2750 515-130 en
2750 515-130 en
2750 515-130 en
Product information
2750 515-130 en
This document must not be copied without our written permission, and the
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2750 515-130 en
1 Contents _______________________________________________ 5
2 Features _______________________________________________ 5
3 Basics _________________________________________________ 6
3.1 History ________________________________________________ 6
3.2 Standards ______________________________________________ 6
3.3 Production _____________________________________________ 6
3.4 Electrical stresses ________________________________________ 6
3.5 Mechanical stresses ______________________________________ 6
3.6 Temperature ____________________________________________ 7
3.7 Failing modes ___________________________________________ 7
3.8 Chemicals ______________________________________________ 7
3.9 Replacement ____________________________________________ 7
4 Material properties _______________________________________ 8
5 Testing ________________________________________________ 8
5.1 Tests on the epoxy system _________________________________ 8
5.2 Carry current ___________________________________________ 9
5.3 Insulate ________________________________________________ 9
5.4 Seal and fixate the RIP body to the flange _____________________ 10
5.5 Mechanical loads on condenser body _________________________ 11
5.6 Environmental loads ______________________________________ 12
5.7 Special functional demands ________________________________ 12
2750 515-130 en
2750 515-130 en
1 Contents
1 Contents
This product information provides features and properties of bushings manufactured
with Resin Impregnated Paper as the main inner electrical insulation. Corresponding
information regarding outer silicone rubber insulation of bushings and the interface
between the resin impregnated paper body and the silicone rubber outer insulation are
presented in a separate product information, 2750 515-131.
2 Features
Features and benefits of GSA type solid RIP (Resin Impregnated Paper) bushings:
With a solid RIP bushing the risk for fire is significantly reduced. In addition, the
bushing can be installed in any mounting angle, oil leakage from the bushing together
with monitoring of pressure and oil level are eliminated. Furthermore, the bushing is
rated at a higher temperature class.
Seals the transformer
The sealing of the transformer becomes more simple with fewer interfaces to seal. With
the reduced risk for oil leakage from the transformer the risk for fire is reduced as well.
Non-brittle materials
The design with non-brittle materials increases the protection of people and equipment.
The bushing withstands punch and impact to a much greater extent than oil
impregnated bushings with porcelain insulators. The earthquake withstand is also
Light weight, compact
The GSA bushings with its RIP body weigh less than than comparable oil impregnated
bushings and have a more compact design, thus the GSA bushings are easy to transport
and handle during installation and maintanance of the transformer and require less
space inside the transformer. The low weight as well significantly increases the
earthquake withstand. The materials are chosen to provide the lowest possible life cycle
environmental impact.
Compared to Oil Impregnated Paper bushings, GSA bushings with Resin Impregnated
Paper have the same excellent partial discharge free performance, but the advantage
that there is no need for oil expansion chambers, especially valuable during horizontal
Several hundred thousand OIP bushings are in service today since the middle of the
1950s, and they are by far the most common solution for high and extra high voltages.
RIP bushings are installed in numbers of several tens of thousands since 1960.
Variants of RIP bushings regarding length on the oil-side can easily be designed and
manufactured. The delivery time of such variants is usually shorter than that of their
OIP counterparts.
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3 Basics
3 Basics
3.1 History
Epoxy Resin Impregnated Paper, RIP or ERIP, is an insulating material that has been
used in high voltage bushings and other equipment since 1960.
3.2 Standards
ABB Components GSA-type Resin Impregnated Paper bushings are specified and
tested according to IEC 137 and IEEE C57.19.00/01 in applicable parts.
3.3 Production
A web of crped paper in strips or at full width is wound onto a mandrel or a conductor
to form a condenser body. Conducting inserts, often aluminium foil, are placed at
calculated positions to give a grading of the electric field. This core is heated and dried
and then vacuum impregnated by a liquid plastic which is then heated and cured to form
a void-free completely solid condenser body.
The impregnation medium is a mixture of epoxy resin, hardener and accelerator. The
resin can be a mixture of different epoxy resins to give good processing and service
performance. The hardener can be anhydride hardeners of different descriptions. The
accelerators vary from application to application, and are usually added in small
amounts to modify the curing process.
Mechanically, RIP is in normal service in an almost steel-elastic phase. Above the glass
transition temperature, T
, epoxy comes into a visco-elastic rubbery state. At tempe-
ratures above the glass transition temperature, the mechanical strength and the modulus
of elasticity drops to a fraction of the normal values. T
is in the order of 130 C or
higher for RIP to give adequate margin to the IEC 137 specified maximum temperature
of 120 C. Passing the T
is a reversible process. Material decomposition will occur
first at temperatures above 160 C.
3.4 Electrical stresses
The long term electrical withstand is assured by using a high safety factor between
breakdown voltage stress and service voltage stress. Every bushing is proven to be
partial discharge free at the rated voltage (3 times the normal in-service phase-to-earth
voltage) before leaving ABB Components.
3.5 Mechanical stresses
In order to prevent the long term mechanical creepage of epoxy at elevated temperatu-
res, the design is made with a certain safety factor to the break stress in tension and in
bending. GSA bushings are designed to withstand the maximum allowed service stress
continuously for at least 30 years.
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3 Basics
3.6 Temperature
The working temperature range of RIP is -60 to +120 C. The working temperature
range of the complete bushing is limited to the values specified in the applicable
Technical Guide. The long term stability of the material is proved by testing of samples
under mechanical stress at elevated temperatures.
Thermal runaway is not encountered in GSA bushing if used according to the
limitations in the applicable Technical Guide and IEC 137.
3.7 Failing modes
During external short circuit on the bushing surface, the bushing normally retains its
structural integrity and seals the transformer even after the event. The bushing must be
checked for damage before re-energizing. Vandalism by stone-throwing normally does
not destroy the bushing. The bushing may survive vandalism by gun-fire if the active
part of the condenser body is not hit, and the sealing system is not disturbed. A central
gun-fire hit through the stressed region of the condenser core will probably cause an
electrical breakdown through this channel.
3.8 Chemicals
The epoxy used in GSA bushings has an excellent chemical withstand towards
hydrocarbon oils, water, bases and acids. The epoxy is slightly swelled by long term
immersion in Acetone, Dichlorethylene, Ethylacetate and Butylacetate. Water is
absorbed to an amount of 0,53% per weight at saturation at room temperature. The
epoxy does not influence the transformer oil. The storage procedure and precautions are
described in the applicable Installation and Maintenance Guide.
3.9 Replacement
Different conductor parts can easily be replaced e.g. if a higher current is required. The
bushing itself is manufactured as one integrated part.
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4 Material properties
4 Material properties
RIP is a composite between paper, epoxy and aluminium foil. Since RIP consists of
about 80 % epoxy, the mechanical/electrical/physical behaviour of this composite is
dominated by the epoxy. Typical material properties for GSA Resin Impregnated Paper
are listed in the table below.
Property Value Standard
Colour Brown
Specific gravity 1.27 g/cm
DIN 53479
Tensile strength 88 MPa ISO 527
Elongation at break 2.5 % ISO 527
Dielectric constant (50 Hz) 3.9 Bushing tests IEC 137
Dissipation factor (tan d 50 Hz) < 0.005 Bushing tests IEC 137
Modulus of elasticity 4.8 GPa ISO 527
Temperature expansion coefficient 4510
Thermal conductivity 0.26 W/mK ASTM C177-85
Glass transition temperature 139 C DSC
5 Testing
The GSA bushings and sub-systems including its different materials have been
thoroughly tested according to the sub clauses below. Specific tests on silicone rubber
and the interface to RIP are presented in the product information regarding silicone
rubber, 2750 515-131. The tests except 4.1. Tests on the epoxy system are divided in
the main functions of the GSA bushing.
5.1 Tests on the epoxy system
The epoxy system and its components have passed full testing according to standards
DIN 16 945 Reaktionsharze, Reaktionsmittel und Reaktionsharzmassen and
DIN 16 946 Teil 1 Giessharzformstoffe - Prfverfahren as well as additional
internally specified material testing.
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5 Testing
5.2 Carry current
Operating current, solid conductor
Test Object Standard/ Method
Temperature Rise Test GSA52-OA/2000/0 IEC 137
Temperature Rise Test GSA73-OA/2000/0.5 IEC 137
Temperature Rise Test GSA123-OA/1600/0 IEC 137
Temperature Rise Test GSA170-OA/1600/0.5 IEC 137
Temperature Rise Test GSA73-AA/4000 IEC 137
Temperature Rise Test GSA52-OA/1250/0 IEC 137
Temperature Rise Test GSA145-OA/1250/0 IEC 137
Temperature Rise Test GSA123-AA/2000 IEC 137
Operating current, draw lead
Test Object Standard/ Method
Temperature Rise Test, 740 mm
GSA170-OA/1600/0.5 IEC 137
Temperature Rise Test, 185 mm
GSA170-OA/1600/0.5 IEC 137
Short-circuit current
Test Object Standard/ Method
Dynamic current +
thermal short time curr. GSA170-OA/1600/0.5 IEC 137
Calculation of short-circuit forces Whole assortment IEC 137
Calculation of thermal short time curr. Each conductor type IEC 137
5.3 Insulate
Operating voltage, long time
Test Object Standard/ Method
1000 h salt fog test, 10 g/m
GSA52-OA/1250/0, 2 pc. IEC 1109
1000 h salt fog test, 1 g/m
GSA52-OA/1250/0, 2 pc. IEC 1109
5000 h environmental test, 14 kV AC GSA24-OA/1250/0 IEC 1109
5000 h environmental test, 14 kV DC GSA24-OA/1250/0 IEC 1109
2 years test operation at DITS
, 84 kV GSA123-OA/1250/0 -
2 years test operation at DITS, 84 kV GSA145-OA/1250/0 -
Test of performance with thawing ice layer GSA170-OA/1600/0.5
Determination of tan =f(t), C1=f(t)
1 Dungeness Insulation Test Station, operated by NGC at the English channel coast.
2 Coating insulator with 10 mm ice and measuring of tan and leakage current along insulator during thawing.
3 Tan and C1 as a function of temperature.
4 Measuring of tan and C1 during temperature cycling in the interval -60..+120 C
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5 Testing
Over voltages
Test Object Standard/ Method
Dielectric withstand test GSA52-OA/2000/0 IEC 137/ IEEE C57.19.00/01-1991
Dielectric withstand test GSA73-OA/2000/0.5 IEC 137/ IEEE C57.19.00/01-1991
Dielectric withstand test GSA123-OA/1600/0 IEC 137/ IEEE C57.19.00/01-1991
Dielectric withstand test GSA170-OA/1600/0.5 IEC 137/ IEEE C57.19.00/01-1991
Dielectric withstand test GSA73-AA/4000 IEC 137/ IEEE C57.19.00/01-1991
Dielectric withstand test GSA123-AA/2000 IEC 137/ IEEE C57.19.00/01-1991
Dielectric limit test GSA52-OA/1250/0
Dielectric limit test GSA145-OA/1250/0
Potential connection
Test Object Standard/ Method
Temp. cycling +
measuring contact resistance Conductive glue joints 10 cycles +20..-60..+120..+20 C
5.4 Seal and fixate the RIP body to the flange
Test Object Standard/ Method
Temperature cycling, flange sealing Test specimens 10 cycles +20..-55 C
Ageing test, flange sealing Test specimens 1000 h at +120 C + cycl. as above
Determination of lower temp. limit Test specimens Cooling to < -40 C until leakage
Axial strength of glue joint
Test Object Standard/ Method
Axial mechanical strength at room t. Test specimens -
Axial mechanical strength at -55 C Test specimens -
Axial mechanical strength at 0 C Test specimens -
Axial mechanical strength at 90 C Test specimens -
Axial mechanical strength at 120 C Test specimens -
Temperature cycling, flange fixation Test specimens
Ageing test, flange fixation Test specimens
Twist strength of glue joint
Test Object Standard/ Method
Twist strength at room temperature Test specimens -
Temperature, cycling flange fixation Test specimens
Ageing test, flange fixation Test specimens
5 Increasing and decreasing voltage several times in order to find mean value for sparkover,U
, and scatter.
6 10 cycles +20..-55..+115..+20 C and then measuring of axial strength at +20 C
7 1000 h at +120 C and then measuring of axial strength at +20 C
8 10 cycles +20..-55..+115..+20 C and then measuring of twist strength at +20 C
9 1000 h at +120 C and then measuring of twist strength at +20 C
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5 Testing
5.5 Mechanical loads on condenser body
Cyclic load
Test Object Standard/ Method
Cyclic bending 2 x 10 000 cycles GSA52-OA/1250/0
Cyclic bending 2 x 10 000 cycles GSA170-OA/1600/0 As above
Static load
Test Object Standard/ Method
Static bending test GSA170-OA/1600/0.5 IEC 137
Static bending test GSA73-OA/1600/0.5 IEC 137
Static bending test GSA73-AA/4000 IEC 137
Acoustic emission during bending at 20 C GSA52-OA/1250/0 -
Acoustic emission during bending at 90 C GSA52-OA/1250/0 -
Acoustic emission during bending at -40 C GSA52-OA/1250/0 -
Bending limit test GSA52-OA/1250/0, 3 pc. -
Bending test with strain gauge GSA170-OA/1600/ IEC 1462 Ed. 1,
March 1995
Bending test with strain gauge GSA73-OA/2000/ IEC 1462 Ed. 1,
March 1995
Determination of pull strength Test specimens RIP ISO 527
Pull strength at different process parameters Test specimens RIP ISO 527
Test Object Standard/ Method
Full scale vibration test GSA170-OA/1600/0.5 IEC 1463
Vibration response investigation GSA170-OA/1600/0.5 IEC 1463
Vibration response investigation GSA52-OA/2000/0 IEC 1463
Calculation of earthquake strength Whole assortment IEC 1463
10 Load equal to maximum service load of current bushing. Measuring of deflection at top and lower end of bushing.
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5 Testing
5.6 Environmental loads
In order to ensure that the GSA bushings withstands any relevant environmental load
affecting the bushing during its lifetime, tests are carried out both on SIR, RIP and
sealing system. The table below shows tests carried out on RIP with respect to
environmental loads. Environmental testing on silicone rubber and on the interface to
RIP are presented in the silicone rubber product information.
Test Object Standard/ Method
Determination. of diffusion properties of RIP Test specimen RIP -
Effect of longtime storage in humid environm. GSA52-OA/2000/0 Routine test after
storage, IEC 137
Effect of storage in water GSA52-OA/2000/0 Routine test after
storage, IEC 137
Test of water absorption in RIP Test specimen RIP IEC 1462
Determination of lower temperature limit GSA123-OA/1600/0 Bending during
cooling to -60 C
Determination of UV radiation durability, RIP Test specimen RIP Radiation + test of
mechanical prop.
Determination of chemical durability, RIP Test specimen RIP Exposure + test of
mechanical prop.
Hydrolysis of RIP Test specimen RIP VDE 0441 Teil 1
5.7 Special functional demands
Shall not cause fire
Test Object Standard/ Method
Test of flammability, RIP Test specimen RIP UL 94
Have a non-shattering failure mode
Test Object Standard/ Method
Vandalism GSA52-OA/2000/0 Throw brick on bushing
Be maintenance-free
Test Object Standard/ Method
Summary of maint. and environm. demands Calculation
Allow safe installation on site
Test Object Standard/ Method
Failure mode and effect analysis Bushing design Classic FMEA
Test assembly solid + pull through conductor GSA bushing -
Not cause hazardous environmental impact
Test Object Standard/ Method
Product life cycle analysis Bushing design Classic LCA analysis
Process LCA Manufacturing process Classic LCA analysis
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ABB Power Technology Products AB
Visiting address: Lyviksvgen 10
Postal address: SE-771 80 Ludvika, SWEDEN
Tel.+46 240 78 20 00
Fax +46 240 121 57
E-mail: sales@se.abb.com