John Dowland Songs

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John Dowland Songs

Text Translations
Come Again
Come again!
Sweet love doth now invite
Thy Graces that refrain
To do me due delight
To see, to hear, to touch, to kiss, to die
With thee again in sweetest symathy!
Come again!
That " may cease to mourn
Through thy unkind disdain!
#or now left and forlorn
" sit, " sigh, " wee, " faint, " die
"n deadly ain and endless misery!
Gentle $ove,
Draw forth thy wounding dart,
Thou canst not ierce her heart!
#or ", that do arove
%y sighs and tears more hot than are thy shafts,
Did temt, while she for triumh laughs!
Fine Knacks for Ladies
#ine knacks for ladies,
Chea, choice, &rave, and new,
Good enniworths &ut money cannot move!
" kee a faire &ut for the faire to view,
' &eggar may &e li&erall of $ove!
Though all my wares &e trash,
The heart is true!
Great gifts are guiles,
'nd look for gifts again,
(y tri)es come as treasures from my mind!
"t is a recious *ewel to &e laine
Sometimes in shell the orient+s earls we ,nd!
-f others take a sheaf,
-f me a grain!
Within this ack, ins,
.oints, laces and gloves,
'nd divers toys ,tting a country fair,
%ut my heart, wherein duty serves and loves,
Turtles and twins, court+s &rood, a heavenly air!
/ay the heart that thinks
-f no removes!
Awake Sweet Love
'wake, sweet love, thou art returned, "f she esteem
the now aught worth,
(y heart, which long in a&sence mourned, She will
not grieve thy love henceforth,
$ives now in erfect *oy! Which so desair hath roved!
$et love, which never a&sent dies, Desair hath roved now in me,
0ow live for ever in her eyes, That love will not unconstant &e,
Whence came my ,rst annoy! Though long in vain " loved!
-nly herself hath seemed fair, "f she at last reward thy love,
She only " could love, 'nd all thy harms reair,
She only drove me to desair, Thy hainess will sweeter rove,
When she unkind did rove! 1aised u from dee desair!
Desair did make me wish to die, 'nd if that now thou welcome &e,
That " my *oys might end2 When thou with her dost meet,
She only, which did make me )y, She all this while &ut layed with
(y state may now amend! To make thy *oys more sweet!
Come Away, Come Sweet Love
Come away, come sweet love, Come away, come
sweet love,
The golden morning &reaks! Do not in vain adorn
'll the earth, all the air, %eauty+s grace that
should rise,
-f love and leasure seaks! $ike to the naked
Teach thine arms then to em&race, $illies on the river+s
'nd sweet rosy lis to kiss, 'nd fair Cyrian
)ow+rs new &lown,
'nd mix our souls in mutual &liss! Desire no &eauties &ut
their own!
3yes were made for a &eauty+s grace, -rnament is nurse of
4iewing, rueing love+s long ain, .leasure, measure,
love+s delight2
.rocured &y &eauty+s rude disdain! /aste then, sweet love,
our wished )ight!
Come away, come sweet love,
The golden morning wastes,
While the sun from his shere,
/is ,ery arrows casts2
(aking all the shadows )y,
.laying, staying in the grove,
To entertain the stealth of love!
Thither sweet love let us hie,
#lying dying, in desire,
Winged with sweet hoes and heav+nly ,re!

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