Seawater Electrolysis For Hydrogen Production
Seawater Electrolysis For Hydrogen Production
Seawater Electrolysis For Hydrogen Production
Gabriela Elena BADEA
, Petru CRET
University of Oradea, Str. Universitii 1, 410087, Oradea, Roumania,,, *Corresponding author
University Spiru Haret from Bucharest and Setko srl, Romania,
A perspective procedure for an environmentally-clean commercial production of hydrogen by seawater as
an in situ utilisation of marine wave generated power is the seawater electrolysis. In this paper original
studies in seawater, using the methods of steady-state polarisation curves and the impedance spectroscopy
were made on Ni.
Keywords:, seawater electrolysis, wave energy, hydrogen, electrochemical kinetics
1. Introduction
We can estimate that in 2050 the energy
demand of energy could be over twice the demand of
year 2010 If the actual developing rate is maintained,
about 3,4%[1,2].It is also estimated that if 0,1% of the
renewable energy stored in the world seas and oceans
will be converted in electric power , the world demand
of energy will be five times covered by this [3].
In the actual energetic context, the proposed
model is based on formulae, considered prioritaire by
the European Community, but also at world level-the
renewable forms of energy. The proposed model deals
with capturing of a larger part from the sea waves
chaotic energy, that means 2/3 of the earth surface and
its direct conversion in electrical energy, in mechanical
and pneumatically energy. A part of this energy could
be used directly in the national electric power systems
or in a world power system, and another part could be
used in situ for hydrogen production.
The technology for producing hydrogen is
based on the renewable energy obtained by capturing
the marine waves energy [4,5], under the form of
electric continuous current and using this one for sea
water electrolysis, less expensive than elsewhere,
because the costs are reduced at the cost of initial
investment and maintenance.
In recent studies, regarding the necessity of
alternative power sources development, researchers are
concerned in obtaining electrical energy from marine
waves and using it in situ for hydrogen generation by
seawater electrolysis. The hydrogen kinetic was also
study on stainless steel in artificial seawater
[6,7]Nickel is a metal widely applied as the cathodic
material in water electrolysis, due to its good catalytic
activity and stability in alkaline media1and also in
neutral solutions, even in seawater[2]. Recently, many
studies were concerned in hydrogen evolution reaction
(HER) on nickel, nickel alloys, NiPtitanium oxide
electrodes in alkaline[8-19] and acid [20] solutions.
About the reaction mechanism, in alkaline
solutions, the mainstream opinion is that atomic
hydrogen is an intermediate product, the HER
following the scheme[8,10,1,15-17]:
In the following is presented the investigation
of kinetics of the hydrogen evolution reaction on Ni
electrode in artificial seawater[8,16-19,21], using the
classical steadystate polarisation curves and
electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The
temperature effect on steady-state polarisation curves is
also investigated.
The used electrode was an working electrode,
made of a sheet of nickel of 99.9% purity with active
area of 2 cm
. Specimens were polished successively
with 1000 and 1200-grade emery paper, washed with
carbon tetrachloride, followed by pickling for 1 minute
in a solution containing 3% HCl and washing with
distilled water. A standard activation was adopted for
all specimens consisting in a cathodic polarisation at
1.2 V/SCE for 1 minute in the studied solution.
The artificial seawater was prepared using
chemically pure reagents and double distilled
water.(table 1). A conventional three-compartment
glass cell was used. Quasi-stationary potentiostatic
curves were recorded with PS 2 potentiostat, by
scanning the electrode potential with 30 mV steps after
1 min. As the current reached about 100 mA, the
direction of potential was reversed (backward scan).
The effect of the temperature was studied by
recording the steady-state polarisation curves of Ni
(forward scan) in the Tafel potential range at: 20, 30,
40, 50 and 60
C, respectively.(Table 2). The ac
impedance measurements were carried out with Bas-
Zahner IM6e potentiostat, controlled by a computer.
Bode diagrams were obtained in the frequency range
from 30 mHz to 50 kHz, at the following constant
potentials: open circuit potential after cathodic
activation of Ni, 1.2 and 1.3 V/SCE.
Table 1
Table 2.
3.Results and discusions
The cathodic polarisation curves, obtained on
Ni electrode at the temperature of 25
C in artificial
seawater at forward and backward scan of the
potential, are shown in Fig. 1.
The values of the exchange current density
are: i
= 2.05x10
and i
= 7.62x10
Figure 1. Polarisation curves for HER from artificial seawater on Ni electrode at 25
1-forward scan, 2- backward scan of potential
Figure 3 shows the polarisation curves for the
HER within Tafel potential region on Ni in artificial
seawater. The Tafel slope values increase with
temperature as was expected, whereas the charge
transfer coefficient decreases (Figure 3).We have
noticed that the exchange current density (i
) of the
HER significantly increases with temperature (Tab. 3).
Thus, at the temperature of 333 K, i
value is about 20
times higher than that obtained at 293 K.
Figure 2- Tafel lines for HER on Ni electrode in artificial seawater at 25
1-forward scan, 2- backward scan of potential
Table 3.
The electrochemical impedance spectra in the
complex plane, as Nyquist diagram and Bode plot,
recorded at various potentials for Ni electrode, are
shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5, respectively. At open
circuit potential (OCP) of 0.373 V/SCE, the
impedance data do not have a shape of a semicircle in
the Nyquist plot (Fig. 4), suggesting a high value of
corrosion resistance of Ni in artificial seawater, as
shown previously.2 The Bode plot (Fig. 5) also
suggests a capacitive behaviour of the Ni electrode at
OCP. The EIS data suggest that, in this potential
region, the Tafel step may be the rate-determining step
of the reaction, due to the slow diffusion of H
to form H
molecule (reaction 3).
Figure 3. Potentiostatic polarisation curves of the HER on Ni in artificial seawater in the Tafel potential
region at the following temperatures: 1-293; 2-303; 3-313;4-323, 5-333 K.
Figure 4. Nyquist diagrams for the HER on Ni
electrode in artificial seawater,recorded at
temperature of 25
C and various potentials
Figure 5. Bode diagrams at Ni electrode in artificial
seawater at 25
The nickel is corrosion resistant both in the
open circuit and by polarizing in the cathodic potential
region. By polarizing at potentials more cathodic than
1.2 V/SCE, the Nyquist and Bode diagrams indicate a
process controlled by charge transfer step (Volmer
step) and by mass transfer of the intermediate reaction
product H
on electrode surface to combine in H
molecules (Tafel step).
A possible new energetic paradigm is based
on the invention Ecological sea electro power station
which is protected by an international copyright
AMPI 205072 and for which was submitted an
invention patent request A/00840/05.10.2004. This
invention was presented as a functional model al the
Invention Saloon from Geneva 2005, Eureka 2005 and
Pittsburgh 2006 and it has received gold medals, cups
and diplomas. In the energetic actual context the
proposed model is oriented towards formulae
considered prioritary both at EU and world level,
respectively of renewable energies[5]
The proposed model deals with capturing of a
larger part from the sea waves chaotic energy, and its
direct conversion in electrical energy, in mechanical
and pneumatically energy and later into electrical
energy and hydrogen. Such an electro power station
may be executed in any ocean or sea, it is able to run
continuously and can provide electrical energy and
hydrogen with no additional fuel consumption.
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