The Ginott Model
The Ginott Model
The Ginott Model
Haim Ginott was a clinical psychologist and child therapist of the 1960s and 1970s. Ginott,
author of several books on child psychology, is regarded as one of the leaders in controlling
the behaviors of children. Ginott emphasized that parents needed to limit the unacceptable
behaviors of children but, at the same time, safeguard and protect the childrens feelings and
emotional well-being.
The major theme of the Ginott model is that the overall classroom atmosphere should be
dealt with, not individual behavior problems. To that end, teachers should address the class
personally, using "I" statements. According to Ginott, Congruent Communication" should be
used with students, which basically means dealing with students using non-aggressive
language. Childrens self-esteem is greatly affected by their interaction with adults. Listed
below are four of Ginotts axioms relating to how teachers can establish and maintain positive
classroom discipline.
Learning always takes place in the present tense. This suggests that teachers
must neither prejudge students nor hold grudges against them for previous
misbehaviors. The effective teacher should correct students by directing them to
proper behavior examples.
using congruent communication do not preach or moralize to students, nor do they impose
guilt or demand promises. Instead, effective classroom teachers confer dignity on their
students by treating them as social equals capable of making good decisions. Congruent
communication invites cooperation, expresses anger appropriately and uses appreciative
rather than evaluative praise.
Chart 2: Examples of Congruent and Non-Congruent Communications
Non-Congruent Communication
and student. Devin, would you please take week! Yet, you must spend a great deal of
our new student to the restroom? I would,
that away.