Auditorium 2. Projector 3. Backup Laptop 4. Sound System (Which Can Be Connected With The Laptop) 5. White Board, Board Marker, Board Eraser
Auditorium 2. Projector 3. Backup Laptop 4. Sound System (Which Can Be Connected With The Laptop) 5. White Board, Board Marker, Board Eraser
Auditorium 2. Projector 3. Backup Laptop 4. Sound System (Which Can Be Connected With The Laptop) 5. White Board, Board Marker, Board Eraser
Few of us remember when we first became aware that words signified something. Yet that
moment was a milestone for us, not just in the acquisition of language but in becoming
acquainted with all the complex, elaborate behavior that constitutes our culture. Without
language, the transmission of complex traditions would be virtually impossible, and each
person would be trapped within his or her own world of private sensations. Thus in order to
interact with diverse human population, the best way is to learn their spoen language, which
enables us to communicate socially as well as culturally.
French is one of the very few languages spoen all over the world, raned the sixth most
widely spoen language after !andarin "hinese, #nglish, $indi, %panish and &rabic. French
shares with #nglish the distinction of being taught as a foreign language in the education
systems of most countries around the world. French is thus the second most widely learned
foreign language in the world. French is one of the woring languages of the 'nited (ations
alongside #nglish, %panish, )ussian, &rabic and "hinese. French is one of the three
procedural languages of the #uropean 'nion, along with #nglish and *erman. France and the
French+speaing countries play an active part in the world economy, accounting for some
,-. of world trade in goods.
& study entitled /The global economic importance of the French language/ conducted by the
Foundation for 0nternational 1evelopment %tudy and )esearch 2F#)103 in ,-4, shed useful
light on the positive correlation between a country5s membership of the French+speaing
community and its trading position. %haring a common language would appear to boost trade
flows by some 66. on average, mainly by bringing down export costs, maing it easier for
businesses to penetrate a new export maret and helping to sustain existing flows.
!embership of the French+speaing community, which accounts for 47. of the world5s
wealth and one tenth of its agricultural land, is thus a source of great potential.
The proposed worshop is intended to give the students an exposure to the world of French
language and culture. %peaing, writing, listening, reading, vocabulary and grammar are
important components with the help of which one gets to now and understand the language.
Time uration: !! hour" - #$ hour" % "&read over a &eriod o' (!-)$ day"*
Target Audience: %tudents and staff of *aeddu "ollege of 8usiness %tudies, 8hutan
4. &uditorium
,. 9rojector
6. 8acup :aptop
;. %ound system 2which can be connected with the laptop3
7. White board, 8oard !arer, 8oard #raser
The importance of language is essential to every aspect and interaction in our everyday lives.
We use language to inform the people around us of what we feel, what we desire, and
question<understand the world around us. We communicate effectively with our words,
gestures, and tone of voice in a multitude of situation. Would you tal to a small child with
the same words you would in a business meeting. 8eing able to communicate with each
other, form bonds, teamwor, and it5s what separates humans from other animal species.
"ommunication drives our lives and better ourselves.
The importance of communication can be often overlooed. #ven with the ability to
communicate with each other. !isunderstandings happen. )emember, communication is a
two way street that should be embraced and not ignored. 8elieve it or not, some people can
be arrogant to believe they can5t go to foreign countries without nowing anything of the
language or culture of the people in the places they visit. The importance of language is
beneficial regardless if you do it for fun or for your career or even just for personal travel.
They expect the indigenous people to accommodate them and now their language. The
importance of language isn5t much different no matter what your nationality is. $onestly, if
one were to study other languages one will find that most of them are actually pretty similar.
!ainly the differences are in alphabet, pronunciation, and grammar with the syntax generally
staying the same. We should use it to show our understanding of the cultures and lives of our
fellow men in other lands. We should go behind the outer shell and see the speaer beneath.
9art where the importance of languages really shines in business with companies trying to
reach global audiences and marets. !ore and more business leaders recogni=e to compete
you have to have nowledge in many foreign languages. >nowledge of their language as well
as their culture shows that you respect the ideas that they bring to the table and you
understand their needs and want better than somebody who does not have this bacground.
&dditionally, there is the psychological aspect of direct communication during business
transactions. ?ne@s clients will be more liely to trust what you are saying and there will be a
more intimate relationship than if you were to conduct all communication through a
translator. This could be an important step in building strong and lasting business
relationships that help ensure the success of business.
Through language we can connect with other people and mae sense of our experiences.
0magine what it must be lie for your child to develop these sills that we tae for granted. &s
a parent, teacher, or other type of caregiver, you shape a child5s language development to
reflect the identity, values, and experiences of your family and community.
:earning any language is an ongoing process where results cannot be expected over night or
without any effort. !any resources are readily available to lessen the effort and time it taes
to learn French. 8elieve it or not but over ;- to 7-. of #nglish vocabulary comes from the
French :anguage. 0n fact, French has the most words spread out over many different
languages. French is also a good language to learn if you plan to learn other romance
languages lie %panish, 0talian, 9ortuguese, and )omanian.
&ll languages change over time and French is no exception. To indisputably understand the
importance of French language one needs to learn the language oneself so as to receive the
full benefit of this ama=ing language.
Curriculum: Basic French
In Early Start French, students learn through themes that enable them to acquire the linguistic
content (basic vocabulary, simple language structures and syntax) required for
communication purposes.
roposed themes in the !or"shop include#
self$introduction % salutations,
alphabets % numbers,
food % colours,
school % family,
time % professions,
holidays % celebrations,
body parts %clothing,
sports and pastimes.
nationalities % monuments.
Se""ion -ro&o"al % duration -(-) hour" &er day*
Session Topics
' Introduction to (or"shop
) Salutations
* +lphabets (,onsonants % -o!els)
. +rticles
/ 0evision % ronunciation$I
1 Self$Introduction
2 +d3ectives
4 ronouns
'5 6umbers
'' 0evision % 7ame $II
') -erbs
'* Sentence formation
'. 8ypes of Sentences
'/ ,olors
'1 0evision % ,onversations$III
'2 Festivals % 9olidays
': 8ime
'4 repositions
)5 Family Structure
)' 0evision % ,ommunication$I-
)) ;ody parts % ,lothes
)* rofessions&<ccupations
). 6ationalities
)/ =onuments
)1 0evision % French Songs >-
)2 Food
): Sports
)4 =usic
*5 French =ovie