This document provides information on various machines from Petratto including folding machines, die-cutting machines, and binding machines. The Metro line is highlighted as a customizable folding machine that can be adapted to individual requirements through adding modules. Other lines include the Cordoba line for die-cutting and folding heavy stocks, the Sab line for automatically producing book covers, and the Jetbat and Minibat lines for die-cutting. Various features and applications are listed for different models.
This document provides information on various machines from Petratto including folding machines, die-cutting machines, and binding machines. The Metro line is highlighted as a customizable folding machine that can be adapted to individual requirements through adding modules. Other lines include the Cordoba line for die-cutting and folding heavy stocks, the Sab line for automatically producing book covers, and the Jetbat and Minibat lines for die-cutting. Various features and applications are listed for different models.
This document provides information on various machines from Petratto including folding machines, die-cutting machines, and binding machines. The Metro line is highlighted as a customizable folding machine that can be adapted to individual requirements through adding modules. Other lines include the Cordoba line for die-cutting and folding heavy stocks, the Sab line for automatically producing book covers, and the Jetbat and Minibat lines for die-cutting. Various features and applications are listed for different models.
This document provides information on various machines from Petratto including folding machines, die-cutting machines, and binding machines. The Metro line is highlighted as a customizable folding machine that can be adapted to individual requirements through adding modules. Other lines include the Cordoba line for die-cutting and folding heavy stocks, the Sab line for automatically producing book covers, and the Jetbat and Minibat lines for die-cutting. Various features and applications are listed for different models.
Colori compositi C M Y CM MY CY CMY K M E T R O C D SE 19 Mosquito A4/A3 Metro 78 & 105 THE FOLDING GLUING MACHINE THAT CHANGES WITH YOUR REQUIREMENTS Sab 100 Digital INTEGRAL-FLEXIBLE COVERS MACHINE Cordoba 3 HIGH SPEED DIE-CREASING, FOLD AND GLUE PETRATTO srl Via Don Minzoni, 1 - 10044 PIANEZZA (TO) ITALY Tel. +39 0119943 009/010/011 Fax +39 0119665129 - e-mail: C O R D O B A L I N E M E T R O L I N E Linea Jetbat ROTODIE-CREASING + HIGH SPEED FOLDING MACHINE J E T B A T L I N E THINK ADV - Torino Multifeed 78 S A B L I N E Mesmeter 78/105 SE12 SE12SB Metro 78 & 105 M E T R O F O L D E R S APPLICATIONS M E T R O D O U B L E Exampl es of some composi t i ons of machi nes M E T R O B O X E S M E T R O F I N A L F O L D M E T R O C A P A C I T Y A N D M U C H M O R E . . . Poster Folding Machine PGN 46 & 66 A T T A C H I N G A N D T I P P I N G I N F E E D E R FAST max 100 m/ ACCURATE max +/- 1 mm RELIABLE COMPACT Optional: independent programming, adaptable to your own suit your requirements. Some examples of items that can be attached or tipped in using the MOSQUITO. Credit cards, business cards, CD, colour samples, maps, phone cards, leaflets, small pictures, greeting cards, envelopes, boxes, etc... Available sizes: A4 e A3. T WO T Y P E S O F F E E D E R J U S T O N E M A C H I N E . S U C T I O N P I L E A N D B E L T S + R E G I S T E R A N D L A Y S , A L L I N O N E U N I T MULTIFEED solves the problem of needing two separate feeders for the widest variety of work. Use the MULTIFEED in vacuum mode for light weight delicate sheets and then in belt feed mode for small, irregular shaped or heavy stocks. Changing over configurations is fast simple and hassle free. Size max cm 78 x 78 Size min cm 15 x 20 S T A N D A R D C O M P A C T F O L D E R - G L U E R Automatic dispenser for double side adhesive tape and tear strip + unwinder for tear strip. Applicator for strips or full lines of double sided adhesive tape, the tape can be applied to any part of the sheet. Optional: The tape head can be supplied with a programmable controller, to your requirements Speed max: 50 m/ Available applicator sizes: model 1 max mm 26 min mm 4 model 2 max mm 50 min mm 4 T A P E D I S P E N S E R MESMETER is a compact but versatile folder gluer, ideally suited for production of presentation folders, cd wallets etc. The MESMETER is part of the METRO family and all of the METRO modules and attachments can be connected to the machine. This feature means that the machine can be adapted to suit individual requirements at any time. Some of the features of MESMETER. Mobile and independent machine. Free belts and clamps for different devices. Programming panel, touch-screen, for all the functions and working events (4 a 24 volts), working cycles check, total counts. In and out photoelectric cells to check sheets length and quantity inside the machine. Digital connection with the linked machines. Pre-set for all the attachments, i.e.: tape dispenser, cards applicator, light boards, simple and multiple folders, CD, trays, attachments, etc... It can be used as feeder for the Folding gluing machine mod. Metro. Speed max: 120 m/ Available sizes: model 78 max: cm 78 x 78 - min 6 x 6 model 105 max: cm 105 x 78 min 6 x 6 Small dimensions machine, extremely strong and easy to run. 1 Pair of pressing rollers with 1800 Kg pressure. Stacking with vertical pile of 40 cm. No friction between belts on streamoverturning. Available sizes: model 46 max: cm 46 x 32 min: cm 14 x 10 model 66 max: cm 66 x 32 min: cm 14 x 10 model 94 max: cm 94 x 32 min: cm 14 x 10 V E R T I C A L P R E S S I N G S T A C K E R F O R F O L D I N G M A C H I N E S The PGN pressing unit can be installed after the folding sections of any folding machine or any other equipment that requires pressure. Mobile and independent machine. Possible to put in line between different machines Adjustable rollers pressure. Adjustable working speed. 1 Pair of pressing rollers with 1800 Kg pressure. P R E S S I N G U N I T Universal knife folding unit, mobile and independent. The K2 folds on both sides from top or bottom. The K2 has register lays and will deliver to the right or to the left. Speed: m/ 40/180 Available sizes: model 52 max: cm 52 x 35 min: cm 15 x 10 model 78 max: cm 78 x 52 min: cm 15 x 10 K N I F E F O L D I N G U N I T S K 2 5 2 / 7 8 F O R F O L D I N G M A C H I N E S The machine will fold posters, and billboard advertisement with 6 rolled up folds + 2 cross folds (optional) Size max flat sheet: cm 160 (folding rollers light) x cm 200 Size min.: cm 60 x 60 Possibility to add ink jet printing heads. M A C H I N E F O R F O L D I N G T H E L A R G E F O R M A T A D V E R T I S I N G P O S T E R S . METRO is an innovative concept. By utilizing a base machine, it is possible to customize a machine to suit individual needs and requirements. This is achieved by adding the required modules such as feeders, folding sections, turning devices etc. This concept allows the user to produce the widest variety of applications. Several units can be connected and can be used to produce complex applications. The units can then be separated and used as independent machines to produce multiple applications. These features, enhanced by the added value of the accessories, allow production of applications that even more expensive machines are unable to produce. The METRO requires minimum floor space. Investment in a METRO can be made with confidence that the machine can be adapted to suit ever changing requirements. A N A D A P T A B L E M A C H I N E T O S U I T Y O U R I N D I V I D U A L R E Q U I R E M E N T S Presentation folders Cd wallets Multimedia packaging File folders Cartons Airline ticket wallets Envelopes Sleeves Colours table Photographic wallets Auto lock cartons Capacity folders Reinforced edges Credit card wallets Remoistable glue Stop start perforation Greetings cards Many other applications F I R S T C L A S S F I N I S H I N G M E T R O L I N E M E T R O L I N E K2 52/78 Piccolo DP 46/66/94 ORIGINAL ORIGINAL Available sizes: model 46 max cm 46 x 32 min: cm 14 x 10 model 66 max cm 66 x 32 min: cm 14 x 10 PETRATTO depl INGesec.fh11 24-10-2008 14:56 Pagina 2 Colori compositi C M Y CM MY CY CMY K C O R D O B A L I N E C O R D O B A L I N E Sab 100 Digital Sab 100 Sab 100 C Digital ECONOMIC LINE Cordoba 3 Die-creasing Shingle delivery or linked to other machines, i.e.: folder Programmed die-creasing positions Register lays Pile feeder Jetbat N EW Shingle delivery or linked to other machines, i.e.: folder Longitudinal programmed perforation Die-creasing Transverse programmed perforation Positioning rollers Continuous feeder Pile feeder Register lays Programmed die-creasing positions Soft fold Fold pressing unit Minibat 2 Bat Pile Photo Bat Bat Sab 100 The Cordoba range utilizes a rule and matrix system to crease substrates prior to folding. Heavy board or plastics, with solids, or lamination in addition to cross grain or digitally printed work can now be created without a die-cutting machine. The Cordoba incorporates a traditional folding section with a knife and matrix creasing unit. The folder has a modified roller configuration and fold plate angle, which eliminates cracking and curl when folding heavy stocks. Attachments can be added e.g.: perforating, punching, gluing, in addition plough folds can added to produce presentation folders. The machine can crease from 0 sm2 to 500 gsm2 and fold from 150 gsm2 to 500. When folding lightweight stocks a standard folding unit can be added. APPLICATIONS Leaflets Covers with flaps Covers and sections Folders Integral covers Perforations Cds envelopes Creasing only D I G I T A L D I E - C R E A S I N G M A C H I N E C R E A S I N G A N D F O L D I N G M A C H I N E F O R C O N V E R T I N G P H O T O G R A P H S I N T O D I G I T A L P H O T O A L B U M S D I E - C R E A S I N G M A C H I N E W I T H P I L E F E E D E R MINIBAT 2 is a compact machine to produce die-creases in programmed positions, with quality, accuracy and speed. MINIBAT 2 is the original true creaser and utilizes the rule and matrix method of creasing. This systemhas been tradionally used in die cutting machines, and is the only recognised method for creasing digitally printed stocks or for creasing cross grain. This machine is robust in construction and is ideally suited for commercial applications. MINIBAT 2 has the greatest creasing pressure of any machine of this type and offers the highest performances in speed and accuracy. The BAT PILE is a robust machine for the production of die quality creases in programmed positions, accurately and at high speed. BAT PILE incorporates a vacuumpile feeder, which is ideal for delicate or lightweight stocks. BAT PILE has a unique feed wheel design which also makes it a reliable system for higher grammages. BAT PILE can be operated as an independent offline system or in conjunction with other finishing equipment. PHOTOBAT is a A heavily built machine designed to crease and fold digital photos. The unique system ensures maximum accuracy, quality and cleanliness. PHOTOBAT can be used as an independent offline unit or can be linked to other finishing equipment... Speed max (A4 one crease) 12.500 sheets per hour. Working gramages min 60 max 500 gr. Size max cm.52 x 120. Size min cm 15 x 20. The SAB 100 is designed to automatically produce book covers. Various models of SAB 100 are available; all types of book cover can be manufactured including: FLEXIBLE COVERS HARD BACK COVERS COVERS WITH FLAPS For PERFECT BOUND BOOKS THE BAT SAB WITH FLYCUT IS DIE- CREASING MACHINE COMPLETE WITHPILE FEEDER AND SAB FOLDING-GLUING UNIT. Optional in-line cut First Cycle Crease Glue Fold Second Cycle Crease Glue Fold Fold Crease Glue JETBAT is a single machine that creases then folds paper or light board in one pass. JETBAT is a compact, heavily built machine. JETBAT utilizes a unique roto-die creasing system to produce high speed accurate folds on a wide variety of stocks. Fast make ready and changeover are just some of the features of the JETBAT. Grammages min 40 max 300 gr/m2 Speed max (fold and crease). 150 m/ = 40.000 copies per hour Speed max (fold) 180 m/ Size max cm 58 x 120 6 parallel folds CREASING DEVICE Die-creasing high speed, without sheet stop. FEEDER Feeder for rectangular or die-cut sheets DISSOCIATE BUCKLES Simple adjustment increased performance FOLDING NO CREASES When folding paper and no creasing is required, the roto unit can be switched off CREASING NO FOLDING The folding section can be bypassed when there is a requirement for creasing only. CREASE AND FOLD The crease and fold mode is used for folding light board, cross grain, coated paper or digital printed stocks. FOLD AND GLUE This mode is used for the production of a wide variety of applications e.g. converting, CD wallets, folders or mailing applications etc FLYCUT Glue Fold Crease Crease Glue Fold Register device Folding ploughs Gluing Circular creasing Pile feeder Knife creasing Glue Crease Fold COMPLETE LINE H I G H S P E E D C R E A S I N G F O L D I N G A N D G L U I N G R O T O D I E - C R E A S I N G + H I G H S P E E D F O L D I N G M A C H I N E I N T E G R A L - F L E X I B L E C O V E R S M A C H I N E Roto-die-creasing device Register table Folding buckles Speed max (A4 one creasing) 12.500 sheets per hour. Working gramages min 60 max 500 gr. Size max cm 52 x 1200 Size min cm 15 x 20 * * * ** ** * * ** * J E T B A T L I N E Pile feeder S A B L I N E INNOVATIVE! Speed max (A4 one creasing) 10.000 sheet per hour. Working gramages min 60 max 500 gr. Size max cm45 x 70 Size min cm15 x 20