Mu Sigma Paper Date

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Subject: Interview confirmation - Mu Sigma

From: Swapna V Hoskot (

Date: Tuesday, August 19, 2014 2:53 PM

Thank you for sharing your profile.

We are pleased you that you have cleared the initial screening and we would like to interview you for the
post of Trainee Decision Scientist.

Process Date Time Venue
Online Test
Sep 2014
8 AM
Jaypee Institute of Information Technology
Noida-201 307
Tele 0120-2404103

Interview process
Sep 2014
8 AM

Jaypee Institute of Information Technology
Noida-201 307
Tele 0120-2404103

Please note:- Candidates from the listed colleges will be allowed to sit through the process and only
candidates shortlisted from the online test will be eligible to appear for the interview process.

Interview process schedule:
Video synthesis
Problem solving (Algo round)
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Group case study
Personal interviews
Industry Sector: Decision Sciences
Job Designation

Trainee Decision

Mu Sigma, today, is a leader in the Decision Sciences space. We have achieved
this because of our belief that talent in our industry needs to be created and not
found and that everybody has the ability to become a Decision Scientist.

Every candidate who joins us as a Trainee Decision Scientist will attend Mu
Sigma University.
As part of MSU, you will learn the concepts of decision sciences from scratch
and have access to technologies used exhaustively and exclusively in the field.

Being part of this juggernaut however has several requirements and expectations.
Do not come on board if:
1. You are not hungry to learn (be it new subjects businesses or
!. You don"t want to wor# in an e$tremely %ast paced environment
&. You"re not open to change and pre%er to stay within your com%ort 'one in
terms o% wor# prac(ces people and everything else
). You don"t want to get your hands dirty with a li*le programming
+. All you want to do is programming
,. You don"t want to ta#e on addi(onal responsibili(es within the team
-. You don"t li#e documen(ng your learning and wor#
.. You want a bulging wallet that weighs down your trousers albeit we li#e
to blame that on the city you will be wor#ing in
What we expect from you:

1. /ommunicate e0ec(vely with client1onsite personnel to ensure
transparency and clarity
!. 2nderstand evolving business needs and ac(vely gather domain related
in%orma(on to share and teach and create ideas within the organi'a(on
&. 3eliver well organi'ed and error4%ree reports dashboards data analysis
and sta(s(cal models on (me
). 5anage (me well have a li%e and help ma#e the world a be*er place by
ac(vely par(cipa(ng in organi'a(onal ini(a(ves
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What we offer you in return:

1. 6earning as a way o% li%e in a challenging and diverse wor# environment
!. 7he opportunity to push the envelope o% your capabili(es with a top4notch
peer group
&. A collabora(ve culture that encourages counter points and believes in
being open minded
). 7he guarantee that you will be a part o% a select group that will globally
rede8ne the process o% decision ma#ing
If you still believe you have what it takes, then we can be the Nick Fury to your
potential Avenger, so apply right away!

Do carry the below mentioned documents for the test and the interview without fail:-

Documents to be carried Number of copies
Resume 2
Photographs 2
Marks card - 10th, 12th, Graduation and PG (if applicable) 1
College ID card (if applicable)
ID proof (DL, voter ID card, Aadhar card or passport) original

For more details about the company please log into

Note: This drive is for 2014 BE/B.Tech /B.Sc. Mathematics and Statistics/BA Economics/M.Sc and
M.Tech(Integrated 5 year Course)graduates

Thanks & Regards,
Swapna Hoskot | 91-7760435269| |

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