Frederick Soddy, Chemist, Economist, and Ecologist
Frederick Soddy, Chemist, Economist, and Ecologist
Frederick Soddy, Chemist, Economist, and Ecologist
(桂木・中村里恵子・熊谷博夫 共著)富大経済論集Vol.51-3,2006.3
Keyword: Virtual Wealth, Debt, Monetary Reform, Economic Growth, Sustainable Development
In this study, we would like to verify Soddy’s assertion of the social reform
via monetary reform on the historical background, to introduce how his
concepts of economy is depended on the law of physics and to revaluate a
present intent of his theory about “Wealth and Debt” by comparing with
contemporary economists such as J.M. Keynes [5].
Frederick Doddy’s photo ( donated by Herman E. Daly in 1984 )
Our discussion focuses on the Soddy’s view which later developed into
the warnings against “the fictional system” of the social wealth as a Debt,
comparing to J.M.Keynes’s positive introducing of his theory over creating
effective demand, related to the multiple effects, and the controlled currency
system. Soddy proposed a road map of reform to bring peace and economic
freedom to the world on the age of science and mechanization .[14]
The basis of his thought is the ”multiplied constitution by the types of
wealth, which are the real wealth by the material flow and the virtual wealth
produced by the fictional credit economy,” as we see below.
His concepts based on the law of conservation of mass (matter and
energy) led him to take an action claiming that the virtual wealth was missing
as long as the fictional credit economic part functioned away from its material
constraint. [15]
Who’s view as a concerning the sustainability (environmental problems)
is on going off “the gold standard”? Who argued the way of “key currency
under economic control“ by the managed currency system in 1920 s’ to
30s’? Is he Keynes, Soddy, or S. Gesell ? As B.A. Rieter, a propounder of
regional currency and the proposal of “ EU ” in the European economic
region, has already pointed it out that what they thought was to set a new key
currency after abolishing the gold standard, compensate the nation’s
purchasing power by assuring the money circulation and put the economy on
the sustainable path as opposed to the reduction of production and shortage
of foods (poverty).
[Figure] Existing Wealth and “Virtual Wealth” due to Credit Economy
Cf. Soddy , Vi,rtual Wealth ,Fig.1 The Principle of Virtual Wealth
Back to that time, France and England had War Debts to the USA and
reparations of Germany, which was on economic depression, was reduced.
The world economy recovered temporarily by the afflux of the private capital
from the USA ( “ Dors Bond ” ). In 1924 Germany reverted to the gold
standard of the new parity, and England in 1925. It can be also noted that
issuing the war debt, proposed by T. Johnson (a member of the Labor
Party), who was sent to the all-nation cabinet of Lloyd-George from the
Labor Party and
showed complete support for the policy, was influenced by Soddy’s Virtual
Then, in 1929, the second Labor government of MacDonald was
organized with the cooperation of Freedom Party. With a serious problem
of unemployment due to the world depression, social perplexity arose over
pros and cons of cutback of unemployment benefits and responses for the
shrinking market economy. In order to overcome these problems, attentions
were focused on the nationalization of the central bank and the financial
reform. Soddy advocated that the gold standard, which was the criterion of
the monetary value, should be abolished and replaced by a key currency by
“the index number,” indicating the needs of daily necessities and living
expenses of laborers‘ households. Gesell, an advocator of the currency
reformer, insisted “the currency to be applied for matching the value change
in the standard basket of the primary commodity” on the key currency. Then,
Keynes established “ Vancore exchange accounts ” with the permission of
the central bank, propound measures not to withdraw the purchasing power
from the circulation market by the same effects as import of gold, and thought
there was a solution for unemployment in “ investing the government
(public works expenditure), namely, issuing the government bonds. It is not
clear whether Keynes knew Soddy, but Gesell and Soddy got involved in
Social Credit Movement from 1924 to 1938. Furthermore, Keynes highly
appreciated the significance of Gesell’s proposal. By the way, in England
complete abolishment of the gold standard in 1931 and the managed
currency system of the national credit currency by the central bank were
institutionalized after Keynes assumed the England Bank’s Trustee.
We can see the Soddy’s financial (currency) reform in the “22
conclusions (proposals) of the financial reform,” summarized in the reference
Followings are main points.
・ The production of Wealth, as distinct from Debt, obeys the physical laws of
conservation and the exact reasoning of the physical sciences can be
applied. Wealth cannot be produced without expenditure.
・ Capital, by saving to an indefinite extent the expenditure of human time in
production, appears to afford a continuous revenue of wealth without
further work, but the origin of wealth produced is in the continued use of
capital by human agents, not in the capital itself.
・ Money’s value or purchasing power is not directly determined by any
positive or existing quantity of wealth, but by the negative quantity, or
deficit of wealth. The aggregate of this deficit is called the Virtual Wealth of
the community and this virtual wealth does not obey the laws of
conservation, but is of psychological origin.
・ When the quantity of money is constant, its value or purchasing power is
proportional to the Virtual Wealth. The issue of money should be regulated
by its purchasing power, so as to maintain the purchasing power constant.
・ To initiate the system some 20 billion pounds of National interest-bearing
Debt should be cancelled and same sum of national money (non-interest
bearing National Debt) issued to replace the credit created by the banks.
The taxpayer would thereby be relieved of the payment of 100 millions
pounds a year interest on purely fictitious loans.
・ Taxation, as hitherto confined to the purpose of defraying Government
expenditure, is entirely futile as an instrument of permanent social
amelioration, and should be used in conjunction with the issue of
Government loans, for other specific purpose.
・ The national reserve of gold, acting as a barometer indicating the ratio of
imports to exports, should be maintained by suitable means. It is
suggested that on information supplied by the national statistical authority.
・ It is claimed that these suggested reforms are necessary steps if an
individualistic society is to continue and the nation in the future is to be in a
position to deal with a further displacement of men by machinery and the
methods of mass production.
From above consideration, we’ll advocate that Soddy’s economics is a
forerunner of modern environmental and ecological economics and has a
profound substantial content for us. We should to learn more hints to
construct the sustainable economics for the coming next generations.
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[2] Kenji Katsuragi[1985],About the valuation of Frederick Soddy by Herman E. Daly, Record of the conference
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[3] Masatoshi Nakayama [1985],About Frederick Soddy, Sciences, Society and Human Being, No.11
[4] F. Soddy [1922], Cartesian Economics: The Bearing of Physical Science upon State Stewardship , London,
[5] J.M. Keynes [1936], The General Theory of Employment, Interest and money , Macmillan and Co. Limited [6]
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[8] F. Soddy [1926], Wealth, Virtual Wealth and Debt: The Solution of The Economic Paradox , London, p.69
[9] F.Soddy, Cartesian Economics: The Bearing of Physical Science upon State Stewardship , London,
[10 F. Soddy [1934], The Role of Money , London, p.28
[11] F. Soddy , ibid. ,p.24
[12] F. Soddy, Book of Exodus ,” p.16, 17-20
[13] F. Soddy [1943], The Arch Enemy of Economic Freedom , Oxford,p.6
[14] Keynes, ibid.,
[15] F. Soddy [1922], Cartesian Economics
[16] F. Soddy [1926], Wealth,
[17] Linda Merricks [1996],T he World Made New: Frederick Soddy, Science, Politics, and Environment ,
Frank H. Night [1927],”Review of Wealth, Virtual Wealth and Debt”, in Saturday Review of Literature , 16