Fairey Swordfish Specifications

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One Bri stol Pegasus Mk IIIM3 (or Mk 30) ni ne-cyl i nder radi al ai r-cool ed
supercharged engi ne rated at 775hp at 2,200rpm at sea l evel and 690hp at
2,201rpm at 3,500ft (five-minute combat rating 750hp at 2,525rpm at 4,150ft
when fitted with Fairey-Reed three-bladed fixed pitch metal propeller).
Fuel capacity
155 Imperial gallons in main fuselage tank and further 12.5 Imperial gallons in
gravi ty tank. Provi si on for 60 Imperi al gal l on auxi l i ary l ong-range tank i n
mid-cockpit position or one 69 Imperial gallon auxiliary tank slung from torpedo
crutches beneath centre fuselage.
Span (upper mai npl ane) 45ft 6i n, (l ower mai npl ane) 43ft 9i n. Wi dth (wi th
mainplanes folded) 17ft 3in. Length (tail down) 36ft lin, (flying attitude) 36ft 4in.
Height (tail down) l2ft 10.5in, (flying attitude) 13ft 5.75in. Gross wing area 607
sq ft.
Weights (Mk I late production)
Empty 4,7001b. Empty equi pped 5,2001b. Loaded 8,1001b. Maxi mum l oaded
8,7001b. Maximum overload 9,2501b.
One fixed forward-firing Vickers 0.303in machine gun (600 rounds) mounted on
forward fuselage decking and operated by pilot. One Lewis 0.303in machine gun
(six magazines) mounted on Fairey high-speed flexible mounting in rear cockpit,
operated by ai r gunner. Loads i ncl uded, opti onal l y, one 1,6101b torpedo, one
1,5001b sea mine or l,500lb of bombs (which could comprise two 5001b bombs
beneath fuselage and two 2501b bombs beneath each lower mainplane or one 5001b
bomb beneath each lower mainplane and another beneath the centre fuselage). The
Mk II could instead cany four 60lb rockets under each lower mainplane.
Performance (Mk I late production at 8,7001b loaded weight)
Maxi mum speed 132mph at sea l evel , 139mph at 4,750ft. Maxi mum crui si ng
speed 128mph at 5,000ft at maximum weak mixture power. Economical cruising
speed 104mph at 5,000ft. Range (with 1,5001b bomb load at economical cruising
speed) 546 miles, (with no external stores) 770 miles, (with
69 Imperial gallon
extemal tank) 1,030 miles. Initial rate of climb l,200fVmin. Time to 5,000ft at
8,7001b wei ght, 10 mi nutes. Servi ce cei l i ng (at 9,2501b) 10,700-ft, (at 8,7001b)
12,400ft. Maximum ceiling (unloaded) 19,250ft. Take-off distance (to clear 50ft,
at maximum load) 725yds. Deck run (into 20kt wind, at maximum loaded weight)
180yds, (into
30kt wind) I 15yds, (inro 40kt wind) 62yds. Landing run (over Soft,at
8,1001b) 5s0yds.
An offi ci al warti me document i ssued to Mi ddl e East-based uni ts
gi ves
following figures:
As ship-plane reconnaissance with three crew
Normal bomb l oad l 96l b. Maxi mum bomb l oad 1,5001b (6 x 2501b) or l ,650l b (3
x 5501b).
Tare wei ght 4,6881b. Normal wei ght
' 1
Cl i mb to 8,000f1, 9.5 mi nutes.
Service ceiling 17,000f1.
Maximum speed 14lmph at 8,000ft. Cruising speed 125mph at 8,000ft with bomb
l oad 1961b.
Range 570 mi l es,4.55 hours (50 mi nutes' al l owance). Fuel for range 1,0321b, pl us
al l owance 2161b, total 1,2581b. Total gal l ons 162. Mi l es per 1001b fuel , 55.2.
As ship-plane torpedo-bomber with two crew
Normal bomb load 1,5001b. Maximum bomb load 1,5001b (6 x 2501b) or 1,6501b
x 5501b).
Tare wei ght 4,6881b. Normal wei ght 8,2221b. Cl i mb to 5,000ft, 6.8 mi nutes.
Servi ce cei l i ng 13,100ft.
Maximum speed 139mph at 5,000f1. Cruising speed 127mph at 5,000ft with bomb
Ioad 1,5001b.
Range 420 miles, 3.3 hours (50 minutes' allowance). Fuel for range 8381b, plus
al l owance 2l 6l b, total 1,0551b. Total gal l ons 137. Mi l es per l 00l b fuel ,50.1.
As sea-plane reconnaissance with three crew
Normal bomb l oad l 96l b. Maxi mum bomb l oad 1,5001b (6 x 2501b) or 1,6501b (3
x 5501b).
Tare weight 5,3291b. Normal weight 8,0201b. Take-off over 50ft, 570yds. Climb to
8,000ft, l2 minutes.
Servi ce cei l i ng 14,200ft. Maxi mum speed t35mph at 8,000f1. Crui si ng speed
I I8-mph at 8000-ft wi th bomb l oad 1961b. Range 550 mi l es, 4.65 hours (50
mi nutes' al l owance). Fuel for range 1,0781b, pl us al l owance 2l 6l b, total 1,2941b.
Total gal l ons 168. Mi l es per l 00l b fuel ,51.
As sea-plane torpedo-bomber with two crew
Normal bomb l oad 1,5001b. Maxi mum bomb i oad l ,500l b (6 x 2501b) or 1,6501b
(3 x 5501b).
Tare weight 5,3291b. Normal weight 8,8741b. Take-off over 50ft, 930yds. Climb to
5,000ft, 9.2 minutes. Service ceiling 10,500ft. Maximum speed 129mph at 5,000ft.
Crui si ng speed 116mph at 5,000-ft wi th omb l oad 1,5001b. Range 380 mi l es, 3.3
hours (50 minutes' allowance). Fuel for range 8581b, plus allowance 216lb, total
1,0741b. Total gal l ons 139.5. Mi l es per 1001b fuel ,44.3.
Swordfish Specifi cations
Appendix 1.

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