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Opus Philosophorum

British Meseum Slone 319

First dissolve sericon in wine vinegar distilled, to each lb; of the body put 1 gallon of
vinegar, filter it 3 times, the foeces which remain are terra damnata. Distill this solution
in a balneo till it be congealed into a green gum, called the green lion, dry it gently. Then
distill this gum in a retort of glass, let the faint water smoke away, receive the white
smoke and red fume carefully, which is the blessed liquor; in the neck of the retort will
remain a sulfur of nature.
In the bottom of the retort will remain a black foeces, of which calcine 1 lb. or more with
a strong fire, till it be white as snow, which is our base called mars and our fixed white
earth. The rest of the black foeces spread on a stone and with a burning coal calcine it,
and it will come into a bright citrine color in half an hour; dissolve this in vinegar as the
first and distill more menstrue thereof called dragon blood. Reiterate this work until all
the moist parts of these foeces be brought in liquor, which put to the first, called the
blessed liquor or green lions blood.
Second Process. Set all this in balneo to putrefy 14 days, then separate the elemetns and
now have you all the fire of the stone which before lay hid in the foeces. Distill all these
putrefied menstrues M.B. in a glass body with a fair receiver first comes air which is an
oil, distill this over; again 7 times, until it will burn a linen cloth being dipped therein;
then it is called our ardent water abstractum rectified which keep close stopped; next will
distill our flood or water, which will be somewhat white which receive by itself. In the
bottom will remain a thick oil like liquid pitch, keep the water also by itself, closely
stopped, viz. acid (vinegar.)
On this black liquid water put our ardent water, stir them both well together, and let them
stand 3hrs. then distill it M.B. put it on again and distill, do this 3 times, then it is called
Mans blood rectified, for which philosophers seek. Then put on this black matter our
flood or water, mix it well and distill off the whole till there remain most dry and black
earth which is the earth of your stone, keep this oil and water together close stopped for a
white. Powder this black earth and mix it with mans blood and let it stand 3 hrs., then
distill it in ashes with a good fire, reiterate this three times, then it is called our fiery water
rectified; so hast thou 3 elements exalted in the virtue of their quintessence i.e. water, air
& earth.
Third Process. The earth remaining black and dry, calcine in a furnace of reverberation
into a fine white calx, mix this white earth with the fiery water, distill all with a strong
fire, calcine the earth again with a strong fire, put on the fiery water again and distill it
off; dry, calcine and distill thus 7 times until the substance of the calx comes over the
helm. Then hast thou a water of life rectified and made spiritual, and the 4 elements
exalted in the virtue of their quintessence. This water will dissolve all bodies, putrefy
them and purge them, and this is our Mercury and lunary Aqua Fort. Distill the water and
oil before reservedin gentle B. and the red oil which remains in the bottom keep diligently
by itself, for it is the element of fire and our red Mercury. Rectify the same water again
and reiterate the same work until no more of our said lunary will remain in it.
When all our elements be thus separated, then take the first white calcine foeces called
mars or base, or white fixed earth, imbibe it with our Aredent Water, refined, to cover the
calx partly, put on a blind head and set it in a cold place until the calx have drunk up all
the water, which it will do from 8 days to 8 days, thus doing until the calx will drink up
no more, but stand liquid still, then nip up the glass, and set it M.B. to putrefy liquid still,
then nip up the glass, and set it M.B. to putrefy 140 days without moving it until it
become first russet, next whitish grey, then very white like fishes eyes which then is
sulfur of nature flowing and not evaporating in the fire and our white stone ready to be
Then take the white stone and divide it into 2 parts, one part reserve for the white work,
the other nip up again and set it in ashes to digest till it become red and of a purple color.
So have you the red stone, ready to be fermented; first weigh both parts.
Take pure luna, and of our Mercury ana, dissolve it in hot ashes close stopped into a
green color distill of our mercury from it 2 or 3 times that no part of your mercury
remains with the luna, then nip up the oil of the luna and putrefy it M.B. until it shows all
the colors and become crystalline white which then is the white ferment of ferments.
Put to your white stone one 4
. Part of the ferment of luna, lute the glass and fix them
together in a fixatory vessel under your fire, which will be done in 2 or 3 days.
Then imbibe it with the white oil of the stone which is our lunary, drop by drop, until the
same be oilish, then congeal it again and again imbibe it, reiterate this imbibition, and
congelation, until it will flow in the fire as wax and not evaporate on a plate of copper
nealed, then congeal it until it be white, hard, and transparent clear as crystal.
Lapis Albus. Then it is medicine of the 3
. degree and the perfect white stone,
transmuting all metals, chiefly venus and mars into pure and perfect luna.
Likewise dissolve sol first purged with 10 parts of antimony in our lunary, as before, and
white it is not dissolved your liquor will be citrine, rectify our Mercury from it 2 or 3
times. Then nip up the oil of sol alone and putrefy it in bal. which likewise must become
black, and must stand till it becomes white, which then remove to a stronger fire, without
opening your glass, keep it there till it change colors, and become citrine, which then is
also ferment of ferments for the red.
Then put to the other part of the stone, which is brought to a purple color a 4
. Part of this
ferment of sol, and fix t hem together under your fire as before, which will be well done
in 2 or 3 days.
When they are become one fire powder, then incere as before is taught, with the red oil of
our stone, congeal, imbibe, and reiterate until it will flow in your fire like wax, and not
evaporate on a plate of copper nealed, which then congeal up till it be clear, transparent
hard and red like a ruby or Jacinth which then is medicine of the 3
. degree, and the
perfect red stone, transmuting all imperfect bodies, chiefly Mercury, Saturn and Luna into
pure Sol.
This powder must be kept in a dry or warm room in several glasses, for they are so tender,
and of so oily a substance, as they are apt to dissolve in any moist place.

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