Angus & Janet MacDonald, Right Names Wrong People

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Angus MacDonald & Janet MacDonald, right names, wrong


Received this query that was posted on Ancestry to review and
comment on.

As shown below the query is from a KenMac48 and concerns the
family of an Angus MacDonald and his wife Janet MacDonald.

My, Alex W Fraser, comments, observations, conclusions are
listed below and are subject to further clarication and

Remember that these Comments, observations & conclusions
may or may not agree with your perspective on the family names
& information listed below.

post 1;
McDonald / MacDonald's of Glengarry
#kenmac48##(View posts)
Posted: 15 Aug 2014 10:55AM
Surnames:#McDonald, MacDonald, Graham
Seeking information on Roderick MacDonald who married Isabel or
Elizabeth Graham at St Raphaels on August 24th 1848. Isabel died in
August 1860, 8th-Lot 26 Lancaster.

I'm attempting to see if this Roderick and Isabel are my 4th Great
Grantparents. In order for them to be, they need to have a son Angus
MacDonald, born in about 1776, Inverness, Scotland. He died 18
October 1853 in Lochiel, Ontario. On November 28, 1826 he married
Jennet or Janet MacDonald at St. Raphael's, Ontario. She was born in
of from the les of Alex W Fraser 1 8
about 1787, Inverness, Inverness-shire, Scotland. She died 28 August
1858 in Lochiel, Ontario.

Any help will be much appreciated !
Post 2;
Re: McDonald / MacDonald's of Glengarry
#talmacdonald143##(View posts)
Posted: 15 Aug 2014 1:06PM
Angus MacDonald, born in about 1776

Do you mean 1876 ?

Post 3;
Re: McDonald / MacDonald's of Glengarry
#talmacdonald143##(View posts)
Posted: 15 Aug 2014 1:20PM
Forget about the rst message I think I now see what you mean. You
say that Roderick's son was Angus but I think you mean he was the
son of Angus.

The marriage info from St. R. show Roderick to be the son of Angus
MacDonald and Elizabeth MacDonell Lot 26 - Lancaster 8th.

of from the les of Alex W Fraser 2 8
Post 4
Re: McDonald / MacDonald's of Glengarry
#kenmac48##(View posts)
Posted: 15 Aug 2014 1:27PM
I don't think so...I have 1776 recorded as his birth year and 18 Oct
1853 as date of death.. Do you believe this is not possible ?#

My 2nd Great Grandfather, John MacDonald 1806 - 1875 married
Anna Bathurst 1818 - 1907 on 03 Nov 1840 at St Finnan's, Alexandria.

I'm truly a novice genealogist therefore it's possible I am wrong.


Post 5;
Re: McDonald / MacDonald's of Glengarry
#kenmac48##(View posts)
Posted: 15 Aug 2014 1:42PM
Oops sorry Tal...I sent you a reply before reading your above

I also have Roderick to be the son of Angus MacDonald and

of from the les of Alex W Fraser 3 8
My records show that Angus and Elizabeth were born and died in
Scotland, exactly where in Scotland unknown. In addition to Roderick
they had sons John and Alexander.#

However my predicament is knowing if Roderick MacDonald and
Isabel or Elizabeth Graham are in fact my 4th GG.

Thank you so much for your efforts to help me. It is most apprecated.

My, Alex W Fraser, comments, observations from post 1
Seeking information on Roderick MacDonald who married Isabel or
Elizabeth Graham at St Raphaels on August 24th 1848. Isabel died in
August 1860, 8th-Lot 26 Lancaster.

I'm attempting to see if this Roderick and Isabel are my 4th Great

AWF Observation
Roderick MacDonald & Isabel Graham Lanc 8C N26 did have a son
named Angus who married a Janet MacDonald in 1826, namely
from St Raphaels RC BMD 1826 marriages
November 28th 1826, after 3 publications of banns made in this
parochial church, were joined in marriage by me the undersigned
priest, Angus MacDonald, who has attained the age of majority, son of
Roderick MacDonald and of Elisabeth Graham on the one side and
Jennet MacDonald being minor daughter of the deceased Angus
MacDonald and of Margaret MacDonell on the other side. Alexander
MacDougald, Hugh MacDonald and several others were present at
the celebration of this marriage.
Angus MacDonell ptr

Here Anguss mother is listed as Elizabeth, rather than Isabel, the rst
glitch in this journey.
of from the les of Alex W Fraser 4 8

Likewise from Post 1, Angus MacDonald, born in about 1776,
Inverness, Scotland. He died 18 October 1853 in Lochiel, Ontario.
This Angus is not the son of Roderick MacDonald & Isabel Graham as
shown in his death record, from St Finnans RC BMD 1853 deaths
Alexandria, Ontario
D15 Angus McDonald
On the 18th day of October 1853, I the undersigned interred in the
cemetery at Alexandria, Angus McDonald son of John McDonald
and Christy McDonald of the shire of Inverness aged 77 years.
Witnesses Allen Williams, Donald McDonald and several others.
John R Meade

This Angus MacDonald married a Janet MacDonald and they lived in
Lochiel 1C N3 and this Janet died in 1858 from St Finnans RC BMD
1858 deaths
D5 Janet McDonald 3 - 1st Lochiel
On the 28th August 1858, The body of Janet McDonald, wife of the
late Angus McDonald [tailor] 3-1st Lochiel was interred at Alexandria.
Present John Chisholm & Alexr Bathurst.

AWF observations
Now based on info in Post 3
The marriage info from St. R. show Roderick to be the son of Angus
MacDonald and Elizabeth MacDonell Lot 26 - Lancaster 8th.
This is correct, namely
from St Andrews Presbyterian/United Church BMD WMST 1792

from St Raphaels RC BMD 1848 Marriages
M14 Roderick MDonald & Isabel Graham
At St Raphaels on the 24th day of August 1848, Roderick MDonald of
this parish, Lanc 8C N26, major son of Angus McDonald & of
of from the les of Alex W Fraser 5 8
Elisabeth McDonell on the one part; & Isabel Graham also of this
parish Lanc 8C N26, daughter of Thomas Graham & of Margaret
Graham on the other part; after 3 proclamations of bans at St Regis by
the revd Roderick McDonell about 56 years ago before they were
married by Mr Bethune, Williamstown, no impediment being known
were joined in marriage by me the undersigned priest in the presence
of the undersigned Mary McDonald & Catherine McDonald.
[signed] Mary Macdonald
Catherine McDonald
John Macdonald priest & curate of St Raphaels.

AWF observations
Now based on the info in Post 4 My 2nd Great Grandfather, John
MacDonald 1806 - 1875 married Anna Bathurst 1818 - 1907 on 03
Nov 1840 at St Finnan's, Alexandria.

This Angus & Janet had a son John who married an Anne Bathurst in
From St Finnans RC BMD 1840
The same day (3rd Nov. 1840), was married by me the undersigned
priest, after three publications in this Church without any opposition
having been found to their marriage, John M'Donald son of Angus
McDonald and Jennet McDonald in the 1st con. of Lochiel: to Miss
Ann Bathurst, daughter of William Bathurst and of Margaret McIntosh
in the same con. of Lochiel. Were present Alexander Bathurst, Angus
M'Dougald, John M'Donald and several others.
J. M'Donald, P.P.

12/09 awf
from St Rapahels RC BMD 1818 Baptisms
B88 Anna Bathurst
The 9th day of August 1818, I the undersigned priest and vicar of St
Raphaels baptised Anna born the 14th of July of the lawful marriage of
William Bathurst and of Pagy MacIntosh. Sponsors Angus MacDonell
and Catherina MacDonell.
of from the les of Alex W Fraser 6 8
J. MacDonald p

The above indicated that John was born in 1806. Since there is no
reference to any baptisms in St Raphaels BMD of children of any
Angus Mac/McDonald/ell & Janet/Jane/Geny/Jeannette Mac/
McDonell/ald before 1827,. The reference here, 1827 is to an Angus &
Janet in 5th Lochiel with dau Flora. This Angus & Janet may or may
not be a 3rd set. [ I could have missed nding an earlier reference]
then it is assumed at present that the John who married Anne
Bathurst was born in Scotland in 1806. Likewise John parents Angus
& Janet were also born & married in Scotland ca 1800-1805.

Thus, if this John who was born in 1806, died in 1875, the son of
Angus 1776-1853, of Loch 1C N3, then the Angus ca 1795-1865 in
Wisconsin the son of Roderick MacDonald & Isabel Graham of
Lancaster 8C who married a Janet MacDonald in 1826 could not be
the father of the John born in 1806.

from Fr Johns Diary of Deaths 1819-1866 & 1839 Census in
Part, 1992, edited by Alex W Fraser
APR 11 1865 Angus MD, in Wisconsin, son of Rod from Lanc 8C
N26, of Angus of Hugh.

This a very good example of how easy it is to get the right names and
the wrong people at the same time. These Couples of Angus
MacDonald & Janet MacDonald regardless of how the last name
is spelt, are two different families.

One lived in Charlottenburgh and or Lancaster, 8th concession, the
other in Lochiel 1st concession. There is a reference to an Angus &
Janet MacDonald living in Charlottenburgh township 8th Concession
who had a son Angus born in 1836.

How many Angus & Janet MacDonald are we actually dealing with?
Did one or more of these Angus & Janets move around as labourers?
Are we mixing up 2 or 3 sets of them?
of from the les of Alex W Fraser 7 8

One of the fathers of Angus 1776-1853 was John ca 1742-ca 1800; &
the other Angus ca 1795-1865 was the son of Roderick ca

One of the Angus was born about 20 years before the other.

These comments do leave room for more research to get done, as
well as getting any missing gaps of family information for these sets of
Angus & Janet MacDonald can be lled in correctly, to see whether or
not my conclusions still stand up to and with that found new family

Hoping this will be of use.

take care and God Bless
Alex W Fraser
Courtenay, BC
Aug 25/14 jars924 @
of from the les of Alex W Fraser 8 8

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