Lesson Plans Using ASSURE Model
Lesson Plans Using ASSURE Model
Lesson Plans Using ASSURE Model
Lesson Plan 1
Lesson Plan Assure Model
Subject: Office Administration
Topic: Communication
Subtopic: Barriers to effective communication
Grade: Ten (8)
Age Group: 12 to 13 years
Time: 80 minutes
Date: 11
June, 2012
Analyze Learners
This lesson is prepared for students in a grade 8 class. This class has a population of 25
students. There are 10 boys and 15 girls in the class. The students generally enjoy Office
Administration. 50% of the class maintains an average above 50%. Learning styles in this
class vary from auditory to visual and also kinetic. Students have difficulty maintaining focus
during class. In order to overcome this issue lessons must be tailored to accommodate the
students attention span. Learning styles in this class vary from auditory to visual and also
Entry competencies
Students should be able to identify situations that can hinder the communication process.
Learning Styles
Students learning styles vary from auditory to visual and also kinetic learners. In order to
ensure that the students actually learn, each style must be considered. There is no
recommended text for this grade.
Students should be able to:
- Identify the barriers to communication between individuals.
- Distinguish between the barriers of communication that occurs between individuals
- Describe each of the barriers to communication that has been identified.
Selected Media, Materials and Methods
Projector: The teacher will use the projector to allow the students to view a clip showing
examples of barriers to communication.
Speakers: With the aid of speakers the students will be able to hear the clip clearly. The
speakers will enhance their learning experience
Chalk: This will be used to write on the blackboard
Blackboard: Each barrier to communication identified will be highlighted on the black board
Computer: A computer will be used to run slides on the overhead projector.
Utilize Media and Material
Preview the Materials
The teacher will listen to the clip ensuring that video is working and the audio is clear. The
teacher will also ensure that the speakers are working as well. The teacher will test the
overhead projector and the computer ensuring their compatibility.
Prepare the Materials
The teacher will setup the computer and overhead projector before the class. These pieces of
equipment will then be turned on and tested.
Prepare the Environment
The seating will be arranged so that all students will have a clear view of the projection.
The speakers will be place in an area where all the students will be able to hear the story
Prepare the Learners
The teacher will inform the students of the activities planned before the class. The students
will also be informed of the evaluation exercises that they will be given at the end of the
class. By doing this the students will be comfortable when the class begins.
Provide the Learning Experience
The teaching strategy that will be used is the Discovery Approach. The students will be
placed into groups where they will view and listen to the clip. They will then be asked to
identify the barriers to communication that they have observed. The clip will be used to
introduce the topic. Students will then discuss the barriers mentioned, and the teacher will
write them on the blackboard. Students will then be given a worksheet to complete. Students
will read a description of each barrier. Groups will then match the description with the
barriers identified. The teacher will then call on different groups to give their answers. The
teacher will indicate which answers are correct.
Require Learner Participation
Students will be placed into groups to complete the worksheet. Students will discuss amongst
themselves the situations which presented a barrier to communication. Each group will have a
group leader who will give the answer when the teacher calls on the group.
Evaluate and Revise
Students will be separated into four (4) groups and be engaged in a mini jeopardy
game. Students will select a card number and based on the key words, students will be asked
to identify the travel document
Lesson Plan 2
Lesson Plan using the Assure Model
Subject: Office Administration
Topic: Communication
Sub-topic Telephone techniques and sources of information
Form: 3 Business
Age: 13-14 years
Duration: 80 minutes
Date: June 11, 2012
Number of Students: 25
Analyze Learners
The students in this class are the form three students who recently chose their subjects for the
CXC examination and have shown a keen interest in the business field. The class consists of
25 students: 15 girls and 10 boys. While the boys in the class have the tendency to be fun and
playful, the girls differ in that they portray a more serious and businesslike persona. The
students generally participate in classes that are highly interactive and settings where the
teacher uses role play and guided discovery. It has been observed that the use of these
instructional strategies make the lesson more successful than the mere chalk and talk. The
female students are intrinsically motivated because they aspire to become business
professionals and are working towards this goal, however, the male students need some
extrinsic factor to keep them motivated. The students of Form 3 Business tend to be more
visual, auditory and kinesthetic learners. The aim of this lesson is to introduce students to the topic
of Communication, where they will be taught about the effectiveness of communicating both
internally and externally.
Entry competencies: The students are able to use the computers as most of them have learnt
from their Information Technology class. Therefore, students can handle the mouse and
keyboard and can manoeuvre through the internet. Students also are fascinated by the
computer and all the entertainment it provides, thus making learning via this medium fun and
Learning Styles: With the advent of technology and all its advantages students are more
driven and fascinated by the computer. The task of getting students to carry textbooks to class
and reading them is one that seems difficult at times. There are different learners in the class:
visual, auditory and kinesthetic. Therefore, it is believed that by using the computer, the
students will be keener to learning as it will be a medium that they enjoy.
Select Objectives:
Students should be able to:
Identify relevant sources of information for conducting research on a variety of issues.
Describe the proper techniques for receiving and relaying messages by telephone.
Students should be able to:
Display the various techniques used when answering a telephone.
Operate the switchboard and highlight its importance in any organization
Student should be able to:
Demonstrate an awareness of effective communication techniques both within and outside the
Selected Media, Materials and Methods:
Computers: Students will be with provided computers with internet access to view videos
on you tube. The students will use the information technology lab which consist of (24)
computerswhich will be available for students use, which will allow two students to work at
a station. The students will be required to work in pairs because computers are in limited
Headphones: The students will be provided with headphones so that they could listen to the
voices and sounds throughout the activity. This will allow students to engage in their
activities without disturbing each other.
Overhead Projector: The teacher will use the overhead projector to introduce the activity to
the class. The overhead projector is available in the computer lab which the teacher has full
access to.
White Board: The white board will be used for explanation of the activities. The white board
is available in the computer lab.
Utilize Media and Material:
Preview the Materials: The teacher previews the you tube website for the activity to ensure
that the site is working and all links are functional and effective for the lesson. Each
headphone will also be tried to ensure that they are in working condition as this is vital as the
students would need to the proper telephone and switchboard techniques. The teacher will
also provide students with a list of businesses , which they will do a search for in the
Prepare the Materials: The teacher selects the activities on you tube. The activities can be
found on site: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54xYxV1SoaU
Students will not be required to view all the activities on the aforementioned link. They will
be given a handout instructing them which links to access. This would assist students in
knowing where exactly the information is and it would not allow them to deviate from the
Before the lessons, the computers will be turned on and tested to ensure that the internet is
functional and all additional add ins are enabled.
Prepare the Environment: The teacher will arrange the seats to allow two students at each
computer. The headphones will also be arranged to allow every student access to them. The
overhead projector will only be used for the first ten minutes of the lesson where the teacher
will deliver her introduction. Students will maintain their groups for the remainder of the
Prepare the learners: The teacher will inform the students of the intervention before the
lesson to ensure that they are familiar with you tube and they understand the importance of
the material of the material which will be used. Students will see the importance of the topic
by viewing ways to use the telephone and switchboard on the internet this will allow students
to get a practical sense of the topic than the mere chalk and talk. They will also be informed
of the activities and evaluation exercises that they will be given.
Provide the Learning Experience: The teaching strategy that will be used is guided discovery.
Student will explore and discover the content required for the activities. The teacher will
supervise and move around the classroom providing assistance to groups that require further
explanation. The white board will also be used to provide further explanation to groups
experiencing difficulties.
Require Learner Participation
Students will remain in their pairs to complete the worksheet. Students will discuss amongst
themselves and role play the various situations on the worksheet. Pairs will be randomly
selected to role play to the class effective ways to answer the telephone and how to operate a
Evaluate and Revise
Students will be creating a telephone dialogue for homework between an office assistant and a client