I Can Learn The Bible: The Joshua Code For Kids

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The passage discusses that God created the world out of darkness and emptiness, and that He loves humanity deeply.

The passage says that in the beginning, God created the sky and the earth out of darkness and emptiness.

The passage compares humans to sheep, saying that like sheep humans do not always make smart choices, do not know where they are going without following God, and have no way to protect themselves from sin.

Week 1

Your View of the World

Have you ever tried on a pair of glasses that did
not belong to you? Things look very different, dont
they? Like looking through different glasses, every
person looks at the world in a certain way. We call
this a worldview. The way we see our world affects
how we live and the choices we make. So what you
believe is very important. Some people think the
world happened for no reasonit just appeared
out of nowhere in one big poof! Others are not sure
how it came to be, and dont really know why they
are here. The very first verse in the Bible gives us
the correct glasses that fit perfectly, and through
which everything looks crystal clear. Lets answer
three important questions about this verse.

In the beginning... This takes us back to the very
beginningbefore anything was, the beginning of
time! Close your eyes and be as quiet as you can
for ten seconds. Thats what it was like in the beginning. It was dark and empty.

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Look at the next word in this verse: In the beginning, God... It was dark and empty, and God was
there. He was in the beginning before time even
began! Have you ever wondered where He came
from, or how He got there? Even though its hard
to understand, the Bible tells us He was just always
there. In the beginning was God.

In the beginning, what did God do? He created the
sky and the earth. Wow! So out of darkness and
emptiness, He made the whole world! What a wise,
creative, amazing God we have.


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Dear Jesus, thank You for creating the world we

live in. You are so great and You are so amazing.
My favorite part of Your creation is . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Now that you understand this verse, you have

a worldview! You know how we got here, and when
you see a beautiful sunset, you know who painted it.
As you begin memorizing your first verse this week,
you are putting Gods Word in your heart and mind.
His Wordthe Bibleis there for you, and it will
never go away.
Say these words out loud:
Gods Word is for me and to me, it is in me
and working through me, and just like His love, it
goes on and on forever!


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For God loved the

world so much that he
gave his only Son. God
gave his Son so that
whoever believes in
him may not be lost,
but have eternal life.
John 3:16

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Week 2

What Is the Gospel?

This weeks verse is the most famous verse in the
Bible. It is sometimes called the gospel, or the good
news. God gave His only Son, Jesus, so that those
of us who believe in Him could live forever with Him
one day in heaven. Now that is good news!

Why Did God Do This?

The first part of the verse tells us exactly why God
gave His Son. For God loved the world so much...
He did it because He loves us! Do you know how
deep the ocean is? Do you know how wide it is from
the east to the west? (It would be like starting to
walk one way and never stopping!) That is how
much God loves you. And do you know the best part
about His love? It never ends. No matter what you
do or where you go, God will never stop loving you.
God loves the world so much.


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What Did God Do?

The second phrase in this verse tells us what God
did. He gave His only Son. That means that God
has one Son, and He let Him die on a crossfor you
and for me, to save us from our sins. You would have
to love someone a whole lot to give up your own
son, right? And Jesus, Gods Son, chose to follow
and obey His Father and died on a cross.

Who Did He Do This For?

The next part of this verse says, Whoever believes
in Him may not be lost, but have eternal life. That
means that if you believe in God, and if you believe


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that Jesus died for you, God has promised you life
forever in heaven! He did this for you.
God loves you so much that He gave His only
Son, and if you believe in Him, you will never be lost
and you will have eternal life! And that is the gospel.

Dear God, thank You for loving me. Thank You for
giving Your only Son for me and for Your promise
of heaven. I believe in You! Amen.

Lets say it together:

Gods Word is for me and to me, it is in me
and working through me, and just like His love, it
goes on and on forever!


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I mean that you have been

saved by grace because
you believe. You did not
save yourselves. It was a
gift from God. You cannot
brag that you are saved by
the work you have done.
Ephesians 2:89

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Week 3

Sin and Grace

We have learned that God loves us and sent His Son
to die for us. We have also learned that if we believe
in Him, He will forgive our sins and give us the promise of heaven. This weeks verse is about how we can
receive Gods gift of graceeven though we dont
deserve it.

A Thing Called Sin

The Bible tells us that we all have sin in our lives
(Romans 3:23). Have you ever told a lie? Have you
ever stolen anything? Have you ever said something that was unkind? Maybe you have not done
something, even though you knew you should have.
These are all sins. When we do these things, we
often feel sad inside. And because we sin and God
is perfect, we cant ever be good enough to get to
heaven on our own. Our sin actually separates us
from God. Because of that sin, we deserve to be


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Your Punishment
Here comes some good news: Have you ever heard
of the word grace? Grace is getting something that
you dont deserve. It would be like going to the principals office after getting in big trouble. But instead
of being punished, the principal gives you a big hug
and says, Im going to be punished in your place.
The principal saved you from your punishment and
gave you grace. Even though we sin, God saves us
from our punishment (being separated from God).
Then, He gives us a gift of graceforgiveness of sins
and a home in heaven with God.

Its Free!
Gods gift is just thata free gift. You dont have
to be perfect, but you do have to have faith and
accept this amazing gift He offers you. Have you
ever told God that you believe in Him and want to


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take His free gift of grace? If you want to, you can
tell Jesus right now:

Dear Jesus, I know I sin against You. Please forgive

me for my sins and be in control of my life from
now on. I believe in You. Thank You for coming
into my life, forgiving my sins, and giving me a
home in heaven! Please help me follow You the
rest of my life. Amen.

Wow! See how Gods Word is working in you? If

you have received Gods gift today, you have begun
a wonderful journey with your very best Friend. Now
you can talk with other Christians about being baptized and following Jesus example in all you do.
Lets say it loud!
Gods Word is for me and to me, it is in me
and working through me, and just like His love, it
goes on and on forever!


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The Lord is my
shepherd. I have
everything I need.
Psalm 23:1

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Week 4

You Have a Shepherd

You have probably heard the story of David and
Goliath. Do you know what Davids job was as
a young boy? He was a shepherd in the fields of
Bethlehem. What do you think a shepherd is supposed to do? If you said, Stay near his sheep, make
sure they dont wander off, and protect them from
wolves and other predators, then you were right! A
shepherd takes good care of his sheep and protects
them day and night.

How Is the Lord Our Shepherd?

In Psalm 23, David calls God his shepherd. What
do you think he means by that? He means that the
Lord is always with us, He will keep us from getting
lost, and He will protect us.
Do you think a shepherd walks behind or in front
of his sheep? He walks in front! He leads them and
shows them where they need to go. Just like a shepherd, Jesus leads the way for us.


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Lets look at each of the words in the verse and

think about what they tell us:
The LordThere is only one Lord.
IsThis means He is my shepherdright now!
MyHes mine! He cares about me and watches
over me.
ShepherdHe keeps me close to Him and
protects me.

What Does the Shepherd Give Us?

David says something else very important: I have
everything I need. God wants us to ask Him for
things we need and to trust Him as our Shepherd


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to take care of us. Sometimes we want things other

people have, and we dont feel happy until we get
what we want. But Jesus wants us to be content.
That means being happy and thankful for what
we do have, not only thinking about what we dont
Do you trust Jesus to be your Shepherd, to watch
over you and give you everything you need? If so,
tell Him!

Dear Lord, thank You for being my Shepherd and

leading me. Sometimes I want . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
but I trust You, and I know You give me everything
I need. I promise to follow You. In Jesus name,

Dont forget...
Gods Word is for me and to me, it is in me
and working through me, and just like His love, it
goes on and on forever!


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We know that in
everything God works
for the good of those who
love him. They
are the people
God called,
because that
was his plan.
Romans 8:28

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Week 5

The Good and

the Bad, Together
Have you ever eaten a fluffy, warm biscuit, fresh
from the oven? Yum! A lot of ingredients were put
into that biscuit to make it taste so good. But if you
were to take a bite of the flour, just by itself, it would
taste awful. Or if you licked only the baking soda
off of the spoon, you might gag! Once you add all of
the ingredients together, though, you get a wonderful resulta warm, delicious biscuit.

When Bad Things Happen

Like those yucky ingredients, some things in life
taste bad to us or make us very sad. Maybe we
get hurt, or we lose someone or something we
love. This weeks verse teaches us that even though
these things may make us sad, God can use them,
along with other things in our lives, to make something good. God may choose to teach you a lesson
through your sadness, or He may use you one day

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to help someone else who is feeling sad, just like you

did. Either way, God promises us that even when
bad things happen, He can actually turn them into
good things and use them for a reason in our lives.

A Wonderful Promise
Did you notice the first two words of this verse? It
says, We know. We, as children of God, can know
that God will work everything in our lives for good.
And does it say some things? No, it says everything!
The last part of the verse shows us that this promise is only for those of us who love God and are part
of His family.
Romans 8:28 can bring you a lot of comfort now
and throughout the rest of your life. What are some


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bad things that have happened to you? Can you think

of a way God has used some of those things for good?

Dear Lord, thank You for working out everything

in my life for good. I love You and I believe that
You only want the best for me. Please help me
when I am feeling sad about . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Help me remember that You can make bad things
into good things, even when I dont understand.
In Jesus name, amen.

This time, start with a whisper, then get louder and

louder until your neighbors can hear you!
Gods Word is for me and to me, it is in me
and working through me, and just like His love, it
goes on and on forever!


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Those who want to

do right more than
anything else are
happy. God will
fully satisfy
Matthew 5:6

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Week 6

Thirsty for Doing Right

One day Jesus was teaching on a mountainside. He
told all of the people listening that even if you do
the right thing on the outside, it doesnt please God
unless you also have the right attitude on the inside.
This part of His lesson is called The Beatitudes.
Jesus teaches that we need to be who He wants us
to be before we do what we think we are supposed
to do. For example, if your teacher tells you to finish
your math worksheet and you finish it while stomping your feet, saying unkind words, and having a
bad attitude inside your heart, is Jesus pleased? No!
Its not just the math worksheet He cares aboutits
the attitude of your heart.

What Is Righteousness?
When our hearts have a good attitude, we will want
to do the right thing; thats called righteousness.
Its a big word that means doing the right thing
because we want to honor God, follow His laws,
and live a life that pleases Him. This weeks verse

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says that wanting to do the right thing will make us

happy and blessed.

Are You Thirsty?

What is your very favorite thing to drink? Talk about
that with your family. Now, imagine playing outside
on a very hot day and then running inside. You see
a big, tall glass of your favorite drink sitting on the
counter. Think about how thirsty you would be for
that drink! That is how Jesus wants us to thirst after
doing the right thing.
Now, this verse does not tell us that we have
to be perfect all the time (because Gods love for
us never depends on how good we are, right?). It


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means that if we hunger and thirst for whats right

if we really, truly want to do rightHe will help us.

Dear Lord, help me remember that You care not

only about what I do for You but also about what
is inside my heart. Please give me a hunger and
a thirst to be righteous and to do the right thing.
And thank You, Jesus. Amen.

Can you say this by heart?

Gods Word is for me and to me, it is in me
and working through me, and just like His love, it
goes on and on forever!


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We all have wandered

away like sheep.
Each of us has gone his
own way. But the Lord
has put on him the
for all the
evil we
have done.
Isaiah 53:6

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Week 7

Lost Sheep
Do you remember Psalm 23:1? Recite it! Just like
that verse, our verse for this week compares us to
sheep. You should know a few things about sheep:
1. Sheep are not that smart.
What animals do you see doing tricks at
the circus? Elephants? Monkeys? Lions? Do
you ever see sheep? Not usually, because
most sheep are not smart enough to learn
tricks. Well, like sheep, sometimes we dont
act very smart either. We choose to go
our own way instead of choosing to follow
Gods plan for us. Have you ever gotten into
trouble and thought to yourself, Why did I
do that? You did that because you made
a not-so-smart choice and went your own
way instead of Gods way.
2. Sheep do not know where they are going.
Sheep often get lost because they have
no idea where to go unless they follow the
shepherd. Once they get lost, they end up


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wandering around. We are like this too. If

we are not following God, we will be totally
lost. Can you think of some ways you can
be sure to follow Gods direction for you?
3. Sheep have no way to protect themselves.
Many animals have ways to defend themselves from enemies; think about dogs,
cats, porcupines, bees, and skunks. But
what about sheep? They dont have any
way to protect themselvesno sharp teeth
or claws, no quills or stingers, not even a
stinky smell! We cant protect ourselves
from our enemy either. We need Jesus,
our Shepherd, to protect us.
Just like sheep, we sometimes do not make
smart choices, we dont know where we are going,
and we have no way to defend ourselves. But the


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Lord has put on him the punishment for all of the

evil we have done. This means that Jesus took our
punishment and died for us, and now He is guiding
and protecting us.

Dear Jesus, I know sometimes I do not make good

choices, and I choose to go my way instead of
Your way. Please forgive me. Thank You for taking
my sin so that I can have You as my Shepherd
forever. Amen.

Let Gods Word work through you this week!

Gods Word is for me and to me, it is in me
and working through me, and just like His love, it
goes on and on forever!


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Continue to ask, and God

will give to you. Continue
to search, and you will find.
Continue to knock, and the
door will open for you.
Matthew 7:7

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