The Geographic Calculator: Authorization

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The Geographic Calculator

Thank you for installing the Geographic Calculator. We are excited to have you as a
member of the Blue Marble Geographics family. This document provides specific
information about version 4. of the Geographic Calculator.
IMPORTANT: This document contains information that may not be contained ithin the
Geographic Calculator documentation!
!fter installation" the Geographic Calculator application runs in evaluation mode. #lease
contact us here at Blue Marble to authori$e your Calculator. %nce authori$ed" all of the
features are available.
&f you have already purchased the Geographic Calculator 'ersion 4. simply call" fax" or
e(mail us )ith your uni*ue installation code. We )ill promptly provide you )ith your
authori$ation code.
%ther)ise" you can fully evaluate the Geographic Calculator for your application
re*uirements. When you )ish to fully enable the Geographic Calculator simply call" fax"
or e(mail us )ith your uni*ue installation code and means of payment. We )ill promptly
provide you )ith your authori$ation code and verification of the receipt of payment.
Word of mouth has al)ays been our most effective marketing tool here at Blue Marble.
#lease feel free to pass the Geographic Calculator on to your colleagues for evaluation.
%f course" they )ill have to obtain an authori$ation code in order to fully enable the
Release Notes
+pdates )ill be posted as re*uired on our World Wide Web page at
Ne in #ersion $!%
The Geographic Calculator is no) a full ./(bit application.
We0ve added an interactive spreadsheet grid1
Convert your 2xcel" 3otus" and dBase spreadsheet and database files. 4ou can even
define your o)n format1
Convert your !utoC!5 674 5WG-589" 2:6& :hape" and Map&nfo T!B-M&9 map
5esign your o)n units" ellipsoids" datum transformations" coordinate systems" and
point database formats )ith our enhanced designers. !ll parameters are stored in an
external database" )hich )e )ill be updating regularly on our Website.
5esign your o)n local grid )ith a simple and accurate ;t)o point fit; transformation.
+se hundreds of ne) unit" ellipsoid" datum transformation" and coordinate system
definitions including many from standard government" corporate" and <#:G-#%:C
Transform to and from <!5/= in Canada using the Canadian <ational
Transformation v/. We0ve even added the 5ouble :tereographic map pro>ection for
our friends in Canada1
#rint enhanced reports )ith print previe).
&ignificant 'ifferences from #ersion (!%
Within 'ersion .. and earlier you specified a datum and then selected a datum
transformation method for that datum. Within 'ersion 4. you select a datum
transformation )ithin a given coordinate system. This datum transformation includes
reference ellipsoid and transformation parameters for a given method.
We have added the ability to define your o)n custom text file formats. %ur
customers have asked us to support many different file formats over the years. We
are happy to announce that you )ill more than likely be able to add support for your
file formats on your o)n1
'ersion .. and earlier versions supported the Blue Marble #oints format. This
format is not directly supported in this version. 4ou should convert existing Blue
Marble #oints files into comma delimited files or a similar text file format for
processing in the Geographic Calculator.
We have added a custom definition for the :2G#7 format" both as an example of ho)
to define a custom text file format and in order to support :2G#7 files )ithin the
application. #lease see the online help file for more information on converting
:2G#7 files.
We have added support for the follo)ing map file formats, 2:6& !rc'ie) :hape"
Map&nfo M&9 and T!B" and !utoC!5 589-5WG ?up to and including 674@.
We have removed support for the follo)ing map file formats, 2:6& generate point
and line" Aork #T3&:T" 2T!A MapBase" and <G: BlueBook.
We have added direct support for 2xcel" dBase" and 3otus spreadsheet-database
We have added the ability to define a local grid by using a simple and accurate ;t)o
point fit; transformation. 4ou )ill need to redefine any local grid coordinate system
that you defined by using a Coordinate :ystem 6eferencing ?.C:6@ file )ithin
'ersion ... We are confident that you )ill find this ne) capability a refreshing
alternative to the earlier approach.
We have removed support for MG6:" 3and:at" and Carter County Aentucky
coordinate systems. We plan to offer simple ;plug(n(play; components that can be
integrated into your application if you re*uire support for these systems.
'ersion 4. stores all unit" ellipsoid" datum" and coordinate system parameters )ithin
a central database file" referred to )ithin the application as the 0coordinate conversion
database0. We have added a series of designers for you to customi$e this database and
to create your o)n unit" ellipsoid" datum" and coordinate system definitions. 4ou )ill
need to redefine custom systems and datums you defined )ithin 'ersion .. and
earlier versions. &ncidentally" )e have added as many parameters from as many
sources as possible to this database. 4ou should look to see if your custom
parameters are already defined1 We are confident that you )ill find this coordinate
conversion database approach to be much more flexible. #lease let us kno) if you
)ould like us to add your custom parameters the 0master0 file. We )ill provide the
latest version of this database file for do)nload directly from our Website at
We have removed support for converting real(time G#: data through a 552 link to
the Calculator 'ersion ... 4ou should look into our GeoCalc and GeoTrack
developer components if you re*uire support for this feature.
We have provided an extensive online reference for the Geographic Calculator. We have
also provided the reference in Microsoft Word B. format. The file geocalc.doc is
installed into the Geographic Calculator application directory. #lease feel free to generate
a hardcopy reference by printing the file from any application that supports the Word B.
#ery Important Points
Take a little time and explore the on(line +ser0s Guide.
We perform very extensive error checking )ithin the Geographic Calculator.
Calculations are performed using the highest level of floating point math precision
possible ?double float values" in ;programmer speak;@. 4ou may not get the same value
you originally entered for a source coordinate )hen you convert the destination value
back into the source coordinate system. Why and )hen does this happenC
7. The source coordinate values you entered may be out of range for the particular
coordinate system. 9or example" a +TM 2asting value of 7"" meters )ill likely
yield interesting results )hen converted to latitude-longitude. Check the source
/. Transformation bet)een the coordinate systems may not be appropriate. 9or example"
converting a latitude-longitude value in 9rance into the Maine 2ast $one of the +: :tate
#lane 7D/= system is not an appropriate transformation.
.. 4ou )ill also notice that if you specify limited precision for a destination coordinate
and convert it back into the source coordinate system you may not get exactly the same
value you originally entered. Because you can change the value in any coordinate value
edit box at any time" the displayed value is transformed" not an internal representation of
the value. 4ou should increase the output precision for the coordinates until there is no
significant ;round(off; effect.
4. The values displayed )ithin the coordinate value edit boxes are converted )hen you
change the units of measure or display precision. When you perform a transformation the
result is rounded to the precision that is specified at the time of transformation. 4ou )ill
notice that if you increase the output precision of a coordinate that you have transformed
the increased precision )ill only act upon the displayed value. :imply perform the
transformation again to get a coordinate value reflecting the increased ;true; precision
that you have specified.
E. &f you perform a geodetic for)ard transformation by entering a source coordinate" a
geodetic distance and a geodetic for)ard a$imuth the Geographic Calculator )ill
calculate the resultant destination coordinate in the destination coordinate system. &f you
then perform a geodetic inverse calculation bet)een the t)o coordinates you )ill see the
calculated for)ard geodetic a$imuth" back geodetic a$imuth and geodetic distance. &f
you perform a for)ard transformation back from the destination coordinate to the source
coordinate you M+:T use the geodetic back a$imuth from the source to the destination
as the for)ard a$imuth from the destination to the source. Fust be a)are that the for)ard
and back geodetic a$imuths bet)een t)o positions are not e*uivalent unless they lie on
the same meridian.
Coordinate Conversion Parameter Database
!ll unit" ellipsoid" datum and coordinate system information is stored )ithin a coordinate
conversion database file" geocalc.dat. Geocalc.dat is installed )ithin the 5!T! directory
)ithin the Geographic Calculator application directory )hen the Geographic Calculator
is installed. %ther Blue Marble applications may use the coordinate conversion database.
4ou should have only one geocalc.dat file available to all Blue Marble applications"
other)ise changes made in one application )ill not be available in another. 4ou can
change the path to the coordinate conversion database file by selecting ;#references...;
from the %ptions menu.
Important Note: &f you define a ne) datum that you )ish to use )ith any of the :tate
#lane 7D/= coordinate system $ones you must assign the datum name a 0<!5/=(0 prefix.
)ou should create a bac*up copy of the coordinate con+ersion database file
,geocalc!dat- before adding. deleting or modifying unit. ellipsoid. datum or
coordinate system definitions!
Geodetic Degrees Coordinate Formats
4ou can enter latitude and longitude degrees coordinate values into the Geographic
Calculator in many formats" not only decimal degrees. The formats that you can select are
sho)n )ith an example belo),
/01 #alue
:igned Grid ?+TM" :tate #lane" etc.@ or 5egrees ?example, (44.E@
'egrees and 'irection
5egrees and 5irection ?example, 44.E :@
&igned 'egrees and Minutes
:igned 5egrees and Minutes ?example, (44 ..@
'egrees. Minutes. and 'irection
5egrees" Minutes" and 5irection ?example, 44 .. :@
&igned 'egrees. Minutes. and &econds
signed 5egrees" Minutes" and :econds ?example, (44 . .@.
'egrees. Minutes. &econds. and 'irection
5egrees" Minutes" :econds" and 5irection ?example, 44 . . :@
The direction ?<-:-2-W@ can be entered as either a prefix or suffix.
B@ 6eference 2ast coordinates are positive to the east ?and increase to the east@ and
represent either longitude or grid easting values )ithin the Geographic Calculator.
6eference <orth coordinates are positive north ?and increase to the north@ and represent
either latitude or grid northing values.
NOT2: In the estern hemisphere you must indicate the sign for geodetic longitude
+alues or apply a 343 direction indicator. for e5ample 3167 (% 89!% or 67 (% 89!%
43! In the southern hemisphere you must indicate the sign for geodetic latitude
+alues or apply a 3&3 direction indicator. for e5ample 31$9 (% 89!% or $9 (% 89!% &3!
Otherise. the latitude0longitude +alues ill be assumed to be in the eastern or
northern hemispheres. respecti+ely!
NADCON Grid Files
The follo)ing areas are available for transformations bet)een <!5/= and
<!5G. using the <!5C%< method )ithin the Geographic Calculator, ?2ach area
consists of a pair of files" one ending in .3!:" the
other .3%:@
<e) and-or updated <!5C%< grid files are available on the <ational Geodetic :urvey
Bulletin Board ?phone number .7(=7.(47G7" or .7(47.(47G/@ or from their World
Wide Web site ?http,HH)))
5escription 9ile <ame
C%<+: ( Conterminous + : ?lo)er 4G states@ C%<+:
:t. 3a)rence &s." !A ( %ld &sland 5atum )ithin !laska :T36<C
:t. George &s." !A ( %ld &sland 5atum )ithin !laska :TG2%6G2
:t. #aul &s." !A ( %ld &sland 5atum )ithin !laska :T#!+3
#uerto 6ico and '.&. ( #uerto 6ico and the 'irgin &slands #6'&
Ja)aii ( Ja)aiian &slands J!W!&&
#lease note that )e have not included the !laska grid files due to si$e constraints ?they
are relatively large@. 4ou can obtain the files from the above sources.
:t. George &. and :t. #aul &. are part of a region kno)n as the #ribilof
&slands. There )ere t)o separate datums" one for each island" before
<!5 G.. The old island datums differ significantly from <!5 /=. 5ata
input into <!5C%< must be consistent )ith the identified transformation
data sets. The transformation of misidentified data can result in very
large errors ?as much as hundreds of meters@.
The C%<+: grids cover an area from / to E degrees north and from B. to
7.7 degrees )est. The !laskan grids cover an area from 4B to == degrees
north and from 7/G to 7D4 degrees )est.
The C%<+: and !laskan grids overlap bet)een 4B to E degrees north and
7/G to 7.7 degrees )est. &n this area" the C%<+: and !laskan grids agree
)ithin / centimeters. 9or those cases re*uiring precision greater than
this" the C%<+: grids are to be considered correct. 6emember" <!5C%< should
be used only )ithin the +.:. territorial limits.
Important Note: &f you define a ne) <!5C%< datum that you )ish to use )ith any of
the :tate #lane 7D/= coordinate system $ones you must assign the datum name a
0<!5/=(0 prefix.
HARN Grid Files
4ou can define a user(defined datum transformation )ithin the Geographic Calculator
based on the J!6< transformation method. The Geographic Calculator include
transformations of latitude and longitude coordinate values bet)een <!5 G.-GB
?includes post <!5 G. ad>ustments@ and certain state read>ustments to J!6< ?Jigh
6eference <et)ork@ pro>ects. 3atitude and longitude conversions from <!5
G. to J!6< and from J!6< to <!5 G. are computed in the same manner as those
conversions bet)een <!5 /= and <!5 G." but access J#G< ?J!6<@ prepared
files instead of the original Conus" !laska" and etc. grid files.
<e) and-or updated J!6< grid files are available on the <ational Geodetic :urvey
Bulletin Board ?phone number .7(=7.(47G7" or .7(47.(47G/@ or from their World
Wide Web site ?http,HH)))
#airs of grid files are available for the follo)ing states,
!rea-:tate <ame 9ile <ame
!labama !3J#G<
!ri$ona !KJ#G<
California?<orth@ C<J#G<
California?:outh@ C:J#G<
Colorado C%J#G<
9lorida 93J#G<
&daho(Montana 2MJ#G< ?2astern@
&daho(Montana WMJ#G< ?Western@
Aentucky A4J#G<
3ouisiana 3!J#G<
Maine M2J#G<
Maryland(5ela)are M5J#G<
Mississippi M:J#G<
<ebraska <2J#G<
<e) 2ngland <2WLJ#G<
<e) Mexico <MJ#G<
%klahoma %AJ#G<
#uerto 6ico('irgin &s. #'J#G<
Tennessee T<J#G<
Texas ?2ast@ 2TJ#G<
Texas ?West@ WTJ#G<
Wisconsin W&J#G<
Washington(%regon W%J#G<
&mportant <ote, &f you define a ne) J!6< datum that you )ish to use )ith any of the
:tate #lane 7DG. coordinate system $ones you must assign the name a 0<!5G.(0 prefix.
The Canadian National Transformation Version 2!
The Canadian <ational Transformation provides a standard method for converting
bet)een <!5 /= and <!5 G. )ithin the territory of Canada. The Canadian <ational
Transformation 'ersion /. is implemented directly )ithin version 4. of the Geographic
Calculator. We have not included the 'ersion /. grid shift files )hich are re*uired in
order to use the Canadian <ational Transformation 'ersion /. )ithin the Geographic
Calculator. They are copyrighted and o)ned by the Canadian Government. 4ou )ill
have to purchase them from the Canadian Government. &nformation regarding the
'ersion /. grid shift files should be directed to,
&nformation :ervices :ection
B7E Booth :treet
%tta)a" %ntario A7! 2D
Telephone ?B7.@ DDE(44/7 9ax ?B7.@ DDE(./7E
Important Note: &f you define a ne) Canadian <ational Transformation datum you
should assign the datum name a 0<!5/=(0 prefix.
:)I 1 :re;uently As*ed <uestions
'isit our )orld )ide )eb page at http,--))) for a current ?and
constantly updated@ list of fre*uently asked *uestions regarding the Geographic
=ist of Installed :iles
The follo)ing files are installed in the Geographic Calculator program directory
?HGC!3C4" by default@,
G2%C!3C.282 The Geographic Calculator application
G2%C!3C.J3# The Geographic Calculator application on(line help file
G2%C!3C.C<T The Geographic Calculator application on(line help file contents
62M%'2.282 5einstaller !pplication.
&<:T!33.3%G 5einstaller 3og
3&C2<:2.T8T The license agreement
62!5M2.5%C This file
The follo)ing files are installed into your Windo)s system directory,
The follo)ing files are installed into the Geographic Calculator installation directory,
:!M#32.:2G ! sample :2G#7 file
:2G.T:C ! :2G #7 text file scheme definition
C:'.T:C ! comma seperated value text file scheme definition
T:'.T:C ! tab seperated value text file scheme definition
:2G9W5.#5: ! :2G #7 point database settings file ?lat-lon to grid@
:2G9W5.#5: ! :2G #7 point database settings file ?grid to lat-lon@
The follo)ing <!5C%< grid shift files are installed into the 5!T! directory )ithin the
Geographic Calculator installation directory,
G2%C!3C.5!T Coordinate conversion database
C%<+:.3!: 3atitude grid shift file for the Conterminous + : ?lo)er 4G states@
C%<+:.3%: 3ongitude grid shift file for the Conterminous + : ?lo)er 4G
:T63<C.3!: 3atitude grid shift file for the %ld &sland 5atum )ithin !laska
:T63<C.3%: 3ongitude grid shift file for the %ld &sland 5atum )ithin !laska
:TG2%6G2.3!: 3atitude grid shift file for the %ld &sland 5atum )ithin !laska
:TG2%6G2.3%: 3ongitude grid shift file for the %ld &sland 5atum )ithin !laska
:T#!+3.3!: 3atitude grid shift file for the %ld &sland 5atum )ithin !laska
:T#!+3.3%: 3ongitude grid shift file for the %ld &sland 5atum )ithin !laska
#6'&.3!: 3atitude grid shift file for #uerto 6ico and the 'irgin &slands
#6'&.3%: 3ongitude grid shift file for #uerto 6ico and the 'irgin &slands
J!W!&&.3!: 3atitude grid shift file for the Ja)aiian &slands
J!W!&&.3%: 3ongitude grid shift file for the Ja)aiian &slands
The follo)ing J!6< grid shift files are installed into the 5!T! directory )ithin the
Geographic Calculator installation directory,
!3J#G<.3!: 3atitude grid shift file for !labama
!3J#G<.3%: 3ongitude grid shift file for !labama
!KJ#G<.3!: 3atitude grid shift file for !ri$ona
!KJ#G<.3%: 3ongitude grid shift file for !ri$ona
C<J#G<.3!: 3atitude grid shift file for California ?<orth@
C<J#G<.3%: 3ongitude grid shift file for California ?<orth@
C:J#G<.3!: 3atitude grid shift file for California ?:outh@
C:J#G<.3%: 3ongitude grid shift file for California ?:outh@
C%J#G<.3!: 3atitude grid shift file for Colorado
C%J#G<.3%: 3ongitude grid shift file for Colorado
93J#G<.3!: 3atitude grid shift file for 9lorida
93J#G<.3%: 3ongitude grid shift file for 9lorida
2MJ#G<.3!: 3atitude grid shift file for &daho(Montana ?2astern@
2MJ#G<.3%: 3ongitude grid shift file for &daho(Montana ?2astern@
2TJ#G<.3!: 3atitude grid shift file for Texas?2astern@
2TJ#G<.3%: 3ongitude grid shift file for Texas?2astern@
WMJ#G<.3!: 3atitude grid shift file for &daho(Montana ?Western@
WMJ#G<.3%: 3ongitude grid shift file for &daho(Montana ?Western@
A4J#G<.3!: 3atitude grid shift file for Aentucky
A4J#G<.3%: 3ongitude grid shift file for Aentucky
3!J#G<.3!: 3atitude grid shift file for 3ouisiana
3!J#G<.3%: 3ongitude grid shift file for 3ouisiana
M5J#G<.3!: 3atitude grid shift file for Maryland(5ela)are
M5J#G<.3%: 3ongitude grid shift file for Maryland(5ela)are
M2J#G<.3!: 3atitude grid shift file for Maine
M2J#G<.3%: 3ongitude grid shift file for Maine
M:J#G<.3!: 3atitude grid shift file for Mississippi
M:J#G<.3%: 3ongitude grid shift file for Mississippi
<2WLJ#G<.3!: 3atitude grid shift file for <e) 2ngland
<2WLJ#G<.3%: 3ongitude grid shift file for <e) 2ngland
<MJ#G<.3!: 3atitude grid shift file for <e) Mexico
<MJ#G<.3%: 3ongitude grid shift file for <e) Mexico
<2J#G<.3!: 3atitude grid shift file for <ebraska
<2J#G<.3%: 3ongitude grid shift file for <ebraska
%AJ#G<.3!: 3atitude grid shift file for %klahoma
%AJ#G<.3%: 3ongitude grid shift file for %klahoma
#'J#G<.3!: 3atitude grid shift file for #uerto 6ico('irgin &s.
#'J#G<.3%: 3ongitude grid shift file for #uerto 6ico('irgin &s.
T<J#G<.3!: 3atitude grid shift file for Tennessee
T<J#G<.3%: 3ongitude grid shift file for Tennessee
W&J#G<.3!: 3atitude grid shift file for Wisconsin
W&J#G<.3%: 3ongitude grid shift file for Wisconsin
W%J#G<.3!: 3atitude grid shift file for Washington(%regon
W%J#G<.3%: 3ongitude grid shift file for Washington(%regon
>sing the 'einstaller
Geographic Calculator files can be removed from your system )ith the Windo)s DE
!ddH6emove #rograms &tem or by double clicking the 6emove &con that is placed in the
#rogram Manager 9older. This also cleans up the entries made into the 6egistration
The +n&nstaller creates a log of operations during the installation )hich it ;undoes; to
;+n&nstall; the product. 4ou should run the +n&nstaller before running the &nstaller
additional times. &f you run the installer a second time )ithout using the +n&nstaller first"
only the options selected in the second install )ill be )ritten to the +n&nstall log and later
be uninstalled. 9or the +n&nstaller to )ork properly" you should reinstall your original
options in addition to the options you )ish to install.
%nce again" thank you for choosing the Geographic Calculator. We appreciate having
you as a customer. &f you need assistance you can contact us in one of the follo)ing
444, http,--)))
Internet: ?Technical :upport@
Internet: ?#roduct &nformation-:ales@
:A@: ?/=@ EG/(=7
Phone: ?/=@ EG/(B=4=
Address: /B7 Water :treet" Gardiner" Maine 4.4E +:!

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