Cas Project Report "Healthy Lifestyle To The Society in Need"

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Prepared by:

Sherin Frieda Ardiyanti



Chapter I: Background
A. The reason of doing the project…………………………write the page
B. The need of community…………………………………………………….
C. Prior learning and subject-specific knowledge…………………………..
Chapter II: Goal
A. Goal statement………………………………………………………………
B. Attitude towards Learning and Learner Profile.………………………….
Chapter III: Action
A. Action Process………………………………………………………………
B. Actual Outcome…………………………….....…………………………….
Chapter IV: Reflection
A. Reflection of Project Preparation and Project Action……….………….
B. Evaluation of Goal Achievement…..……………………………...……….
A. Journal……………………………………………………………………….
B. Evidence…………………………………………………………………….
C. Data Supporting Goal……………………………………………………..

A. The Reason of Doing the Project

One of the CAS program in school aside than Creativity, Action and
Service, is CAS trip. The students have to choose between CAS trip or
Individual CAS Project, but the whole grade, including me decided to go
with CAS trip. The Idea was driven by our coordinator, Ibu Esa and our
CAS Trip took place at Desa Kamal Banjarmasin Pengasih Kulon Progo,
Yogyakarta. The aim of this project is beyond the word ‘Live In’, but to
share our small portion of time and willingness to help the society around
Desa Kamal.

B. The Need of the Community

Five students as a representative of grade 12 and the supervisor
conducted a quick survey by visiting Desa Kamal and check the real-
situation of the area. The village has potential to become a tourist
attraction, therefore, we are here to help and took part of this project. The
are few places that need to be fixed and could be a potential project which
are; the red bridge, the entrance sign and painting the stairs leading to
lumping kentang (historical site from ancestors), stairs railing and the
volley field.

C. Prior Learning and Subject-specific Knowledge

This trip will be a second time for me. I have done something similar to live
in society when I was in 7th grade, which is similar to this CAS Trip. But the
difference is that I expect that this project will be a lot more to learn and I
definitely will contribute more on this project. The school has proposed us
a place in Desa Kamal to do service CAS project. The skills that can be
applied for this project is collaboration skills. Collaborating and
participating play an important role when doing this project with the
teammates in order to finish the project.


A. Goal Statement
● Please type your personal goal in doing this project (connect with
CAS learning outcomes you’ve chosen)
The aim of this CAS Project is to step outside of student’s comfort zone by
experiencing something they never experienced and to help out the
society. As for myself, i want to adapt to new environment and a grow as a
person by finding areas that I could improve and figuring out my own
strenght and weakness so I could keep track on and be a better person. I
personally found this CAS project enjoyable because I challange myself to
live in new environment and also getting used to with the activities which
far from my daily life and also it was less- exhausted because I’m doing it
with my teammates and we were targetting the same goal— to help out
the society, and this would be connected to the learning outcome that i
chose which is, a challengen that has been undertaken and developing
skills. It was challanging at first the fact that I’m stepping out of my comfort
zone, but I’m a quite adaptable person so I’m getting used to with it,
besides, living in the whole new environment, surrounded by new family
and doing new activities is most likely very enjoyable. I enjoy collaborating
with my teammates and I enjoy my stay there with a new family. I was
really committed when doing the project and this would be connected with
the learning outcomes that I chose which is, showing commitment and
perseverance in CAS experience.

● Explain or describe your goal achievement

My objectives for my goal achievement is to show my commitment towards
the project and do as best as I could participating and collaborating in the
project. Everyone has a responsibility and holding a important role in the
project, and to make it happen, I have to show the eagerness and to not

B. Attitude towards Learning and Learner Profile

● Please type your personal ATL and LP implemented in doing this
The Approaches to learning that was implemented in this project is
Communication and thinking because those two hold an important role in
order to make the project happen.

● Explain or describe your ATL and LP achievement

Since I chose the communication and thinking skills, I am able to be on
the same page with others (my teammates) in doing the project. I was
able to propose and generate and idea and have to make sure to not
clash with teammates.

Achievement Further
ATL (min. 2 ATLs) (Please describe your Implementation
experience in achieving (Please describe how will
your ATL skills) you implement the ATL in
your life after doing this
project -academic or non
academic field-)

LP (min. 2 LPs) Achievement Further

(Please describe your Implementation
experience in achieving (Please describe how will
your ATL skills) you implement the LP in
your life after doing this
project -academic or non
academic field-)

● Communication ● In order to ● A good

prevent some communication
miscommunicati skills will lead to
on with my a good
teammates, collaboration.
whenever I feel This skills made
like I was a step me aware that I
behind my should have a
teammates, I good
always try my communication
best to confront with my future
them. A good group so none
communication is left behind.
with my fellow
facilitator and
expert will lead
to a good

● Thinking ● We have to do ● It made me

a 15x15 and aware that this
8x5 meter field, skills is
and it’s not a important
easy work. In because some
order to achieve things didn’t go
the goal, we as we plan and
have to think we are forced to
critically, and think critically
besides, we for that.
actually didn’t
do plan
because we
regarding this
before. But of
course the
joints idea of
me and my
fellow group
can make this
project happen.

A. Action Process
● Explain or describe the project investigation
We were introduced by a presentation, showing us our previous seniors
works and what they did before and all the things they learned. Bu Esa
then held a was done by 5 student that were assigned to visit Desa Kamal
to do survey.

● Explain or describe the project preparation

We were divided into big groups and each groups have their own focus
(on the project) but to make this project possible we have to raise a fund
because without any fund we aren’t able to buy the material we need. The
target in our grade is 15.000.000. The student in our batch suggested to
do a garage sale in CFD (Summarecon) as a whole grade. We agrees with
the plan and conduct the garage sale from the donation of SVP’s students.
The fund raising went well, and we collected money a lot than we expect
even exceeding our target. The total money that was collected is about
16.000.000 rupiah.

 Explain or describe the project action

Overall the action of the project went smooth, although there’s a
challenges and hurdle on there but we manage to get over it by
confronting to the teammates. The first day, we finished about 30% of the
project, it’s not even near 100% but we did not give up but try our best to
finish the project. It was pretty tough especially, we have to face the
weather there.
B. Actual Outcome
I was satisfied with my work because, I have shown and proved myself
that I can give more to the society that were in need of help. I proved that I
can work my hardest and show my commitment to the surrounding
environment and have the result that was really successful. I was really
happy that, the feedback we got was really satisfying, in addition with the
people in Desa Kamal will have a volley ball fields to do their activities

A. Reflection of Project Investigation, Preparation and Action

Make a summary of your project investigation, preparation and
action journal
● Describing what happened: You should retell your memorable
moments, identifying what was important or influential, what
went well or was difficult, obstacles and successes.
● Expressing feelings: You should articulate emotional
responses to their experiences.
● Generating ideas: Rethinking or re-examining choices and
actions increases awareness about self and situations.
● Asking questions: Questions about people, processes or
issues prompt further thinking and ongoing inquiry.

The Investigation took the shortest amount of time in the trip project,
comparing to the preparation and the action itself. Although I wasn’t
involved in the student’s representative to do the survey, I’m able to catch
up. The preparation, I must say it most likely the most enjoyable moment.
We did a research first in the choreography making, watch several videos
as references and modify them. We eventually pick ‘Meraih Bintang’ for
our gymnastic song.To create a choreography is not easy and we have to
create them, we only took several days to actually learn the whole
choreography as a whole team and we still have to revise it. But I found it’s
really fun and exciting, and Im glad that the people im working with are
very cooperative making the process even easier and make me motivated
to always do well.
Each day we set our target so that it will be easier for us to finish
and know what is our priority. We usually divide our group into subgroup.
There will be 3 subgroup, first will be the gymnastic, second is the one in
charge to go to the city to buy materials needed and last will be the one
who will work in the volley field. It’s quite exhausting and tough but we
manage to done it well.

B. Evaluation of goal achievement

I personally think that I have achieved my personal and work goal. I am
able to adapt to a totally different environment and I’m able to find a new
strength of mine. Even though, we did the gymnastic for a short time, I
hope that the villagers are able to continue it. In spite of all the success,
there are still several things Ineed to improve.
1. Journal
a. Project Investigation Journal
b. Project Preparation Journal
c. Project Action Journal (Daily Journal)

Date; 24 September, 2018

- Describing what happened
My family provided me a food and I was really appreciate and
expressing my gratitude for them because they woke up early morn
just to prepare us food. And today schedule is the day we’re
meeting the mentor and discuss about our gymnastics, it’s also a
day where we going to the volley fields which is also the part of the
- Expressing feelings
I was exhausted and tired and the hot weather is the main factor.
But despite all of that, I feel happy and I feel that achieve something
even though we only had like 25% to 30% from finishing the project.
- Generating Ideas
Analytical thinking applied.
- Asking Question
Am I able to perform and do my job well?

Date; 25 September, 2018

- Describing what happened
Our second and last day to work on the project, since our time is
very limited, we have to finished all of the projects today. We firstly
set our goals and target by dividing into three teams. Gymnastics, is
to practice with mentors and spread invitation. Volley field is to dig
another hole for the net. We directly went to Jogja to shop the
materials and things we needed for the project.
- Expressing feelings
Even though everyone is exhausted from the job because we really
push to the limits since it’s the last day we have to finish project, but
I glad that my teammate can work collaboratively despite the hot
and tiring day.

Date: 26 september, 2018

- Descrive what happened
It’s our last day to stay in Dusun Kamal. We start the day by
exercising and a walk, visiting everyone’s project. Started from the
red bridge and lastly our project, volley field. We has some EL
games led by the facilitator, afterwards we are asent back to our
host family to pack up to leave jogja.

- Expressing feelings
Since it’s our last day with the family members. I feel bittersweet, Im
glad that I was able to finished the project and achieved my goals
but also at the other hand I’m sad by the fact that I have to separate
with my family members.

- Asking Question
Have I done a great job throughout the project?
2. Evidence (Photos)
3. Data Supporting Goal
Data that support your goal achievement
The chat with our mentor that participate in the gymnastics. Turns
out they were still enthuastic even though there is some technical
problems but I really respect them for their dedication and time for
contributing the project to make our goals happen.

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