This document outlines an Arabic short course that aims to teach the principles of the Arabic language through listening, pronunciation, reading, and writing skills. It consists of 4 levels completed over 1 or 2 semesters. The course objectives are to provide students with proficiency in the Arabic language to pursue careers in language instruction, translation, tourism in Arabic countries, and Islamic studies. It will cover topics like basic grammar, reading, composition, traditions of the Prophet, Quranic exegesis, and biographies. Upon completing the course, students will be able to communicate effectively in Arabic through speaking and writing.
This document outlines an Arabic short course that aims to teach the principles of the Arabic language through listening, pronunciation, reading, and writing skills. It consists of 4 levels completed over 1 or 2 semesters. The course objectives are to provide students with proficiency in the Arabic language to pursue careers in language instruction, translation, tourism in Arabic countries, and Islamic studies. It will cover topics like basic grammar, reading, composition, traditions of the Prophet, Quranic exegesis, and biographies. Upon completing the course, students will be able to communicate effectively in Arabic through speaking and writing.
This document outlines an Arabic short course that aims to teach the principles of the Arabic language through listening, pronunciation, reading, and writing skills. It consists of 4 levels completed over 1 or 2 semesters. The course objectives are to provide students with proficiency in the Arabic language to pursue careers in language instruction, translation, tourism in Arabic countries, and Islamic studies. It will cover topics like basic grammar, reading, composition, traditions of the Prophet, Quranic exegesis, and biographies. Upon completing the course, students will be able to communicate effectively in Arabic through speaking and writing.
This document outlines an Arabic short course that aims to teach the principles of the Arabic language through listening, pronunciation, reading, and writing skills. It consists of 4 levels completed over 1 or 2 semesters. The course objectives are to provide students with proficiency in the Arabic language to pursue careers in language instruction, translation, tourism in Arabic countries, and Islamic studies. It will cover topics like basic grammar, reading, composition, traditions of the Prophet, Quranic exegesis, and biographies. Upon completing the course, students will be able to communicate effectively in Arabic through speaking and writing.
incorporating teaching the principles of the Arabic language in its various aspects through the basic skills of listening, pronunciation, reading, and writing with a thorough understanding of the primary rules of grammar. Graduates will be able to pursue a career in language centers teaching Arabic as a foreign language. Graduates will have an opportunity to start-up business including teaching felds in Arabic speaking countries. Graduates will be able to pursue career in commercial enterprises and tourism in the Arabic speaking countries. Graduates will be able to pursue a career in the feld of translation. To inoculate learners understanding with principles of Arabic language To qualify learners with the capability of using their linguistic faculties in language, and to particularly promote the use of language fuency and fexibility. To mold healthy learners who combine knowledge, behavioral, and practical skills using an integrated, comprehensive and well-developed linguistic content. To enrich learners linguistic knowledge To enable learners to peruse their studies in Ara- bic language or Islamic studies by enriching their linguistics skills To equip learners with written and spoken linguis- tic fuency and skills To create a generation of learned persons who can deal with Arabic language fexibly and easily. To spread Arabic language, subsequent books and publications containing Islamic concepts and values To consolidate love of Arabic language in the hearts of students by empowering their language qualities and skills Online On Campus To qualify students with the capability of communicating and using their faculties in language reception and production. To enable students to use the language in their major in later programs using correct grammar, effective verbal skills, and particularly an ability to write well developed, well edited, and clear essays. To enhance students abilities in reading, speaking, and writing for various reasons such as studies, career progression and self-improvement. VISION CAREER PROSPECTIVE MISSION OBJECTIVE LEARNING MODE ENTRY REQUIREMENT LEARNING OUTCOME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARABIC SHORT COURSE Type Short Course Semester Semester Semester Semester Cr/Hr 24 Cr/Hr 24 Cr/Hr 24 Cr/Hr 24 Weeks 14 Weeks 14 Weeks 14 Weeks 14 Full Time Full Time Full Time Full Time Duration Credit Hourse LEVEL 1 LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 Time of Duration Basics of Writing in Arabic 1 Basic Simplifed Grammar of Arabic 1 Basics of Reading in Arabic 1 Basics of Arabic Compositions 1 Basics of Writing in Arabic 2 Simplifed Syntax of Arabic 1 Aqidah 1 Introduction to Islamic Jurispru- dence 2 Traditions of The Prophet 2 Biography of The Prophet Biography of The Prophets Companions 1 Code Code Code Code Code Code Code Basic Simplifed Grammar of Arabic 2 Arabic Dictation Basics of Reading in Arabic 2 Arabic Reading Com- prehension 1 Principles of Arabic Phonics Basics of Arabic Compositions 2 Arabic Composition 1 Simplifed Syntax of Arabic 2 Aqidah 2 Biography of the Prophets Companions 2 History of the Rightly- Guided Caliphs Quranic ExegesisGuided Caliphs Arabic Composition 2 Arabic Reading Compre- hension 2 Arabic Literary Texts Fees/Subject Fee/Subject Fee/Subject USA USA USA USA USA USA USA RYM RYM RYM RYM RYM RYM RYM 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 300 200 200 200 300 300 SLAR 1053 SLAR2063 SLAR3033 SLAR404 Introduction to Islamic Jurisprudence 1 Traditions of The Prophet 1 Stories of The Prophets SLAR 1013 SLAR2023 SLAR3073 SLAR4113 SLAR 1083 SLAR2093 SLAR3103 SLAR4153 SLAR 1053 SLAR2163 SLAR2133 SLAR3143 SLAR 4171 Additional Fees Total 95 69 69 63 103 103 103 103 103 95 69 69 63 103 95 69 69 69 69 63 103 95 103 380 222 760 636 300 200 200 200 300 300 300 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 620 636 1,820 300 103 103 103 103 222 636 300 300 300 645 1,845 1,845 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Level 2 Level 3 Credit hours Credit hours Credit hours Credit hours Credit hours Credit hours Credit hours Elective courses Elective courses Elective courses SFKG 4111 SFKG3102 SFKG2052 SFKG2072 SFKG2092 SFKG306 SFKG3082 SFKG3122 SFKG3132 SFKG 4152 SFKG 4161 SFKG 3121 Level 1 Compulsory courses Compulsory courses Compulsory courses Compulsory courses 222 636 645 1,845 Additional Fees Additional Fees Additional Fees Total Total Total Fee/Subject Level 4 Course Structure Fees For Online & On Campus Studdent For More Information Please Contact Us: Phone: Fax: Al Madinah International University (MEDIU)