HYSYS is a simulation environment that incorporates OLE Technology, allowing for complete customization through a component-based architecture. This future-proof design allows users to integrate unique unit operations, reactions, and property packages. OLE Technology enables seamless integration of custom programs and simulations, protecting proprietary information. Users can create hybrid programs combining HYSYS with other applications like Excel for customized solutions.
HYSYS is a simulation environment that incorporates OLE Technology, allowing for complete customization through a component-based architecture. This future-proof design allows users to integrate unique unit operations, reactions, and property packages. OLE Technology enables seamless integration of custom programs and simulations, protecting proprietary information. Users can create hybrid programs combining HYSYS with other applications like Excel for customized solutions.
HYSYS is a simulation environment that incorporates OLE Technology, allowing for complete customization through a component-based architecture. This future-proof design allows users to integrate unique unit operations, reactions, and property packages. OLE Technology enables seamless integration of custom programs and simulations, protecting proprietary information. Users can create hybrid programs combining HYSYS with other applications like Excel for customized solutions.
HYSYS is a simulation environment that incorporates OLE Technology, allowing for complete customization through a component-based architecture. This future-proof design allows users to integrate unique unit operations, reactions, and property packages. OLE Technology enables seamless integration of custom programs and simulations, protecting proprietary information. Users can create hybrid programs combining HYSYS with other applications like Excel for customized solutions.
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OLE Technology
Maximize your simulation investment using OLE Technology
HYSYS is the only commercially available simulation environment designed for complete user customization. By incorporating OLE Technology and using a revolutionary component-based architecture, HYSYS can easily be updated to meet changing user requirements. This future-proof design enables customers to fully leverage their engineering softare investments. Customize HYSYS to meet your unique needs !ost other simulation pac"ages are based on #$ -%& year old technology that as never designed to allo user customization. This prevents users from easily incorporating unique unit operations, proprietary "inetic reactions and specialized property pac"ages. OLE E'tensibility enables (yprotech customers to seamlessly integrate virtually any simulation technology into HYSYS, ensuring that it meets their unique needs and requirements. )dditionally, HYSYS is also equipped ith its on *isual-Basic-li"e macro language, hich allos the user to create custom applications, complete ith dialogs for user interaction, ithout e'iting the simulation environment. +or e'ample, many users requested a more poerful alternative to the HYSYS pipe segment unit operation, so ,eotechnology -onsultants Ltd. created PIPESYS, a commercially available pipeline thermal and hydraulics e'tension for HYSYS. PIPESYS integrates poerful, industry-proven capabilities for single and multiphase pipeline flo modeling into HYSYS. Other e'amples include. Vinyl cetate "inetic reaction, hich incorporates the comple' "inetic rate equations for *inyl )cetate and its side reaction into HYSYS. Multi Com!ressor macro, a HYSYS macro language file hich automatically creates a multi-stage compressor based on data the user enters into a dialog. "a!idly incor!orate #in$house% !rograms into HYSYS !any companies have invested hundreds of man-hours into developing custom programs to model e'isting unit operations or reactions. !ost simulation programs either do not allo the incorporation of such programs or require the user to translate them to a different language, a time-consuming and error-prone process. /ith HYSYS and OLE Technology, e'isting +O0T0), or - code can be accessed by the e'tension, ensuring consistency ith previous calculations and reducing creation time. )dditionally, the data and calculations used in the e'tension cannot be accessed directly, thus protecting valuable proprietary information. +or e'ample, a ma1or chemical company had an 2in-house3 program that as used to calculate component thermodynamic data, hich then had to be manually entered into their old simulation softare. 4sing the OLE Technology, they ere able to incorporate their e'isting +O0T0), property pac"age code directly into HYSYS, thus eliminating the need for manual data reentry and ensuring both accuracy and consistency. OLE Technology Other e'amples include. &lat'ormer unit operation, hich incorporates a customer5s proprietary +O0T0), 6latformer reactor model into HYSYS to assist in revamps, de- bottlenec"ing, operability and troubleshooting. Ethylene (urnace unit operation, hich incorporates a customer5s proprietary +O0T0), ethylene furnace model into HYSYS for optimization studies. Create custom hy)rid solutions using HYSYS !ost simulation programs are stand-alone and cannot interact ith many, if any, other programs. HYSYS can use OLE )utomation to interact ith other applications 7such as !icrosoft E'cel8 to create poerful hybrid programs that utilize the best capabilities of each application. This enables the user to create custom programs that access the poer of HYSYS directly or build custom front-ends hich enable plant personnel, such as operators, to access the poer of the simulation, hile shielding them from its comple'ity and ensuring the integrity of the process simulation itself. +or e'ample, an E'cel spreadsheet front-end as created for a column that had frequent sings in the feed flo rate. The operator entered the feed stream flo rate and composition into the spreadsheet and pressed an 2Optimize 9etpoints3 button. The feed data ere then transparently sent to a HYSYS simulation of the column, hich calculated the optimal controller setpoints and returned them to the E'cel spreadsheet for the operator to revie. Other e'amples include. "ecycle Loo! E'cel front-end, hich could be used to increase production by determining optimal recycle flo rates and serving as a 2soft sensor3 to allo access to data hich ould otherise be unavailable to operators. &roduct llocation E'cel front-end, hich as used to automatically allocate the product fluids from a gas-processing platform ith mi'ed onership of the ell fluids. (or More *n'ormation +or more information on HYSYS and OLE, or to donload the HYSYS OLE e'amples discussed, please visit the OLE page on the (yprotech eb site at http.::.hyprotech.com:ole.htm.