8uality impro%ement
1is07based reimbursement
Optum supports these areas with comprehensi%e solutions 9e help positi%ely
affect health outcomes by matching inter%entions and pro%ider networ0s to
each member:s needs 2he result6 impro%ed !uality( utili5ation( and ris07based
Clinical 'nalytics
Speciali5ed +etwor0s
+etwor0 'dministration
1is0 'd4ustment
$ember ,ngagement
Clinical Analytics
&tili5e member data to proacti%ely identify
opportunities to reduce costs
9ith new benefit mandates( $edical Loss 1atio ;$L1< regulations( and
population shifts( it is more critical than e%er for health plans to access and
analy5e member information 3ata such as a member:s health status( the %alue
deli%ered through networ0s( and the performance of clinical management
programs helps e%eryone deli%er the best care possible 'ccess and e%aluation
of clinical information helps identify trends in utili5ation( disease pre%alence(
and their related costs
Specialized Networks
,-tend current pro%ider networ0s to effecti%ely
meet the needs of members who re!uire
specialty areas of care
2he price tag to treat certain conditions can be staggering ' relati%ely small
number of medical conditions account for a disproportionate share of treatment
spend Health plans: traditional networ0s are not e!uipped to pro%ide care to
people with this type of speciali5ed need 't Optum( we build integrated
systems of care focused on specialty areas that complement e-isting networ0s
and medical programs
Network Administration
,fficiently manage networ0 contract
information( address pro%ider credentialing
needs( and accurately price claims
+etwor0s are one of the greatest assets a health plan has +etwor0s ser%e the
primary point of connection with customers and are one of the primary
determinants of cost of ser%ices co%ered 's a result( health plans must focus on
the !uality of their networ0s and acti%ely pursue strategies for ongoing
Impro%e !uality measure performance
1ising medical costs( affordability pressure( new reimbursement models(
increased regulatory re!uirements( and public reporting of !uality metrics( ha%e
shifted how plans %iew the importance of a !uality focus 's a result( plans
today focus on6
Risk Adjustment
,nsure reimbursement for $edicare( $edicaid(
and indi%idual membership
2o prepare for population shifts caused by the 'ccountable Care 'ct
pro%isions( plans will need to de%elop strategies that assess financial e-posure
and estimate ris07based reimbursement /lans may find it challenging to predict
how much health care will cost for newly insured members( which ma0es the
tas0 of mitigating those costs e%en more difficult
Member Engagement
Help members actively engage in clinical
There is growing evidence that an integrated, population-based health
management approach empowers people to live healthier lives. Health
management also decreases avoidable chronic complications and
reduces health care costs.
Pressing challenges,
unprecedented opportunities
A new health care marketplace is taking shape one that presents
greater quality, cost and compliance pressures. Health reorm and
shiting demographics have created unique opportunities or health
plans to grow their business by entering new markets, oering new
products, and becoming increasingly ocused on consumers.
Optum !elps !ealt! plans"
$!ite %apers
+ew Opportunities for $anaging 1is0( Impro%ing ,ngagement and 3ri%ing "rowth
1edefining the =our /s6 how consumerism is reshaping the fundamentals for health
Payment 1ntegrity