Titanium-A New Metal For The Aerospace Age
Titanium-A New Metal For The Aerospace Age
Titanium-A New Metal For The Aerospace Age
M O N D A Y, A P R I L 2 6 , 2 0 1 0 ABOUT ME
AGE Metallurgical Engineering, work
history-Westinghouse Atomic Power,
Charles R. Simcoe Battelle, Armour Research
Foundation, Simonds Steel,
University at Buffalo
TITANIUM is familiar to many Americans in consumer VI EW M Y C O M P LET E P R O FI LE
items. It is available in jewelry, wristwatches, golf clubs,
eyeglass frames, bicycle and auto engine parts,
handguns, and even batteries for cameras. A growing LINKS
application is in the biomedical field where it is used in
prosthetic knee and hip joints. The most spectacular use Google News
may be for the architectural covering of the new Edit-Me
Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain designed by Frank Edit-Me
O. Gehry. These consumer uses were not anticipated in
the late 1940s and the 1950s when titanium was seen as
a future structural material for defense applications. PREVIOUS POSTS
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great resistance to corrosion was discovered, this further CHAPTER FIVE THE HISTORY OF
enhanced the uses for which titanium could be unique. It ALLOY STEELS ...
seemed to be the ultimate answer for a strong,
lightweight, corrosion-resistant metal for numerous
structural designs. ARCHIVES
April 2010
These advantages looked promising in the late 1940s
and early 1950s to a military on the cutting edge of
developing jet engines, supersonic aircraft, missiles, and
lighter-weight trucks, tanks, landing craft, and other
hardware for the cold war and the Korean Conflict. The
problem was the lack of an industry for producing
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Kroll had some financial help for this research from the
German firm of Siemens and Halske. When they lost
interest in supporting the work, Kroll obtained control of
the foreign patent rights and invested his own funds to
continue development in his private laboratory. By 1938
he had produced 50 pounds of metal. He made a second
trip to the United States to again generate interest in his
work. He visited major American corporations; including
General Electric Corporation, Westinghouse Electric
Company, International Nickel Company, and Union
Carbide Corporation. He also visited a former classmate
from the Royal Institute of Technology an American
named Samuel Hoyt who was a Metallurgical Manager at
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At about the same time that the Air Force work was
underway, Kennecott Copper Company contracted a
program at the Armour Research Foundation (ARF) in
Chicago. ARF had been formed in the late 1930s to
perform research for industry similar to Battelle. ARF,
however, was affiliated with the Illinois Institute of
Technology in Chicago and did not conduct research in
metallurgy until after WWII.
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