Rural Water Supply & Sanitation Guidelines
Rural Water Supply & Sanitation Guidelines
Rural Water Supply & Sanitation Guidelines
Implementation Guidelines
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation
July 2010
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation
all rights reserved, stakeholders are free to reproduce these guidelines as long as they
acknowledge the authors.
Ministry of Irrigation and Water Development
Private Bag !"
#he overarching o$%ective of Malawi&s 'rowth and Development (trategy )M'D(* is to reduce
poverty $y enhancing rapid economic growth while at the same time improving service
delivery. Water and sanitation are among the key sectoral measures and crosscutting issues to
$e addressed. #he M'D( targets for the medium and long term are consistent with the
Millennium Development 'oals )MD's*. +or water supply, the MD's target is to halve, $y
,"-., the proportion of people without sustaina$le access to safe drinking water and sanitation.
#he primary o$%ective of the water supply and sanitation programmes is to support the
implementation of the /ational Water Policy ),"".* and /ational (anitation Policy ),""0*. #he
o$%ective of the Policies is to guide the country in the management and development of its water
resources using the Integrated Water 1esources Management principles, improving the
institutional and legal framework, ensuring sustaina$le delivery of water supply and sanitation
services, effective involvement of the private sector and protection of the environment among
#he water supply and sanitation Programmes aims at addressing constraints in service delivery,
$y developing district2$ased, community2managed approach to rural water supply and
sanitation services3 constructing4reha$ilitating piped and point source water supplies3 promoting
hygiene and sanitation. #his is to ensure convenient access to safe water and improved
sanitation to the community to underpin economic development.
#he Ministry responsi$le for water affairs and other stakeholders consolidated e5periences in
implementing water supply and sanitation programmes at district level to develop these
implementation guidelines. #herefore this manual provides implementation guidelines for water
supply and sanitation programmes at different levels.
6on. 1ichie B. Muheya, M.P.
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation guidelines Page
Table of o!"e!"#
A##re$iations and A%ronyms""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""iii
&"' Introdu%tion""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""&
("' WSSP Strate)i% and A%tion Plannin)"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""(
2.1 District Water and Sanitation Programme Profile...............................................2
2.2 District WSSP Strategic Plan...............................................................................2
2.3 Cost Sharing..........................................................................................................3
2.4 Consolidated Financial System.............................................................................3
*"' Implementation Arran)ements"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""+
3$1 D%#"&%" O&%e!"a"%o! a!' (o))u!%"y Se!#%"%*a"%o!"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""+
3$2 (a+a%"y ,u%l'%!- . T&a%!%!-""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""",
3$3 Se&/%e I)+&o/e)e!""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""-
+"' Mana)ement and Institutional Arran)ement""""""""""""""""""""""""""""&&
4.1 The Ministry responsile for !ater affairs...........................................................11
4.2 District..................................................................................................................11
4.3 Comm"nity.............................................................................................................12
4.# $ther Sta%eholder..................................................................................................1#
."' /ross /uttin) Issues"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""(&
#.1 &ender................................................................................................................21
#.2 '() and *(DS...................................................................................................21
#.3 +n,ironment......................................................................................................21
,"' Monitorin)0 E$aluation and On)oin) Support"""""""""""""""""""""""""""((
-.1 .e,els of Monitoring..........................................................................................22
-.2 +ssential Data.....................................................................................................23
-.3 /aseline Data......................................................................................................23
-.# $ngoing Monitoring and +,al"ation and Comm"nity S"pport.......................23
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation guidelines Page
A##re$iations and A%ronyms
7D8 7rea Development 8ommittee
8BM 8ommunity Based Management
8D8 8apacity Development 8onsultant
8D+ 8onstituency Development +und
8+# 8ommunity +acilitation #eam
8(' 8ommunity (upport 'roup
8WP 8ommunity Wa(6 Plan
D8# District 8oordinating #eam
D98 District 95ecutive 8ommittee
D:M District :perational Manual
D17 Demand 1esponsive 7pproach
DW(( Director of Water (upply and (anitation services
9(7 95ternal (upport 7gents
9Ws 95tension Workers
'+( 'ravity +ed (cheme
'oM 'overnment of Malawi
6;( 6ygiene ; (anitation
6DW 6and Dud Wells
6P 6and Pump
6(7 6ealth (urveillance 7ssistant
6(( 6ygiene ; (anitation (pecialist
<7 <ocal 7uthority
<8 <ocal 8ouncil
<D+ <ocal Development +und
M;9 Monitoring and 9valuation
MoIWD Ministry of Irrigation ; Water Development
/': /on 'overnmental :rgani=ation
/WDP /ational Water Development Program
/(P /ational (anitation Policy
/WP /ational Water Policy
:;M :perations ; Maintenance
PM( Planning ; Management (pecialist
PM> Programme Management >nit
1(> 12Wa(6 )or 1ural* (upport >nit
1#8 12Wa(6 #echnical 8ommittee
1W((P 1ural Water (upply and (anitation Program
(8 (teering 8ommittee
#7 #raditional 7uthority
#(P #echnical (ervice Provider
?D8 ?illage Development 8ommittee
?6W8 ?illage 6ealth ; Water 8ommittee
?<:M ?illage <evel :peration ; Maintenance
W;( Water ; (anitation
Wa(68: Water and (anitation46ygiene 8ommittee
W9( Water ; 9nvironmental (anitation aid coordination
WM7 Water Monitoring 7ssistant
WP8 Water Point 8ommittee
W( Water (upply
W(( Water (upply (pecialist
@(: @onal (upport :ffice
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation guidelines Page
#he 'overnment of Malawi is committed to reduce poverty especially for the rural people
through the provision of adeAuate social, education and health services. 7s one way of
improving health, government has placed provision of pota$le water supply and sanitation
services high on the agenda.
Water supply and sanitation services are crucial to a country&s socio2economic development.
6owever, service provision in the rural and low income areas, has not $een satisfactory. #he
piped water supply systems that e5ist in the rural areas cannot cope with the growing population
if these are not reha$ilitated and e5panded and left to work $eyond their economic life span. :n
the other hand most $oreholes e5perience freAuent $reakdowns due to ineffective village level
operation and maintenance.
#hese implementation guidelines have $een developed to harmonise and standardise approaches
for carrying out water supply and sanitation services. #he guidelines highlight the principles and
$est practices for carrying out water supply and sanitation activities to ensure sustaina$ility of
the services.
#he 'overnment of Malawi through the Ministry of Irrigation and Water Development would
like to acknowledge the assistance received from various individuals and organi=ations that
made it possi$le for these 'uidelines to $e developed. #he individuals and organi=ations are too
many to mention. 6owever, special gratitude is due to the various Development Partners for
providing the necessary support and guidance.
It is the hope of the Ministry of Irrigation and Water Development that stakeholders will make
use of these 'uidelines in implementing water supply and sanitation programmes to ensure not
only uniformity of approaches $ut also sustaina$ility of constructed facilities.
(andram 8. B. Maweru
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation guidelines Page
&"' Introdu%tion
#he 'overnment of Malawi through the Ministry responsi$le for water affairs is
responsi$le for the provision of safe water and improved sanitation and promotion of
hygiene practices. #he sector aims to ensure that all people have convenient access to water
in sufficient Auantity and of accepta$le Auality for $asic use and that adeAuate sanitation is
provided to all households and individuals for improved health.
#he /ational Water Policy ),"".* recogni=es that management of the water facilities could
$est $e done at the lowest appropriate level possi$le. In this respect, <ocal 7uthorities
)<7s* and communities are to $e involved in all stages of the implementation cycle from
needs identification, choice of technology and levels of service, design, construction,
mo$ili=ation of contri$ution towards capital costs and operation and maintenance through
management of the systems.
#hese 'uidelines have $een prepared, primarily, to guide the implementation of the 1ural
Water (upply and (anitation Programme in Malawi. #he guidelines mainly focus on the
<ocal 7uthority and the institutions at $oth district and community levels especially the
District 8oordinating #eam )D8#* that has $een assigned $y the <ocal 7uthority to plan
and manage the rural water supply and sanitation component of the /ational Water
Development Programme )/WDP*.
#he 'uidelines will provide <7s and various stakeholders including District 8oordinating
#eams )D8#s* with an overview of the W((P and outline what is involved in
implementing water supply and sanitation programme, how it is done and who does what.
#he 'uidelines will serve as reference in the implementation of W((P.
#he users of the 'uidelines may range from community, district, /on2'overnmental
:rgani=ations to development partners. It is e5pected that the users will find these
'uidelines very useful in the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of W((P at all
#hese 'uidelines shall $e used alongside other water and sanitation sector policies, strategy
documents, guidelines and manuals such as the followingC
Malawi 'rowth ; Development (trategy3
/ational (anitation Policy3
/ational Water Policy3
Implementation Manual for Piped Water (upply (ystems and Point Water (ources3
W>7 formation guidelines
?arious #echnical Manuals for training and construction of water and sanitation
("' WSSP Strate)i% and A%tion Plannin)
(trategic Plan is a management tool which articulates the long2term direction of the
organi=ation. #he plan stipulates goals, o$%ectives and strategies which will provide
guidance to the implementation of the W(( Programme. #he (trategic Plan is generated
from ?illage 7ction Plans )?7Ps* consolidated at local level with technical input from
<7s, /':s or development partners.
#he support $y these stakeholders can take different forms $ut the crucial areas are as
1esults2$ased Planning
+inancial Management and 7uditing
Procurement and 8ontract Management
Information Management
Monitoring and 9valuation
2$1 D%#"&%" Wa"e& a!' Sa!%"a"%o! P&o-&a))e P&of%le
#he first task of the D8# will $e to $uild a District W((P Profile. #his will provide data
on the e5isting water supply facilities and current information on e5isting sanitation
facilities and hygiene practices. It should also provide other socio2economic information
pertinent to planning water supply and sanitation services.
#he Ministry responsi$le for water affairs should provide the format for the Profile and
assist the D8# in assem$ling, documenting, analy=ing and reporting the data and their
implications. #he District Profiles will assist to provide the $aseline data for the district
and national Monitoring and 9valuation data for the program.
2$2 D%#"&%" WSSP S"&a"e-% Pla!
>sing data from the District Profile and other information, the D8#, with support from the
responsi$le Ministry should develop WSSP S"&a"e-% Pla! over a specified period of time,
commonly . years, to $e approved $y the <ocal 7uthority and su$mitted to the Ministry for
appraisal and response.
#he Ministry should provideC
7 format for the W((P (trategic Plan
7n estimated figure for a grant contri$ution
9stimated unit costs for goods, works and services
9stimated levels of effort )D8# and #(Ps*
2$2$1 S"&a"e-% Pla! A++&a%#al a!' A++&o/al
#he <ocal 7uthority will approve a draft (trategic Plan and Budget for Ministry appraisal.
#he Ministry will appraise the draft Plan and Budget and may propose modifications to
$etter align with national policies, strategies and availa$le resources. #he <ocal 7uthority
will give final approval.
2$3 (o#" S0a&%!-
#he principle of cost2sharing is integral to the demand4response approach and is applica$le
at $oth the community and district levels. (hared costs demonstrate commitment of parties
and promote a sense of ownership D $oth of which are critical to sustaining program
Program costs are shared $oth in cash and in kind. 'enerally, each participating
community will $e responsi$le for a contri$ution of .E of the capital cost of their
8ommunity W((P Plan. 7t least not less than half of the capital contri$ution should $e in
cash and $e deposited into their account prior to the commissioning of any newly
constructed or reha$ilitated water facility.
2$1 (o!#ol%'a"e' F%!a!%al Sy#"e)
#o avoid $urdening the districts with multi2donor accounting and multi2donor reporting
demands all W((P funds should $e administered through a single financial system agreed
upon $etween the Ministry, district administration and participating donors. #he system
should $e designed to work, as far as possi$le, within esta$lished government financial