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Electronics Assignments

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Assignments on Basic Electronic
Chapter-1(Basic concepts)
1.The gain of a certain amplifier is 30dB.Express it numerically.
2.An amplifier has a current gain of 60dB and power gain of 50dB.Find its voltage gain.
3.Give an implementation of logic inverter .why it is called so?
4.Draw the spectrum of a periodic squrewave with proper lebels.
5.What is the a signal and system.Difference between analog signal and digital signal.
6.Find the frequencies f and of a sine wave signal with period of 1ms.
7.A signal of 100mV is fed to an amplifier which produces output 8.5 volts.Find its voltage gain in dB.
1.What is virtual ground concept and write the characteristics of
ideal OPAMP.
2.Draw the equivalent model of an ideal OPAMP.
3.Why feedback is used in case of practical OPAMP.
4.What is an operational amplifier?Explain.
5.Find the voltage gain for the fig shown.
6.Derive the relation between CMRR and output voltage.
7. Find the output of the circuit shown on the right side.

8.Find the output of the figure shown in the right

9.For the figure below the reference dc voltage are +12 and -
12 volt and V=0v then find the output for 1v p-p ac input.

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10.Find the values of the resistors so the the circuit provies o/p V
for the circuit shown

11.For the circuit below if the gain is -10,then the value of R i

12.For the ckt determine the current through all resistors if input is 1v.

13.What are the advantage of instrumentation amplifier and also derive the o/p expression.
14.What is the o/p of an integrator and differentiator if a Step i/p is given.

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15.Find the gain for the circuit below.

16.The current i
is if v
is 1.5v.

Chapter-3(Basics of semiconductor and PN junction diodes)
1.What is the cause and effect of the depletion layer in a pn junction diode?
2.Write down four applications of diode.
3.Compare the PIVs of a halfwave rectifier and full wave rectifier.
4.Explain why an inductor and a capacitor can act as filtering components.
5.Implement 2-i/p NAND gate by diode,transistor and resistors.
6. PN junction made up of which material (Si,Ge,GaAs) will have highest thermal stability and why ?
7. Give atleast two examples of semiconductors which are used for LED. Also express why?
8.What is a clipper circuit explain with an example?
9.Define mobility and conductivity of an intrinsicsemiconductor.
10.A diode has a reverse saturation current of 5A at 25
c for a reverse voltage of 20v.Calculate the
reverse resistance.
11.An ideal diode acts like a bistable switch,justify.
12.Explain how diodes are useful in Clamping operation.Draw negative clamping circuit.Find the
relation between the time constant of the circuit and time period of the input signal.What should be
the full discharge time,in terms of the time constant of the circuit,for the capacitor you have used.
13.Explain the diode resistances and load line.

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14.Write the analytic equation for the current which describes both forward and reverse
characterstics of a diode.A silicon diode has a forward voltage drop of 1.2v for a forward dc current
of 100mA.It has a reverse current of 1A for a reverse voltage of 10v.Claculate the bulk and reverse
resistance of the diode.Find the ac resistance at forward dc current of 25 mA.
15. Find the output.

16.Find the output.

17.Find the output.

18. Find the output.

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19.Why Si is preffered over Ge and what are the advantage of semiconductor.
20.Find the output.

21. Two junction diodes (identical) are connected as shown in fig. Find current through and voltage
across diode D
and D
.Given I
=25mV,supply voltage=15V

22. Derive all the parameters of rectifiers.
23. A full wave bridge rectifier with a 120V rms sinusoidal input has a load resistor of 1K .
i)If silicon didodes are applied,what is the d.c voltage available at the load ?
ii)Determine the required PIV rating of each diode.
iii)Find maximum current through each diode during conduction.
iv)What is the power rating for each diode.
24.In the voltage regulator circuit find the power dissipation in the Zener diode.

Chapter-4 (Transistor and Its biasing)
1.Why NPN is preferred over PNP.
2.Why transistor is called so.
3.What is an amplifier.

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4.Why common collector configuration is also called emitter follower. And what is its use.
5.What are the needs of biasing? Write short note on biasing.
6.Define I
and I
. Derive an expression to find the relation between them.
7.Explain the operation of PNP transistor.
8.Explain base width modulation or Early effect.
9.Derive relation among all the current gains.
10.Draw the characteristics of CB and CE configuration.
11. What is the phase relation between all the three configurations.
12.For the circuit shown below Find I
and R

13.Find I
? 14.Find Q point and V

14.Why CE is widely used.Explain.
15.Tabulate the i/p and o/p impendances of all the configurations.
16.Explain transistor as an Amplifier and Switch/Inverter.

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17.Given V
and I
are 12V and 2A respectively when beta is 60 find the value of base and collector

18.For the FIG a and b ,find the Q point. Given beta=100
19.Find the collector if minority current ,current gain and base current in CB configuration are 0.2A
0.9 and 5A respectively.
20.Derive the general expression of stability factor and also find the stability factor value of FIG a
and b of Question no.18.
21.Why fixed bias is called so and comment on its stability.
22.What is over drive factor.
23.How can we find in which region transistor is operating.

Prepared by: Mr.Soumya ranjan panda

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