Ashwani Shastri Matrix
Ashwani Shastri Matrix
Ashwani Shastri Matrix
Customer Satisfaction about product services of
Matrix Cellular (nternational! Services Pvt "td#
Submitted in partial fulfillment of t$e re%uirements for t$e T&o 'ear (ull
Time Post )raduate *iploma in Mana+ement
,N*ER T-E ),*.NCE O( .N*
012 To23
Name2 Ashwani Shastri (acult1 Mentor2 Prof. A. R Mishra
Enrollment No2 2013029 ndustr1 Mentor4s Name2 Sandeep dody
0atc$2 2013-15 *esi+nation2 Batch head
5T5S3 nstitute of Tec$nolo+1 6 Science
Session2 89:;3:<
I herey dec!are that this S"##er Internship Pro$ect is #y own wor% and that& to
the est of #y %now!ed'e and e!ief& it reprod"ces no #ateria! pre(io"s!y
p"!ished or written that has een accepted for the award of any other de'ree of
dip!o#a& e)cept where d"e ac%now!ed'e#ent has een #ade in the te)t.
(.s$&ani S$astri!
Enrollment No589:;98=
(On Or+ani7ation "etter$ead!
*ate2 >>>>5
*his is to certify that Mr. Ashwani Shastri of I.*.S- Instit"te of Mana'e#ent&
+ha,iaad P+-M Batch 2013-15 has s"ccessf"!!y co#p!eted his s"##er
internship "nder the '"idance of Mr. Sandeep -ody for a d"ration of . wee%s&
fro# 1/ Apri! to15 0"ne 2011.
-"rin' his2her ten"re with "s& we fo"nd hi#2her 333333333..
4e wish hi#2 her a!! the (ery est for f"t"re endea(ors.
Or+ani7ation seal
*his is to certify that Mr. 2 Ms. 333333333.. P+-M 52012-11 Batch6 a
st"dent of I.*.S- Instit"te of Mana'e#ent& +reater 7oida has "nderta%en the
pro$ect on 8Pro$ect *it!e9. *he s"r(ey& data co!!ection& : ana!ysis wor% for
preparin' the pro$ect has een carried o"t y the st"dent in partia! f"!fi!!#ent of the
re;"ire#ents for the award of P+-M& "nder #y '"idance and s"per(ision.
I a# satisfied with the wor% of Mr. 2Ms. 3333333333..
(acult1 Mentor4s Name2 >>>>
I wo"!d !i%e to e)press 'ratit"de and respect for a!! the '"idance and assistance
'i(en and #ade a(ai!a!e.
*his pro$ect has in(o!(ed a !ot of effort and research& which wo"!d not ha(e een
possi!e witho"t the he!p of #any peop!e.
I wo"!d !i%e to e)press #y deep 'ratit"de towards #y ind"stry #entor Mr.
Sandeep dody& -e!hi ncr head of <hanne! Sa!es : #y =ac"!ty #entor A.R.Mishra&
for 'i(in' #e this opport"nity to e)p!ore #y potentia! and "nderta%e this pro$ect. It
rea!!y he!ped to p"t the theoretica! %now!ed'e to practica! "se and it a!so 'a(e #e a
#"ch deeper "nderstandin' of the act"a! operations of the internationa! si# card
I wo"!d !i%e to ta%e this opport"nity to than% #y Ind"stry #entor Sandeep -ody
: #y =ac"!ty #entor Prof.A.R.Mishra& #y tea# #e#ers Mr. Shashwat yada(&
nitin tha%ra! and (iha( tya'i whose i##ense he!p& '"idance& s"pport& and
direction #ade this pro$ect possi!e.
Executive Summar1
*he #ain o$ecti(e of the pro$ect was to find o"t the satisfaction !e(e! of e)istin' c"sto#ers and
"nderstandin' the co#petiti(e en(iron#ent and s"''estin' f"rther strate'ies to i#pro(e and
s"stain the #ar%et share of Matri) <o"ntry Specific Si# card. =eat"res affectin' the "yin'
eha(ior of the c"sto#ers and ch"rn #ana'e#ent were a!so st"died.
After co#p!etion of this pro$ect I fo"nd that in spite of the fact that Matri) is the #ar%et !eader
a#on' the co"ntry specific si# cards "t sti!! it has to wor% o"t new strate'ies in order to
co#pete with c!ay and "niconnect who is the #a$or co#petitor in the pri(ate sector and other
p!ayers in the ind"stry. Ma)i#"# no of #oi!e "sers are in the a'e 'ro"p of 25-/0& which are
#ost!y st"dent 'oin' aroad for st"dies& ser(ice c!ass and "siness #en who 'o aroad either for
!eis"re trip or for "siness p"rpose. *i!! date Matri) is on!y pro(idin' the post paid ser(ices on!y.
Prepaid is other option with #atri)& there is a testin' 'oin' o"t in the #ar%et for sa#e& it #i'ht
a!so co#e with a 'reat dea!.
Matri) <o"ntry Specific Si# card has a stron' rand i#a'e in the Internationa! Si# cards
#ar%et& even Matrix is t$e bi++est compan1 in t$e &orld in t$is business "t sti!! it needs
re'"!ar inno(ations and differentiation to e i#p!e#ented to ha(e a co#petiti(e ed'e ao(e the
other potentia! p!ayers in the ind"stry. After co#p!etin' the s"r(ey I arri(ed at a conc!"sion that
there is an e)tensi(e co#petition happenin' these days in Internationa! si# cards Ind"stry
:. -Introd"ction33333333333333333333333.33333.09
-*e!eco# ind"stry3333333333333333333333.3333.10
-<o#pany Profi!e3333333333333333333333.3333..11
-Matri) desi'n3333333333333333333333333.33321
-Matri) Redesi'n33333333333333333333333333...29
-Ind"stry Profi!e333333333333333333333333333.35
-S4>* Ana!ysis33333333333333333333333333310
-<h"rn Mana'e#ent3333333333333333333333333...1/
8. >$ecti(e of the Pro$ect 3.........................................................................................19
;. Re(iew of the ?iterat"re33333333333333333333333351
-Brand I#a'e3333333333333333333333333333.52
- <ons"#er Beha(ior3333333333333333333333333..5/
- <"sto#er Re!ationship Mana'e#ent333333333333333333...5@
- Strate'ies for ="t"re +rowth333333333333333333333...5.
A. Research Methodo!o'y333333333333333333333333../2
<. -ata Ana!ysis : Interpretation333333333333333333333 /5
/. <hi-S;"are *ests : factor ana!ysis3333333333333333333....3
@. S"''estions33333333333333333333333333333102
B5 <onc!"sion 33333333333333333333333333333105
=5 ?i#itations 3333333333333333333333333333310/
:9. Bi!io'raphy3333333333333333333333333333.10.
:9. Anne)"re..............................................................................................................3..109
-;"estionnaire ased ;"estion3333333333333333333333..110
-doc"#entation for#33333333333333333333333333.111
-co#pany "nderta%in' for#33333333333333333333333.115
-tariff p!an 33333333333333333333333333333311/
C$apter 3:
Introduction To The Industry
Telecom Industry In India
The Indian telecommunications market has been displaying sustained high groth
rates! "iding on e#pectations o$ o%erall high economic groth and conse&uent rising
income le%els' it o$$ers an unprecedented opportunity $or $oreign in%estment! (
combination o$ $actors is dri%ing groth in the telecom market' promising rich returns on
)%er the past 1* years' India has registered the $astest groth among ma+or
democracies' ha%ing gron at o%er 7 per cent in $our years during the 199*s! It
represents the $ourth largest economy in terms o$ ,urchasing ,oer ,arity! (ccording
to a recent -oldman.achs report' o%er the ne#t $i$ty years' /ra0il' "ussia' India and
1hina 2 the /"I1economies2 could become a much larger $orce in the orld economy! It
reports' 3India could emerge as the orld4s third largest economy and o$ these $our
countries5 India has the potential to sho the $astest groth o%er the ne#t 3* to 5*
The report also states that' 3"ising incomes may also see these economies mo%e
through the 7seet spot 7o$ groth $or di$$erent kinds o$ products' as local spending
patterns change! This could be an important determinant o$ demand and pricing
patterns $or a range o$ commodities6! The share o$ the ser%ices sector as a percentage
o$ total -8, is also predicted to rise $rom the current 46 per cent to about 6* per cent
by 2*2*! The boom in the ser%ices sector is slated to come $rom India' emerging as a
chosen destination $or so$tare and other IT enabled ser%ices' tourism etc! (ccording to
a 9asscom2 :c;insey < 1o! .tudy' by 2**8' the Indian IT so$tare and ser%ices sector
ill account $or =.> 7*28* billion in re%enues5 it4ll employ 4 million people' and account
$or 7 per cent o$ India4s -8, and 3* per cent o$ India4s $oreign e#change in$los!
,opulation pro+ections $rom the ,lanning 1ommission o$ India suggest that the share
o$ the orking age population ?15264 years@ in total population ill gro $rom the
current59 per cent to about 65 per cent' translating into 882 million by year
2*2*!(ccording to the Aision 2*2* document $or the ,lanning 1ommission o$ India'
the country ill itness continued urbanisation! The urban population is e#pected to rise
$rom 28 per cent to 4* per cent o$ total population by 2*2*!Buture groth is likely to be
concentrated in and around 6* to 7* large cities' each ha%ing a population o$ one million
or more! This pro$ile o$ concentrated urban population ill $acilitate customised telecom
o$$erings $rom operators! )%er the years' spending poer has steadily increased
andtechnical interconnecti%ity beteen operators' regulating re%enue sharing' ensuringc
ompliance ith license conditions' $acilitating competition and settling disputes beteen
ser%ice pro%iders! The T"(I cannot grant or rene licenses and this remains the 8oTCs
responsibility! The T"(I may also set the rates $or telecommunications ser%ices! Its
decisions can only be challenged by the Digh 1ourts or .upreme 1ourts o$ India!
implement ne telecommunication policy! ( bill passed in 1995 en%isaged the
creation o$ an independent and autonomous agency $or the regulation o$
telecommunications' the Telecommunications "egulatory (uthority o$ India ?T"(I@! .et
up in 1997' the T"(I is responsible $acilitating interconnection
India has been one o$ the best per$ormers in the orld economy in recent years' but
rapidly rising in$lation and the comple#ities o$ running the orld4s biggest 1hallenge!
India4s economy has been one o$ the stars o$ global economics in recent years'
groing9!2E in 2**7 and 9!6E in 2**6! -roth had been supported by markets
re$orms' huge in$los o$ B8I' rising $oreign e#change reser%es' both an IT and real
estate boom' and $lourishing capital market! Fike most o$ the orld' hoe%er' India is
$acing testing economic times in 2**8! The "eser%e /ank o$ India had set an in$lation
target o$ 4E' but by the middle o$ the year it as running at 11E' the highest le%el seen
$or a decade! The rising costs o$ oil' $ood
andthe resources needed $or India4s construction boom are all playing part!India has to
compete e%er harder in the energy market place in particular and has not been as adept
at securing ne $ossil $uel sources as the 1hinese! The Indian -o%ernment is looking at
alternati%es' and has signed a ide2ranging nuclear treaty ith the =.' in part to gain
access to nuclear poer plant technology that can reduce its oil thirst! This
has pro%ed contentious though' leading to le$tist members o$ the ruling coalition! !(s
part o$ the $ight against in$lation a tighter monetary policy is e#pected' but this ill help
slo the groth o$ the Indian economy still $urther' as domestic demand ill be
dampened! G#ternal demand is also sloing' $urther adding to the donside risks !The
Indian stock market has $allen more than 4*E in si# months $rom its Hanuary 2**8high!
>6b o$ $oreign $unds ha%e $loed out o$ the country in that period' reacting both
tosloing economic groth and perceptions that the market as o%er2%alued! It is not all
doom and gloom' hoe%er! ( groing number o$ in%estors $eel that the market may no
be under%alued and are seeing this as a buying opportunity! I$ their optimism about the
long term health o$ the Indian economy is correct' then this ill be a needed correction
rather than a dontrend !The Indian go%ernment certainly hopes that is the case! It
%ies in%estment in the creaking in$rastructure o$ the country as being a key
re&uirement' and has ear2marked23!8 trillion rupees' appro#imately >559 billion' $or
in$rastructure upgrades during the11th $i%e year plan ! It e#pects to $und 7*E o$ pro+ect
costs' ith the other 3*E being supplied by the pri%ate sector! ,orts' airports' roads and
railays are all seen as %ital $or the Indian Gconomy and ha%e been targeted $or
in%estment! Burther hope comes $rom the con$idence o$ India4s home bred companies!
(s ell as taking o%er the domestic reins' here they no account $or most o$ the
economic acti%ity' they are also increasingly e#panding abroad! India has contributed
more ne members to the Borbes -lobal 2*** than any other country in the last $our
-8, groth rate $rom 1998 to 2**8India4s Gconomy has gron by more than 9E $or
three years running' and has seen a decade o$ 7EI groth! This has reduced po%erty
by 1*E' but ith 6*E o$ India4s 1!1 billion populations li%ing o$$ agriculture and ith
droughts and $loods increasing' po%erty!
The structural trans$ormation that has been adopted by the national go%ernment in
recent times has reduced groth constraints and contributed greatly to the o%erall
groth and prosperity o$ the country! Doe%er there are still ma+or issues around
$ederal %s! state bureaucracy' corruption and tari$$s that re&uire addressing! India4s
public debt is 58E o$ -8, according to the 1I( Jorld Bact book! 8uring this period o$
stable groth' the per$ormance o$ the Indian ser%ice sector has been particularly
signi$icant! The groth rate o$ the ser%ice sector as 11!18E in 2**7 and no
contributes 53E o$ -8,! The industrial sector gre 1*!63E in the same period
andis no 29E o$ -8,! (griculture is 17E o$ the Indian economy!-roth in the manu$a
cturing sector has also complemented the country4s e#cellentgroth momentum! The
groth rate o$ the manu$acturing sector rose steadily $rom8!98E in 2**5' to 12E in
2**6! The storage and communication sector also registered
signi$icant groth rate o$ 16!64E in the same year
(dditional $actors that ha%e contributed to this robust en%ironment are sustained inin%es
tment and high sa%ings rates! (s $ar as the percentage o$ gross capital $ormation in
-8, is concerned' there has been a signi$icant rise $rom 22!8E in the $iscal year 2**1'
to35!9E in the $iscal year 2**6! Burther' the gross rate o$ sa%ings as a proportion to
-8, registered solid groth $rom 23!5E to 34!8E $or the same period!
Compan14s profile
)RO,P2 Matrix Countr1 Specific Sim card
EST.0"S-E*2 ::
NovD :==<
M.N.)N) *RECTOR2 Mr5 )a+an *u++al
Countr1 Specific Sim cards
0lacE0err1 Services
*ata Cards
.lliance Partner
Radiocom (&ireless! po&er t$rou+$ Matrix2
4a!%ie-ta!%ie sets for -e!hi and 7<R
Shahr"%h Dhan
A#ir %han
Crithi% Roshan : =a#i!y
Bachchan =a#i!y& etc.
Travel (raternit12
KBritish Airways
K0et Airways
Separate nternational number
*he c"sto#er has the freedo# of 'i(in' the n"#er to a few i#portant peop!e and screenin'
"nwanted ca!!s& therey considera!e sa(in' on phone i!!s.
Or+ani7ation Structure at Matrix
Matri) has a!!iance re!ationships with !eadin' co#panies !i%e S>*<& 0et Airways& British
Airways& Eantas& <itian%& A#erican A)press& -e"tsche Ban%& Stan <hart Ban%& -C? a#on'st
others. So#e of the specia! offers areF
-e"tsche Ban% P!atin"# credit card
C-=< *itani"# credit cards
0et Airways
British Airways
<itian% G!ti#a credit card
<itian% P!atin"# credit card
Stan <hart P!atin"# card Matri) has st"dent offers tooF
Eantas Airways
A#e) *ra(e!ers <he;"es
<ent"rion an% of P"n$a
A#erican A)press
<itian%& etc.
*i#es of India& etc.
Corporate -ouses2
Re!iance Ind"stries
Cero Conda
*A*A Motors& etc
Matrix net&orE
Matri) <o"ntry Specific Si#s card co#es to yo" as wor!dIs i''est pri(ate inte'rated
co"ntry specific si# <ards <o#pany. Matri) pro(ides a ran'e of te!eco# ser(ices& which inc!"de
<o"ntry Specific Si# cards& Bo!tons -ata <ards and =ore). Apart fro# ein' the !ar'est
co#pany in wor!d in this "siness& it is a!so the first co#pany to start the concept of co"ntry
specific si# cards in wor!d. Matri) is the !eadin' co"ntry specific si# cards co#pany& with a
footprint in pan India
MarEet S$are in countr1 specific sim cards
To be +loball1 admired for countr1 specific sim cards services t$at deli+$t
4e wi!! #eet '!oa! standards for te!eco# ser(ices that de!i'ht c"sto#ers thro"'hF
J <"sto#er Ser(ice =oc"s
J A#powered A#p!oyees
J Inno(ati(e Ser(ices
J <ost Afficiency
Matrix Countr1 Specific Sim cards
Matri) Postpaid& the Ready <o"ntry Specific Si# card <ard fro# Matri) co#es to yo" fro#
Matri) <o"ntry Specific Si# card& IndiaKs !eadin' <o"ntry specific Si# <ard <o#pany. +oin'
#oi!e with Matri) Postpaid is a new way of !ife. 4ith a host of 'reat feat"res& a!so si#p!e to
"se& Matri) #a%es e(erythin' that yo" drea#t and e!ie(ed& possi!e.
Matrix Postpaid
Matri) we!co#es yo" to a (irant wor!d of "n!i#ited opport"nities. More e)citin'&
inno(ati(e yet si#p!e new ways to co##"nicate& $"st when yo" want to& not $"st thro"'h words
"t ideas& e#otions and fee!in's. *o 'i(e yo" the "n!i#ited freedo# to reach o"t to yo"r specia!
peop!e in yo"r specia! way when e(er yo" are tra(e!!in' aroad
Matrix 0lacE 0err1 Services
Matri) B!ac% Berry ser(ice a!!ows yo" to "se yo"r #ai!s when e(er yo" are tra(e!!in'
aroad at $"st 1210
of the cost in co#parison to Internationa! Roa#in'.
. Matrix *ata Card
Gsin' !aptops e(en whi!e tra(e!!in' aroad is a essentia! need of e(ery "siness these
days& so Matri) pro(ide p!"' and p!ay -ata cards for !aptops so that #ai!s can e accessed any
where is a cheaper #ode and safe #anner.
. Matrix (orex Cards and Currenc1
*ra(e!!in' aroad with !ots of cash and tra(e!ers che;"e is an o!d idea& now peop!e prefer
to carry fore) cards which are easy to "se and re#o(es the hass!e of carryin' cash.
Matrix 0R.N*
Matrix 6 /isual dentit1
=or a rand to e s"ccessf"!& it #"st "i!d end"rin' re!ationships with its different
a"diences. Inte'ra! to this re!ationship is the (is"a! i#a'e of the rand the cons"#er carries in
his2her #ind. *he Matri) rand i#a'e is created thro"'h the consistent app!ication of a caref"!!y
de(e!oped (is"a! identity& which he!ps Matri) distin'"ish itse!f in a c!"ttered #ar%et. Matri)
(is"a! identity he!ps create instant rand reca!! and stren'thens the re!ationships that its
a"diences ha(e with it.
*he Matri) (is"a! identity has different e!e#ents that wor% to'ether to create a stron' and
consistent identity for the rand.
T$e Matrix "o+o
*he Matri) !o'o is a stron'& conte#porary and confident sy#o! for a rand that is
a!ways ahead of the rest. It is a specia!!y drawn word #ar%.
/SON2 FAs we spread win's to e)pand o"r capai!ities and e)p!ore new hori,ons& the
f"nda#enta! foc"s re#ains "nchan'edF see% o"t the est techno!o'y in the wor!d and p"t it at the
ser(ice of o"r "!ti#ate "serF o"r c"sto#er.L
Matri) <o"ntry Specific Si# card Internationa! Ser(ices ?i#ited was incorporated on 9th
7o(& 1995 for pro#otin' in(est#ents in <o"ntry specific si# card ser(ices as in co"ntry specific
Si#s. Its s"sidiaries operate te!eco# ser(ices across India. Matri) is IndiaKs !eadin' pri(ate
sector pro(ider of <o"ntry Specific Si# cards ased on a stron' c"sto#er ase consistin' of
appro)i#ate!y 20D <"sto#ers e(ery #onth and the no. are increasin' day y day.
0usiness Strate+1
Matri)K strate+ic obGective is 8to capitali7e on t$e +ro&t$ opportunities t$at t$e Compan1
believes are available in t$e ?orld marEet and consolidate its position to be t$e leadin+
inte+rated countr1 specific sim card provider in Ee1 marEets in ndiaD &it$ a focus on
providin+ suc$ services#5
*he <o#pany has de(e!oped the fo!!owin' strate'ies to achie(e its strate'ic
=oc"s on #a)i#i,in' re(en"es and #ar'insM
<apt"re #a)i#"# re(en"e potentia! with #ini#"# 'eo'raphica! co(era'eM
>ffer #"!tip!e <o"ntry specific si# card ser(ices to pro(ide c"sto#ers with a Lone-
stop shopL so!"tionM
Position itse!f to tap data trans#ission opport"nities and offer ad(anced #oi!e data
=oc"s on satisfyin' and retainin' c"sto#ers y ens"rin' hi'h !e(e! of c"sto#er
?e(era'e stren'ths of its strate'ic and financia! partnersM and
A#phasi,e on h"#an reso"rce de(e!op#ent to achie(e operationa! efficiencies.
Mobile Strate+1
<apt"re #a)i#"# <o"ntry specific si# card re(en"e potentia! with #ini#"#
'eo'raphica! co(era'e to #a)i#i,e its re(en"es and #ar'ins.
B"i!d hi'h ;"a!ity #oi!e networ%s y dep!oyin' state-of-the-art techno!o'y to offer
s"perior ser(ices.
Gse the e)perience it has 'ained fro# operatin' its e)istin' #oi!e networ%s to de(e!op
and operate other #oi!e networ%s in India and to share the e)pertise across a!! of its
e)istin' and new circ!es.
Attract and retain hi'h re(en"e 'eneratin' c"sto#ers y pro(idin' co#petiti(e tariffs&
offerin' hi'h ;"a!ity c"sto#er s"pport& proacti(e retention pro'ra#s.
Pro(ide afforda!e tariff p!ans to s"it each se'#ent of the #ar%et with a (iew to e)pand the
reach& therey increasin' the #oi!e c"sto#er ase rapid!y.
Media Strate+1
*he #edia p!annin' is done y in house marketing department head by Karan Sharma.
*he tar'et a"dience is the Ma!e2=e#a!e who tra(e! aroad& A who !oo% entertain#ent& news :
infor#ation in the e!ectronic #edia in channe!s !i%e 7-*H& AA0*AD& and S*AR P?GS etc.
Since they are a!! "sy with their dai!y ro"tine !ife& d"rin' wee%days they watch
te!e(ision on!y d"rin' e(enin's& th"s the ad was shown for# 1900 hrs to 0000hrs d"rin'
wee%days in 12-20 spots2day : since d"rin' the wee%ends they re!y on the sa#e #edia for
entertain#ent the ad is shown a hi'her n"#er of ti#es 5i.e.6 30-10 spots d"rin' the who!e day.
*his ad was #ade in Cindi2 An'!ish #i) eca"se of o"r tar'et a"dience which is
"nderstood y a!! and th"s it was shown #ain!y on te!e(ision as te!e(ision had the #a)i#"#
reach 5i.e.6 a!! o(er India and a!so e!ectronic #edia created a 'reater i#pact in the #inds of the
*he pri#ary #edia "sed for this ca#pai'n was te!e(ision so that e(eryone wo"!d 'et to
see the ad : this wo"!d create an i#pact in his #ind. ?ater in the secondary #edia hoardin's :
print #edia was "sed so that there was an i##ediate rand reca!! of Matri).
Testin+ 6 Evolution
Both the co#pany 5Matri)6 : the #edia tea# cond"cted s"r(eys to chec% the *op of *he
Mind Awareness 5*>MA6 whose res"!ts showed that Matri) had a hi'h *>MA.
*he sa!es of Matri) a!so went "p y a s#a!! percenta'e after the ad ca#pai'n was
0rand strate+ies
*o "nderstand the rand strate'y& !etIs first !oo% at the rand "i!din' e)ercise associated
with Matri) N a rand that had to e repositioned recent!y to address new needs in the #ar%et.
4hen the rand was !a"nched 15 years a'o& <o"ntry Specific Si# card te!ephony wasnIt a #ass
#ar%et y any #eans. =or the a(era'e cons"#er& ownin' a <o"ntry Specific Si# card phone was
e)pensi(e as tariff rates 5at Rs . a #in"te6 as we!! as instr"#ent prices were steep N so#eti#es
as #"ch as "yin' a second-hand car.
Matri) co"!d ha(e addressed the c"sto#er y rationa!!y e)p!ainin' to hi# the econo#ic
ad(anta'e of "sin' a co"ntry specific si# card. B"t Mr. +a'an -"''a! says that s"ch a strate'y
wo"!d not ha(e wor%ed for the si#p!e reason that the (a!"e fro# "sin' the phone at the ti#e was
not co##ens"rate with the cost.
8Instead of the (a!"e-proposition #ode!& we decided to address the sensory enefit it 'a(e to the
c"sto#er as the #ain se!!in' tac%. *he idea was to eco#e a ad'e (a!"e rand&9 he e)p!ains.
So the Matri) 8!eadership series9 ca#pai'n was !a"nched showin' s"ccessf"! #en with their
!aptops& in their de!")e cars& in hote!s aroad "sin' the Matri) #oi!e phone. In si#p!e ter#s& it
#eant Matri) was positioned as an inspirationa! rand that was #eant for !eaders& for c"sto#ers
who stood o"t in a crowd.
-id it wor%O Repeated s"r(eys fo!!owin' the !a"nch showed that there were three core enefits
that were c!ear!y associated with the rand N !eadership& dyna#is# and perfor#ance.
*hese were (a!"a!e ;"a!ities& "t they on!y too% Matri) far eno"'h to esta!ish its presence in
the #ar%et. As tariffs started droppin'& it eca#e necessary for Matri) to appea! to a wider
a"dience. And the (ario"s rand-trac%in' e)ercises showed that despite a!! these 'ood thin's&
there was no e#otiona! di#ension to the rand N it was percei(ed as co!d& distant and efficient.
By 2000& Matri) and his tea# rea!i,ed that in a "siness in which c"sto#er re!ationships were
the core this co"!d e a #a$or wea%ness. *he reason with tariffs identica! to co#petitor <!ay and
ro"'h!y the sa#e !e(e! of ser(ice and sche#es& it had now eco#e i#portant for Matri) to
8h"#ani,e9 Matri) and "se that re!ationship as a #a$or differentiation.
*he rand had eco#e so#ethin' !i%e ?"fthansa N co!d and efficient. 4hat they needed was to
eco#e Sin'apore Air!ines& efficient "t a!so h"#an. A chan'e in tac% was i#portant eca"se
this was a ti#e when the <o"ntry Specific Si# #ar%et was chan'in'.
*he !eadership series was o%ay when yo" were wooin' the crP#e de !a crP#e of society. >nce
yo" reached the# yo" had to e)pand the #ar%et so there was need to address to new c"sto#ers.
By that ti#e& Matri) was a!ready the !eadin' <o"ntry Specific Si# card s"scrier in -e!hi with
a ase of 30 D2Month 5it now has 50 D2Month c"sto#ers6. And with tariffs eco#in' #ore
afforda!e N as co#panies started c"ttin' prices N it was ti#e to e)pand the #ar%et.
Cow co"!d Matri) !e(era'e this !eadership position down the (a!"e chainO S"r(eys showed that
the concept of !eadership in the c"sto#erIs #inds was a!so chan'in'. ?eadership did not #ean
directin' s"ordinates to e)ec"te orders "t to wor% a!on' with a tea# to achie(e co##on
o$ecti(es N it was& a'ain& a re!ationship 'a#e that needed to e ref!ected in the Matri) rand.
A!so& a s"r(ey showed that 50 per cent of the new c"sto#ers choose Matri) rand #ost!y
thro"'h word-of-#o"th endorse#ents fro# friends& fa#i!y or co!!ea'"es. *h"s& e)istin'
c"sto#ers were an i#portant too! for #ar%et e)pansion and Matri) now foc"sed on "i!din'
c!oser re!ationships with the#.
*hat is precise!y what the rand tried to achie(e thro"'h its new positionin' "nder the Matri)
8MAKES SENSE rand ca#pai'n. *his set of ca#pai'ns portrayed #oi!e "sers s"rro"nded
y carin' fa#i!y #e#ers. Says Matri)F 8*he new ca#pai'n and positionin' was desi'ned to
hi'h!i'ht the re!ationship an'!e and #a%e the rand softer and #ore sensiti(e.9
As it !oo%s to e)pand its <o"ntry Specific Si# card ser(ices nationwide Nto ei'ht new circ!es
apart fro# the se(en in which it a!ready operates N Matri) is now rea!i,in' that there are new
co#p"!sions to rewor% the Matri) rand& and a new e)ercise is ein' !a"nched to this effect.
Ri'ht now& the co#pany is "nwi!!in' to disc"ss the new positionin' in detai!. B"t road!y& the
foc"s is on positionin' Matri) as a power rand with n"#ero"s re'iona! s"-rands ref!ectin'
c"sto#er needs in (ario"s parts of the co"ntry.
Old "o+o Ne& "o+o
*he new !o'o for Matri) ser(ice was desi'ned after an e)tensi(e rand a"dit across
different cities. *his s#art& conte#porary for# was in response to the o(era!! rand strate'y of
creatin' a yo"n'er& friend!ier rand persona.
*he 'ro"pIs #ar%etin' effort has een reinforced with the re!a"nch of the Matri) rand !o'o&
with a new s!ic%er& internationa! and yo"n'er !oo%. Gnder the new rand strate'y& Matri) wi!!
now eco#e the power rand and s" rands !i%e *an'o 5for 4AP ser(ices6& Bo"topia 5for the
yo"th6 wi!! e withdrawn.
*he idea was to rewor% the rand so that it is re!e(ant to a !ar'er se'#ent of the pop"!ation as we
are now e)pandin' into the s#a!!er cities and towns. *he new rand !oo% wi!! e s"pported y an
o(er Rs @0 crore ad(ertisin' "d'et.
*he tar'et a"dience for this ad ca#pai'n was the Male of the IPolis$ed Societ14 5i.e.6 the
SEC3 . who was etween the a'e 'ro"ps of :B3 J< 1ears. *his was done so eca"se in
Indian fa#i!ies& in ter#s of choosin' a <o"ntry Specific Si# card ser(ice pro(ider& itIs
the Ma!e #e#er who is the head of the fa#i!y acts as the Decider 6 Influencer5
*he tar'et a"diences were a!! o(er India as Matri) is a ser(ice that is ein' "sed y
cons"#ers a!! o(er India.
*he tar'et a"diences are peop!e who wo"!d choose a co"ntry specific card not on!y to
co##"nicate "t a!so enhance their socia! stat"s y "sin' the rand. *hey a!so !oo% for
additiona! enefits fro# the rand
*he enefits the tar'et a"dience wo"!d 'et for# the rand Matri) wo"!d e a
co#ination of F
o Emotional enefit3 *he cons"#er co"!d e)press his inner #ost fee!in's.
o Social enefit3 Matri) was ein' percei(ed as an Internationa! rand& it wo"!d
satisfy his estee# needs.
T$e tar+et audiences4 involvement &it$ t$e product is ver1 !I"!& as co##"nication
is one of the #ost i#portant aspects in e(ery cons"#erIs !ife as it he!ps hi# 2 stay
connected to his near : dear ones : a!so carry on his dai!y !ife oth professiona!!y :
persona!!y. *h"s whi!e choosin' any s"ch <o"ntry Specific Si# card ser(ice whi!e he is
tra(e!!in' aroad& he wo"!d do a co#p!ete ana!ysis : research to find o"t which ser(ice
pro(ider wo"!d satisfy his needs : #ay e 'i(e e(en #ore.
As we are ta!%in' of the inte!!i'ent cons"#er who wo"!d "nderstand the 'ra(ity of the ad
ca#pai'n& heIs a person who cons"!ts #ost!y the e!ectronic #edia !i%e *e!e(ision for
news& infor#ation : entertain#ent. Ce prefers to watch 7-*H& S*AR P?GS : si#i!ar
channe!s that wo"!d satisfy his taste of interests : th"s as a res"!t is dependent on these
channe!s for his needs to e satisfied. *h"s as a res"!t his in(o!(e#ent with this #edia :
channe!s is (ery hi'h.
*he tar'et a"dience in this ad ca#pai'n is the Ma!e #e#er of the SA<- A. who is
inte!!ect"a!& inte!!i'ent : has the rationa!ity to "nderstand the 'ra(ity of the ad ca#pai'n.
Since the o$ecti(e was to enhance the rand i#a'e of Matri)& it was necessary to #a%e
the cons"#er chan'e his perception ao"t the rand which re;"ired a stron' #oti(ation. *his
co"!d e done on!y y connectin' with the cons"#er e#otiona!!y : India ein' a co"ntry of
e#otions& it eca#e necessary : easy to reach o"t to the cons"#er : p!ace o"r rands in their
#inds in a positi(e way.
Matri) as a rand had to enhance its i#a'e& th"s it had 2 'i(e so#ethin' #ore& if not
!itera!!y then e#otiona!!y. *h"s ca#e the concept of QMa%es SenseI& which #eant e)press yo"r
inner#ost fee!in's thro"'h Matri) : they a!so e)pected their cons"#ers to do the sa#e.
>nce the cons"#er has seen the ad ca#pai'n& it sho"!d create a deep i#pact in the #inds
of the cons"#er& so that if as%ed ao"t any ser(ice pro(ider Matri) sho"!d e the rand that
sho"!d in the cons"#ers *>MA 5*op of the #ind Awareness6. After this ad ca#pai'n the
cons"#er wo"!d ha(e a hi'her ondin' with the rand and see it as a niche prod"ct.
Since the sit"ations shown in the ad ca#pai'n are si#i!ar to what e(ery cons"#er
can re!ate to& the cons"#er after ha(in' seen the ad ca#pai'n sho"!d e con(inced that its on!y
Matri) which is a ser(ice pro(ider that ena!es hi# to con(ey a!! that he wants to and a!on' with
that e)press his inner#ost fee!in's which at ti#es are not possi!e y the cons"#ers.
*he cons"#er sho"!d 'et a fee!in' of happiness : a!so e!on'in'ness towards the
rand. Ce is now a!e to reach o"t and e)press those fee!in's : e#otions which he a!ways
wanted "t wasnIt a!e to.
A!! nor#a! cons"#ers can co##"nicate with words& "t a deaf : d"# person canIt do
so. B"t in this ad ca#pai'n they ha(e showed a deaf : d"# chi!d who is sti!! tryin' to e)press
his fee!in's to his teacher y actions and this is what e(en Matri) is tryin' to co##"nicate o"t to
its cons"#ers 5i.e.6 e)press yo"r inner #ost fee!in's.
7ew -e!hi& as an "pco#in' co##ercia! #etropo!itan city is witnessin' at
Present a t"'-of-war for #ar%et share in the <o"ntry specific Si# <ard #ar%et which is c"rrent!y
ho(erin' near the 30 D2#onth fi'"re #ar%. *his #ar%et is 'rowin' at an e)tre#e!y fast pace and
so is the co#petition etween the two #ain <o"ntry Specific Si# card ser(ice pro(iders 3
Matrix and Cla1. Matri)& ein' the first to enter the #ar%et in -e!hi has een the !eader "t the
present trend in the 'rowth rate shows that <!ay #i'ht 'i(e it a r"n for its share of the precio"s
8As #e spread #ings to e$pand our capabilities and e$plore ne# hori%ons& the fundamental
focus remains unchanged' seek out the best technology in the #orld and put it at the ser(ice of
our ultimate user' our customer.L
Covera+e of Matrix
Matri) <o"ntry Specific Si# card ser(ice pro(ides ser(ices in ao"t 5/ <o"ntries with
co"ntry specific card and ao"t 31 co"ntries with a +!oa! <ard. It oost that the co(era'e is
"ninterr"pted and co(ers the widest area. <!ay who #ore or !ess co(ers the sa#e area wi!! 'i(e
Matri) a toss in the f"t"re when its partner Gniconnect which is p!annin' to conso!idate a!! its
Indian operation and 'i(e its c"sto#ers a wider reaches in ter# of a"to roa#. P!ayer who
pro(ides a etter ser(ice in this respect wi!! ha(e an ed'e in the f"t"re as we can see the way
peop!e and "siness is #o(in' o"t of -e!hi.
)lobal Services
Ma%in' its foray into the internationa! #ar%et& Matri) is the first Indian co#pany to 'et a
!icense to pro(ide <o"ntry specific Si# card ser(ices o"tside India& c"rrent!y Matri) has its
presence in *hai!and& Sin'apore& Shri!an%a& Ban'!adesh and G.D and tryin' to de(e!op the
e)pertise to pro(ide s"ch ser(ices o(erseas. As we spread o"r win's f"rther& Matri) +!oa!
wo"!d e)p!ore opport"nities in other co"ntries aro"nd the wor!d5
Matrix4s .ccomplis$ments
1 *he !ar'est pri(ate sector inte'rated <o"ntry specific si# card ser(ices 'ro"p in India in
ter#s of the n"#er of c"sto#ers.
2 Pro(en trac% record of #ana'in' 'rowth - oth or'anic as we!! as y way of ac;"isitions.
3 =irst and !ar'est pri(ate <o"ntry specific si# card ser(ices co#pany offerin' <e!!"!ar&
B!ac% erry& -ata <ard and =ore).
1 =irst pri(ate <o"ntry specific si# <ard <o#pany to B!ac% erry ser(ices a!so.
5 =irst off the !oc% to !a"nch -ata card ser(ices for !aptops.
Mana+ement Structure
*he 'ro"p has een str"ct"red to create f"nctiona! and operationa! specia!i,ation with a
!inear (ision of "siness !ines and f"nctiona! areas.
*he <o#pany is headed y <hair#an and +ro"p Mana'in' -irector- +a'an -"''a! who is
assisted y one 0oint Mana'in' -irectors- *an#ay Rai <ha"dhary. *he <o#pany a!so has two
Presidents- President Aast India Aro Reh#an& this responsii!ity inc!"des Antire Aast India and
Rest of India +a"ra( S"ri *he Presidents report to the +ro"p <hair#an and Mana'in' -irector.
*he head of "nits and SBGs report to the respecti(e "sinessKs President.
An ape) tea# of <orporate -irectors has een constit"ted. *he corporate directors ha(e
s"per(isory and strate'ic responsii!ities for f"nctiona! areas across "siness !ines. *he directors
o(ersee f"nctiona! areas inc!"din' B"siness -e(e!op#ent& C"#an Reso"rces& Mar%etin'&
<orporate <o##"nication& I* : *echno!o'y& =inance& ?e'a!& <orporate Affairs& <orporate
Strate'y : P!annin' and S"per(isory -irector c"# <hief Mentor - #oi!ity.
*he or'ani,ation str"ct"re is desi'ned to ens"re that identica! "sinesses are r"n a!on' si#i!ar
!ines and est reso"rces in any f"nctiona! fie!d& e tapped to ser(e the est interests of the entire
*he str"ct"re a!so defines the ro!e of the Cead of the "nits who are tota!!y e#powered to #ana'e
their respecti(e co#panies and are f"!!y responsi!e for "siness operations to "i!d wor!d-c!ass
or'ani,ations with a hi'h de'ree of c"sto#er foc"s.
ndustr1 profile
<o"ntry specific si# card is one of the pri#e s"pport ser(ices needed for rapid 'rowth
and #oderni,ation of (ario"s sectors of the econo#y. It has eco#e especia!!y i#portant in
recent years eca"se of enor#o"s 'rowth of Infor#ation *echno!o'y 5I*6 and its si'nificant
i#pact on the rest of the econo#y. India is percei(ed to ha(e a specia! co#parati(e ad(anta'e in
I* and in I*-ena!ed ser(ices. Cowe(er& s"stainin' this ad(anta'e depends critica!!y on hi'h
;"a!ity te!eco##"nication infrastr"ct"re. Deepin' this in (iew& the foc"s of po!icy is (ision of
wor!d c!ass te!eco##"nication faci!ities at reasona!e rates. A!tho"'h the te!eco# networ% has
'rown rapid!y in recent years& its 'rowth needs to e acce!erated f"rther in the *enth P!an.
*he te!eco# sector in India has een witnessin' a contin"o"s process of refor#s since 1991.
4ith the openin' of internationa! !on' distance ser(ices and internet te!ephony fro# Apri!& 2002&
the process of !iera!i,ation and openin' "p the sector for co#petition is co#p!ete. <on(er'ence
of ser(ices is a #a$or new e#er'in' area and the te!eco# sector wi!! ha(e to address this in the
*enth P!an.
*he #a$or refor#s carried o"t in the te0!eco# sector so far are 'i(en e!owF-
Reforms in t$e Telecom Sector
1 *e!eco# e;"ip#ent #an"fact"rin' was co#p!ete!y dere'"!ated in 1991.
2 Ha!"e added ser(ices& inc!"din' <o"ntry Specific Si# card phone ser(ices& were thrown
open to pri(ate sector in 1992.
3 *he 7ationa! *e!eco# Po!icy 57*P6 a!!owin' pri(ate sector participation in asic
ser(ices was anno"nced in 1991. An independent re'"!atory a"thority ca!!ed& *e!eco#
Re'"!atory A"thority of India 5*RAI6& was set "p in 199@.
1 A new po!icy for Internet Ser(ice Pro(iders 5ISPs6 was anno"nced in 199.& openin' the
area to pri(ate sector pro(iders. *he po!icy was pro#otiona! in nat"re. ISPs ha(e een
a!!owed to set "p Internationa! Internet +ateways oth sate!!ite and !andin' stations for
S"#arine <a!e syste#s.
5 A new po!icy ca!!ed 7ew *e!eco# Po!icy 57*P6& 1999 was anno"nced rep!acin' the 1991
/ Mi'ration fro# the re'i#e of fi)ed !icense fee to a new re'i#e of re(en"e share was
per#itted in A"'"st& 1999.
@ *he re'"!atory #echanis# has een f"rther stren'thened thro"'h the *RAI
5A#end#ent6 Act& 2000. *he Act pro(ides for esta!ish#ent of a separate disp"te
sett!e#ent #echanis# ca!!ed *e!eco# -isp"te Sett!e#ent and Appe!!ate *ri"na!.
. 7ationa! ?on' -istance Ser(ice was opened for co#petition in A"'"st& 2000.
9 <orporatisation of -epart#ent of te!eco##"nicationKs operationa! networ% into a p"!ic
co#pany ca!!ed Bharat Sanchar 7i'a# ?td. fro# 1st >ctoer& 2000.
10 Hidesh Sanchar 7i'a# ?td. 5HS7?6 and C*? !i#ited ha(e een disin(ested.
11 *he <o##"nication <on(er'ence Bi!! 2001 was introd"ced in ?o% Saha and has een
referred to the Standin' <o##ittee of Par!ia#ent.
12 =o"rth <o"ntry Specific Si# card >perator& one each in 1 #etros and thirteen circ!es
ha(e een per#itted.
13 Gnrestricted entry in asic ser(ices a!!owed a!on' with "se of wire!ess in !oca! !oop
54??6 access techno!o'y.
11 *wo cate'ories of infrastr"ct"re pro(iders ha(e een a!!owed to pro(ide end to end
andwidth and dar% fier& ri'ht of way& towers& d"ct space etc.
15 Internationa! ?on' -istance 5I?-6 Ser(ices ha(e een opened for co#petition since 1st
Apri!& 2002.
1/ Internet *e!ephony has a!so een opened "p since 1st Apri!& 2002.
1@ +"ide!ines for "ni(ersa! ser(ice o!i'ation anno"nced on March 2@& 2002.
Ne& Telecom Polic1
*he 7ew *e!eco# Po!icy 57*P6 anno"nced in 1999 #odified the 7*P& 1991 to ta%e into acco"nt
the far-reachin' techno!o'ica! de(e!op#ent ta%in' p!ace in the te!eco# sector '!oa!!y and to
i#p!e#ent the +o(ern#entKs reso!(e to #a%e India a '!oa! I* s"perpower. 7*P& 1999 a!so see%s
to so!(e pro!e#s arisin' o"t of the i#p!e#entation of 7*P& 1991. *he o$ecti(e of the 7*P
1999 is toF
1 Ma%e a(ai!a!e afforda!e and effecti(e co##"nications for the citi,ens.
2 Stri(e to pro(ide a a!ance etween the pro(ision of "ni(ersa! ser(ice to a!! "nco(ered
areas& inc!"din' the r"ra! areas and the pro(ision of hi'h-!e(e! ser(ices capa!e of
#eetin' the needs of the co"ntryKs econo#y.
3 Anco"ra'e the de(e!op#ent of te!eco##"nication faci!ities in re#ote& hi!!y and tria!
areas of the co"ntry.
1 <reate a #odern and efficient <o"ntry specific si# card infrastr"ct"re ta%in' into acco"nt
the con(er'ence of I*& #edia& te!eco# and cons"#er e!ectronics and therey prope! India
into eco#in' an I* s"perpower.
5 <on(ert P"!ic <a!! >ffices 5P<>s6& where(er $"stified& into P"!ic *e!einfo centers
offerin' #"!ti#edia ser(ices !i%e Inte'rated Ser(ice -i'ita! 7etwor% 5IS-76 ser(ices&
re#ote dataase access& 'o(ern#ent and co##"nity infor#ation syste#s etc.
/ *ransfor# in a ti#e o"nd #anner& the <o"ntry specific si# card sector to a 'reater
co#petiti(e en(iron#ent in oth "ran and r"ra! areas pro(idin' e;"a! opport"nities and
!e(e! p!ayin' fie!d for a!! p!ayers.
@ Stren'then research and de(e!op#ent 5R : -6 efforts in the co"ntry and pro(ide an
i#pet"s to "i!d wor!d-c!ass #an"fact"rin' capai!ities.
. Achie(e efficiency and transparency in spectr"# #ana'e#ent.
9 Protect the defense and sec"rity interests of the co"ntry.
Ana!e Indian te!eco# co#panies to eco#e tr"!y '!oa! p!ayers
*he Countr1 Specific Sim card phone industr1 is one of ndiaIs rapid!y 'rowin' ind"stries.
Since the ndustr1 ca#e into ein' in the #id 1990s& its a(era'e per ann"# 'rowth rate has
een a pheno#ena! 200 percent. By the end of 2002& the Indian Countr1 Specific Sim card
phone ndustr1 had o(er 10 #i!!ion s"scriers. *he industr1 has "nder'one a n"#er of
<han'es o(er the years. *he 7ationa! *e!eco# Po!icy 1999 was an i#portant ?and#ar% in the
de(e!op#ent of the Countr1 Specific Sim card industr1 in ndiaM the tariff Rationa!i,ation and
po!icy re'"!ation introd"ced in the Po!icy he!ped the industr1 +row at the pace it did. In 2003&
*e!eco# Re'"!atory A"thority of ndia 5*RAI6 Anno"nced re'"!ation of interconnects "ser
char'es to reso!(e conf!icts etween Countr1 Specific Sim card operators and networ%
MaGor pla1ers23
Matri) <e!!"!ar& <!ay& Gniconnect& Roa# 1 and Rnet connect.
*he #i'ration to re(en"e sharin' a'ree#ent has inf"sed fresh !ood in the <o"ntry Specific Si#
card ind"stry. *he sector has een "st!in' with acti(ity since the #i'ration and has ta%en
se(era! strides with conso!idation in the ind"stry and a rapid 'rowth in s"scrier ase. *he
s"scrier ase re'istered an i#pressi(e 'rowth of 131S fro# A"' 99 to 7o( 2000.
)rap$ :2 Countr1 Specific Sim card Subscribers (mn! for t$e various circles
Source2 ndia nfoline5com
*he 'rowth rate in #etros has een s!owin' down whi!e increasin' in A <!ass circ!es. In
#etros the trend is towards increasin' "sa'e as a'ainst increasin' penetration. Pre-paid cards
ha(e he!ped the <o"ntry Specific Si# card operators i#pro(e their penetration. Pre-paid cards
are a!so ein' pic%ed "p y peop!e eca"se of the no-hass!e and "d'et contro! enefit attached
to it.
*he ind"stry is !i%e!y to #aintain the present rate of 'rowth ac%ed y #ore afforda!e rates for
the ser(ices& !ow te!e-density and increasin' acceptance of the ser(ice as a necessity as a'ainst
S?OT .N."'SS
Stren+t$s2 3
1. Matri) has stron' rand na#e reco'nition and a rep"tation for offerin' hi'h ;"a!ity
ser(ice to its c"sto#ers that is core stren'th to inf!"ence !ar'e prospect c"sto#ers.
2. =oc"s on <o"ntry specific si# card to ena!e the co#pany to etter anticipate ind"stry
trends and capita!i,e on new <o"ntry specific si# card re!ated "siness opport"nities.
3. An effecti(e E"a!ity Mana'e#ent tea# with (ision and pro(en e)ec"tion s%i!!s.
1. +ood networ% co(era'e "t sti!! not #"ch satisfactory in '!oa! si# cards.
5. A)ce!!ent c"sto#er care ser(ice.
/. Ad(ertise#entF -
Ad(ertise#ent is 'ood tho"'h !ac%s creati(ity !i%e <!ay does which is #ore
effectin' in inf!"encin' the prospect c"sto#ers. Matri) e!ie(es in ad(ertisin' thro"'h
rand a#assadors !i%e Shar"%h and DDR etc. who are hi'h profi!e persona!ities& e(en
"se of persona!ities !i%e A.R.Rah#an and others in ad(ertisin' is a 'ood approach to
reach and inf!"ence a !ar'e c"sto#er ase.
.. Matri) has a (ast "nd!e of (a!"e added ser(ice for -ata on handhe!d& BB ser(ices& data
card ser(ices
9. Matri)Is dea!ers and retai!ers are scattered to a !ar'e 'eo'raphica! area so in ter#s of
a(ai!ai!ity it is one of the est.
10. Matri)Is >"tso"rcin'F -
Matri) <e!!"!ar ha(e o"tso"rced oth I* and 7etwor% operations and $"st hand!e a few
thin's that are #ar%etin'& sa!es and distri"tion. *he co#pany not on!y sa(es c"rrent
operationa! cost& it a!so dra#atica!!y red"ces its cape) re;"ire#ents as it e)pands its
networ% o(er the ne)t co"p!e of years. Ao(e a!!& y hand!in' o(er these tas%s !oc%&
stoc%& and arre! to so#eone e!se& it free,e "p #"ch senior #ana'e#ent and width to
foc"s on rea!!y i#portant thin's !i%e strate'y and !on' ter# 'rowth.
11. *he co#panyIs stron' re!ationships with internationa! strate'ic and financia! in(estors
s"ch as Sin'*e!& A*:*& * Moi!e& >2 etc
12. MA*RITIs =irstF -
Matri) <o"ntry Specific Si# card has !a"nched its #oi!e ser(ice& MatrixD in
Jammu and @as$mirD eco#in' the first private service provider to do so.
=irst to !a"nch co"ntry specific si# card ser(ices o"tside #etro cities.
=irst to in(est into 10 D si# cards fro# e(ery co"ntry.
=irst cate'ory QBI operator in India to cross 3&00&000 c"sto#er #ar%.
=irst to !a"nch Internet and +PRS to <o"ntry Specific Si# card #essa'in' in its
=irst to start offshore distri"tion of prepaid cards in Midd!e Aast to cater for h"'e
%era!ite pop"!ation in +"!f.
=irst to !a"nch f"!! prepaid co"ntry specific si# cards.
*he sa!es peop!e are not at a!! co#petiti(e and #a%e wron' co##it#ents.
*he i!!in' syste# is not perfect and the c"sto#er care needs #ore foc"s : attention.
Proper research wor% is not done efore penetratin' the otherIs #ar%et.
*he c"sto#ers are not aware of the (a!"e-added ser(ices.
It has not co(ered the entire area in its own circ!e as yet etc.
Opportunit12 3
1. Sti!! a !ar'e no of potentia! and prospect c"sto#ers are "n-capt"red.
2. Enter /iral MarEetin+ i.e. #ar%etin' y the "se of non-#ass #edia too!s of
co##"nication-SMS& Internet& A-Mai! in the word of #o"th to 'et peop!e ta!%in' ao"t it.
Matri) has 'ood "siness opport"nity to tap "p s"ch co#panies& which are ind"!'in' in
s"ch #ar%etin' strate'y.
T$reats2 3
1. Textual -arassmentF "nso!icited SMSes and ca!!s are esie'in' <e!! phone "sers. *hey
are tired of #oi!e spannin' a!on' with "nso!icited te)t SMSes& contest ca!!s& ad(erts for
rin' tones& datin' ideas and fi!#i cha%%ar pro#otions etc. *he pri(acy of ce!! phone
"sers is in danger.
2. )overnment Rules and Re+ulations2
+o(ern#ent inter(entions and te!eco# re'"!ators in the co"ntry pose a 'reat threat in the
independent operations of the <o"ntry Specific Si# card operators tho"'h they are
essentia! to rea% any %ind of #onopo!y in the ind"stry.
3. >ther <o"ntry Specific Si# card ser(ice pro(ider especia!!y <!ay and Gniconnect
e#phasi,e #ore on p"sh strate'y whereas Matri) is sti!! dea!in' with p"!! strate'y. A
perfect !end of oth is re;"ired. So Matri) sho"!d pro(ide dea!ers and distri"tor #ore
per%s and incenti(es.
1. *he pri(ate co#pany that is offerin' the stron'est cha!!en'e to Matri)Is do#inance is the
Indian ased <!ay and G.D ased Gniconnect& the fir# operates <o"ntry Specific Si#
card circ!es in M"#ai& -e!hi and Do!%ata. <!ay is ran%ed 2
to none on transparency,
organizational ethics, social responsiveness service quality and customer satisfaction. It
is a!so at no 2 on ten other para#eters. 5So"rceF B4 21& sept.200/6. So <!ay is the #ost
potentia! co#petitor in the ind"stry and posses a 'reat threat to Matri).
T$e most potential competitor in t$e industr1 .
<!ay is ro"'ht to yo" y <!ay *e!eco#& one of the wor!dIs !eadin' <o"ntry Specific Si#
card ser(ice pro(iders. 4e are %nown for o"r inno(ati(e approach and wor!d c!ass techno!o'y.
>"r 'oa! is to pro(ide yo" s"perior prod"cts and ser(ices& anyti#e and anywhere.
>"r (a!"es are stated si#p!y. *o e fair and transparent in what we do and how we do it. *o
pro(ide yo" ;"a!ity ser(ices with #ore c"sto#er friend!y practices. *o #a%e yo"r
co##"nications e)perience si#p!e& p!eas"ra!e and f"n. 4here yo" donKt si#p!y 'et techno!o'y
- "t techno!o'y that is re!e(ant. 4here so!"tions are not $"st pro#ised in the f"t"re - "t
de!i(ered in the present.
*$irub$ai .mbaniKs dream
L4e wi!! !e(era'e o"r stren'ths in e)ec"tin' co#p!e) '!oa!-sca!e pro$ects to #a%e !eadin' ed'e
infor#ation and co##"nication ser(ices afforda!e y a!! indi(id"a! cons"#ers and "sinesses
in India. 4e wi!! offer "npara!!e!ed (a!"e to create c"sto#er de!i'ht and enhance "siness
prod"cti(ity. 4e wi!! a!so 'enerate (a!"e for o"r capai!ities eyond Indian orders whi!e
ena!in' #i!!ions of IndiaKs %now!ed'e wor%ers to de!i(er their ser(ices '!oa!!yL.
Re!iance Passport is the o"tco#e of the !ate (isionary -hir"hai A#aniKs 51932-20026 drea# to
hera!d a di'ita! re(o!"tion in India y rin'in' afforda!e #eans of infor#ation and
co##"nication for the peop!e who are tra(e!!in' aroad.
LMa%e the ca!!in' card a(ai!a!e to peop!e at an afforda!e cost& they wi!! o(erco#e the
handicaps of i!!iteracy and !ac% of #oi!ityL& -hir"hai A#ani charted o"t the #ission for
Re!iance Infoco## in !ate 1999 and then in 2005 it ca#e with Re!iance Passport. Ce saw in the
potentia! of infor#ation and co##"nication techno!o'y an once-in-a-!ifeti#e opport"nity for
India to !eapfro' o(er its historica! !e'acy of ac%wardness and "nderde(e!op#ent.
/alue .dded Services and Competitive .dvanta+e
*oday in this co#petiti(e ind"stry the fi'ht is not ao"t ta!% or price on!y& itIs ao"t who# offers
the #ost (a!"e added ser(ices.
In this att!e'ro"nd& the two #ost a''ressi(e p!ayers are <!ay and Re!iance Passport. <!ay
a!ready has a "nch of inno(ations to its credit. Matri) was the first co#pany in wor!d who ca#e
with an idea of <o"ntry Specific Si# cards and the first co#pany which #ade its "ser to "se
internet ser(ices at 1210
of the cost whi!e they are tra(e!!in' aroad.
T$e /alue proposition2 &$o4s offerin+ &$atL
Operators Out+oin
Cards 6
BG* I7
BG* I7
7> BAS
BAS BAS BAS 7> 7> 7> BAS
7> BAS BG*
7> 7> 7> 7> 7>
Roam : BAS BAS 7> 7> 7> 7> BAS
C$urn Mana+ement
In the co##"nication ind"stry& a c"sto#er cance!in' or red"cin' "sa'e of co##"nication
ser(ice& is ter#ed as ch"rn.
<"sto#ers are at a !ierty to choose a#on' the se(era! ser(ice pro(ider and the chances of their
chan'in' !oya!ties are hi'h. Reasons can (ary. *hey #ay switch to a different ser(ice pro(ider
d"e to a !itt!e price& ;"a!ity of ser(ice& ;"a!ity of c"sto#er care& e;"ip#ent and techno!o'y&
i!!in' iss"es or si#p!y #ore effecti(e #ar%etin' ca#pai'ns. *he percenta'e of c"sto#ers who
ch"rns in a partic"!ar ti#e period defines the ch"rn rate.
C$urn in ndia2
Reports strai'ht that Indian <o"ntry Specific Si# card operators face the hi'hest ch"rn
rates as co#pared to their co"nter parts in Asia Pacific co"ntries with the e)ception of Con'
Don'. As per data re!eased y research fir#s +artner& the #onth!y ch"rn rate that Indian
operators 'rapp!e with ran'es fro# 3.5S to /S. *hat #eans ao"t 3.5S to /S wire!ess
c"sto#ers #o(e fro# one operator to another e(ery #onth.
It is oser(ed fro# the report that ha!f the #erchandi,e fro# the c"sto#er ase ch"rns ann"a!!y
in India. *he hi'h ch"rn rates can e e)p!ained fro# the fact that #ar%et is re!ati(e!y #ore
co#petiti(e in India.
Cow to #ana'e <h"rnM
*he pro!e# identified& now the <o"ntry Specific Si# card operators are !eft to chec% ways o"t
to %eep the c"sto#ers o"nd to the#. *o do so& he needs to %eep a ta on the c"sto#er
cons"#in' haits.
Cere& they are confronted with the diffic"!ty in deter#inin' the profi!e of s"scriers that !eft the
co#pany and the reason why they !eft the co#pany. It is therefore #ore diffic"!t to predict which
c"sto#ers are !i%e!y to !ea(e and #ore diffic"!t to predict the de(ice cost effecti(e incenti(es that
wi!! pers"ade !i%e!y ch"rners to stay.
-o#ain e)perts& the #ar%etin' '"r"s in their !in'o& wo"!d s"''est the te!eco# co#panies 8to
ha(e 'ood data in a data ware ho"se& a #ethodo!o'y to #ana'e the process of identifyin'
c"sto#ers or contracts and profi!e the# accordin' to ris% cate'ories and ana!ytica! #ode! ased
on historica! eha(ior to predict the proc!i(ity to ch"rn& and a #eans of actin' on the o"tp"t of
the #ode! to pre(ent the ch"rn fro# act"a!!y ta%in' p!ace9
C-,RN STR.TE)'2 3
Matri) has so #any inno(ati(e ideas and #atch!ess ser(ices to #a%e s"re the c"sto#er wi!!
en$oy nothin' !ess than a word of ad(anta'es.
1. Matri) has recent!y presented lackberry& the #orlds most po#erful instant E)Mail mobile
with in"i!t feat"res of synchroni,ed instant A-Mai!& attach#ent (iewin'& ad(anced sec"rity&
inte'rated phone and we-rowser and synchroni,ed des%top ca!endar etc.
2. for business personals H SMS directory& fie!d force a"to#ation& (ehic!e trac%in'& co(era'e in
1100 towns& sea#!ess internationa! roa#in'& #oi!e office& corporate e-#ai! etc.
3. Matri) has t$e best value added service in the co"ntry.
-.dvance rental plan
If a "ser tra(e!s fre;"ent!y to a co"ntry he #ay ta%e a per#anent no fro# Matri) for
Rs 999 Ann"a! renta! on!y.
-Nero cost SM
Matri) pro(ides si# card on rent so no si# char'es are ta%en fro# c"sto#ers.
-ncomin+ (ree
Matri) pro(ides co"ntry specific cards for ao"t 39 co"ntries where inco#in' is free.
--assel free Pa1ment s1stem
4hi!e a "ser is carryin' Matri) his no are #ost!y post paid so the i!!in' can e
easi!y done fro# their credit card& so they need not to worry ao"t i!! pay#ent whi!e
tra(e!!in' aroad.
-*ata Cards for laptops
Matri) is one of the on!y co#panies which a!so pro(ide co"ntry specific data
cards so that peop!e tra(e!!in' for "siness p"rpose can stay connected to their #ai!s e(en
whi!e tra(e!!in' aroad any where any ti#e.
Matrix (orex Services
Any person tra(e!!in' aroad needs fore) as a #andate& so Matri) now a!so
pro(ides fore) ser(ices in ter#s of cash as we!! as =ore) cards.
C$apter H 8
ObGective of t$e proGect
Primar1 ObGective
*o %now the position of Matri) <o"ntry Specific Si# card y ana!y,in' c"sto#er satisfaction
and co#petiti(e #ar%et within the Internationa! Si# card ind"stry.
Secondar1 ObGectives
1. *o %now the preference of potentia! and prospect c"sto#er for different feat"res offered
y Internationa! Si#s cards& ins"rance& fore)& tariff p!an pro(idin' co#panies to
for#"!ate effecti(e ch"rn strate'y.
2. *o find the reasons for their wi!!in'ness or non-wi!!in'ness of Matri) "ser to switch to
other rand.
3. *o "nderstand perception of c"sto#ers for Matri)Is Ser(ices.
1. *o "nderstand the satisfaction !e(e! of internationa! ser(ices y Matri).
5. *o identify the hidden e)pectations of c"sto#ers fro# the co#pany.
C$apter 3 ;
Revie& of "iterature
OO0R.N* M.)E
Brand i#a'e is the c"rrent (iew of the c"sto#ers ao"t a rand. It can e defined as a "ni;"e
"nd!e of associations within the #inds of tar'et c"sto#ers. It si'nifies what the rand present!y
stands for. t is a set of beliefs $eld about a specific brand. In short& it is nothin' "t the
cons"#ers perception ao"t the prod"ct. It is the #anner in which a specific rand is positioned
in the #ar%et. Brand i#a'e con(eys e#otiona! (a!"e and not $"st a #enta! i#a'e. Brand i#a'e is
nothin' "t an or'ani,ations character. It is an acc"#"!ation of contact and oser(ation y
peop!e e)terna! to an or'ani,ation. It sho"!d hi'h!i'ht an or'ani,ationIs #ission and (ision to a!!.
*he #ain e!e#ents of positi(e rand i#a'e are- "ni;"e !o'o ref!ectin' or'ani,ationIs i#a'e&
s!o'an descriin' or'ani,ationIs "siness in rief and rand identifier s"pportin' the %ey (a!"es.
Brand i#a'e is the o(era!! i#pression in cons"#ersI #ind that is for#ed fro# a!! so"rces.
<ons"#ers de(e!op (ario"s associations with the rand. Based on these associations& they for#
rand i#a'e. An i#a'e is for#ed ao"t the rand on the asis of s"$ecti(e perceptions of
associations "nd!e that the cons"#ers ha(e ao"t the rand.
*he idea ehind rand i#a'e is that the cons"#er is not p"rchasin' $"st the prod"ct2ser(ice "t
a!so the i#a'e associated with that prod"ct2ser(ice. Brand i#a'es sho"!d e positi(e& "ni;"e and
instant. Brand i#a'es can e stren'thened "sin' rand co##"nications !i%e ad(ertisin'&
pac%a'in'& word of #o"th p"!icity& other pro#otiona! too!s& etc.
Brand i#a'e de(e!ops and con(eys the prod"ctIs character in a "ni;"e #anner different fro# its
co#petitorIs i#a'e. *he rand i#a'e consists of (ario"s associations in cons"#erIs #ind -
attri"tes& enefits and attri"tes. Brand attri"tes are the f"nctiona! and #enta! connections with
the rand that the c"sto#ers ha(e. *hey can e specific or concept"a!. Benefits are the rationa!e
for the p"rchase decision. *here are three types of enefitsF ="nctiona! enefits - what do yo" do
etter 5than others6&e#otiona! enefits - how do yo" #a%e #e fee! etter 5than others6& and
rationa! enefits2s"pport - why do I e!ie(e yo"5#ore than others6. Brand attri"tes are
cons"#ers o(era!! assess#ent of a rand. 2/ Brand i#a'e has not to e created& "t is
a"to#atica!!y for#ed. *he rand i#a'e inc!"des prod"ctsK appea!& ease of "se& f"nctiona!ity&
fa#e& and o(era!! (a!"e. Brand i#a'e is act"a!!y rand content. 4hen the cons"#ers p"rchase
the prod"ct& they are a!so p"rchasin' its i#a'e. Brand i#a'e is the o$ecti(e and #enta!
feedac% of the cons"#ers when they p"rchase a prod"ct. Positi(e rand i#a'e is e)ceedin' the
c"sto#erIs e)pectations. Positi(e rand i#a'e enhances the 'oodwi!! and rand (a!"e of an
To sum upD 0rand ima+e# is t$e customer4s net extract from t$e brand5
(or ssue of INo ObGection Certificate4 (NOC! for saleMrent of
nternational Roamin+ SM CardsM)lobal Callin+ Cards
Q7o >$ection <ertificateK 57><6 sha!! e iss"ed y -epart#ent of *e!eco##"nications5-o*6
in re'ard to sa!e2rent of Internationa! Roa#in' SIM cards2 +!oa! <a!!in' <ard in India with the
fo!!owin' ter#s and conditionsF
Terms and Conditions of NOC
5i6 *he cards ein' offered to Indian <"sto#ers wi!! e for "se on!y o"tside India.
Cowe(er& if it is essentia! to acti(ate the card for #a%in' test ca!!s2e#er'ent ca!!s efore the
depart"re of c"sto#er and 2or after the arri(a! of the c"sto#er& the sa#e sha!! e per#itted for
forty ei'ht 51.6 ho"rs on!y prior to depart"re fro# India and twenty fo"r 5216 ho"rs after arri(a!
in India.
5ii6 S"ch test ca!!s2e#er'ent ca!!s #ade fro# India thro"'h these ca!!in' cards sha!! e
internationa! roa#in' ca!!s.
5iii6 =or esta!ishin' the a"thenticity of the c"sto#ers 5photo identity and address proof etc6&
proper (erification of "sers of s"ch cards sha!! e carried o"t efore se!!in' 2rentin' s"ch cards.
<opy of the passport of the c"sto#er indicatin' (a!id (isa sha!! a!so e otained.
5i(6 <o#p!ete detai!s of s"ch '!oa! cards 5inc!"din' the period6 a!on' with f"!! partic"!ars&
inc!"din' address of the person to who# the internationa! roa#in' cards has een so!d2rented&
sha!! e pro(ided to the desi'nated sec"rity a'encies periodica!!y on #onth!y asis.
5(6 A!! types of c!earances fro# any a'ency !i%e RBI2 c"sto#s etc. wi!! e d"!y ta%en y the
5(i6 *he traffic ori'inated in other co"ntry for ter#ination in India wi!! e ro"ted thro"'h the
(a!id I?- !icensees2(a!id I?- 'ateways.
5(ii6 *he <o#pany& se!!in'2rentin' s"ch SIM2<a!!in' cards& sha!! ens"re that the ti#e !i#it of
acti(ation of s"ch cards in India& as #entioned in Para 5i6 ao(e& is adhered to& fai!in' which the
<o#pany sha!! e !ia!e to pay a fine of Rs.5002- 5Rs. =i(e C"ndred on!y6 per ho"r for each
SIM2<a!!in' cards for e(ery e)tra ho"r of acti(ation.
5(iii6 *he 7>< sha!! e iss"ed initia!!y for a period of one year and sha!! e renewed on the
re;"est of the <o#pany.
Team performance and control process in sales or+ani7ations
By Ra$'opa!& A Ra$'opa!&
Accordin' to Ra$'opa! and Ra$'opa! the a!ance etween tea# desi'nin' and tea# coordination
in perfor#in' sa!es and #ana'eria! contro! strate'ies are nor#a!!y ased on sa!espeop!eK
o"tco#es. It #ay e appropriate for the #ana'ers to consider re(iew of tea# desi'ns for
i#pro(in' the sa!es "nit effecti(eness. Cowe(er& there is no apparent ne'ati(e i#pact of
re!ati(e!y hi'h !e(e!s of contro! eha(ior in co#ination with tea# coordination and !eadership
attri"tes. 4or% en(iron#ent is !ar'e!y 'o(erned y tea# coordination effects for the
sa!espeop!e. Sa!es tea# "i!din' process has a !ar'e effect on sa!es or'ani,ation effecti(eness
oth direct!y and indirect!y thro"'h its re!ationship with sa!espeop!eKs eha(iora! perfor#ance.
<o!!ectin' and processin' territory and acco"nt infor#ation are #a$or aspects of a sa!espersonKs
tas% and to a !ar'e e)tent sa!espeop!eKs effecti(eness depends on the a#o"nt and ;"a!ity of the
#ar%et infor#ation a(ai!a!e to the#. *he st"dy re(iews e)istin' theoretica! and #ana'e#ent
iss"es pertainin' to tea# sa!es practices and deter#ines #a$or (aria!es that affect the tea#
perfor#ance in se!ected ind"stries. *he res"!ts of the st"dy are consistent with the findin's of
pre(io"s st"dies referred in the paper. Cowe(er& this paper atte#pts to contri"te si'nificant!y to
the e)istin' st"dies as there is pa"city of !iterat"re on this s"$ect partic"!ar!y in reference to
?atin A#erica.
Consumer be$avior is the st"dy of when& why& how& and where peop!e do or do not "y a
prod"ct. It !ends e!e#ents fro# psycho!o'y& socio!o'y& socia! anthropo!o'y and econo#ics. It
atte#pts to "nderstand the "yer decision #a%in' process& oth indi(id"a!!y and in 'ro"ps. It
st"dies characteristics of indi(id"a! cons"#ers s"ch as de#o'raphics and eha(iora! (aria!es in
an atte#pt to "nderstand peop!eKs wants. It a!so tries to assess inf!"ences on the cons"#er fro#
'ro"ps s"ch as fa#i!y& friends& reference 'ro"ps& and society in 'enera!.
<"sto#er eha(ior st"dy is ased on cons"#er "yin' eha(ior& with the c"sto#er
p!ayin' the three distinct ro!es of "ser& payer and "yer. Research has shown that cons"#er
eha(ior is diffic"!t to predict& e(en for e)perts in the fie!d. Re!ationship #ar%etin' is an
inf!"entia! asset for c"sto#er eha(ior ana!ysis as it has a %een interest in the re-disco(ery of the
tr"e #eanin' of #ar%etin' thro"'h the re-affir#ation of the i#portance of the c"sto#er or "yer.
A 'reater i#portance is a!so p!aced on cons"#er retention& c"sto#er re!ationship #ana'e#ent&
persona!i,ation& c"sto#i,ation and one-to-one #ar%etin'. Socia! f"nctions can e cate'ori,ed
into socia! choice and we!fare f"nctions.
Customer relations$ip mana+ement is a road!y reco'ni,ed& wide!y-i#p!e#ented strate'y for
#ana'in' and n"rt"rin' a co#panyIs interactions with c!ients and sa!es prospects. It in(o!(es
"sin' techno!o'y to or'ani,e& a"to#ate& and synchroni,e "siness processesNprincipa!!y sa!es
acti(ities& "t a!so those for #ar%etin'& c"sto#er ser(ice& and technica! s"pport. *he o(era!!
'oa!s are to find& attract& and win new c!ients& n"rt"re and retain those the co#pany a!ready has&
entice for#er c!ients ac% into the fo!d& and red"ce the costs of #ar%etin' and c!ient ser(ice.
>nce si#p!y a !ae! for a cate'ory of software too!s& today& it 'enera!!y denotes a co#pany-wide
"siness strate'y e#racin' a!! c!ient-facin' depart#ents and e(en eyond. 4hen an
i#p!e#entation is effecti(e& peop!e& processes& and techno!o'y wor% in syner'y to increase
profitai!ity& and red"ce operationa! costs
Strea#!ined sa!es and #ar%etin' processes
Added cross-se!!in' and "p-se!!in' opport"nities
I#pro(ed ser(ice& !oya!ty& and retention
Ci'her sa!es prod"cti(ity
Increased ca!! center efficiency
Ci'her c!ose rates
Better profi!in' and tar'etin'
Red"ced e)penses
Increased #ar%et share
Ci'her o(era!! profitai!ity
Mar'ina! costin'
Tar+et marEets
Students travellin+ abroad for Studies5
*his se'#ent has not yet een tapped y any of the <o"ntry Specific Si# card ser(ice pro(iders.
Since these wo"!d e first ti#e "sers and the price wi!! e a #a$or factor. Matri) wi!! ha(e to
#ode! its price str"ct"re to acco##odate this se'#ent of c"sto#ers. Prepaid SIM card #ay th"s
e a 'ood strate'y to start off with.
"eisure travel5
A!ready Matri)Is rand is synony#o"s with f"n. Matri) wi!! ha(e to !ay 'reater e#phasis on this
a se'#ent of cons"#ers eca"se with 'reater disposa!e inco#e #ore and #ore peop!e tra(e!
aroad as a to"rist.
Corporate Travel
*his se'#ent has not yet een tapped (ery we!!. Matri) can th"s concentrate on this se'#ent y
introd"cin' sche#es ai#ed at corporate. *his can e done y pro(idin' the# specific (a!"e
added ser(ices.
OpponentKs s$are2
By a''ressi(e!y #ar%etin' their prod"cts and ta%in' ad(anta'e of the fact that as #entioned
efore <!ay and Gniconnect is facin' pro!e#s with its technica! #anpower at the ser(ices !e(e!.
Sooner or !ater this is o"nd to res"!t in dissatisfaction of their c!ients. Matri) can asor these
ncreased competition from t$e t$ird and fourt$ pla1er
Airte! and Hodafone are p!annin' to enter the <o"ntry Specific Si# card ser(ices #ar%et in a i'
way. Matri) wi!! ha(e to pay off their attac% y
7ew tariff p!ans.
More (a!"e added ser(ices.
Better networ% ;"a!ity.
Intensification of #ar%etin' and ad(ertisin' effort ai#ed at hi'h!i'htin' the stren'ths
of the rand and their contin"o"s ai!ity to pro(ide 'ood ;"a!ity ser(ice.
ncrease in visibilit1 and covera+e
Matri) wi!! ha(e to 'o in for f"rther i#a'e enhance#ent of the Matri) rand with a care and
fa#i!y #essa'e and the #a'ic rand with e#phasis on tar'etin' the yo"th. A!so& their retai!
o"t!ets and franchises wi!! ha(e to e increased f"rther y 50S. *his is infact a strate'y that
Matri) is i#p!e#entin' and the res"!ts wi!! show soon. S"ch reach and (isii!ity once attained
wi!! ha(e to e co#p!e#ented with e)ce!!ent peop!eIs ser(ices that Matri) is %nown for. >nce
achie(ed this !e(e! of ser(ices wi!! e hard new or esta!ished p!ayer to #atch.
In the !on' r"n this co"!d e the (ita! factor& which %eeps Matri) 7o. 1 in the ind"stry.
T$e first come advanta+e
Ha!"e added ser(ices are the nor# of the day. *he ser(ice pro(iders can 'ain a !on' ter#
ad(anta'e y consistent!y introd"cin' new incenti(es in (a!"e added ser(ices or tariff str"ct"res.
A(ery ti#e a new sche#e is !a"nched it pro(ides te#porary ed'e to the ser(ice pro(ider o(er its
co"nterpart. *his te#porary ad(anta'e is in ter#s of the new c!ients it ac;"ires who ha(e een
attracted y the offer. Cowe(er after so#e ti#e this ad(anta'e is ne"tra!i,ed y the other p!ayer
offerin' so#ethin' si#i!ar. *h"s it i#portant to inno(ate efore the co#petition ti#e and a'ain
so that one can #a%e the short ter# ad(anta'e c"#"!ati(e!y !on' ter# and he!p increase 8#ind
share9 as we!! as #ar%et share.
Corporate Clientele
Since this a tar'et #ar%et y itse!f its #ar%etin' #ethodo!o'y itse!f wo"!d e different. Most
or'ani,ations prefer to ta%e ser(ices for their e#p!oyees in 'ro"ps. Cence& this order eco#es
(ery i' for the ser(ice pro(ider. Persona!i,ed se!!in' wo"!d e the order of the day for these
"sers. *he presence in the (ario"s "siness and corporate circ!es wo"!d a!so enhance MA*RITIsI
rand i#a'e. Specia! incenti(es can e 'i(en to these e#p!oyees for #aintainin' their !oya!ty to
the Matri) rand.
T$e Matrix 3 Matrix advanta+e
Matri) co"!d !"re #ore c"sto#ers y introd"cin' sche#es in which ca!!s fro# one Matri) "ser to
another wo"!d e possi!e at a red"ced tariff. *his wo"!d enco"ra'e a 'ro"p of "sers who need to
co##"nicate fre;"ent!y to opt for this ser(ice on!y. A!so it wo"!d he!p in pro#otin' onda'e
etween the "sers and th"s f"rther pro#ote !oya!ty.
Ne& innovative pacEa+es
Matri) has to co#e "p with new inno(ati(e pac%a'es !i%e the <A?? C>MA sche#e offered y
<!ay. S"ch sche#es !a"nched at re'"!ar inter(a!s wi!! he!p in #aintainin' c"sto#er !oya!ty and
a!so attract new c"sto#ers.
*iscounted products
*he co#pany has to offer #ore disco"nt sche#es !i%e red"cin' the acti(ation char'es or
red"cin' the sec"rity fees. *his wi!! pro(ide the co#pany a co#petiti(e ed'e. Cowe(er this #ay
!ead to a price war. Cence the trade offs of ind"!'in' in this e)ercise #"st e considered.
Re+ular freebees
Matri) can offer at re'"!ar inter(a!s and especia!!y at festi(a!s sche#es !i%e free airti#e to its
"sers& free co"pons for shoppin'& free entry to shows etc. this wo"!d %eep the c"sto#ers
interested in the rand and ens"re that they re#ain !oya! to the rand. *he other co#petitor wi!!
a!so e ind"!'in' in the sa#e hence the effecti(eness of these wo"!d depend on the ti#in' of
these offers.
Special offers
Matri) #ay offer specia! incenti(es and rewards to the fre;"ent and re'"!ar "sers y offerin'
the# free #aintenance chec%s.
=ree or #ini#a! cost "p 'radation to a cate'ory of "sers who "se the ser(ice o(er a specified
!i#it of airti#e.
More of t$e e3factor
*he f"t"re e!on's to the net. *he p!ayers who wi!! e a!e to inte'rate the net in their operations
wi!! !ead the #ar%et. *his wo"!d #ean ad(ertisin' o(er the net& a!!owin' an interface of the net
with the <o"ntry Specific Si# card ser(ice. Matri) is a!ready on the ri'ht trac% as far as this is
concerned. *hey ha(e introd"ced the concept of ein' a!e to send #essa'es to the "ser !i%e a
pa'er #essa'e. *his can e done fro# the Matri) site.
(inall1D to sell &ell>5
>55and remain in position>55
>>>>N,MERO ,NO
*o retain its position of the 7o. 1 p!ayer in the #ar%et Matri) has to not on!y i#p!e#ent the
strate'ies #entioned "t a!so ti#e their #o(es perfect!y.
>n!y hi'h !e(e! R:- co#p!e#ented with so"nd technica! ser(ices can pro(ide the ac%one for
the a''ressi(e #ar%etin' that we ha(e s"''ested for Matri).
C$apter H A
Researc$ Met$odolo+1
*he tas% of data co!!ection y the Observation met$od and personal intervie&s eca"se the
#a)i#"# c!ient of #atri) is e!on'in' to (ery hi'h society so they ha(e
7o ti#e to fi!!-"p the ;"estionnaire so I co!!ected this data ased on persona! oser(ation.
I fo"nd the the pri#ary data are those& which are co!!ected a fresh and for the first ti#e and th"s
happen to e ori'ina! in character. *he secondary data are those which ha(e a!ready een
co!!ected y so#eone e!se and which ha(e a!ready een passed thro"'h the statistica! process.
*he #ethods of co!!ectin' pri#ary data are to e ori'ina!!y co!!ected& whi!e in case of secondary
data the nat"re of data co!!ection wor% is #ere!y that of co#pi!ation.
4e co!!ected pri#ary data d"rin' the co"rse of doin' e)peri#ents in an e)peri#enta! research. I
co!!ect infor#ation for the c"sto#er perception for those who are a!ready "se the ser(ice of
#atri) at !east one ti#e
Secondary data #eans data that are a!ready a(ai!a!e i.e. they refer to the data which ha(e
a!ready een co!!ected and ana!y,ed y so#eone e!se. It #ay either e p"!ished data are
a(ai!a!e are a(ai!a!e inF
Hario"s p"!ications
Boo%s& #a'a,ines : statistics
Sa#p!e si,e for c"sto#erIs needs and satisfaction !e(e!F 13
Sa#p!in' Proced"reF <"sto#ers of Matri) <e!!"!ar were rando#!y pic%ed "p for co!!ectin' data
Sa#p!e Me#ersF *hey were the "sers of Matri) <e!!"!ar Ser(ices.
*he (ario"s too!s "sed in cond"ctin' the s"r(eys are as fo!!owsF-
>ser(ation #ethod
Persona! inter(iews
>ser(ation #ethod in the #ost co##on!y "sed #ethod in a s"r(ey. >ser(ation eco#es a
scientific too! and the #ethod of data co!!ection for the researcher& when it ser(es a for#"!ated
research p"rposes syste#atica!!y p!anned and recorded and is s"$ected to chec%s and contro!s
on (a!idity and re!iai!ity& "nder the oser(ation witho"t as%in' fro# the respondent.
*he inter(iew #ethod of co!!ectin' data in(o!(es presentation of ora! (era! sti#"!i and rep!y in
ter# of ora! (era! responses. Persona! inter(iew #ethods in a face-to face contact to the other
person or persons. *his #ethod is partic"!ar!y s"ita!e for intensi(e in(esti'ations.
1. *o cond"ct the research the tar'et pop"!ation was the peop!e who 'o aroad.
2. *ar'et 'eo'raphic area was -e!hi sa#p!e si,e was 13 for c"sto#er satisfaction.
3. *o this sa#p!e a ;"estionnaire was 'i(en& the ;"estionnaire was co#ination of oth
open ended and c!ose-ended ;"estion.
1. =ina!!y the co!!ected data was ana!y,ed and co#p"ted to arri(e at the conc!"sion and
reco##endation 'i(en.
C$apter H <
*ata anal1sis
)rap$ :23
Accordin' to this 'raph #a!e can #ost!y prefer the ser(ices of Matri) ce!!"!ar. Ma!e percenta'e
is hi'h that is @1.12S and fe#a!e percenta'e is 25.5.S. Matri) tries to foc"s on fe#a!e thoro"'h
pro#otion and word of #o"th.
)rap$ 823
Most!y c"sto#ers are "sin' #atri) ser(ice fro# !ast 3 to / #onth& eca"se 3 #onth c"sto#ers
are 30.2S& / #onth c"sto#er are 30.2& 1 year c"sto#er are 25./S and 2 year c"sto#er are on!y
11S. It #eans Matri) can attracted #ore c"sto#er recent!y. *his is 'ood for the 'rowth of the
)rap$ ;23
Main!y c"sto#er 'oes thro"'h the internationa! card and it can ta%e /9..S eca"se it is the need
of the c"sto#er& c"sto#er can prefer renta! handset when they ha(e no other hand set for insert
the Matri) si# card.
)rap$ A23
*his 'raph shows that the c"sto#er can "se #atri) #oi!e ser(ice eca"se of so#e other reason.
*his is eca"se of the pro#otion& c"sto#er preference and word of #o"th. Matri) si# card is
easy a(ai!a!e in the #ar%et this is one of the #a$or reasons.
)rap$ <23
In the Matri) ser(ice c"sto#er !i%e #ost the tariff p!an and it can ta%e 21.9 percent& co(era'e and
(a!"e added ser(ice can ta%e e;"a! percenta'e that is 25.9 and the easy a(ai!ai!ity can ta%e 20.9
percenta'es. *he ser(ice which is pro(ide #atri) is 'ood accordin' to cons"#er point of (iew.
)rap$ J 23
Most!y c"sto#er can a(ai! ser(ice of #atri) thro"'h sa!e e)ec"ti(e and it can ta%e 5..1S. *he
co#pany o"t!et and the third option is thro"'h ad(ertise#ent is internet& te!e(ision and the !ast
word of #o"th& it ta%e near ao"t 3S.
)rap$ P23
At the present ti#e Matri) ce!!"!ar pro(ides the est ser(ice& it ta%es @5S #ar%et. Re!iance and
wowte! cons"#er !ess share eca"se their p!an is hi'h or recent!y they are open in the #ar%et
and the co#petitor of the Matri) ce!!"!ar. At that ti#e Matri) #a%e their rand i#a'e.
)rap$ B23
Many of the c"sto#er can "se data card and so#e of the c"sto#er are not "sin' data card
eca"se of they are not professiona! and they can "se internet in hote! and so#e where others.
)rap$ =23
*he data p!an which is pro(ided y the co#pany is econo#ica! and the c"sto#er are satisfied
with that ser(ices so#e c"sto#er are not hi'h!y satisfied with the ser(ice eca"se of the so#e of
the co"ntry data p!an is (ery hi'h.
)rap$ :923
4hi!e 'oin' to aroad c"sto#er "sin' data card of Matri) ce!!"!ar and the percenta'e of Matri)
ce!!"!ar is 51S.
)rap$ ::23
So#e ti#e Matri) pro(ides ins"rance at the cheapest cost eca"se Matri) ce!!"!ar can 'i(e the
c!ai# of the #ost of the thin's.
)rap$ :823
<"sto#er are satisfied with the ins"rance sche#es of Matri) <e!!"!ar which they can offer to
their c"sto#er eca"se they can 'i(e #ore enefit as co#pare to the other co#petitior.
)rap$ :;23
Most!y c"sto#er can p"rchase the fore) fro# Matri) <e!!"!ar eca"se they can 'i(e c"rrency or
fore) card at the price which can a(ai!a!e in the #ar%et. *hat why c"sto#er can p"rchase fore)
for# Matri) ce!!"!ar.
)rap$ :A23
Most!y c"sto#er can prefer the fore) card eca"se it is con(enient for "sin' and in the cash
c"rrency c"sto#er face so#e iss"es !i%e %eep the c"rrency notes & there is !i#it for ta%in' so#e
c"rrency& there is fear of theft that why c"sto#er "sin' fore) card.
)rap$ :<23
<"sto#ers are satisfied with the ser(ice of Matri) <e!!"!ar and rate of satisfied c"sto#er is 5.S.
)rap$ :J23
A c"sto#er care ser(ice of Matri) <e!!"!ar is (ery 'ood. *hey can open their pos office and
so#eti#es e#p!oyees are he!p to reso!(e the iss"e of c"sto#er.
)rap$ :P23
<"sto#er are satisfied with the ser(ice of Matri) <e!!"!ar that why they can reco##end the
Matri) ce!!"!ar prod"ct to their re!ati(es and friend.
C$i3S%uare Tests 6
factor anal1sis
nterpretation2 Since the (a!"e of p is 'reater than .05& therefore it is conc!"ded that d"ration
of ser(ice "se and the (ariety of ins"rance sche#es are independent of each other. *here is no
dependency etween the ao(e two (aria!es.
-o& lon+ bacE did 1ou first avail services from Matrix R are 1ou satisfied &it$ t$e services of matrix cellularL Cross
are yo" satisfied with the ser(ices of #atri) ce!!"!arO *ota!
hi'h!y satisfied satisfied dissatisfied hi'h!y
Cow !on' ac% did yo" first
a(ai! ser(ices fro# Matri)
U2yrs 1 3 2 0 /
U1 yr 1 / 1 0 11
U/ #onths 2 10 1 0 13
U3 #onths 2 / 1 1 13
*ota! 9 25 . 1 13
C$i3S%uare Tests
Ha!"e df Asy#p. Si'. 52-
Pearson <hi-S;"are ..29@
9 .501
?i%e!ihood Ratio ..210 9 .513
?inear-y-?inear Association 1.200 1 .2@3
7 of Ha!id <ases 13
a. 13 ce!!s 5.1.2S6 ha(e e)pected co"nt !ess than 5. *he #ini#"# e)pected
co"nt is .11.
nterpretation2 Since the (a!"e of p is 'reater than .05& therefore it is conc!"ded that d"ration
of ser(ice "se and the ser(ices of #atri) ce!!"!ar are independent of each other. *here is no
dependency etween the ao(e two (aria!es.
-o& lon+ bacE did 1ou first avail services from Matrix R $o& did 1ou find t$e customer care service of matrix cellularL
Cross tabulation
how did yo" find the c"sto#er care ser(ice of #atri) ce!!"!arO *ota!
(ery 'ood 'ood a(era'e poor
Cow !on' ac% did yo" first
a(ai! ser(ices fro# Matri)
U2yrs 2 2 2 0 /
U1 yr 1 / 1 0 11
U/ #onths 0 @ / 0 13
U3 #onths 1 1 / 2 13
*ota! 1 19 1. 2 13
C$i3S%uare Tests
Ha!"e df Asy#p. Si'. 52-
Pearson <hi-S;"are 11.11/
9 .2/.
?i%e!ihood Ratio 11.013 9 .2@3
?inear-y-?inear Association 1.21@ 1 .039
7 of Ha!id <ases 13
a. 12 ce!!s 5@5.0S6 ha(e e)pected co"nt !ess than 5. *he #ini#"# e)pected
co"nt is .2..
nterpretation2 Since the (a!"e of p is 'reater than .05& therefore it is conc!"ded that d"ration
of ser(ice "se and the c"sto#er care ser(ice of #atri) ce!!"!ar are independent of each other.
*here is no dependency etween the ao(e two (aria!es
?$ic$ particular service $ave 1ou used orM and usin+L R &$1 1ou c$oose Matrix mobile services Cross tabulation
why yo" choose Matri) #oi!e ser(ices *ota!
ease of
econo#ica! for (a!"e
any other
4hich partic"!ar
ser(ice ha(e yo" "sed
or2 and "sin'O
Internationa! SIM
/ . / 2 . 30
-ata <ards 0 0 0 0 1 1
Renta! Candsets 0 3 2 1 1 @
Ins"rance 0 1 1 0 0 2
*ota! / 12 9 3 13 13
C$i3S%uare Tests
Ha!"e df Asy#p. Si'. 52-
Pearson <hi-S;"are 15.211
12 .230
?i%e!ihood Ratio 1@.0.. 12 .11/
?inear-y-?inear Association .0/2 1 ..03
7 of Ha!id <ases 13
a. 1@ ce!!s 5.5.0S6 ha(e e)pected co"nt !ess than 5. *he #ini#"# e)pected
co"nt is .11.
nterpretation2 Since the (a!"e of p is 'reater than .05& therefore it is conc!"ded that type of
ser(ice and the #atri) #oi!e ser(ice are independent of each other. *here is no dependency
etween the ao(e two (aria!es
?$ic$ particular service $ave 1ou used orM and usin+L R &$at did 1ou liEe most in matrix services Cross tabulation
what did yo" !i%e #ost in #atri) ser(ices *ota!
tariff p!an co(era'e (a!"e added
easy a(ai!ai!ity
4hich partic"!ar ser(ice
ha(e yo" "sed or2 and
Internationa! SIM card . @ . @ 30
-ata <ards 3 0 0 1 1
Renta! Candsets 1 3 2 1 @
Ins"rance 0 1 1 0 2
*ota! 12 11 11 9 13
C$i3S%uare Tests
Ha!"e df Asy#p. Si'. 52-
Pearson <hi-S;"are ..@93
9 .15@
?i%e!ihood Ratio 10.5@1 9 .30/
?inear-y-?inear Association .019 1 ..25
7 of Ha!id <ases 13
a. 12 ce!!s 5@5.0S6 ha(e e)pected co"nt !ess than 5. *he #ini#"# e)pected
co"nt is .12.
nterpretation2 Since the (a!"e of p is 'reater than .05& therefore it is conc!"ded that type of
ser(ice and the #atri) ser(ice are independent of each other. *here is no dependency etween
the ao(e two (aria!es
?$ic$ particular service $ave 1ou used orM and usin+L R $o& &ill 1ou rate 1our satisfaction &it$ data card tariff
sc$emesL Cross tabulation
how wi!! yo" rate yo"r satisfaction with data card tariff
satisfied neither
satisfied nor
4hich partic"!ar ser(ice
ha(e yo" "sed or2 and
Internationa! SIM
1 22 1 3 30
-ata <ards 0 3 0 1 1
Renta! Candsets 0 3 1 3 @
Ins"rance 0 1 0 1 2
*ota! 1 29 2 . 13
C$i3S%uare Tests
Ha!"e df Asy#p. Si'. 52-
Pearson <hi-S;"are ..9.2
9 .139
?i%e!ihood Ratio 9.311 9 .109
?inear-y-?inear Association /.905 1 .009
7 of Ha!id <ases 13
a. 11 ce!!s 5.@.5S6 ha(e e)pected co"nt !ess than 5. *he #ini#"# e)pected
co"nt is .09.
nterpretation2 Since the (a!"e of p is 'reater than .05& therefore it is conc!"ded that type of
ser(ice and the data card tariff are independent of each other. *here is no dependency etween
the ao(e two (aria!es
?$ic$ particular service $ave 1ou used orM and usin+L R rate satisfaction level &it$ t$e variet1 of insurance sc$emes
bein+ offered b1 matrix cellularL Cross tabulation
rate satisfaction !e(e! with the (ariety of ins"rance sche#es ein'
offered y #atri) ce!!"!arO
satisfied neither
satisfied or
dissatisfied stron'!y
4hich partic"!ar
ser(ice ha(e yo" "sed
or2 and "sin'O
Internationa! SIM
3 1/ / 3 2 30
-ata <ards 0 2 1 1 0 1
Renta! Candsets 0 3 1 2 1 @
Ins"rance 0 1 0 1 0 2
*ota! 3 22 . @ 3 13
C$i3S%uare Tests
Ha!"e df Asy#p. Si'. 52-
Pearson <hi-S;"are 5.901
12 .921
?i%e!ihood Ratio /..99 12 ../1
?inear-y-?inear Association 2.110 1 .11/
7 of Ha!id <ases 13
a. 1. ce!!s 590.0S6 ha(e e)pected co"nt !ess than 5. *he #ini#"# e)pected
co"nt is .11.
nterpretation2 Since the (a!"e of p is 'reater than .05& therefore it is conc!"ded that type of
ser(ice and the satisfaction with (ariety of ins"rance ser(ice are independent of each other. *here
is no dependency etween the ao(e two (aria!es
?$ic$ particular service $ave 1ou used orM and usin+L R are 1ou satisfied &it$ t$e services of matrix cellularL Cross
are yo" satisfied with the ser(ices of #atri) ce!!"!arO *ota!
hi'h!y satisfied satisfied dissatisfied hi'h!y
4hich partic"!ar ser(ice
ha(e yo" "sed or2 and
Internationa! SIM card / 20 3 1 30
-ata <ards 1 1 2 0 1
Renta! Candsets 1 3 3 0 @
Ins"rance 1 1 0 0 2
*ota! 9 25 . 1 13
C$i3S%uare Tests
Ha!"e df Asy#p. Si'. 52-
Pearson <hi-S;"are ..@//
9 .159
?i%e!ihood Ratio ..399 9 .195
?inear-y-?inear Association .111 1 .@3/
7 of Ha!id <ases 13
a. 13 ce!!s 5.1.2S6 ha(e e)pected co"nt !ess than 5. *he #ini#"# e)pected
co"nt is .05.
nterpretation2 Since the (a!"e of p is 'reater than .05& therefore it is conc!"ded that type of
ser(ice and the satisfaction with the ser(ice of #atri) are independent of each other. *here is no
dependency etween the ao(e two (aria!es
?$ic$ particular service $ave 1ou used orM and usin+L R -o& did 1ou find t$e customer care service of matrix cellularL
Cross tabulation
how did yo" find the c"sto#er care ser(ice of
#atri) ce!!"!arO
(ery 'ood 'ood a(era'e poor
4hich partic"!ar ser(ice ha(e yo" "sed or2
and "sin'O
Internationa! SIM
3 1/ 10 1 30
-ata <ards 0 0 1 0 1
Renta! Candsets 0 3 3 1 @
Ins"rance 1 0 1 0 2
*ota! 1 19 1. 2 13
C$i3S%uare Tests
Ha!"e df Asy#p. Si'. 52-
Pearson <hi-S;"are 13.395
9 .11/
?i%e!ihood Ratio 11.121 9 .11.
?inear-y-?inear Association .@9. 1 .3@2
7 of Ha!id <ases 13
a. 11 ce!!s 5.@.5S6 ha(e e)pected co"nt !ess than 5. *he #ini#"# e)pected
co"nt is .09.
nterpretation2 Since the (a!"e of p is 'reater than .05& therefore it is conc!"ded that type of
ser(ice and the c"sto#er care ser(ice of #atri) are independent of each other. *here is no
dependency etween the ao(e two (aria!es
&$1 1ou c$oose Matrix mobile services R &$at did 1ou liEe most in matrix services Cross tabulation
what did yo" !i%e #ost in #atri) ser(ices *ota!
tariff p!an co(era'e (a!"e added
why yo" choose Matri)
#oi!e ser(ices
'ood connecti(ity 2 3 0 1 /
ease of a(ai!ai!ity 1 1 2 2 12
Acono#ica! 1 2 3 3 9
for (a!"e added ser(ices 0 1 2 0 3
any other 5 1 1 3 13
*ota! 12 11 11 9 13
C$i3S%uare Tests
Ha!"e df Asy#p. Si'. 52-
Pearson <hi-S;"are 11.5.2
12 .1.0
?i%e!ihood Ratio 11.391 12 .2@/
?inear-y-?inear Association .5@2 1 .119
7 of Ha!id <ases 13
a. 20 ce!!s 5100.0S6 ha(e e)pected co"nt !ess than 5. *he #ini#"# e)pected
co"nt is ./3.
nterpretation2 Since the (a!"e of p is 'reater than .05& therefore it is conc!"ded that #atri)
#oi!e ser(ice and the #atri) ser(ice are independent of each other. *here is no dependency
etween the ao(e two (aria!es
&$1 1ou c$oose Matrix mobile services R $o& &ill 1ou rate 1our satisfaction &it$ data card tariff sc$emesL Cross
how wi!! yo" rate yo"r satisfaction with data card tariff
satisfied neither
satisfied nor
why yo" choose Matri)
#oi!e ser(ices
'ood connecti(ity 1 5 0 0 /
ease of a(ai!ai!ity 2 . 2 0 12
econo#ica! 1 / 0 2 9
for (a!"e added ser(ices 0 2 0 1 3
any other 0 . 0 5 13
*ota! 1 29 2 . 13
C$i3S%uare Tests
Ha!"e df Asy#p. Si'. 52-
Pearson <hi-S;"are 11.51@
12 .2/@
?i%e!ihood Ratio 1..3@9 12 .105
?inear-y-?inear Association /.952 1 .00.
7 of Ha!id <ases 13
a. 1@ ce!!s 5.5.0S6 ha(e e)pected co"nt !ess than 5. *he #ini#"# e)pected
co"nt is .11.
nterpretation2 Since the (a!"e of p is 'reater than .05& therefore it is conc!"ded that #atri)
#oi!e ser(ice and satisfaction with the data card tariff sche#es are independent of each other.
*here is no dependency etween the ao(e two (aria!es
&$1 1ou c$oose Matrix mobile services R rate satisfaction level &it$ t$e variet1 of insurance sc$emes bein+ offered b1
matrix cellularL Cross tabulation
rate satisfaction !e(e! with the (ariety of ins"rance sche#es ein' offered y
#atri) ce!!"!arO
satisfied neither satisfied or
not dissatisfied
dissatisfied stron'!y
why yo" choose
Matri) #oi!e
'ood connecti(ity 0 1 2 0 0 /
ease of
2 5 3 2 0 12
econo#ica! 1 5 0 2 1 9
for (a!"e added
0 2 1 0 0 3
any other 0 / 2 3 2 13
*ota! 3 22 . @ 3 13
C$i3S%uare Tests
Ha!"e df Asy#p. Si'. 52-
Pearson <hi-S;"are 12.19/
1/ .@30
?i%e!ihood Ratio 1@.1/3 1/ .3@5
?inear-y-?inear Association 2.@2/ 1 .099
7 of Ha!id <ases 13
a. 23 ce!!s 592.0S6 ha(e e)pected co"nt !ess than 5. *he #ini#"# e)pected
co"nt is .21.
nterpretation2 Since the (a!"e of p is 'reater than .05& therefore it is conc!"ded that #atri)
#oi!e ser(ices and the satisfaction with the (ariety of ins"rance sche#es are independent of
each other. *here is no dependency etween the ao(e two (aria!es
&$1 1ou c$oose Matrix mobile services R are 1ou satisfied &it$ t$e services of matrix cellularL Cross tabulation
are yo" satisfied with the ser(ices of #atri) ce!!"!arO *ota!
hi'h!y satisfied satisfied dissatisfied hi'h!y
why yo" choose Matri)
#oi!e ser(ices
'ood connecti(ity 3 3 0 0 /
ease of a(ai!ai!ity 1 / 2 0 12
econo#ica! 0 @ 1 1 9
for (a!"e added ser(ices 1 1 1 0 3
any other 1 . 1 0 13
*ota! 9 25 . 1 13
C$i3S%uare Tests
Ha!"e df Asy#p. Si'. 52-
Pearson <hi-S;"are 11.21/
12 .2.@
?i%e!ihood Ratio 15...1 12 .19@
?inear-y-?inear Association 1.2/. 1 .039
7 of Ha!id <ases 13
a. 1@ ce!!s 5.5.0S6 ha(e e)pected co"nt !ess than 5. *he #ini#"# e)pected
co"nt is .0@.
nterpretation2 Since the (a!"e of p is 'reater than .05& therefore it is conc!"ded that #atri)
#oi!e ser(ice and satisfaction with the ser(ice of #atri) are independent of each other. *here is
no dependency etween the ao(e two (aria!es
&$1 1ou c$oose Matrix mobile services R $o& did 1ou find t$e customer care service of matrix cellularL Cross tabulation
how did yo" find the c"sto#er care ser(ice of #atri)
(ery 'ood +ood a(era'e poor
why yo" choose Matri)
#oi!e ser(ices
'ood connecti(ity 0 1 2 0 /
ease of a(ai!ai!ity 3 1 5 0 12
econo#ica! 1 5 3 0 9
for (a!"e added ser(ices 0 1 1 1 3
any other 0 5 @ 1 13
*ota! 1 19 1. 2 13
C$i3S%uare Tests
Ha!"e df Asy#p. Si'. 52-
Pearson <hi-S;"are 11.2.2
12 .2.3
?i%e!ihood Ratio 13.351 12 .311
?inear-y-?inear Association 3.115 1 .0/3
7 of Ha!id <ases 13
a. 1/ ce!!s 5.0.0S6 ha(e e)pected co"nt !ess than 5. *he #ini#"# e)pected
co"nt is .11.
nterpretation2 Since the (a!"e of p is 'reater than .05& therefore it is conc!"ded that #atri)
#oi!e ser(ices and the c"sto#er care ser(ices of #atri) ce!!"!ar are independent of each other.
*here is no dependency etween the ao(e two (aria!es
&$at did 1ou liEe most in matrix services R $o& &ill 1ou rate 1our satisfaction &it$ data card tariff sc$emesL Cross
how wi!! yo" rate yo"r satisfaction with data card tarrif
satisfied neither
satisfied nor
what did yo" !i%e #ost in
#atri) ser(ices
traiff p!an 2 . 0 2 12
co(era'e 1 @ 1 2 11
(a!"e added ser(ices 0 @ 0 1 11
easy a(ai!ai!ity 1 @ 1 0 9
*ota! 1 29 2 . 13
C$i3S%uare Tests
Ha!"e df Asy#p. Si'. 52-
Pearson <hi-S;"are 12.0.@
12 .139
?i%e!ihood Ratio 15..3@ 12 .199
?inear-y-?inear Association 2.150 1 .11.
7 of Ha!id <ases 13
a. 1@ ce!!s 5.5.0S6 ha(e e)pected co"nt !ess than 5. *he #ini#"# e)pected
co"nt is ./3.
nterpretation2 Since the (a!"e of p is 'reater than .05& therefore it is conc!"ded that #atri)
ser(ices and satisfaction with (ariety of ins"rance sche#e offered y #atri) are independent of
each other. *here is no dependency etween the ao(e two (aria!es
&$at did 1ou liEe most in matrix services R are 1ou satisfied &it$ t$e services of matrix cellularL Cross tabulation
are yo" satisfied with the ser(ices of #atri) ce!!"!arO *ota!
hi'h!y satisfied satisfied dissatisfied hi'h!y
what did yo" !i%e #ost in
#atri) ser(ices
traiff p!an 3 @ 2 0 12
co(era'e 1 / 1 0 11
(a!"e added ser(ices 3 5 2 1 11
easy a(ai!ai!ity 2 @ 0 0 9
*ota! 9 25 . 1 13
C$i3S%uare Tests
Ha!"e df Asy#p. Si'. 52-
Pearson <hi-S;"are ..150
9 .190
?i%e!ihood Ratio 9./@/ 9 .3@@
?inear-y-?inear Association .220 1 ./39
7 of Ha!id <ases 13
a. 12 ce!!s 5@5.0S6 ha(e e)pected co"nt !ess than 5. *he #ini#"# e)pected
co"nt is .21.
nterpretation2 Since the (a!"e of p is 'reater than .05& therefore it is conc!"ded that #atri)
ser(ices and satisfied with the ser(ice of #atri) ce!!"!ar are independent of each other. *here is
no dependency etween the ao(e two (aria!es
&$at did 1ou liEe most in matrix services R $o& did 1ou find t$e customer care service of matrix cellularL Cross
how did yo" find the c"sto#er care ser(ice of #atri) ce!!"!arO *ota!
(ery 'ood 'ood a(era'e poor
what did yo" !i%e #ost in
#atri) ser(ices
tariff p!an 0 1 . 0 12
co(era'e 2 3 / 0 11
(a!"e added ser(ices 1 5 3 2 11
easy a(ai!ai!ity 1 @ 1 0 9
*ota! 1 19 1. 2 13
C$i3S%uare Tests
Ha!"e df Asy#p. Si'. 52-
Pearson <hi-S;"are 1/.012
9 .0/@
?i%e!ihood Ratio 1/..91 9 .050
?inear-y-?inear Association 2.9@2 1 .0.5
7 of Ha!id <ases 13
a. 11 ce!!s 5.@.5S6 ha(e e)pected co"nt !ess than 5. *he #ini#"# e)pected
co"nt is .12.
nterpretation2 Since the (a!"e of p is 'reater than .05& therefore it is conc!"ded that #atri)
ser(ices and c"sto#er care ser(ice of #atri) ce!!"!ar are independent of each other. *here is no
dependency etween the ao(e two (aria!es
-o& lon+ bacE did 1ou first avail services from Matrix R &$at did 1ou liEe most in matrix services Cross tabulation
what did yo" !i%e #ost in #atri) ser(ices *ota!
tariff p!an co(era'e (a!"e added
easy a(ai!ai!ity
Cow !on' ac% did yo" first
a(ai! ser(ices fro# Matri)
U2yrs 0 3 0 3 /
U1 yr 1 1 3 3 11
U/ #onths 1 5 2 2 13
U3 #onths 1 2 / 1 13
*ota! 12 11 11 9 13
C$i3S%uare Tests
Ha!"e df Asy#p. Si'. 52-
Pearson <hi-S;"are 11.112
9 .11.
?i%e!ihood Ratio 1/./.@ 9 .051
?inear-y-?inear Association 1.139 1 .230
7 of Ha!id <ases 13
a. 1/ ce!!s 5100.0S6 ha(e e)pected co"nt !ess than 5. *he #ini#"# e)pected
co"nt is 1.2/.
nterpretation2 Since the (a!"e of p is 'reater than .05& therefore it is conc!"ded that first
a(ai! ser(ice of #atri) ce!!"!ar and !i%in' #ost ser(ice in #atri) ce!!"!ar are independent of each
other. *here is no dependency etween the ao(e two (aria!es
C$apter H J
Su++estion and Conclusion
--"rin' trainin' period I fe!t so#e pro!e# in #atri) office !i%e& so#eti#e !ac% of *ea# wor%&
dissatisfaction of e#p!oyee : !ess ad(ertise#ent of =ore) ser(ices : so#e #atri)Is tariffs p!an
are (ery cost!y !i%e GSA 5In GSA inco#in' ca!!s is not free6.
So II# +i(in' so#e s"''estion for re#o(in' that types pro!e#sF-
-Matri) sho"!d try to co"nter the 4?? y pro(idin' !ower tariffs to "sers : co#pany sho"!d do
proper ad(ertise#ent of =ore)..
-Matri) #"st try to increase its post-paid s"scrier ase.
-Matri) sho"!d try to add #ore and #ore co"ntries in its si# cards %itty.
-Matri) #"st try to co#e o"t with some specific plans& which are attractive for corporate
eca"se it is the se'#ent with the hi'hest #oi!e "sa'e.
-Main ad(anta'e of 4?? is its tariff p!an. So +SM ser(ice pro(iders sho"!d try to reduce their
tariff if possi!e at !east initia!!y.
-More proportiona! sche#es sho"!d e !a"nched to incorporate the perfect blend of push and
pull. So Matri) sho"!d pro(ide dea!ers and distri"tor #ore per%s and incenti(es.
-A#phasis on #ore effective Public Relation exercise sho"!d e 'i(en y sponsorin' (ario"s
e(ents to e)pand its reach.
-Matri) sho"!d thin% serio"s!y re'ardin' the Ethics and I0elief in transparenc14 para#eters in
which it is !a''in' ehind since a no. of years.
-In the interest of s"scriers Matri) sho"!d ta%e serio"s steps re'ardin' the QTextual
-arassmentI in consent with the re'"!atory odies.
-Matri) sho"!d incorporate f"rther innovations to o"ts#art the #ost potentia! co#petitor that is
-Matri) sho"!d rectify and up+rade t$e billin+ s1stem to a(oid c"sto#er dissatisfaction and
discretion in re'ards of erroneo"s i!!s.
-Matri) sho"!d thin% positi(e!y to tap the co#panies ind"!'in' in iral !ar"eting.
-Matri) tries to "i!d the re!ationship with their e#p!oyee and with the c"sto#er for the 'rowth
of the "siness.
After ana!y,in' the findin's of the research we can conc!"de that Matri) with stron' rand
reco'nition is a #ar%et !eader. Matri) <e!!"!ar that is the #ost respected co#pany in the te!eco#
sector is sti!! !a''in' ehind <!ay on the 'ro"nd of ethics and e!ief in transparency. Pre paid
cards are !ess pop"!ar as they are not so cons"#er friend!y and rechar'in' is a hass!e whi!e
tra(e!!in' aroad.
Most of the s"scriers on an a(era'e spend Rs 30002trip. As Matri) the on!y co#pany ha(in'
the !ar'est #ar%et share with <!ay and Gniconnect a!so fo!!owin' the steps of Matri) to increase
the c"sto#er ase& Matri) #"st serio"s!y !oo% into the !oop ho!es in its #ar%etin' strate'y and
tariff p!ans to increase its s"scrier ase in the ind"stry. Matri) sho"!d catch on its core
stren'ths and co#petencies !i%e wide networ% thro"'ho"t India& own I?- and a as%et f"!! off
(a!"e added ser(ices to co#pete with the others potentia! p!ayers in the #ar%et. Matri) can adopt
#ar%etin' strate'ies !i%e !ow acti(ation fees& free airti#e and other HAS to attract new c"sto#ers
and a!so try to retain the e)istin' c"sto#er ase thro"'h pro(idin' ;"a!ity ser(ice and etter
c"sto#er care ser(ice.
A!tho"'h peop!e are aware ao"t the tariff p!ans offered y 4?? ser(ice pro(iders& "t ri'ht
now they are not in h"rry to a(oid it. *he p"!ic wants to wait and watch their respecti(e
C$apter H P
1. *he st"dy is restricted to -e!hi on!y.
2. *he pop"!ation si,e is (ery s#a!! as co#pare to act"a! si,e.
3. *here can e errors in sa#p!in'
1. *i#e constraints were there.
5. Peop!e #i'ht 'i(e their iased option
*he oo%s concerned for the acco#p!ish#ent of the pro$ect are as fo!!owsF
Phi!ip Dot!er 13
Adition 8MARDA*I7+ MA7A+AMA7*9 P"!ish y 8PAARS>79
Ra# swa#i 10
Adition 8MARDA*I7+ MA7A+AMA7*9 P"!ish y >)ford
+.<. BerryIs =ifth edition 8Research Methodo!o'y9 P"!ish y Mc+raw Ci!! Ad"cation.
S4AP7A PRA-CA7 5 *A*A Mc+raw-Ci!!6 MARDA*I7+ MA7A+AMA7*
BGSI7ASS ?I7A - boom2 .*S can +ive t$e extra t$rust3S5 *5 Nai
BGSI7ASS F *he deate ra'es- Shanthi Hen%atara#an& *h"rsday& 7o( 21& 2005
I7-IA7 BRA7- =>G7-A*I>7 V BRA7- I7-GS*RB& BRA7-I7+.
SO,RCE2 MA*RIT& Ann"a! Report 2011-12 5,pdated on ;:
*ecD 89:8!
+enderF- #a!e5 6 fe#a!e5 6
Q1.How long back did you frst avail services from Matrix Cellular?
More than years
More than 1 year
More than ! months
More than "months
L2!Jhich particular ser%ice ha%e you used orMand are usingN
International .im 1ards
8ata 1ards ?Internet@
"ental Dandsets
L3!Jhy you choose :atri#4s mobile .er%icesN
1! -ood 1onnecti%ity
Gase o$ (%ailability
2! Gconomical
3! Bor %alue added ser%ices
4! (ny other
L4!Jhat did you like most in :atri#4s .er%icesN
Tari$$ plan
Aalue added ser%ices
Gasy (%ailability
L5!Do did you a%ail ser%ices o$ :atri# 1ellularN
.ales e#ecuti%e
1ompany outlet
L6!Jhich ser%ice pro%ider is pro%iding the best ser%ice $or International .im ser%icesN
:atri# 1ellular
L7! 8o you use :atri# 8ata cardN
L8! Do ill you rate your satis$action ith data card tari$$ schemesN
Dighly satis$ied
9either satis$ied nor dissatis$ied
.trongly dissatis$ied
L9! Jhere did you purchase data card hile going aboradN
:atri# cellular
)ne orld
.tay connection
L1*! :atri# cellular pro%ides insurance at cheapest costN
L11!"ate satis$action le%el ith the %ariety o$ insurance schemes being o$$ered by
:atri# 1ellularN
.trongly satis$ied
9either satis$ied nor dissatis$ied
.trongly dissatis$ied
L12! Jhere do you like to purchase $ore#N
:atri# cellular
Tra%el agent
L13!hich product o$ $ore# you like mostN
:ulti $ore# card
Bore# card
1ash currency
Tra%elling che&ue
L14! (re you satis$ied ith the ser%ices o$ :atri# cellularN
Dighly satis$ied
9either satis$ied nor dissatis$ied
Dighly dissatis$ied
L15! I$ no' please mention the reason
L16!ho did you $ind the customer care ser%ice o$ :atri# 1ellularN
Aery good
L17! Jould you like to recommend :atri# cellular ser%ices to your relati%es and
L18!i$ no' hyN
L19!any suggestion $or :atri# ser%icesN
Compan1 documentation form
Compan1 undertaEin+ (orm
Compan1 Tariff Plan
/alue 1our Su++estions