Rapida 105 - Innovative Rapida 106 Technology Inside
Rapida 105 - Innovative Rapida 106 Technology Inside
Rapida 105 - Innovative Rapida 106 Technology Inside
Rapida 105:
Better and more flexible
than ever before
Rapida 105 has for years stood as a synonym for reliability
and an attractive price-performance ratio in medium-format
sheetfed offset printing. The lasting market success has been
founded above all on its superior substrate flexibility, ease of
operation, a robust construction, diverse possibilities for inline
finishing and, last but not least, the excellent print quality.
But the competition is becoming This leap forward in technology will A sheer endless range of configu-
ever fiercer, turnaround times ever set your heart alight. After all, the ration variants, furthermore, permits
shorter, and the demands of the Rapida 105 integrates many proven tailoring to a broad spectrum of
market ever more complex – the Rapida 106 features, for example applications, from commercial
pressures placed on operators and production to labels or high-quality
presses continue to grow constantly. • Gripper systems packaging. Inline finishing?
It is not least for this reason that the • Optimised inking units Of course: Both conventional and
Rapida 105 now stands on a common • Improved sheet guiding UV technologies are available for
technology platform with the Rapida • VariDry dryer technology all-over and spot coatings – and as
106 – packed with design solutions • Further extended automation your key to an exciting world of visual
previously unique to the innovative • Delivery and haptic effects.
makeready world champion press.
Rapida 105
Feeder and infeed
DriveTronic feeder –
drive technology par
Strong performance begins at the feeder. On the Rapida 105,
state-of-the-art dedicated drives have been standard for years.
The DriveTronic technology is unique in the world.
DriveTronic feeder
• Feeder motions controlled via
4 servo motors
• Continuous, stepless pile lifting
with automatic speed compensation
• Antistatic rear-edge separating air
• Automatic format setting
• Automatic pile side edge alignment
• Front-edge pile height sensing
with automatic compensation of Suction-belt feed table Sheet monitoring
the feeder head height • Suction-belt feed table with • Ultrasonic double-sheet detector,
• Skew-sheet correction at the stainless, antistatic structured also for inhomogeneous materials
feeder head during production surface and multi-chamber vacuum • Multiple-sheet detector
• Quick-start function system • Optical skew-sheet and side
• Electronically controlled sheet lay sensors
Vacuum side lay deceleration to ensure optimum • Optical front lay sensors with elec-
• Marking-free alignment process sheet arrival speed at the front lays tropneumatic overshoot blocking
• Multi-chamber vacuum system
to permit matching to different Infeed Non-stop operation at the feeder
substrates • Central parallel and skew • Non-stop system with individual
• Included in automatic format adjustment of the feed line rods for uninterrupted production
setting • Central adjustment of the front lay during pile changes
cover height • Pile insertion and removal possible
• Touchscreen display with direct from all three sides
function keys for reliable and
intuitive press operation
Rapida 105
in print
The new printing unit substructures have further smoothed
the curvature of sheet travel on the Rapida 105. For even the
heaviest materials, bending is reduced to an absolute minimum.
The sophisticated Venturi sheet guiding system ensures a
contact- and scratch-free passage through the press for every
conceivable substrate – whether thick or thin, solid or
multiple-ply. And the typical continuous gear train provides for
the desired quiet running and ultimate precision of the print
on the sheet.
Printing unit
in colour
The optimised inking units of the Rapida 105 shy no comparison.
After all, they stand firmly on a par with those of the high-tech
sister press in respect of ink flow and distribution.
Inking unit
Rapida 105
Plate change
SAPC (Semi Automatic Plate Change) – FAPC (Fully Automatic Plate Change) –
Automated plate change Fully automatic plate change
• Pneumatic opening and closing of the • Automatic plate change on the whole press
plate cylinder guard after program start at the control console
• Automatic rotation to the change positions • Parallel changing in several printing units,
• Automatic clamping and tensioning of completed in 3 cycles
the plate • Faster, optimised change process
• Divided rear plate clamps • Divided rear plate clampse
t (min)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Rapida 105
CleanTronic –
washing systems
with class
Washing during long runs and at job changeover is usually a
time-consuming procedure, but at the same time simply necessary
to guarantee constantly high print quality. Here, too, the Rapida 105
is ideally prepared.
Blanket washing
Roller washing
With CleanTronic
Blanket washing
Shining finishes :
Endless diversity for
maximum creativity
Inline finishing is nowadays the icing on the cake for every print
process. Whether for straightforward protection or as a design
element on commercial products, whether for special effects or spot
coating in high-quality packaging printing and a broad range of special
applications – the coater of the Rapida 105 is ready to master all
AirTronic delivery:
Rapida 106 inside
Designed for perfect aerodynamics, the delivery of the
Rapida 105 adopts the underlying concept of the Rapida 106.
The swan neck follows directly after the last printing unit,
providing for significantly smoother sheet travel and precise
pile formation irrespective of the substrate. Another essential
feature is the air-cushioned sheet transport through to precise
delivery onto the pile. Even sensitive substrates can thus be
handled with ease at full production speed.
Rapida 105
Rapida 105
ErgoTronic console
technology: New and
simple operating philosophy
Thanks to comprehensive console and preset capabilities,
alongside an ergonomically arranged and intuitive user
interface, work on the Rapida 105 is child's play.
All operating functions are clearly structured for
process-oriented access via the modern touchscreen
• Wallscreen for visualisation of all
press settings
• Live image from QualiTronic ColorControl
on wallscreen
• ColorTronic ink metering with ink profile
displays on console
• Integration with existing DensiTronic
Professional possible
• Sheet inspection desk with adjustable
desk angle
• Motorised console height adjustment with
Hier Bild bearbeiten, memory function
wie bei Rapida 106 • USB port for fast communication of job data
(neue Messtechnik) • Uninterruptible power supply to enable
controlled press shutdown in case of power
supply failure
• Integrated remote maintenance module
with Internet link for remote maintenance
and software updates
Workflow management
Rapida 105
Service for
maximum performance
Koenig & Bauer offers a broad spectrum of services addressing
all aspects of your sheetfed offset press, founded on the
three main pillars “Service Select”, “Service Complete” and
“Press Consum”.
“Service Select” refers to services which are planning of overall print company structures.
directly connected with the technology and Alongside press and process optimisation, we
equipment of your press. The prime objectives offer opportunities for further training of your
are to avoid downtimes and to maximise avail- personnel by our experienced instructors.
ability – as the basis for ultimate performance. That, too, is a means to optimise press
Whether reactive service in an emergency case operation. Wherever the potential lies, the
or preventive measures to avert the risk of “Service Complete” programme is your
damage: Swift processing of your calls holds versatile key to improvement, development
top priority and is handled by our professional and increased efficiency.
remote maintenance service. If it is necessary
to replace any press component, our efficient Suitable consumables are a decisive prerequi-
spare parts supply system ensures that site for optimum use of your sheetfed offset
deliveries reach you as quickly as possible. press. High-quality inks provide for brilliant
And to prevent such emergencies arising in print results, and with the best cleaning
the first place, we offer you a range of pre- solvents, your press remains in top condition.
ventive maintenance inspections, as well as Waste, for example, can be reduced signifi-
corresponding retrofits and upgrades for both cantly. But you must usually obtain all these
hardware and software. “Service Select” different consumables from a multitude of
provides a suitable solution for all your individual suppliers. To help you with your
technical needs. purchase decisions, we have tested the quality
and performance of various products from
“Service Complete” comprises services which renowned consumables suppliers. The ideal
are designed to safeguard and improve your products for use on your high-performance
productivity. Analyses and optimisation Rapida press are recommended as part of our
measures ensure that your press continues consumables programme.
to print with maximum performance and at
maximum capacity. Performance capabilities
are documented to enable you to intervene
before a trend reversal actually takes effect.
In addition, “Service Complete” supports the
assessment and consequent improvement of
your production processes, right through to
Rapida 105
Sheet format
Maximum (standard/special version) 720 x 1,050 / 740 x 1,050 mm
Minimum (standard/special version) 360 x 520 / 350 x 500 mm
Print format:
Standard/special version 710 x 1,040 / 730 x 1,040 mm
Substrates ¹
Standard 0.06 – 0.7 mm
With board-handling package 1.2 mm
Illustrations and descriptions
With corrugated package 1.2 mm
include special features.
With plastics printing package 0.1 – 0.7 mm
For further information please contact
your Koenig & Bauer agent.
Production speed²
¹ Printability is also influenced decisively
by the flexural rigidity of the substrate Maximum, dependent on configuration 16,000 sheets/h
Printing unit
Powder sprayer with console
Sheet travel sensors ○ integration
Sheet guide plates with preset Powder extraction ○
EES – Emission Extraction System ○
Automated plate change SAPC
Inset frame for flush pile board
Fully automatic plate change FAPC ○ (only together with inset frame in ○
the feeder)
Non-stop board, fixed height ○
Inking unit
Non-stop roller rack, lowerable
Rollers for conventional inks ○
(only available in CX package)
Rollers for UV inks ○
Inking unit temperature control ○
Ink duct roller cooling ○
Ink agitators ○
Hickey pickers ○
○ Option
* Subject to design modifications and local equipment specifications.
Koenig & Bauer Sheetfed AG & Co. KG
Friedrich-List-Str. 47
01445 Radebeul, Germany
Printed in Germany