Croc Tales 6
Croc Tales 6
Croc Tales 6
New Rules:
Satyrs & Minotaurs!
The Prestige Campaign
for WarGods of gyptus
Gen Con Write-up:
World Campaign Finale
& Painting Contest
editors corner
From the Editor:
Coming Soon:
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GenCon 2010
enCon Indy 2010 was a busy weekend for the Croc Team, with
a painting competition, the finale of the World Campaign, four
days of demos, and on top of it all, a sales-booth to run! We
managed to make it through all four days, and we had lots of fun
along the way if you didnt make it to the show, or if you did and
just want a reminder, what follows is a recap of the Croc-related
The Croc Booth was staffed this year by Cathy, Debs, and Fitz,
with demo help by Carlos Fernandez, Clarke Payne, and Tony Rodgers. The first two days we spent running demos of WarGods of
gyptus, WarGods of Olympus, and the latest version of WarGods
Skirmish. Participants even earned a coupon for a free mini back at
the booth, just for taking part!
And speaking of miniatures, we had our annual Croc painting
competition at the show. There were plenty of great entries, which
made the judging very difficult. A big thanks goes out to all the
entrants, and a hearty congratulation goes out to all the winners.
Heres a list of the winners, and a few photos as well:
For more photos of this years painting contest, visit our website.
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This years World Campaign was The Quest for the Golden Fleece,
which began in May and concluded at GenCon in August. The quest
took the participants all across the WarGods world, starting in the
deserts of gyptus, then moving to the islands of Olympus, and
finally descending into the dark Underworld and beyond, gathering clues to the location of the Golden Fleece all along the way. At
the start of finale, the participants had discovered that the Fleece
had been stolen by Echidna, the Mother of All Monsters, and hidden away in her vast caverns to lure them there to feed her many
monstrous children! The players warbands would have to enter the
Caves of Echidna and defeat her children in order to recover the
Golden Fleece!
The finale was fought in two rounds, the first was a series of headto-head battles between two warbands, the second round was essentially a boss fight with the players being able to send only a limited
number of characters to the fight, depending on how well they did
in the first battle.
Heres a list of all of the participants in the first round, their warbands, and who they were paired against:
Table 1: Joe Gois (Okparakori the Ominous, Harbinger of Anubis)
Clarke Payne (Nabchukh the Nefarious, Dark Harbinger of the Eater
of the Dead)
Table 2: Bob Bartels (Renheb the Sandstorm, Harbinger of Horus)
Rob Proscia (Rakash the Deceiver, Harbinger of Set)
Table 3: Timothy Pray (Seti-Kadir the Trophy Hunter, Dark Harbinger of the Eater of the Dead)
Carlos Fernandez (Suk-Alhamet the Vengeful. Harbinger of Set)
Table 4: Tony Rodgers (Nebkemi the Jackal of Darkness, Dark Harbinger of the Eater of the Dead)
David Williams (Nikomedes, Mycenaean Demigod son of Hades)
Table 5: Vic Thorez (Kek-Nkosi, Dark Harbinger of the Eater of
the Dead)
Adam Hughes (Adamikos, Mycenaean Demigod son of Zeus)
Table 6: Bryan Steele (Xanamun the Unholy, Dark Harbinger of the
Eater of the Dead)
Joe Moles (Oba-Mbizi, King of the Water, Harbinger of Sobek)
During the initial battles in the outer Caves of Echidna, the warbands had to use their clues to decode an ancient runestone, which
revealed the secrets to defeating the monstrous offspring of Echidna
that dwelled in the caves. Once the runestones were decoded, the
guardian monsters were unleashed upon the warbands, and they
had to use all their strength and wits to defeat them. The spawn of
Echidna were a variety of frightful monsters from Fitz collection,
including chimeras, a slime monster, an amorphous blob with one
hundred wounds, a giant insect-like thing, and a huge, fire-breathing
winged bull. Three of the Harbingers were slain in the initial battle:
Rakash the Deceiver was slain by Renheb the Sandstorm, Suk-Alhamet the Vengeful was slain by Seti-Kadir the Trophy Hunter, and
Oba-Mbizi the King of the Water (Harbinger of Sobek) was slain by
Xanamun the Unholy. The winners of each battle were able to send
two characters into the central cave, where the final guardian of the
Golden Fleece awaited them. The defeated warbands were not out
of the battle though, for they were each allowed to send one character to the final showdown. The players chose their champions, and
the final round began.
The players prepare for battle. The battlefields represent the Caves of Echidna, each of the large caves the lair of an unspeakable monster!
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Okparakori the Harbinger of Anubis & his Shadow Warriors carry a fiery pot towards the Hydra, an attack that was a spectacular success!
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Parting Shot
The Satyrs are experts at fighting while on the run, and may attempt
a special type of Evade. Before the Satyrs make an Evade attempt,
they may take a parting shot at the enemy that is attacking them,
providing the enemy is within the Satyrs forward field of fire at the
start of their movement, and the range difficulty is measured from
this farthest point. The Parting Shot is made at a penalty of 1 to
the Satyrs Missile Rating. The Satyrs must then make their Evade
roll, and they suffer a penalty of 1 to their Discipline Rating on the
attempt. Even if the Satyrs manage to kill or rout their opponents,
they must continue with the Evade attempt.
n the deep forests of Arcadia dwell the Satyrs, mortal descendants of the goat-legged god Pan. They are unruly creatures
with little social decorum, concerned only with the pursuit of
pleasure in its many forms: wine, women, and song. Some strong
Demigods with an affinity with the beings of the forest have been
known to convince them to join their cause, mainly for their reputation as the finest archers in Hellas. However, the Satyrs are notoriously cowardly, lacking any form of military discipline, and are
unlikely to fight unless cornered by an enemy or if they have their
enemy greatly outnumbered.
Special Rules:
Special: Satyrs ignore movement penalties from Woods, Forest and Jungle.
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Unique Specialist
its eyes burn malicious cunning that no bovine possesses, and its
slavering mouth possesses sharp tusk-like teeth for the ripping and
tearing of flesh. Most imposing are the massive horns that crown
his monstrous head, wider than the arm-span of man, and capable of
smashing aside any defense.
Special Rules:
Weapons: Variable
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Content & Imagery Copyright Crocodile Games 2009, 2010, All Rights Reserved
The Butcher has stolen the a sacred Canopic Jar, and plans to use the contents to season his stew can the Anubi stop him in time?
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scour the land for the Spear of Set, perhaps the only weapon that can
defeat the powerful Harbinger of Aten.
The Heresy of Aten provides a background to the games in the
form of a religious civil war. All players must choose sides, are they
with Akhenaton or against him? It has a definite story arc in that
the players seek to either topple Akhenaton or aid him (perhaps supplant him?). Theres a story hook in that all sides seek one or more
mystical elements. Finally, it has a definite ending. Any player at
any time may challenge Akhenaton and his mighty warband. This
brave move is dangerous because Akhenaton is a fairly powerful
Harbinger (Ka Rating of 4-7, at the start of the campaign). His
actual warband size and Ka Rating isnt set in stone because when
the campaign wraps up, I will simply match it appropriately with
the challenger.
Its alive! Its alive!
(Now how to keep it that way)
So youve put together a campaign, now how do you keep it going? The first thing to understand is that you must be willing to
be there every game night. You are a combination of cheerleader,
coach, storyteller, and ringer. The Game Master must put out the
word via email that the WarGods campaign is going on. The key
to the Prestige Campaign is that its designed to get started with 3-4
people and other people can jump on board mid-stream. So you
have to publicize this fact and always welcome new people. New
players have a tendency to want to jump onboard once a campaign
is underway, and this should be encouraged new blood will keep
the games exciting.
Once people are there, get people matched up. If everyone in the
group are fast friends, then great, but when they arent introduce
them and suggest that Tom play Jim. If some match-up looks cool,
maybe a classic Typhon vs. Heru battle that plays well into the campaign, then suggest it. Once the battles are over, record the results,
noting any new Ka, or Renown, or Prestige Ability.
Finally, if theres an odd number of players, then its time for you
to pull out your warband and play as a ringer. In other situations,
its time for the major villain, such as Akhenaton, to make an appearance.
The Last Rule: The Show Must Go On (and off)
The Heresy of Aten is well underway. The Khemru player, his Harbinger seduced by Akhenatons promises, has found the Double
Crown after a fierce battle. The Harbinger of Aten already has the
Flail of Mastery and Crook of Command. Meanwhile, a loyal Typhon Harbinger has the Spear of Set and has tracked the Khemru
Harbinger. The stage is set for a climactic battle that will decide the
fate of gyptus.
And then the Khemru player moves away. Or gets a new job.
Or gets married. Or whatever. The point is hes gone. What now?
Well, the show must go on. You as Game Master have to step in and
resolve the situation. Perhaps the Khemru Harbinger was ambushed
by a warband of Basti brigands and struck down. The Basti Harbinger does not recognize the crown and leaves it in the sand. Now the
race is on between all sides to recover the crown which is hidden in
the wreckage and detritus of a battlefield, making for a great search
and rescue type mission.
The point is that no one or two people should hold up the campaign. If they cant make it, make a call that moves the campaign
along and politely explain it to the person when you get the chance.
You can make it up to them by keeping them in the running so to
speak by featuring them in a pivotal future scenario.
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The Mechanics
In the first part of this article, I pontificated all about how to run a
WarGods of Aegyptus campaign that is as easy to play as a regular
game night. Now, well talk about the mechanics of how to keep
track of victories, defeats, and casualties while still allowing everyone to play what amounts to one-off games. The Prestige Campaign
is an alternative to the campaign system presented in the WarGods
of Aegyptus Rulebook. The Prestige Campaign departs from the
system in the main rulebook in three ways:
First, the Prestige Campaign removes the Reinforcements section
where players gain additional troops when they gain Renown and
replaces it with a constant schedule of increases. This way, rather
than some players gaining 150 pts. with every victory and thus having mismatched armies, everyone plays at the same point level and
then increases at the same point level. This allows players to play
one-off games easier and allows new players to enter the campaign.
Second, the Prestige Campaign allows players to trade Renown
Points in for Victory Points for Casualty Buy-Back on a 1-to-1 basis.
In most games, a loss means that a player will only have 2 Victory Points at most, and thus be able to buy back only 20% of the
armys total point value. This usually means the loser doesnt get
back all of his losses. Combined with the Reinforcements system, if
two players play a 1,000 point game, the winner walks away with a
1,150 point warband and the loser with an 800 point warband.
Losing Renown is still a very bad thing, however, so a loss hurts
but a player isnt crippled. Converting Renown represents the Harbinger drafting commoners into duty or hiring mercenaries. His
glory and honor are tarnished but his warband is at full strength so
he can redeem himself.
Third, the Prestige Campaign provides bonuses to players who
earn Renown. Without the Reinforcement system, Renown is
meaningless. So there are benefits, called Prestige Abilities, added
to gaining Renown which encourages players to earn and keep their
Renown. As players lose Renown or trade it in for Victory Points,
they lose the Prestige Abilities as well.
The Basti have poisoned the water supply of the oasis, and Dargu Ra demands vengeance!
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The 5 Steps
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The player rolls a d10 and adds the Harbingers Ka Rating to determine which Prestige Ability he receives.
Prestige Ability
Ancient Heirloom
Inspiring Presence
Artisans Patronage
Faithful Lieutenants
Healers Balm
Protector of gyptus
Blessed by Amun
Players Choice
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A Harbinger of Horus
prepares to enter the tomb
in search of the legendary
Flail of Mastery the vile
Nekharu are but the first
of the guardians he will
have to face.
The Nekharu make classic bad guys for your
WarGods of gyptus
games. They are sneaky,
completely depraved, and
constantly trying to bring
down the good guys -exactly what you want for
your villains!
Protector of gpytus: Whether Famous or Infamous, the Harbinger has earned the name Protector as he defends the land from attack
froom foreign menaces. Cities, priests, merchants, nobles all seek
his aid on important quests. In any mission where there is some
quest such as retrieving an item or capturing something important or
stopping a ritual, the player can choose to be Attacker or Defender.
In missions without a quest, such as pitched battles or ambushes,
the player doe not get to choose. If something is unclear, consult
the Game Master.
* * *
removed as a casualty, the player only has to spend half the Harbingers cost in points to buy him back.
So there you have it, the Prestige Campaign system spelled out
in 5 easy steps (okay, so Step 3 was a bit hefty). The hope is that
this system will allow players to have the best of all worlds: nocommitment pick-up games and the strategic element of campaign
play. Go out and give it a try!
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