk cre sem(&csem info close) Initialise SPI and SSI channels spi init() ssi init() Return driver instance or error code 2. sound open() This function is called to open a sound channel ready for use. The function will: Check module is initialised Check le mode ags are valid. Either: O RDONLY for audio input(microphone) O WRONLY for audio output(speaker/headphone) O RDWR to support both Check requested channel 0 is valid Lock the open() access semaphore ercd = tk wai sem(semid1,1,TMO FEVR) Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 52 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Check the channel is not already open Power up DAC Open SSI driver, channel 0 handle SSI = ssi open(ch0,O WRONLY) Open SPI driver, channel 0 handle SPI = spi open(ch0,O WRONLY) Initialise channels state to READY Unlock open() access semaphore ercd = tk sig sem(semid1,1) Return a handle or error code 3. sound ioctl() This function is called when conguring the sound module. spi ioctl() ssi ioctl() IOCTL SOUND GET SSI HANDLE : Get SSI handle for sound driver IOCTL SOUND MUTE : Mute/unmute audio SNDCTL DSP CHANNELS : Set DAC to mono or stereo SNDCTL DSP SPEED: Set sample rate. Either 11.025KHz, 22.050KHz, 44.100KHz SNDCTL DSP SETFMT : Switch between big and little endian samples SOUND MIXER WRITE PCM : Set DAC attenuation SNDCTL DSP GETFMTS : Find out which sound data formats are supported(S16 LE and S16 BE) Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 53 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Returns an error code 4. sound write() This function called to write data to a sound device. Channel state is changed to ACTIVE Call ssi write() for audio data Call spi write() for commands If Play has to be stopped, call sound cancel() 5. sound read() This function will be called to read data from a serial/microphone/audio in. Channel state is changed to ACTIVE Call ssi read() If playback, Call ssi write() 6. sound cancel() The function is called to cancel a write or read request. The function will: Send Cancel Event Cancel Event received in Tx/Rx task Tx/Rx task blocked 7. sound close() The function is called to close a sound channel after use. The function will: Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 54 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Lock close() access semaphore ercd = tk wai sem(semid2,1,TMO FEVR) Check channel 0 is valid Mute corresponding codec Close SPI/SSI handle handle SSI = ssi close(ch0) handle SPI = spi close(ch0) Set channels state to CLOSE Unlock close() access semaphore ercd = tk sig sem(semid2,1) Return an error code 8. sound uninitialise() The function is called to uninitialise sound driver. The function will: Check channel 0 is not in use Close SPI and SSI driver spi uninit() ssi unint() Delete drivers open() and close() access semaphore tk del sem(&csem info open) tk del sem(&csem info close) Change channel state to UNINIT Return error code 6.3.2 Design Of SPI Driver 1. spi init() Create SPI read and write tasks tskid1 = tk cre task(&ctsk info spi read) tskid2 = tk cre task(&ctsk info spi write) Create SPI read and write semaphores semid3 = tk cre sem(&csem info spi read) semid4 = tk cre sem(&csem info spi write) Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 55 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Register callback for SPI read and write interrupts ercd = tk def int(dintno,TA HLNG,inthdr) Callback function for SPI read and write declared void(spi read Callback)(int) void spi write Callback(int) Set pins MOSI, MISO, CLK, SSL 2. spi init() Check requested ch0 is valid Check le mode ags are valid Congure SPI registers PSCR 0=0x03 //sequence length 4 SPBR 0=0x00 //set bit rate as 33.33/2 MHz SPDCR 0=0x20 //data register access width in bytes SPCKD 0=0x00 //1RSPCK SSLND 0=0x00 //1RSPCK SPNP 0=0x00 //1RSPCK+2P1# SPCMD 0=0x1401 //LSBF,16 bit,CPHA=1,CPOL=0 SPBFCR 0=0xC0 //TxTRG - 1byte, RxTRG - 31 byte Return SPI handle 3. spi ioctl() Functions to set Master/Slave mode, SSL polarity, MOSI idle value, bit rate, Clock polarity, Clock phase, etc. Set SPCR->MSTR //Master or Slave mode Set SPCMD->BRDV //Baud rate Set SPPCR->MOIFV //MOSI idle value Set SPCMD->CPOL //Clock polarity Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 56 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Set SPCMD->CPHA //Clock phase 4. spi write() Lock SPI write semaphore ercd = tk wai sem(semid4,1,TMO FEVR) Task is blocked when transmit buer is empty Check if transmit buer empty ag is set. If yes, call Callback function to ll transmit buer. if(spi->SPSR->SPTEF==1) Callback() Unlock SPI write semaphore ercd = tk sig sem(semid4,1) 5. spi read() Lock SPI read semaphore ercd = tk wai sem(semid3,1,TMO FEVR) Task is blocked when the space in receive buer is not enough for the specied data length Check if receive buer full ag is set. If yes, call Callback function to read receive buer. if(spi->SPSR->SPRF==1) Callback(); Unlock SPI read semaphore ercd = tk sig sem(semid4,1) 6. spi close() Close SPI handle Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 57 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System 7. spi uninit() If SPI ch0 not in use, delete SPI read and write semaphore tk del sem(&csem info spi read) tk del sem(&csem info spi write) 6.3.3 Design Of SSI Driver 1. ssi init() Create SSI read and write tasks tskid3 = tk cre task(&ctsk info ssi read) tskid4 = tk cre task(&ctsk info ssi write) Create SSI read and write semaphores semid5 = tk cre sem(&csem info ssi read) semid6 = tk cre sem(&csem info ssi write) Register callback for SSI read and write interrupts ercd = tk def int(dintno,TA HLNG,inthdr) Callback function for SSI read and write declared void(ssi read Callback)(int) void ssi write Callback(int) 2. ssi open() Check requested ch0 is valid Check le mode ags are valid Congure SSI registers Set SSICR->DWL[2:0] // Set data word length Set SSICR->SWL[2:0] // Set system word length Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 58 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Set SSICR->SCKD // Set serial bit clock direction Set SSICR->SWSD // Set serial WS direction Set SSICR->SCKP // Set Serial bit clock polarity Set SSICR->SWSP // Set Word select polarity Return SSI handle 3. ssi ioctl() Functions to set Master/Slave, WS polarity, bit clock polarity, Serial data alignment, Sampling rate, data word length Set SSICR->DWL //data word length Set SSICR->SCKP //bit clock polarity Set SSICR->SWSP //word select polarity Set SSICR->SDTA //serial data alignment 4. ssi write() Lock SSI write semaphore ercd = tk wai sem(semid6,1,TMO FEVR) Task is blocked if transmit buer is empty Check if transmit buer empty ag is set. If yes, call Callback function to ll transmit buer If(ssi->SSIFSR->TDE==1) Callback() Check if transmit underow ag is set. If yes, task is put in waiting state until transmit buer has data If(ssi->SSISR->TUIRQ==1) Clear ag, TUIRQ=0 ercd = tk slp tsk() Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 59 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Check if transmit overow ag is set. If yes, transmission is dis- abled and transmit buer is reset If(ssi->SSISR->TOIRQ==1) ssi->SSICR->TEN = 0 //transmission stopped ssi->SSICR->TFRST = 1 //transmit buer reset ssi->SSICR->TOIRQ = 0 //clear ag Unlock SSI write semaphore ercd = tk sig sem(semid6,1) 5. ssi read() Lock SSI read semaphore ercd = tk wai sem(semid5,1,TMO FEVR) Task is blocked when space in receive buer is not enough to receive specied data length Check if receive underow ag is set. If yes, task is put to wait state until new data arrives If(ssi->SSISR->RUIRQ==1) ssi->SSISR->RUIRQ = 0 //clear ag ercd = tk slp tsk() Check if receive overow ag is set. If yes, disable reception and reset data in buer If(ssi->SSISR->ROIRQ==1) ssi->SSICR->REN = 0 //disable reception ssi->SSICR->RFRST = 1 //reset receive buer ssi->SSISR->ROIRQ = 0//clear ag Check if receive buer full ag is set. If yes, call Callback Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 60 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System if(ssi->SSIFSR->RDF==1) Callback(); Unlock SSI read semaphore ercd = tk sig sem(semid5,1) 6. ssi close() Close SSI handle 7. ssi uninit() If SSI ch0 not in use, delete SSI read and write semaphore tk del sem(&csem info ssi read) tk del sem(&csem info ssi write) Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 61 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Chapter 7 SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION & RESULTS 7.1 Host PC Setup The host PC development system was used to write the source code for SPI, SSI, Sound driver, RTOS and application. Makele was generated and the source code was cross- compiled with ARM RVCT compiler. All source les and libraries were compiled and linked to obtain executable which was then loaded to eBinder IDE for debugging and loading to board. After connecting the serial cable from PC to the serial port of board and connecting the USB port of PC and JTAG port in board, load option was selected in eBinder. This starts downloading of the executable to board via JTAG bus. Also the commands for running the board can be entered Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 62 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System through the PC terminal. While the code is being downloaded, green led in the board blinks continuously. Next, a headphone is connected to the board and a pendrive with a list of songs is plugged in. Then commands are entered to play song, after which the song is heard through headphone connected to board. 7.2 Target Board Setup The target board consists of an SoC which includes an ARM Cortex A9 processor, SPI Controller, SSI Controller, USB Controller, Serial ash mem- ory and peripherals like JTAG port, serial port, etc. There is an audio codec with DAC/ADC unit outside the SoC. The target board is connected to PC via a serial port for terminal connection and a JTAG port for debugging with ICE. The application, T-kernel and bootloader and drivers are downloaded to the board for functioning the sound subsystem. Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 63 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System 7.3 Results Fig 7.1 shows the build steps & Fig 7.2 shows the hardware setup. The Sound Subsystem was build with T-kernel RTOS version 2.0, File System, Boot Loader and other necessary drivers.In Fig 7.3 eBinder IDE is opened and the executable le is loaded In Fig 7.4 the executable is loaded to board using eBinder.In Fig 7.5, the debug option (F5) is selected and executable loaded to board starts running.In Fig 7.6, audio jack of headphone is connected to board.In Fig 7.7 the song is played and heard from the headphone. Also song details and audio control are shown in terminal. This shows that Sound Driver is functioning. Figure 7.1: Build Steps Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 64 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Figure 7.2: Hardware Setup Figure 7.3: Loading the executable le to eBinder Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 65 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Figure 7.4: Download to board using eBinder Figure 7.5: Running the executable using eBinder Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 66 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Figure 7.6: Audio Jack connected to board Figure 7.7: Play running Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 67 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Chapter 8 SOFTWARE & HARDWARE TOOLS 8.1 Software 8.1.1 RTOS:T-kernel T-kernel with File System, basic driver support and Boot Loader. T-Kernel is the real-time operating system (RTOS) under the T-Engine Forum, Japan. Features: Strong standardization The standardization includes kernel system call interface, the guide- lines for the hardware execution, device driver model, etc. It also main- tains a single unied source code governed by T-License. All these as- sure middleware portability at source level among dierent platforms, Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 68 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System which is a key advantage for users to have freedom of not being depen- dent on specic CPU vendors. Hard real-time performance T-Kernel is a high-performance RTOS based on ITRON whose real- time performance is one of the best. The task dispatch time in the T-Kernel is in the sub-microsecond range. Dynamic resource management Memory resource is dynamically managed; automatic assignment of ID numbers of kernel objects, such as tasks and semaphores, facilitates dynamic addition/loading of middleware and device driver. Support of CPUs with/without MMU T-Kernel can take advantages (e.g., memory protection) of MMU (memory management unit), which is usually included in modern high- functionality embedded processors. It can also operate on CPUs with- out MMU. Scalability into a more sophisticated system T-Kernel is equipped with a mechanism called subsystem, which en- ables kernel extension and the construction of both lightweight and advanced systems on the same kernel. Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 69 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System 8.1.2 Toolchain : RVDS 4.1(Real View Development Suite v4.1) RVDS 4.1 Professional enables build of high performance applications at optimal code size by employing combination of ARM Compiler and ARM Proler. RVDS 4.1 Professional also includes vectorizing compilation for the NEON media processing engine which can increase the performance of multimedia applications in standard C code by more than 200%. Features: Support for the latest Cortex-A9, Cortex-A5, and Cortex-M4 processors The highly optimizing ARM Compiler, supporting all modern versions of the ARM, Thumb and Thumb-2 instruction sets and supporting the NEON SIMD instruction set with the vectorizing NEON compiler Non-intrusive Streaming proling and Trace of software executing for minutes, hours or days, while running at operational frequencies Proler-driven compilation automatically optimizes software based on its dynamic behaviour. This improves performance, by more aggres- sively optimizing hotspots for performance, and code size, by more aggressively optimizing cold code. High performance software development using Real-Time System Mod- els of complete ARM processor cores and boards running at around 200MHz. Link-time code generation, which enables cross source-le optimization while neatly tting into existing makele technology Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 70 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System 8.1.3 Debugger : eBinder v1.9 + Partner Jet loader eBinder is a powerful integrated development environment (IDE) for real time operating system-based development. Features: Integrated development platform Multi-tasking debug tools System analysis tools Real time debugging capability Software engineering tools 8.1.4 Database:Tortoise Subversion SVN 1.7 Tortoise Subversion (SVN) 1.7 is a software versioning and revision control system distributed under an open source license. 8.1.5 Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition IDE developed by Microsoft as a lightweight version of the Microsoft Vi- sual Studio. It is used for doing source code editing and simulation in x86 environment. 8.2 Hardware Eagle hardware development board based on ARM Cortex A9 processor with necessary peripherals. The Cortex-A9 NEON MPE features are: Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 71 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System SIMD and scalar single-precision oating-point computation Scalar double-precision oating-point computation SIMD and scalar half-precision oating-point conversion 8, 16, 32, and 64-bit signed and unsigned integer SIMD computation 8 or 16-bit polynomial computation for single-bit coecients structured data load capabilities dual issue with Cortex-A9 processor ARM or Thumb instructions independent pipelines for VFPv3 and Advanced SIMD instructions large, shared register le, addressable as: thirty-two 32-bit S (single) registers thirty-two 64-bit D (double) registers sixteen 128-bit Q (quad) registers Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 72 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Chapter 9 CONCLUSION A background study on Car Infotainment System was done which helped to identify the technology improvements that could be brought in to enhance passenger and driver experience inside a car. The entire system is based on a latest infotainment platform available in market, which has improved hardware features to support the current requirements in this sector. The improved hardware features include a processor with 10MB internal RAM, SPI and SSI controllers with multiple channel support, Tx/Rx FIFO, low power consumption. Kernel drivers have to be developed for the SPI and SSI controllers. The major work in this project included SPI and SSI controller driver development and Sound Driver design. T-kernel APIs were used to achieve synchronisation between various tasks in driver. The T-kernel Sound Subsys- tem was run on the development board and play functionality was veried. Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 73 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System Bibliography [1] T-kernel 2.0 Specication provided by Tata Elxsi,banglore [2] ARM Cortex A9 Technical Reference manual [3] SPI Specication provided by Tata Elxsi,banglore [4] SSI Specication provided by Tata Elxsi,banglore [5] IOIF User Guide provided by Tata Elxsi,banglore [6] RX Serial Peripheral Interface(RSPI),, http : ==www:renesasinteractive:com=CoursePDFs=RXRSPI:pdf [7] Inter IC Sound Bus,, http : ==www:eng:auburn:edu=:::=Inter IC- Sound(SSI)Bus:pdf [8] Qiu Jieting, Chen Rujun, He Zhanxiang, Qiu Kailin, Development of Control system in electromagnetic acquisition station based on ARM and Linux [9] Ming He, Limin Dong, Wuchen Wu, Lu Kong, Chao Zhu, Zhonghua Zhou, A Congurable SoC Platform Design Based on LEON Microprocessor and Linux Operation System Department of Electronics and Communication, SJCET 74 Sound Subsystem Driver Development for Car Infotainment System [10] Dong-Hwan Park, Soon-Ju Kang, IEEE1394 OHCI Device Driver Ar- chitecture for Guarantee Real-Time Requirement [11] Hyo-Sang Lim, Dong-Hwan Park, Soon-Ju Kang and Bong-Jin Oh, PRIORITY QUEUE-BASED IEEE1394 DEVICE DRIVER SUP- PORTING REAL-TIME CHARACTERISTICS [12] Oudjida, A.K., Berrandjia, M.L., Tiar, R., Liacha, A. 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