Basic Flamenco Dance Terms

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Basic flamenco dance terms

Baile Flamenco
Braceo: The working and positioning of the arms particular to Spanish dance technique, which
includes the continuous movement of one or both arms passing from one position to another. The
term also signifies Spanish dance arm movements/exercises, which flow and originate from the
center of the back (between the shoulder blades).
Chufla: The foot lifts from behind or the side and strikes the floor with a glpe while the other foot
simultaneously slides along the floor. The same foot can also perform a glpe and then a slide.
The most audible sound on the floor is the glpe. The step can also be performed simultaneously
on both feet.
Cierre: Act of ending; closing. A flamenco term applied to the closing of a rhythmic phrase (comps)
section, or the ending of a dance. It is a type of llamada. (see definition of llamada).
Comps: The rhythmic cycle and foundation for all flamenco dances. The most common cycles are
in 4/4 meter, and combinations of 3/4 and 6/8 meter. To be en comps means to have mastered being
within these self-contained units.
Contra tiempo: Counter time/counter rhythm accentuation and syncopation typical of flamenco.
These rhythms are produced by stamps of the feet (glpes de pies) in combination with palmas, by
oneself or with others.
Desplante: A type of llamada that signifies a change in choreographic sequences. The desplante
is longer than the llamada. It has a consequent musical phrase (a musical phrase answering the first
phrase). In 12 count dances, desplantes are usually 24 counts long; in 4 count dances,
desplantes are generally 2 sets of 8 counts each.
Escobilla: Extended flamenco dance sequence of footwork combinations, performed to demonstrate
the dancer's virtuosity. Originally, escobillas were the small brushing steps described below, which
allowed female dancers to display the beauty of their feet and arms. Contemporarily, escobillas have
become highly technical and often quite long.
Escobilla step: Literally means brushing. A brushing step executed as the ball of the foot brushes
out along the floor forwards and/or backwards. The foot makes a soft brushing sound on the floor.
Glpe: The whole surface of the foot strikes full upon the floor. The foot makes an audible sound
on the floor. A stamp.
Jaleo: Encouraging words and sounds flamenco performers shout as other flamencos are
performing. Aficionados (knowledgeable observers, participants, or participant/observers of
flamenco) also often shout jaleo. Familiar flamenco jaleos include: ol!, anda, vamos ya, alla,
and eso es.
Llamada: Literally means to "call". In flamenco terminology, it is the means by which a
flamenco dancer notifies or cues the guitarist or singer of a forthcoming change of rhythm or
the next section of the dance being performed, such as in the class choreography, the tangos. A
llamada can also signal a dancer's entrance (salida) or the closing (cierre) that is approaching.
Marcando/Marcar/Marcaje: To keep time/marking time with the feet.
Muecas/Flores: The gentle rotary motions of the wrists and fingers typical of flamenco.
Palmas: Rhythmic hand claps that accompany flamenco dancers, singers and guitarists. Generally
speaking, palmas accompany in regular rhythm or counter time (contra tiempo). They are performed
as sordas (dry and muffled/cupped) or secas/claras (striking, strong, and dry).
Pellizco: Literally means a pinch, nip, or a small bit. In flamenco parlance, pellizcos are small,
spontaneous gestures, mimicries, or whimsical movements employed by a flamenco dancer to
heighten the effect of a dance, just as a cook adds a "pinch" of salt to food to accentuate flavor.
The term also describes being spicy, saucy, juicy, flirtatious or light and humorous. These
gestures are often dance movements, which are enlivened with a flip of the head, a movement of the
shoulder or arms, a look in the eye or any similar activity.
Pitos: Rhythmic finger snaps performed in either regular or counter time by dancers and singers.
Planta: The striking or placing of the ball of the foot on the floor with the instep arched. The ball of
the foot may either make or not make an audible sound on the floor.
Punta: The tip of the toe strikes the floor behind or in front of the standing leg and immediately
rebounds to approximately the ankle of the standing leg. The point of the toe makes an audible sound on
the floor.
Tacn: The drop of the heel from the planta or glpe position. The heel makes an audible sound
on the floor. The heel does not leave the floor until another step is initiated.
Taln: The whole foot lifts from the floor and strikes the edge of the heel upon the floor. The heel
does make an audible sound on the floor, though not as audible as the tacn. The heel also immediately
rebounds to approximately the middle of the calf of the standing leg.
Taconeo: Term in Flamenco dancing used for heelwork. Rhythmic patterns made with the heels.
Vuelta: turn
Zapateado: Term in flamenco dancing used generally for footwork. The term is sometimes used
interchangeably with taconeo. Zapateado is also the name of a rhythmic flamenco dance.
Katerina Toms 1993

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