1. Water safety should be a top priority for everyone this summer. Learn more about eliminating drowning-related hazards.
2. May is National Stroke Awareness Month. Learn how stroke affects the brain.
3. May is Better Sleep Month. Take a quiz and test your sleep knowledge.
1. Water safety should be a top priority for everyone this summer. Learn more about eliminating drowning-related hazards.
2. May is National Stroke Awareness Month. Learn how stroke affects the brain.
3. May is Better Sleep Month. Take a quiz and test your sleep knowledge.
1. Water safety should be a top priority for everyone this summer. Learn more about eliminating drowning-related hazards.
2. May is National Stroke Awareness Month. Learn how stroke affects the brain.
3. May is Better Sleep Month. Take a quiz and test your sleep knowledge.
1. Water safety should be a top priority for everyone this summer. Learn more about eliminating drowning-related hazards.
2. May is National Stroke Awareness Month. Learn how stroke affects the brain.
3. May is Better Sleep Month. Take a quiz and test your sleep knowledge.
WanL Lo geL #flL ln Llme for #summer? Learn how Lo deslgn your very own flLness plan here: WanL Lo geL #flL ln Llme for #summer? Learn how Lo deslgn your very own flLness plan here: llLness hLLp://lakepolnLemedlcal.s LaywellsoluLlonsonllne.co m/Wellness/llLness/SLarLe d/8aslcs/83,00217 leellng sLressed? 1ake a momenL Lo read abouL Lhe "head-Lo-hearL connecLlon" and how sLress could be deLrlmenLal Lo your hearL healLh: leellng sLressed? 1ake a deep breaLh and a momenL Lo read how sLress could be affecLlng your hearL healLh: PearL PealLh hLLp://www.hearL.org/PL A81C8C/CeLLlngPealLhy/S LressManagemenL/Powuo esSLressAffecL?ou/MenLal- PealLh-and-PearL- PealLh_uCM_438833_ArLl Pappy Clnco ue Mayo! 1ry Lhls #reclpe for black bean LorLllla casserole and have a flesLa! Pappy Clnco ue Mayo! 1ry Lhls #reclpe for black bean LorLllla casserole and have a flesLa! 8eclpe hLLp://lakepolnLemedlcal.s LaywellsoluLlonsonllne.co m/llbrary/reclpes/uleLary/ LowlaL/30,22484 Why do we screen for some cancers and noL oLhers? 8ead Lhls arLlcle from Lhe Amerlcan #Cancer SocleLy Lo flnd ouL: Why do we screen for some cancers and noL oLhers? 8ead Lhls arLlcle from Lhe Amerlcan #Cancer SocleLy Lo flnd ouL: Cancer Screenlng hLLp://www.cancer.org/ca ncer/news/feaLures/why- we-screen-for-some- cancers-and-noL-oLhers May ls naLlonal ArLhrlLls Awareness MonLh! uld you know arLhrlLls ls currenLly Lhe naLlon's leadlng cause of dlsablllLy? Learn more here: May ls naLlonal #ArLhrlLls Awareness MonLh! Learn more abouL Lhe naLlon's leadlng cause of dlsablllLy here: naLlonal ArLhrlLls MonLh hLLp://lakepolnLemedlcal.s LaywellsoluLlonsonllne.co m/Llbrary/Lncyclopedla/8 3,00902 1ake Lhls #qulz Lo dlscover Lhe secreL Lo a long and healLhy llfe! 1ake Lhls #qulz Lo dlscover Lhe secreL Lo a long and healLhy llfe! Culz hLLp://lakepolnLemedlcal.s LaywellsoluLlonsonllne.co m/lnLeracLlve1ools/Culzze s/40,LongevlLyCulz Pappy MoLher's uay from Lake olnLe Medlcal CenLer! CelebraLe Loday by spendlng Llme wlLh your mom and famlly. Pappy MoLher's uay from Lake olnLe Medlcal CenLer! CelebraLe Loday by spendlng Llme wlLh your mom and famlly. MoLher's uay Save Llme! Check ln onllne wlLh lnCulcker! Save Llme! Check ln onllne wlLh lnCulcker! lnCulcker! hLLps://LeneL.lnqulcker.co m/faclllLy/lake-polnLe- medlcal-cenLer 6")$ 8(/,#$ 9(&/": ;$2/" +":$,2"0 <=>? May 3-11 May 12-17 May 1-4 1hls summer, waLer safeLy should be a Lop prlorlLy for parenLs everywhere. Learn more abouL keeplng your klds and loved ones safe ln Lhe waLer Lhls summer. WaLer safeLy should be a Lop prlorlLy for everyone Lhls summer. Learn more abouL ellmlnaLlng P20-relaLed hazards here: WaLer SafeLy hLLp://lakepolnLemedlcal.s LaywellsoluLlonsonllne.co m/Llbrary/news/8reaklng/ 88,10673 ulabeLlc SupporL Croup osL ulabeLlc SupporL Croup osL ulabeLlc SupporL Croup (lnserL llnk) May ls naLlonal #SLroke Awareness MonLh. Learn how sLroke affecLs Lhe braln here: May ls naLlonal #SLroke Awareness MonLh! Learn how sLroke affecLs Lhe braln here: naLlonal SLroke Awareness MonLh hLLp://www.sLrokeassoclaL lon.org/S18CkLC8C/Abou LSLroke/LffecLsofSLroke/Lf fecLs-of- SLroke_uCM_308334_Sub Pomeage.[sp vlslL our webslLe Lo download our #free app for your lhone, Androld or 8lack8erry! vlslL our webslLe Lo download our #free app for your lhone, Androld or 8lack8erry! App hLLp://www.lakepolnLeme dlcal.com/en- uS/ages/defaulL.aspx lor a sweeL LreaL, Lry Lhls frulLy way Lo end your meal! #reclpe lor a sweeL LreaL, Lry Lhls frulLy way Lo end your meal! #reclpe #gluLenfree 8eclpe hLLp://lakepolnLemedlcal.s LaywellsoluLlonsonllne.co m/Llbrary/8eclpes/uleLary /LowSodlum/30,lW 1rylng Lo whlLen your LeeLh? Learn more abouL Lhe healLhlesL whlLenlng meLhods before you begln: 1rylng Lo whlLen your LeeLh? Learn more abouL Lhe healLhlesL whlLenlng meLhods before you begln: uenLal Care hLLp://lakepolnLemedlcal.s LaywellsoluLlonsonllne.co m/llbrary/encyclopedla/83 ,p00869 Could your medlcaLlons be causlng you Lo galn welghL? Could your medlcaLlons be causlng you Lo galn welghL? WelghL Caln hLLp://lakepolnLemedlcal.s LaywellsoluLlonsonllne.co m/Llbrary/Wellness/1oday sMedlclne/1,4119 May ls 8eLLer #Sleep MonLh. 1ake Lhls #qulz and LesL your sleep knowledge. May ls 8eLLer #Sleep MonLh. 1ake Lhls #qulz and LesL your sleep knowledge. 8eLLer Sleep MonLh hLLp://lakepolnLemedlcal.s LaywellsoluLlonsonllne.co m/lnLeracLlve1ools/Culzze s/40,SleepCulz noL feellng your besL? llnd ouL whaL could be alllng you wlLh our SympLom Checker: noL feellng your besL? llnd ouL whaL could be alllng you wlLh our SympLom Checker: SympLom Checker hLLp://lakepolnLemedlcal.s LaywellsoluLlonsonllne.co m/lnLeracLlveLools/sympL omchecker/#sc_Lab1 May 19-24 May 12-17 Pappy Memorlal uay from Lake olnLe! 1oday ls Lhe unofflclal sLarL of summer! 8e sure Lo keep your skln safe lf you're spendlng Lhe day ln Lhe sun. Pappy Memorlal uay from Lake olnLe! 8e sure Lo keep your skln safe lf you're spendlng Lhe day ln Lhe sun. Memorlal uay hLLp://lakepolnLemedlcal.s LaywellsoluLlonsonllne.co m/Llbrary/Lncyclopedla/8 3,00864 #ulabeLes can be especlally hard on women. vlslL Lhe Amerlcan ulabeLes AssoclaLlon's webslLe for lnfo. on healLh lssues LhaL affecL Lhousands dlabeLlc women Loday. #ulabeLes can be especlally hard on women. Cllck here for lnfo. on healLh lssues LhaL affecL Lhousands dlabeLlc women Loday. ulabeLes hLLp://www.dlabeLes.org/l lvlng-wlLh- dlabeLes/LreaLmenL-and- care/women/?loc=lwd- slabnav 1oday ls naLlonal Senlor PealLh and llLness uay. More Lhan 1,200 organlzaLlons wlll hosL healLh and wellness acLlvlLles for 100,000+ senlors across Lhe counLry Loday! ConLacL your local gym Lo geL lnvolved! 1oday ls naLlonal Senlor PealLh and llLness uay! ConLacL your local gym Lo flnd ouL how you can geL lnvolved. naLlonal Senlor PealLh and llLness uay Pldden LhreaLs lurk ln every house! keep your house safe by acknowledglng Lhese flve #safeLy LhreaLs you may overlook. Pldden LhreaLs lurk ln every house! keep your house safe wlLh Lhese #Llps! SafeLy hLLp://lakepolnLemedlcal.s LaywellsoluLlonsonllne.co m/Llbrary/Wellness/reve nLlon/1,4103 1ry Lhls LasLy new ?ork sLrlp sLeak salad for LonlghL's dlnner! #reclpe 1ry Lhls LasLy new ?ork sLrlp sLeak salad for LonlghL's dlnner! #reclpe 8eclpe hLLp://lakepolnLemedlcal.s LaywellsoluLlonsonllne.co m/Llbrary/8eclpes/CaLego ry/8eef/30,289 A new sLudy flnds LhaL young dads may be experlenclng depresslon. 8ead more here: A new sLudy flnds LhaL young dads may be experlenclng depresslon. 8ead more here: MenLal PealLh hLLp://lakepolnLemedlcal.s LaywellsoluLlonsonllne.co m/?ourlamlly/Men/news 8ecenL/6,686740 May 26- 30