The main objective of supporting conferences and professional meetings is to promote research within KFUPM that leads to increased production of quality research and innovative ideas through the following: 1. Promote KFUPM’s existing research and scholarly programs 2. Help faculty members to exchange ideas on a global platform with internationally renowned scholars and researchers. It is therefore essential to emphasize the importance on the part of the faculty members to select to attend well organized reputable international conferences, which will allow them an opportunity to interact with internationally well renowned scholars and academicians as well as researchers in their areas of specialization. The University supports faculty members to attend conferences with a strong preference to those applying to attend international conferences. The University also supports active faculty members to attend carefully selected regional conferences. Their contribution to such events will illuminate the presence of KFUPM regionally.
The main objective of supporting conferences and professional meetings is to promote research within KFUPM that leads to increased production of quality research and innovative ideas through the following: 1. Promote KFUPM’s existing research and scholarly programs 2. Help faculty members to exchange ideas on a global platform with internationally renowned scholars and researchers. It is therefore essential to emphasize the importance on the part of the faculty members to select to attend well organized reputable international conferences, which will allow them an opportunity to interact with internationally well renowned scholars and academicians as well as researchers in their areas of specialization. The University supports faculty members to attend conferences with a strong preference to those applying to attend international conferences. The University also supports active faculty members to attend carefully selected regional conferences. Their contribution to such events will illuminate the presence of KFUPM regionally.
The main objective of supporting conferences and professional meetings is to promote research within KFUPM that leads to increased production of quality research and innovative ideas through the following: 1. Promote KFUPM’s existing research and scholarly programs 2. Help faculty members to exchange ideas on a global platform with internationally renowned scholars and researchers. It is therefore essential to emphasize the importance on the part of the faculty members to select to attend well organized reputable international conferences, which will allow them an opportunity to interact with internationally well renowned scholars and academicians as well as researchers in their areas of specialization. The University supports faculty members to attend conferences with a strong preference to those applying to attend international conferences. The University also supports active faculty members to attend carefully selected regional conferences. Their contribution to such events will illuminate the presence of KFUPM regionally.
The main objective of supporting conferences and professional meetings is to promote research within KFUPM that leads to increased production of quality research and innovative ideas through the following: 1. Promote KFUPM’s existing research and scholarly programs 2. Help faculty members to exchange ideas on a global platform with internationally renowned scholars and researchers. It is therefore essential to emphasize the importance on the part of the faculty members to select to attend well organized reputable international conferences, which will allow them an opportunity to interact with internationally well renowned scholars and academicians as well as researchers in their areas of specialization. The University supports faculty members to attend conferences with a strong preference to those applying to attend international conferences. The University also supports active faculty members to attend carefully selected regional conferences. Their contribution to such events will illuminate the presence of KFUPM regionally.
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Deanship of Scientific Research Conference Attendance Regulations & Criteria 1
Section 1: Objective The main objective of supporting conferences and professional meetings is to promote research within KFUPM that leads to increased production of quality research and innovative ideas through the following: 1. Promote KFUPMs existing research and scholarly programs 2. Help faculty members to exchange ideas on a global platform with internationally renowned scholars and researchers. It is therefore essential to emphasize the importance on the part of the faculty members to select to attend well organized reputable international conferences, which will allow them an opportunity to interact with internationally well renowned scholars and academicians as well as researchers in their areas of specialization. The University supports faculty members to attend conferences with a strong preference to those applying to attend international conferences. The University also supports active faculty members to attend carefully selected regional conferences. Their contribution to such events will illuminate the presence of KFUPM regionally.
Note: The academic year starts on the reporting date as declared annually by the Deanship of Faculty & Personnel Affairs and ends one day before the announced reporting date of the next academic year.
Section 2: International Conferences The total number of conferences to be attended by a faculty member is three international conferences (on the basis of paper presentation, high quality journal publication and approved on-going funded project). They are listed as follows: 1. First conference is based on paper presentation, a keynote speech or journal publication. 2. Second conference is based on an ISI Journal publication. 3. Third conference is based on paper presentation related to ongoing or recently completed University-funded research project provided that a conference attendance item is allocated in the project approved budget and the project is specifically acknowledged in the paper.
Note: A faculty member can replace one of the above international conferences with a regional one, provided that he has a paper presentation in the conference in addition to a high quality Journal publication
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Deanship of Scientific Research Conference Attendance Regulations & Criteria 2
In order to guarantee the University support to attend high-quality international conferences, the following criteria are considered when evaluating international conference applications.
Section 2.1: The Paper
1. Attendance based on paper presentation 1. The acceptance of the Presented Paper can be based on (1) full-length paper, (2) extended abstract / summary or (3) paper abstract. An evidence of a standard review process would significantly help in the decision-making for the conference support. However, if a faculty member applies to attend a conference based on an invitation as a keynote speaker, he should submit along with his conference application request, a letter of invitation from the conference organizers. 2. The full length paper should accompany the documents submitted for conference support. 3. The topic of the presented paper should be of high relevance to the themes and topics of the conference.
2. Attendance based on a published paper 1. The Journal Paper should have a publishing date less than two years from the actual date of the conference. 2. It should be published in a high quality journal.
3. Attendance based on University Funded Research project 1. The application to attend the international conference must be based on presented paper that is related to the University-funded research project 2. The conference date is within the research project duration or beyond its completion date but not later than 6 (six) months from the completion date of the final report as listed in the project proposal, or the approved duration extensions for the project. 3. The presented paper should be based upon the outcomes of the research project. 4. The research Project grant reference number and support should be explicitly mentioned in the acknowledgment.
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Deanship of Scientific Research Conference Attendance Regulations & Criteria 3
4. Attendance based on Extenally Funded Research project 1. The application to attend the international conference must be based on presented paper that is related to the Externally-funded research project. 2. The conference date is within the research project duration or beyond its completion date but not later than 6 (six) months from the completion date of the final report as listed in the project proposal, or the approved duration extensions for the project. 3. The research Project grant reference number and support should be explicitly mentioned in the acknowledgment. 4. The projects budget should have an allocation for conference attendance. Faculty members and researchers attending conferenes based on All Externally Funded Project such as NSTIP, KACST-TIC, Contractual projects and others, will be provided with the following remunerations: 1. An Economy class round trip ticket from Dammam to the conference destination provided the Project is active or recently concluded in addition to containing the required fund allocation in the projects budget. 2. The Extra number of per diem days (in additions to the actual conference days) will be allotted as per Table 3.3. 3. The maximum conference registration fee reimbursement would be 1000$.
Section 2.2: The Conference 1. The conference should be scientifically sound and priority will be given to conferences with recorded history and a declared international scientific committee. 2. There should be clear evidence of review process of submitted papers. 3. The conference should be sponsored by reputed international organizations and/or agencies. 4. The conference topics should be well-defined with focused themes. 5. The rating of the conference quality by the department chairman should be at least very good along with strong justifications to his rating
Section 3: Regional Conferences Faculty members can replace the international conference by a regional scientifically sound conference once every year under the following conditions: 1. Attendance is based on paper presentation plus high quality Journal publication published within two years prior to the date of the conference provided that this paper is not utilized for another conference attendance. 2. The full length paper should accompany the documents submitted for conference support.
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Deanship of Scientific Research Conference Attendance Regulations & Criteria 4 3. The topic of the paper should be of high relevance to the themes and topics of the conference.
Definition: A Regional Conference is a conference held in one of the regions 0 to C as defined in Table 3.2.
Section 3.1: The Paper 1. The application to attend regional conferences should be based on presented paper provided that the applicant has, in addition, at least one high quality journal publication within the past two years from the starting date of the conference that is not utilized for another conference. 2. The paper presentation should be based on acceptance of the full-length paper, abstract or summary. An evidence of a standard review process should be provided 3. The full length paper should accompany the documents submitted for conference support. In exceptional cases, the paper presentation can be considered a substitute for the full length paper in case of reputable industrial oriented (sponsored by industry) conferences to promote collaboration with industry. 4. The topic of the paper should be of high relevance to the themes and topics of the conference.
Section 3.2: The Conference 1. The conference should be scientifically sound, preferably with recorded history, as explained in 1.2 (point #1) above. 2. Evidence of acceptance based on a review process should be provided. 3. The conference should be sponsored by reputed scientific/academic organizations/institutions and agencies. 4. The conference topics should be well-defined with focused scope . 5. The rating of the conference quality by the department chairman should be very good to excellent along with strong justifications to his rating
Section 4: General Considerations (Applicable To All Cases) 1. Conference Blackout Dates are the dates during which Faculty will not be allowed to attend conferences. These periods are as per Table 3.1. 2. The appropriate affiliation of the University in the abstract, the full-length paper, or in the published journal paper is a prerequisite for considering any conference attendance application. The University should be exclusively acknowledged in full with project number in case of paper resulting from University funded project. 3. The number of attendees from the same department to the same conference may be
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Deanship of Scientific Research Conference Attendance Regulations & Criteria 5 limited during teaching period. This will be decided on a conference-by-conference basis considering the number of applicants compared to the total faculty in the department as well as the total number of approved applications to that conference university-wide. Priority will be given to applicants who applied first. 4. Frequent attendance of applicants to the conferences held in their own countries of origin is not expected and shall be discouraged. 5. It is expected that complete online conference applications from Faculty members be received in the Conference Office, the Deanship of Scientific Research at least (45) forty-five working days prior to the conference commencement date. Adhering to the above-mentioned deadline will enable the Conference Committee to review the applications in a timely manner and take further action(s) should any further processing be required and consequently the approval by the University. It is the responsibility of Conference Applicants as well as the Department Chairmen to strictly adhere to the deadline so as to serve the University Faculty members in an efficient manner. 6. Lecturers-B, Research Assistants and Full-time Graduate Students are encouraged to apply for conference attendance while working on their dissertations. They can attend only one reputed international conference per academic year based on Presented Paper. In addition to compensation for living expenses of one day per diem support for each day of the conference, they can be provided with up to a maximum of four times the number of extra days per diem (listed in Table 3.2) granted to faculty members 7. Conference attendance is allowed during Sabbatical leaves provided that there is a specific budget allocated for conference attendance in the approved Sabbatical leave project. 8. A faculty member who attends the British Council Summer Research Grant Program and wishes to attend a conference with the University support during his summer program, should obtain a prior "No Objection" letter, in writing, from the British Council for attending the conference provided that the conference attendance will not affect the minimum duration to be spent in the British Council assignment. Only on receipt of the clearance from the British Council, will the Conference Committee entertain such conference attendance requests. (refer to section 4 for other assignments). 9. Details relating to the number of per diem days in addition to the actual conference days for different regions are given in Table 3.2.
The following should be followed when counting the number of conference days: 1. The number of days for the technical sessions is counted. Registration and other social functions days are excluded. A maximum of two extra days, may be granted for workshops and tutorials if they happen to be in the beginning or at the end of the conference technical sessions. These will be treated on a case-by-case basis. 2. For conferences in Regions D and E, if the conference duration is less than three days, then a minimum of three days per diem support will be provided in addition to the
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Deanship of Scientific Research Conference Attendance Regulations & Criteria 6 extra days per diem. 3. The maximum number of conference days (conference duration) is seven days. No per diems will cover longer conference durations. 4. The maximum registration fee reimbursement is US $ 800.
Section 4.1: Acknowledgement Patterns Proper acknowledgement of support by the university should be included in all publications coming out from the supported projects. The following is an example of acknowldegment: The author(s) would like to acknowledge the support provided by the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) under Research Grant XX060014)
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Deanship of Scientific Research Conference Attendance Regulations & Criteria 7
Table 3.1: Conference Attendance Restricted Periods Period of the Year Allowed/ Not Allowed The two weeks of the reporting period Restricted during the first week and relaxed during the second week. First week of classes of both First and Second Semesters Restricted Week preceding the Final Examination of both First and Second Semesters Restricted Final Exams of both First and Second Semesters Allowed after 24 hours of posting the grades provided the instructor did not advance the time/date of exam (for the purpose of conference) scheduled by the Registrar. Summer (Teaching) Not allowed from start till end of official summer period. Any summer assignment (other than teaching) at KFUPM, i.e. administrative/special, etc. Not allowed during the assignment period. Summer assignment outside the Kingdom (British Council, Fulbright, etc.) A faculty member is allowed to attend a conference during this period provided that he gets approval from the host organization and will make up for the conference release time. Saudi Aramco Allowed with the consent of Saudi Aramco
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Deanship of Scientific Research Conference Attendance Regulations & Criteria 8
Table 3.2: Number of per diem days in addition to the actual conference days for different regions Region Countries Extra number of per diem days (in addition to the actual conference days) Non-Saudi Saudi R e g i o n a l
C o n f e r e n c e
L o c a t i o n s
Region 0 Bahrain None None Region A GCC-Countries except Bahrain 2 days None Region B Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Cyprus Egypt and Sudan Iran 3 days 1 day Region C All other African countries except South Africa Central Asian Countries Pakistan and India Turkey and Greece 4 days 2 days I n t e r n a t i o n a l
C o n f e r e n c e
L o c a t i o n s
Region D China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore and South Korea All other European countries South Africa 6 days 3 days Region E North America: USA and Canada All South American Countries Japan, Australia and New Zealand 7 days 4 days
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Deanship of Scientific Research Conference Attendance Regulations & Criteria 9
Table 3.3: Extra Number of Per Diem Days in addition to the Actual Conference Days for Different Regions for the Non-Saudi Faculty attending based on Externally Funded Projects:
Region Countries No. of Per Diem days* R e g i o n a l
C o n f e r e n c e
L o c a t i o n s
Region 0 Bahrain 0 Region A GCC-Countries except Bahrain 0 Region B Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Cyprus Egypt and Sudan Iran 1 day Region C All other African countries except South Africa Central Asian Countries Pakistan and India Turkey and Greece 2 days I n t e r n a t i o n a l
C o n f e r e n c e
L o c a t i o n s
Region D China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore and South Korea All other European countries and Russia South Africa 3 days Region E North America: USA and Canada All South American Countries Japan, Australia and New Zealand 4 days * The Extra Number of Per Diem days that will be added to the Actual Conference Days