Cas Project Report "Healthy Lifestyle To The Society in Need"
Cas Project Report "Healthy Lifestyle To The Society in Need"
Cas Project Report "Healthy Lifestyle To The Society in Need"
Prepared by:
Chapter I: Background
A. The reason of doing the project…………………………write the page
B. The need of community…………………………………………………….
C. Prior learning and subject-specific knowledge…………………………..
Chapter II: Goal
A. Goal statement………………………………………………………………
B. Attitude towards Learning and Learner Profile.………………………….
Chapter III: Action
A. Action Process………………………………………………………………
B. Actual Outcome…………………………….....…………………………….
Chapter IV: Reflection
A. Reflection of Project Preparation and Project Action……….………….
B. Evaluation of Goal Achievement…..……………………………...……….
A. Journal……………………………………………………………………….
B. Evidence…………………………………………………………………….
C. Data Supporting Goal……………………………………………………..
A. Goal Statement
● Please type your personal goal in doing this project (connect with
CAS learning outcomes you’ve chosen)
The aim of this CAS Project is to step outside of student’s comfort zone by
experiencing something they never experienced and to help out the
society. As for myself, i want to adapt to new environment and a grow as a
person by finding areas that I could improve and figuring out my own
strenght and weakness so I could keep track on and be a better person. I
personally found this CAS project enjoyable because I challange myself to
live in new environment and also getting used to with the activities which
far from my daily life and also it was less- exhausted because I’m doing it
with my teammates and we were targetting the same goal— to help out
the society, and this would be connected to the learning outcome that i
chose which is, a challengen that has been undertaken and developing
skills. It was challanging at first the fact that I’m stepping out of my comfort
zone, but I’m a quite adaptable person so I’m getting used to with it,
besides, living in the whole new environment, surrounded by new family
and doing new activities is most likely very enjoyable. I enjoy collaborating
with my teammates and I enjoy my stay there with a new family. I was
really committed when doing the project and this would be connected with
the learning outcomes that I chose which is, showing commitment and
perseverance in CAS experience.
Achievement Further
ATL (min. 2 ATLs) (Please describe your Implementation
experience in achieving (Please describe how will
your ATL skills) you implement the ATL in
your life after doing this
project -academic or non
academic field-)
A. Action Process
● Explain or describe the project investigation
We were introduced by a presentation, showing us our previous seniors
works and what they did before and all the things they learned. Bu Esa
then held a was done by 5 student that were assigned to visit Desa Kamal
to do survey.
The Investigation took the shortest amount of time in the trip project,
comparing to the preparation and the action itself. Although I wasn’t
involved in the student’s representative to do the survey, I’m able to catch
up. The preparation, I must say it most likely the most enjoyable moment.
We did a research first in the choreography making, watch several videos
as references and modify them. We eventually pick ‘Meraih Bintang’ for
our gymnastic song.To create a choreography is not easy and we have to
create them, we only took several days to actually learn the whole
choreography as a whole team and we still have to revise it. But I found it’s
really fun and exciting, and Im glad that the people im working with are
very cooperative making the process even easier and make me motivated
to always do well.
Each day we set our target so that it will be easier for us to finish
and know what is our priority. We usually divide our group into subgroup.
There will be 3 subgroup, first will be the gymnastic, second is the one in
charge to go to the city to buy materials needed and last will be the one
who will work in the volley field. It’s quite exhausting and tough but we
manage to done it well.
- Expressing feelings
Since it’s our last day with the family members. I feel bittersweet, Im
glad that I was able to finished the project and achieved my goals
but also at the other hand I’m sad by the fact that I have to separate
with my family members.
- Asking Question
Have I done a great job throughout the project?
2. Evidence (Photos)
3. Data Supporting Goal
Data that support your goal achievement
The chat with our mentor that participate in the gymnastics. Turns
out they were still enthuastic even though there is some technical
problems but I really respect them for their dedication and time for
contributing the project to make our goals happen.