Rural Water Supply & Sanitation Guidelines

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Implementation Guidelines
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation
July 2010
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation
all rights reserved, stakeholders are free to reproduce these guidelines as long as they
acknowledge the authors.
Ministry of Irrigation and Water Development
Private Bag !"
#he overarching o$%ective of Malawi&s 'rowth and Development (trategy )M'D(* is to reduce
poverty $y enhancing rapid economic growth while at the same time improving service
delivery. Water and sanitation are among the key sectoral measures and crosscutting issues to
$e addressed. #he M'D( targets for the medium and long term are consistent with the
Millennium Development 'oals )MD's*. +or water supply, the MD's target is to halve, $y
,"-., the proportion of people without sustaina$le access to safe drinking water and sanitation.
#he primary o$%ective of the water supply and sanitation programmes is to support the
implementation of the /ational Water Policy ),"".* and /ational (anitation Policy ),""0*. #he
o$%ective of the Policies is to guide the country in the management and development of its water
resources using the Integrated Water 1esources Management principles, improving the
institutional and legal framework, ensuring sustaina$le delivery of water supply and sanitation
services, effective involvement of the private sector and protection of the environment among
#he water supply and sanitation Programmes aims at addressing constraints in service delivery,
$y developing district2$ased, community2managed approach to rural water supply and
sanitation services3 constructing4reha$ilitating piped and point source water supplies3 promoting
hygiene and sanitation. #his is to ensure convenient access to safe water and improved
sanitation to the community to underpin economic development.
#he Ministry responsi$le for water affairs and other stakeholders consolidated e5periences in
implementing water supply and sanitation programmes at district level to develop these
implementation guidelines. #herefore this manual provides implementation guidelines for water
supply and sanitation programmes at different levels.
6on. 1ichie B. Muheya, M.P.
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation guidelines Page

Table of o!"e!"#
A##re$iations and A%ronyms""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""iii
&"' Introdu%tion""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""&
("' WSSP Strate)i% and A%tion Plannin)"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""(
2.1 District Water and Sanitation Programme Profile...............................................2
2.2 District WSSP Strategic Plan...............................................................................2
2.3 Cost Sharing..........................................................................................................3
2.4 Consolidated Financial System.............................................................................3
*"' Implementation Arran)ements"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""+
3$1 D%#"&%" O&%e!"a"%o! a!' (o))u!%"y Se!#%"%*a"%o!"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""+
3$2 (a+a%"y ,u%l'%!- . T&a%!%!-""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""",
3$3 Se&/%e I)+&o/e)e!""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""-
+"' Mana)ement and Institutional Arran)ement""""""""""""""""""""""""""""&&
4.1 The Ministry responsile for !ater affairs...........................................................11
4.2 District..................................................................................................................11
4.3 Comm"nity.............................................................................................................12
4.# $ther Sta%eholder..................................................................................................1#
."' /ross /uttin) Issues"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""(&
#.1 &ender................................................................................................................21
#.2 '() and *(DS...................................................................................................21
#.3 +n,ironment......................................................................................................21
,"' Monitorin)0 E$aluation and On)oin) Support"""""""""""""""""""""""""""((
-.1 .e,els of Monitoring..........................................................................................22
-.2 +ssential Data.....................................................................................................23
-.3 /aseline Data......................................................................................................23
-.# $ngoing Monitoring and +,al"ation and Comm"nity S"pport.......................23
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation guidelines Page
A##re$iations and A%ronyms
7D8 7rea Development 8ommittee
8BM 8ommunity Based Management
8D8 8apacity Development 8onsultant
8D+ 8onstituency Development +und
8+# 8ommunity +acilitation #eam
8(' 8ommunity (upport 'roup
8WP 8ommunity Wa(6 Plan
D8# District 8oordinating #eam
D98 District 95ecutive 8ommittee
D:M District :perational Manual
D17 Demand 1esponsive 7pproach
DW(( Director of Water (upply and (anitation services
9(7 95ternal (upport 7gents
9Ws 95tension Workers
'+( 'ravity +ed (cheme
'oM 'overnment of Malawi
6;( 6ygiene ; (anitation
6DW 6and Dud Wells
6P 6and Pump
6(7 6ealth (urveillance 7ssistant
6(( 6ygiene ; (anitation (pecialist
<7 <ocal 7uthority
<8 <ocal 8ouncil
<D+ <ocal Development +und
M;9 Monitoring and 9valuation
MoIWD Ministry of Irrigation ; Water Development
/': /on 'overnmental :rgani=ation
/WDP /ational Water Development Program
/(P /ational (anitation Policy
/WP /ational Water Policy
:;M :perations ; Maintenance
PM( Planning ; Management (pecialist
PM> Programme Management >nit
1(> 12Wa(6 )or 1ural* (upport >nit
1#8 12Wa(6 #echnical 8ommittee
1W((P 1ural Water (upply and (anitation Program
(8 (teering 8ommittee
#7 #raditional 7uthority
#(P #echnical (ervice Provider
?D8 ?illage Development 8ommittee
?6W8 ?illage 6ealth ; Water 8ommittee
?<:M ?illage <evel :peration ; Maintenance
W;( Water ; (anitation
Wa(68: Water and (anitation46ygiene 8ommittee
W9( Water ; 9nvironmental (anitation aid coordination
WM7 Water Monitoring 7ssistant
WP8 Water Point 8ommittee
W( Water (upply
W(( Water (upply (pecialist
@(: @onal (upport :ffice
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation guidelines Page
#he 'overnment of Malawi is committed to reduce poverty especially for the rural people
through the provision of adeAuate social, education and health services. 7s one way of
improving health, government has placed provision of pota$le water supply and sanitation
services high on the agenda.
Water supply and sanitation services are crucial to a country&s socio2economic development.
6owever, service provision in the rural and low income areas, has not $een satisfactory. #he
piped water supply systems that e5ist in the rural areas cannot cope with the growing population
if these are not reha$ilitated and e5panded and left to work $eyond their economic life span. :n
the other hand most $oreholes e5perience freAuent $reakdowns due to ineffective village level
operation and maintenance.
#hese implementation guidelines have $een developed to harmonise and standardise approaches
for carrying out water supply and sanitation services. #he guidelines highlight the principles and
$est practices for carrying out water supply and sanitation activities to ensure sustaina$ility of
the services.
#he 'overnment of Malawi through the Ministry of Irrigation and Water Development would
like to acknowledge the assistance received from various individuals and organi=ations that
made it possi$le for these 'uidelines to $e developed. #he individuals and organi=ations are too
many to mention. 6owever, special gratitude is due to the various Development Partners for
providing the necessary support and guidance.
It is the hope of the Ministry of Irrigation and Water Development that stakeholders will make
use of these 'uidelines in implementing water supply and sanitation programmes to ensure not
only uniformity of approaches $ut also sustaina$ility of constructed facilities.
(andram 8. B. Maweru
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation guidelines Page
&"' Introdu%tion
#he 'overnment of Malawi through the Ministry responsi$le for water affairs is
responsi$le for the provision of safe water and improved sanitation and promotion of
hygiene practices. #he sector aims to ensure that all people have convenient access to water
in sufficient Auantity and of accepta$le Auality for $asic use and that adeAuate sanitation is
provided to all households and individuals for improved health.
#he /ational Water Policy ),"".* recogni=es that management of the water facilities could
$est $e done at the lowest appropriate level possi$le. In this respect, <ocal 7uthorities
)<7s* and communities are to $e involved in all stages of the implementation cycle from
needs identification, choice of technology and levels of service, design, construction,
mo$ili=ation of contri$ution towards capital costs and operation and maintenance through
management of the systems.
#hese 'uidelines have $een prepared, primarily, to guide the implementation of the 1ural
Water (upply and (anitation Programme in Malawi. #he guidelines mainly focus on the
<ocal 7uthority and the institutions at $oth district and community levels especially the
District 8oordinating #eam )D8#* that has $een assigned $y the <ocal 7uthority to plan
and manage the rural water supply and sanitation component of the /ational Water
Development Programme )/WDP*.
#he 'uidelines will provide <7s and various stakeholders including District 8oordinating
#eams )D8#s* with an overview of the W((P and outline what is involved in
implementing water supply and sanitation programme, how it is done and who does what.
#he 'uidelines will serve as reference in the implementation of W((P.
#he users of the 'uidelines may range from community, district, /on2'overnmental
:rgani=ations to development partners. It is e5pected that the users will find these
'uidelines very useful in the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of W((P at all
#hese 'uidelines shall $e used alongside other water and sanitation sector policies, strategy
documents, guidelines and manuals such as the followingC
Malawi 'rowth ; Development (trategy3
/ational (anitation Policy3
/ational Water Policy3
Implementation Manual for Piped Water (upply (ystems and Point Water (ources3
W>7 formation guidelines
?arious #echnical Manuals for training and construction of water and sanitation
("' WSSP Strate)i% and A%tion Plannin)
(trategic Plan is a management tool which articulates the long2term direction of the
organi=ation. #he plan stipulates goals, o$%ectives and strategies which will provide
guidance to the implementation of the W(( Programme. #he (trategic Plan is generated
from ?illage 7ction Plans )?7Ps* consolidated at local level with technical input from
<7s, /':s or development partners.
#he support $y these stakeholders can take different forms $ut the crucial areas are as
1esults2$ased Planning
+inancial Management and 7uditing
Procurement and 8ontract Management
Information Management
Monitoring and 9valuation
2$1 D%#"&%" Wa"e& a!' Sa!%"a"%o! P&o-&a))e P&of%le
#he first task of the D8# will $e to $uild a District W((P Profile. #his will provide data
on the e5isting water supply facilities and current information on e5isting sanitation
facilities and hygiene practices. It should also provide other socio2economic information
pertinent to planning water supply and sanitation services.
#he Ministry responsi$le for water affairs should provide the format for the Profile and
assist the D8# in assem$ling, documenting, analy=ing and reporting the data and their
implications. #he District Profiles will assist to provide the $aseline data for the district
and national Monitoring and 9valuation data for the program.
2$2 D%#"&%" WSSP S"&a"e-% Pla!
>sing data from the District Profile and other information, the D8#, with support from the
responsi$le Ministry should develop WSSP S"&a"e-% Pla! over a specified period of time,
commonly . years, to $e approved $y the <ocal 7uthority and su$mitted to the Ministry for
appraisal and response.
#he Ministry should provideC
7 format for the W((P (trategic Plan
7n estimated figure for a grant contri$ution
9stimated unit costs for goods, works and services
9stimated levels of effort )D8# and #(Ps*
2$2$1 S"&a"e-% Pla! A++&a%#al a!' A++&o/al
#he <ocal 7uthority will approve a draft (trategic Plan and Budget for Ministry appraisal.
#he Ministry will appraise the draft Plan and Budget and may propose modifications to
$etter align with national policies, strategies and availa$le resources. #he <ocal 7uthority
will give final approval.
2$3 (o#" S0a&%!-
#he principle of cost2sharing is integral to the demand4response approach and is applica$le
at $oth the community and district levels. (hared costs demonstrate commitment of parties
and promote a sense of ownership D $oth of which are critical to sustaining program
Program costs are shared $oth in cash and in kind. 'enerally, each participating
community will $e responsi$le for a contri$ution of .E of the capital cost of their
8ommunity W((P Plan. 7t least not less than half of the capital contri$ution should $e in
cash and $e deposited into their account prior to the commissioning of any newly
constructed or reha$ilitated water facility.
2$1 (o!#ol%'a"e' F%!a!%al Sy#"e)
#o avoid $urdening the districts with multi2donor accounting and multi2donor reporting
demands all W((P funds should $e administered through a single financial system agreed
upon $etween the Ministry, district administration and participating donors. #he system
should $e designed to work, as far as possi$le, within esta$lished government financial

*"' Implementation Arran)ements

With a (trategic and 7ction Plans in place and funding secured the D8# should $e in a
position to start implementation following these stepsC
:rientation and (ensiti=ation
8apacity Building ; #raining
(ervice Improvement )Promotion ; 8onstruction*
Monitoring and (upport
#hese activities are presented in a seAuence. In reality, however, they are overlapping and
iterative as presented in +igure .- $elow.
F%-u&e 3$12 O/e&la++%!- a!' I"e&a"%/e A"%/%"%e#
3$1 D%#"&%" O&%e!"a"%o! a!' (o))u!%"y Se!#%"%*a"%o!
#he +(P should assist the D8# plan and implement a District W((P :rientation and
(ensiti=ation Program.
District .e,el
#he first step should $e to provide orientation for all 8ouncillors )elected mem$ers* of the
<ocal 7uthority, all mem$ers of the District 7dministration and other district2level
Comm"nity .e,el
#he second step should $e to carry the orientation at the 7rea and ?illage levels and $egin
the process of sensiti=ation D i.e. awareness of the need and opportunity for improved water
and sanitation through W((P. 6ow far this second step is taken in any district will depend
upon the scope of the program. If the plan is to $egin the program only in priority areas
and to e5pand progressively as resources are availa$le, then direct promotion and
sensiti=ation activities to priority areas. #he future credi$ility of the program would $e
(a+a%"y ,u%l'%!-
severely undermined if the program is promoted and demand stimulated in areas and
villages where the district is not yet a$le to invest.
8ommunity sensiti=ation and orientation should $e the direct responsi$ility of 9W#s
working closely with #raditional 7uthorities and ?illage <eaders supported $y D8#
#he 9W#s should sensitise 7rea Development committees )7D8*, ?illage Development
8ommittees )?D8* and potential user communities a$out the program, what it offers and
how they can participate. #he seAuence of sensiti=ation and promotion activities is
illustrated in +igure .- $elowC

F%-u&e 3$22 Se4ue!e of #e!#%"%*a"%o! a!' +&o)o"%o! a"%/%"%e#$
3$1$1 Ae##%!- Su++o&"
During orientation activities, 7D8s, ?D8s and communities should $e provided with the
W((P Information (heets outlining terms and conditions of participation
7pplication +orms D to $e completed and forwarded to the D8# through ?D847D8
#he criteria that will $e used to assess and verify community applications.
95tension Workers should $e trained to help 7D8s, ?D8s and communities complete
application forms.
#he D8# should set up transparent procedures and schedules for assessing applications
$ased on needs identified and readiness demonstrated. +ollowing desk assessment, the
D8# should verify applications in the field involving the #7s as much as possi$le. #he
D8# should then provide the D7 with a list of 7D8s, ?D8s and communities
recommended for approval.
#he D8# should assign 9W#s to assist approved communities to organi=e, plan and
mo$ili=e resources for program implementation.
AD/ 12D/
3$2 (a+a%"y ,u%l'%!- . T&a%!%!-
W(( is designed to $uild institutional capacities at community and district levels that will
sustain a long2term program of improved water and sanitation services.
Institutional capacity not only includes having effective planning, management and
monitoring systems in place 2 $ut also having people in place with the motivations, skills
and resources needed to do their %o$. #raining, therefore, is an essential component of
capacity $uilding.
3$2$1 ,u%l'%!- "0e (a+a%"y of "0e D(T
#he primary function of the D8# is to plan and manage. D8# mem$ers, as trained
professionals, $ring to the #eam their sectoral e5pertise. #hey may not, however, $ring the
planning and management e5pertise necessary for them to coordinate a comple5 multi2
sectoral program.
#he Ministry has developed a num$er of management GsystemsH designed to guide and
support D8#s in their work and to ensure consistency in the implementation of national
W((Ps. #he systems includeC
1esults2$ased Planning
+inancial Management
Procurement ; 8ontract Management
Information Management
Monitoring ; 9valuation
+igure . $elow shows various steps for $uilding capacity for D8#C
1$ 1$
Water Supply
Hygiene & Sanitation
Expertise in:
Planning & Management
Community Development
Training & Consulting
Rural Water & Sanitation
Gener & H!"#$!DS
National WSSP
Program Coordination
Suort !nit
R&' Planning
!n(ormation Mgmt)
%inancial Mgmt)
Procurement Mgmt)
F%-u&e 3$32 ,u%l'%!- "0e (a+a%"y of "0e D(T
Fa%l%"a"%o! Se&/%e P&o/%'e&#
#he core task of the +acilitation (ervice Provider )+(P* is to assist the districts esta$lish
management systems and use them effectively.
#he inclusion of +(Ps in the W((P support system is $ased on the recognition that many,
District 8oordinating #eams will need consistent, dedicated e5ternal support in the initial
phase of W((Ps to $uild their capacities forC
Planning a long term integrated program3
7ccessing and managing resources3
8oordinating stakeholder activities3
Participatory monitoring and evaluation3 and
7nalysis and reporting.
+(Ps could $e private sector firms or non2profit making entities )e.g. /':s* contracted $y
the Ministry to provide management consultancy services to the D8#s in a given district.

Re-%o!al Off%e#
1egional offices are technical and administrative arm of the Ministry at regional level
providing technical assistance to the districts. #heses regional offices provide $ackup
services to the district.
3$2$2 ,u%l'%!- "0e a+a%"y of "0e o))u!%"y
#he D8# is responsi$le for ensuring capacities are $uilt in the community structures to
plan, manage, motivate, train, construct, repair, maintain, monitor and evaluate water and
sanitation activities.

8apacity $uilding at the community level reAuires training, and technical assistance forC
(anitation 8lu$s
6ygiene 9ducation Promoters
Water Point 8ommittees
<ocal >tility :perator
1epair #eams
3$2$3 P&e34ual%f%a"%o! a!' Mo!%"o&%!- Te0!%al Se&/%e P&o/%'e&#
#echnical (ervice Providers )#(Ps* are individuals or a small firm offering a single and
very specific service D e.g. ?<:M pump installation and ma%or repairs, 'ravity +ed
(cheme e5pansion, latrine construction.
'enerally, in the pro%ect period, the services of #(Ps are contracted $y the district on $ehalf
of the community to carry out construction, installation and, in some instances technical
training. During post2construction stage, #(Ps should $e contracted directly $y the
communities, as reAuired, for repairs, maintenance and latrine construction.
D8#s, in colla$oration with 7D8s and ?D8s should identify local individuals and entities
that have the potential to provide the various technical services reAuired using accepta$le
Aualification standards.
Pre2Aualification and training should then position individuals or entities to $e contracted
or engaged as #(Ps $y communities or the D8# #he cost of #(P training and most services
in the early stages of the program should $e covered from the district $udget. In the longer
term )i.e. post2construction :;M phase* technical services to the community should $e
covered on a Guser paysH $asis.
3$2$1 A##%-!%!- a!' Su++o&"%!- E5"e!#%o! Wo&6e& Tea)#
#he 95tension Worker #eams )9W#s* should facilitate the entry of the service provides
into the community and $e a$le to provide immediate, relevant information for community
W((P planning. Working alongside the service provides, the 9W#s should $e a$le to
upgrade their participatory skills and $ecome fully conversant with all aspects of the W((P
program. #his is critical for ongoing follow2up support services to the community. When
services providers interventions have $een completed, the e5tension workers should
continue working with the community to reinforce lessons learnt, consolidating skills,
encouraging further improvement, monitoring progress and evaluating results.
#he D8# should coordinate and the work of 9W#s. #he level of integration that is
achieved will largely $e dependent upon the a$ility of the WM7s, 6(7s, and 8D7s to
work together at the community level., #he capacity for this will $e directly related to the
level of coordinated support and direction provided $y the D8#.
3$2$7 A++&a%#al a!' A++&o/al of (o))u!%"y WSSP Pla!#
:ne of the first ma%or community outputs facilitated $y the service providers will $e a
proposed 8ommunity W((P Plan that sets out what, and how much the community plans
to accomplish within a given period.
#he 8ommunity Water Plans will outline the followingC
8urrent Water (upply and (anitation status in the community
(cope and $reakdown of activities planned
1esults )improvements* e5pected
8ommunity inputs reAuired
#he D8# should recommend 8WPs to the D7 for approval. 8ommunities whose 8WPs
have not $een accepted should $e assisted to $ring their 8WPs to an accepta$le level.
+ollowing approval of the 8WP, the District and the 8ommunity will sign a Comm"nity
Pro0ect *greement that documents mutually accepta$le e5pectations and o$ligations. #his
should $e a very pu$lic and cele$ratory event with the 7D84#7s and ?D8s as witnesses if
not signatories to the 7greement.
3$3 Se&/%e I)+&o/e)e!"
8ommunity W(( Plans should focus on achieving the following areasC
Improved sanitation facilities and hygiene practices including waste water and solid
waste management
Improved water supply
Improved catchment protection
3$3$1 P&ou&e)e!" a!' (o!"&a" Ma!a-e)e!"
#he District W((P (trategic Plan should include a Procurement Plan. #he Procurement
Plan should $e ad%usted following the approval of 8WPs to match with the actual
reAuirements for goods, works and services specified in the community plans. #he D8#, in
consultation with regional office, should determine what goods, works or services should
$e procured at3
#he regional level
#he district level and
#he community level
7lthough management responsi$ilities, including procurement, should $e devolved to the
lowest level possi$le, limited managerial e5pertise at these levels, or the need for
economies of scale, may dictate that procurement $e done at higher levels. When this is
the case, every effort should $e made to engage the recipient of the goods, works and
services in the procurement process and to have them involved in scheduling delivery,
monitoring services, and signing2off on satisfactory performance.
If and as reAuired the +(Ps should $uild the capacity of D8#s to manage or oversee district
W(( procurement. (imilarly, the +(Ps should $uild the capacity of W>8s to directly
contract local service providers.
Contract S"per,ision1 In W((P the D8# should $e directly responsi$le for the supervision
of contracts and monitoring of contractors& performance. 7n +(P should assist the D8#
esta$lish and implement the W((P contract management and performance monitoring
system if reAuired.
3$3$2 Su++o&" fo& 8y-%e!e a!' Sa!%"a"%o! I)+&o/e)e!"
District support for community improvement of hygiene and sanitation )6and(* will
primarily $e through the services of the +(Ps who willC
+acilitate collection and analysis of $aseline data on community 6;(
9nsure 6and( improvement is adeAuately addressed in 8WPs
+oster the formation of (anitation 8lu$s
7ssist the W>8s in the selection and training of W((P volunteers and latrine
artisans 4masons
Promote linkages with schools, market centres and other pu$lic institutions
7ssist the W>8s to monitor, evaluate and report on 6 and ( progress and results.
In addition to providing )supervisingK* the services of the +(Ps, the D8# will ensure the
availa$ility ofC
Promotion and training materials
(killed #(Ps )as reAuired*
7ppropriate designs
1eAuired construction materials
+unding for pu$lic 6;( construction
3$3$3 Su++o&" fo& I)+&o/e' Wa"e& Su++ly
9ngineering4hydrogeological services may $e reAuired for technical surveys, scheme
design, siting and construction supervision. #he D8# should identify the need for these
professional services and should procure them from the private sector. 7lternatively, or as a
stop2gap measure, the D8# may reAuest some of these services from the (pecialists from
the regional office.
Ma:o& (o!#"&u"%o!
In the rural program ma%or works will generally $e limited to $orehole construction,
$orehole reha$ilitation and the construction of gravity fed schemes. #hese works should
$e contracted out to the private sector. #he D8# should $e responsi$le for the procurement
process and, su$seAuently, for managing the contracts. #his must include monitoring
contractors& performance, inspecting and signing off completed works.
If the D8# lacks sufficient technical and managerial e5pertise for these tasks the District
may reAuest assistance from the regional :ffice. #he 1egional :ffice may $e e5pected to
take the lead where multi2district contracts are reAuired or where economies of scale are to
$e achieved.
Te0!%al Se&/%e P&o/%'e&# ;TSP#<
8ommunities may directly contract #(Ps D or the district may contract their services on
$ehalf of the community.
Wa"e& Mo!%"o&%!- A##%#"a!"#
Water Monitoring 7ssistants )WM7s* should monitor the delivery of services $oth within
the community and to the community, ensuring that specifications are met and standards
are maintained. #hey should help communities to identify and solve pro$lems $y
providing technical advice and facilitating access to local service providers. :ne of the
most critical tasks of the WM7s are to monitor the spares Gsupply chainH and advise the
D8# on any difficulties that may arise.
3$3$1 Su++o&" fo& (a"0)e!" Ma!a-e)e!"
D8# in consultation with the W>8s should ensure that catchment protection4management
is included in all 8ommunity Water Plans. Professional inputs for larger catchment areas
should $e outsourced.
+"' Mana)ement and Institutional Arran)ement
Implementation of water supply and sanitation services puts emphasis on decentrali=ation
to ensure that resources are owned and managed at local level. #herefore, W((P should $e
implemented through <7s and communities. In this respect, the roles of various
stakeholders reAuire careful understanding to ensure coordinated e5ecution of activities.
#here are three key institutions in the planning and implementation of 1W((P. #he roles
and responsi$ilities of these institutions are as followsC
1$1 T0e M%!%#"&y &e#+o!#%ble fo& =a"e& affa%&#
Providing policy guidance and national strategic plans
Building national data$ase for planning, monitoring ; evaluation
Preparing national investment plans and resource mo$ilisation
9sta$lishing and circulating criteria for resource allocation s to the districts
7ssist designing and installing Water supply and (anitation facilities
(upporting regional :ffices including deployment of personnel and allocation of funds
7ssist in contracting s and supervising #(Ps4+(Ps, contractor and 8onsultants
/egotiating with districts for capacity development consulting services
7ppraising District 1W((P Plans
(igning Pro%ect and 'rant agreements with Districts
9nsuring timely flow of funds to districts
Providing and monitoring national standards, regulations and procedures
Providing technical $ack2up as reAuired and reAuested
1eceiving, approving and responding to financial and monitoring reports
Maintaining national Management Information (ystem)MI(* and feed$ack system
1$2 D%#"&%"
#he district is responsi$le for the followingC
9sta$lishing and eAuipping a D8#3
/egotiating for +(Ps4#(Ps services3
(ensiti=ing and orienting district4area stakeholders on W(( program3
Preparing, receiving, verifying and approving W((P strategic plans, annual work plans
and $udgets3
(u$mitting W((P plans and $udgets for <ocal 7uthority approval and responsi$le
ministry&s appraisal.
1eceiving and administering funds3
Identifying and pre2Aualifying <ocal (ervice Providers;
Building awareness and creating community demand in priority areas3
(upporting formation and training of W>8s, caretakers and repair teams3
+acilitating signing of community pro%ect agreements
(upporting selection and training of 6;( promoters and masons L+(PsM3
(upporting technical services as reAuired D e.g. siting , 6DW etc. L#(PsM
8ertifying, handing over and signing off completed works3
Procuring and arranging supervision of construction as reAuired D e.g. $orehole
9nsuring an effective spare parts supply chain3
Maintaining district W((P M;9 data$ases in accordance with national Management
Information (ystem reAuirements3
8arrying out regular program monitoring ; evaluation
Providing regular +inancial Management 1eports D MoIWD49(7s3
1$3 (o))u!%"y
#he community is responsi$le for the followingC
7ssessing current water, sanitation and hygiene needs and resource reAuirements3
Preparing 8ommunity W(( Profile and plans3
+orming W>8s, 6ealth or (anitation 8lu$s and supporting trainings
Mo$ilising resources including cash contri$utionC
(igning 1W(( Pro%ect 7greement )to implement Plan* with district authorities and
other (ervice Providers3
(electing and supporting training and deployment of 6ygiene and (anitation
promoters, masons, caretakers and repair teams3
Monitoring and reporting progress and ensuring Auality of services
8ertifying completion of works3
8arrying out routine :perations and Maintenance activities3
1$1 I!#"%"u"%o!al S"&u"u&e#
#here are a num$er of structures in the district which are a key to effective implementation
of 1W((P. 1oles and functions of these structures are as followsC
1$1$1 Loal Au"0o&%"y
<ocal 7uthority )<7* comprises elected mem$ers of council at ward level, Mem$ers of
Parliament )MP*, 8hiefs and all other interest groups. #he office of the District
8ommissioner )D8* or 8hief 95ecutive offers the (ecretariat.
#he roles and responsi$ilities of the <7 are mainly as followsC
1eviewing and approving Water (upply and (anitation (trategic Investment Plans and
$udgets within the conte5t of the District4#own4Municipal Development Plans3
7ccessing and accounting for government and e5ternal funding for W((Ps3
8ommunicating and actively promoting W((Ps among the $eneficiary communities
through 7rea and ?illage Development 8ommittees, #raditional 7uthorities, 'roup and
?illage 6eadmen.
Providing overall leadership, enacting and enforcing district rules and $ye2laws of
participation for organi=ations and agencies active in the W;( su$2sector
1eceiving, reviewing and making decisions on Auarterly progress reports )financial ;
management* $y D8#
9nsuring active participation of the <ocal 7uthority 7dministration in adherence to
nationally esta$lished W((P management systems such as Planning, Monitoring ;
9valuation, Information Management, +inancial Management, Procurement and
8ontract Management.
1$1$2 D%#"&%" E5eu"%/e (o))%""ee
District 95ecutive 8ommittee )D98* is the entry point for W((P development to provide
guidance and approval of the implementation of the proposed programme and targeted area
$ased on needs assessment as reflected in the ?illage 7ction Plans )?7Ps* . D98 will
primarily, therefore, $e responsi$le for technical advice to <7 through D8#.
(pecifically, D98 will $e responsi$le for the followingC
Providing oversight to the D8#3
1eviewing and forwarding D8# plans, $udgets, reports and recommendations to the
9nsuring support from and colla$oration among <ine Ministries to ensure a coherent
and integrated approach to W((P
9nsuring adeAuate and timely deployment of personnel, flow of funds and
management, procurement of goods, works and services to support D8#3
1$1$3 D%#"&%" (oo&'%!a"%o! Tea)
D8# is a technical arm of D9(8 within D98 on Water and (anitation responsi$le for all
technical guidance in the implementation of the 1W((P in the district. Its mem$ership
includes the Director of Planning and Development )DPD* as 8hairperson, the Director of
Pu$lic Works )DPW*, District Water :fficer )DW:* as (ecretary and as mem$ers, the
District 9nvironmental 6ealth :fficer )D96:*, District 8ommunity Development :fficer
)D8D:*, 9nvironmental District :fficer )9D:* or District +orestry :fficer )D+:*, the
Monitoring and 9valuation :fficer )M;9:*, /': representative working in water and
sanitation in the district. When need arises, implementing entity can co2opt other mem$ers
into D8#.
D8# is responsi$le for providing the day2to2day leadership and coordination for W;(
activities in the district in colla$oration with #raditional 7uthorities )#7s*, 7D8s4?D8s,
?6W8s, /':s, 95ternal Development Partners )9(7s*, and Private (ector.
D8#s plan and manage the 8ouncil&s W;( programme, carry out planning and
administrative tasks to support the programme, serve as the communication link with all
stakeholders in the district, town, municipality or city and supervise and support private
sector service providers and suppliers.
D8#s perform the following specific roles and responsi$ilitiesC
Planning, oversight and coordination of rural water supply, sanitation and hygiene
program in the district.
Preparing and maintaining a District )1W((P* Profile and Data$ase and identifying
larger scheme needs D i.e. '+( and Market 8entre W((
Preparing 1W((P (trategic Plans, annual 7ction ; Procurement Plans and Budgets
7ssessing 1W((P Plans from ?D8s47D8s for <ocal 7uthority approval
Providing the <7, 7D8s, ?D8s and other structures with orientation to the program3
8oordinating awareness $uilding4sensiti=ation activities in target areas
7ppraising 8ommunity 7pplications and selection of communities for participation
+ormation4contracting of 8+#s, providing training, deployment and supervision
(igning ?D848ommunity 7greements on $ehalf of <7s
8oordinating the financing of ?D848ommunity pro%ects
7rranging procurement of ma%or works and managing contracts. W(( procurement and
financial accounting will $e carried out $y the appropriate departments of the District
8ouncil. #he D8# will provide input, oversight and prepare reports.
Monitoring and signing off on construction D ensuring standards4Auality
Pre2Aualifying, training and contracting )as reAuired* #(Ps
9nsuring accessi$le, via$le supply chain for spares and eAuipment is maintained.
8oordinating and liaising with the parent Ministry, line Ministries, donors, /':s and
other stakeholders.
Implementing 1W((P monitoring ; evaluation activities
Providing <74Ministry4partners with financial ; analytical progress reports
8olla$orating with 8apacity Development #echnical 7ssistance
1$1$7 E5"e!#%o! Wo&6e& Tea)
95tension Workers #eams are the program&s front2line workers. #hey work directly with
the participating communities helping them to mo$ili=e their resources, develop their plans
and organi=e and train for effective promotion, management, operations and maintenance.
Re+o&"# "o2 P&o/%'e# Te0!%al #u++o&" "o2 (ollabo&a"e# =%"02
through the
?illage Development
>ser 8ommunities and related
committees D e.g. ?6W8s,
Water Point 8ommittees,
(anitation 8lu$s etc.
#raditional 7uthorities
7D8s ; ?D8s
#echnical4+acilitation (ervice
8ivil (ociety
95tension Worker #eam
Water Monitoring 7ssistant )WM7* 2 8oordinator
8ommunity Development 7ssistant )8D7*
6ealth (urveillance 7ssistant )67(*
Building the capacity of ?D8s and participating communities to plan and manage their
water supply and to improve their sanitation facilities and hygiene practices.
Building community awareness of, and demand for, safe water supply and improved
hygiene and sanitation3
6elping communities organi=e, mo$ili=e resources and apply for District assistance3
7ssisting in data collection for District profiling and community planning3
+acilitating the formation of Water >ser 8ommittees )W>8s* and the preparation and
su$mission of 8ommunity 1W((P Plans3
#raining W>8s for community2$ased management3
7ssisting communities monitor construction and other services3
(upporting W>8s in the selection, training and supervision of 6;( promoters, masons,
pump caretakers, local utility operators )<>:s* and repair teams3
+ostering the formation and support the activity of (anitation 8lu$s3
6elping the W>8s colla$orate with schools and other pu$lic institutions in the provision
of safe water and improved sanitation3
7ssisting the W>8s access private sector ):;M* services as reAuired3
7ssisting in esta$lishing a via$le spare parts supply chain.
9na$ling communities to monitor ; evaluate their 1W((P services on an ongoing $asis.
1$7 O"0e& S"a6e0ol'e&
Te0!%al Se&/%e P&o/%'e&#
#echnical (ervice Providers )#(Ps* have $een known as 8ommunity (upport 'roups
)8('s*. 6owever, 8('s are mainly local individuals or private sector entities providing
very specific technical services generally on a contractual $asis or compensatory
arrangement of some kind. In many instances, they will not $e from the immediate
GcommunityH which they are serving $ut from the 7rea. #hey will generally not $e
GgroupsH as such $ut individualsC masons, area mechanics, trainers of caretaker and repair
teams, suppliers of spare parts and civil works contractors.
Re+o&" "o2 P&o/%'e Se&/%e# "o2 (ollabo&a"e =%"02
8ontracting or
6iring 7gency
e.g. D8#, ?D8
>ser 8ommittees
?illage Development
>ser 8ommunities and related
committees De.g. Water Point
8ommittee. W>7, (anitation
8lu$s etc.
#raditional 7uthorities
7D8s ; ?D8s
8ommunity +acilitation
9ngineers, 8ontractors and
7 #(P may $e an individual or a small group enterprise offering a very specific service
e.g. ?<:M pump installation and ma%or repair D or a $roader $and of services such as
latrine and hand dug well construction or civil works construction.
#(Ps will $e pre2Aualified $y district authorities to ensure standards of competence.
#o provide technical water supply and sanitation services to communities on a demand
and user2pays $asis.
Re#+o!#%b%l%"%e# =%ll %!lu'e2
8ivil works construction e.g. aprons and soak ways
'ravity +ed (ystems )'+(* construction and maintenance
6and dug well construction
?<:M pump installation and ma%or repairs
(la$ and latrine construction 4promotion ; sales
#raining of 8aretakers and 1epair #eams
(pare parts and eAuipment sales ; service
A&ea De/elo+)e!" (o))%""ee
7rea Development 8ommittee )7D8* is an official level of local government consisting of
District 7ssem$ly representatives and #raditional 7uthorities
Re+o&"# "o2 Su+e&/%#e#2 (ollabo&a"e# =%"02
?illage Development
#echnical (ervice Providers
(cheme Designers, 8ontractors and
'+( W>7s
Ward 8ouncillors, #raditional 7uthorities Mem$ers of Parliament, 798 1epresentatives,
9lected Mem$ers and Interest 'roups
#o assist $oth the District and ?illages to plan, implement, coordinate, monitor ; evaluate
development activities at area level and to serve as a link $etween the ?D8s and the District
8ontri$uting to preparation of 1W(( District profile, plans and maintenance of District
Promotion of the 1W((P at area level
1eviewing ?D848ommunity applications and forwarding to D8#
6armonising conflicting priorities and demands
7ssisting in identifying, pre2Aualifying and monitoring performance of #(Ps
Participating in procurement of services at area2level 7ssisting in coordination and
deployment of service providers
6elping to esta$lish and maintain area2level supply chain for spare parts
Participating in regular District monitoring ; evaluation activities of 1W((P
V%lla-e De/elo+)e!" (o))%""ee
#he ?illage Development 8ommittee )?D8* is the first level of local government. #he
?D8 provides coordination, oversight and support for all village2level development
investments and activities
Re+o&"# "o2 Su+e&/%#e#2 (ollabo&a"e# =%"02
(anitations clu$s
95tension Workers #eam
95ecutive 8ommittees
#echnical (ervice Providers
8onsultants, 8ontractors and
9lected Mem$ers and Interest 'roups. 952:fficialsC 'roup ?illage 6eadman, Ward
8ouncillors, 798 1epresentatives,
#he ?D8 provides coordination, oversight and support for all village2level development
investments and activities.
8ontri$uting to preparation of W((P District Profile and provide data for updating District
Identification of water and sanitation needs and development of ?illage 7ction Plans )?7Ps*
Participating in the promotion of W((P to ?illage mem$ers and organi=ations
9sta$lishing4nominating interim W((P committees for purposes of sensiti=ation, needs
assessment, preliminary planning, mo$ili=ation and preparation of W((P 7pplication
1eviewing, coordinating and consolidating 8ommunity 7pplications and forward to D8#
through 7D8
7ssisting in verification of 7pplications
Participating in >ser 'roup48ommunity planning activities
9ngaging in multi2village planning D e.g. shared '+( D catchment protection, market centre
Water and (anitation
7r$itrating conflicting priorities and demands
7ppraising 8ommunity W((P Plans, consolidation and forwarding them to D8# through
7ssisting in identification, pre2Aualification, and monitoring of performance of #(Ps
Participating in district procurement of 7rea2level services
(igning2off on completed works and services
7ssisting in coordination and deployment of 9W#s
6elping to esta$lish and maintain 7rea2level supply chain for spare parts
Participating in regular District monitoring ; evaluation of W((P.
T0e Wa"e& >#e& (o))%""ee#

#he Water >ser 8ommittees )W>8s* are elected mem$ers of the community entrusted
with the responsi$ility to plan and manage water supply, hygiene and sanitation program on
$ehalf of the user community.
Re+o&" "o2 (ollabo&a"e# =%"02
?D8 and >ser

:ther community organi=ations48ommittees
8onsultants, 8ontractors and (uppliers
#he W>8s plan and manage the water supply, hygiene and sanitation program on $ehalf of the
user community.
W>8s mem$ers are democratically elected $y the users4$eneficiaries of the planned W((P.
#here is no single model for W>8s. 'enerally, the committee shouldC
6ave . to -" mem$ers
6ave an e5ecutive consisting, minimally, of a chairperson, secretary and treasurer
Be representative of the whole community
Include $oth genders D )with at least ."E women D some in e5ecutive positions*
8ollecting, analysing and providing data for planning
Preparing and su$mitting 8ommunity 1W((P Plan for the District 8ouncil
(igning pro%ect agreement with District 8ouncil
Participating in training
:rganising committee and community meetings
8ollecting and managing cash, in kind contri$utions, and tariffs
9nforcing $ye2laws and administer sanctions
(electing, supervising and ensuring training of caretakers, promoters and other volunteers
/egotiating, monitor and sign off on the services of #(Ps and contractors
6ygiene ; sanitation promotion
7dherence to construction standards
Maintenance of water Auality
(ite cleanliness and catchment protection
(ustaina$le operations and maintenance
9Auita$le provision of services
8oordinating su$2committees and4or colla$orating with program2related groups D e.g. Water
point committees, sanitation clu$s, 6?I and 7IDs clu$s
Monitoring, evaluation and reporting on program progress and results to the community,
?D8 and <ocal 7uthority )D8#*.
Wa"e& Po%!" (o))%""ee#
Water Point 8ommittees )WP8s* consist of five to ten persons elected from user
households $eing served $y a specific water point. WP8s should have $oth men and
women. 8hairperson, secretary and treasurer should $e a$le to document meetings and
record finances.
9nsuring that taps, tap aprons, pumps, soak away pits and hand washing facilities are
kept clean and tidy3
8arrying out repairs3
1eporting water stoppage, pump or pipeline $reakages to repair teams, local operators
or area mechanics3
8ollecting maintenance funds from each user household3
Maintaining proper financial records of funds collected following prescri$ed financial
8onducting regular meetings to review water point performance, cleanliness, user
compliance and fee payment3
Providing regular reports to the W>8s4?D8 and feed$ack to the community.
F%-u&e 7$22 (a"0)e!"
F%-u&e 7$12 Me! a!' =o)e! =o&6%!- a" a =a"e& +o%!"
."' /ross /uttin) Issues
8ross cutting issues should $e considered at all stages of the pro%ect cycle to ensure
sustaina$ility of the water and sanitation facilities. #he following are common cross cutting
issues which should $e taken into account.
7$1 Ge!'e&
#he implementation strategy of the
pro%ect should place a lot of emphasis
on eAual participation $y men and
women in all key community decisions
and commitments on su$ pro%ects and
their related activities. 7 gender2
sensitive approach should $e
implemented to ensure that
communities& decisions take into
account the different priorities and
interests of $oth men and women in
addressing water and sanitation
pro$lems. :ther vulnera$le groups like the elderly, disa$led and child2headed household
should $e taken into account.
7ll stakeholders in pro%ect implementation process should $e oriented on gender issues to
ensure active participation of $oth men and women in the pro%ect.
7$2 8IV a!' AIDS
#he magnitude of the 6I? and 7ID( pandemic has to $e recogni=ed. Water and sanitation
programs should integrate 6I? and 7ID( prevention and mitigation measures. #he strategy
should $e implemented in colla$oration with other sector agencies and /':s working on
6I? and 7ID( programs within the conte5t of the national 6I? and 7ID( strategy.
7$3 E!/%&o!)e!"
9nvironmental measures should $e
incorporated into all activities to ensure that
activities do not affect the environment. 7ll
facilities should $e designed, constructed and
operated to meet the national environmental
guidelines, including appropriate facility
siting, adeAuacy of construction standards,
catchment protection, water Auality norms,
adeAuate wastewater disposal, community
orientation and training in environmental
issues and hygiene education to ensure
effective use of facilities. 8ommunities
should $e sensitised to safeguard their water
sources from contamination.
,"' Monitorin)0 E$aluation and On)oin) Support
#he Ministry has developed a national M;9 (ystem that includes the W(( Program and is
designed to feed data into comprehensive M;9 (ystem of the 'overnment of Malawi 2 to
track progress toward MD' goals.
1W(( Monitoring ; 9valuation activity should focus on the following closely related
categories of resultsC
Progress 1esults
+inancial 1esults
Development 1esults
Progress 1esults are pro%ect activities that have $een completed. Ney completed results are
called milestones. Milestones are related to time and indicate whether the pro%ect is ahead,
$ehind or on schedule.
+inancial 1esults are receipts and e5penditures related to $udget, which indicate whether
the pro%ect under2e5pended, over2e5pended or within $udget.
Development 1esults are pro%ect accomplishments in terms of e5pected changes such as
increased capacity, e5panded services or, improved practices. Development results are
measured $y pre2selected indicators which may $e Auantitative, Aualitative or $oth.
?$1 Le/el# of Mo!%"o&%!-
9ffective Monitoring and 9valuation )M;9* should $e carried out at the following
organi=ational levelsC
/ational 2 <ed $y the Ministry responsi$le for water affairs
District 2 <ed $y the District 8oordinating #eam
8ommunity 2 <ed $y the W>8s4W>7s4?6W8s47rea Mechanics
7 recommended M;9 data and analysis flow is given in +igure I.- $elow.

F%-u&e ?$12 M.E 'a"a a!' a!aly#%# flo= u+=a&'
Da"a a&e -a"0e&e' a!' a!aly*e' a" "0e
o))u!%"y le/el a!' &e+o&"e' "o "0e '%#"&%"
Ma%! (o))%""ee
Da"a f&o) "0e o))u!%"%e# a&e
a--&e-a"e' a!' &e+o&"e' "o "0e
!a"%o!al le/el =%"0 fu&"0e&
a!aly#%# by "0e D(T$
Da"a f&o) "0e D%#"&%"# a&e a--&e-a"e'@
a!aly#e# #u))a&%*e' a!' o!lu#%o!#
'&a=! a!' &e+o&"e' a" "0e !a"%o!al le/el
?$2 E##e!"%al Da"a
/ot all data gathered at community level may necessarily $e reAuired at district or national
level. 6owever, data reAuired at national level must $e regularly and consistently gathered
at the community level and reported to the district. #he data should $e aggregated at district
level reported to the national level.
?$3 ,a#el%!e Da"a
Baseline data is reAuired to measure progress of the pro%ect. It is usually captured at the
$eginning of pro%ect implementation.
?$1 Mo!%"o&%!- fo& Ma!a-e)e!"
+(Ps should work with the D8#s to esta$lish the M;9 system and orient the D8# in data
analysis and its application for management purposes. 7t community level, +(Ps should
similarly, provide assistance to the W>8s and other relevant structures.
?$7 O!-o%!- Mo!%"o&%!- a!' E/alua"%o! a!' (o))u!%"y Su++o&"
#he o$%ective of ongoing M;9 is to $uild capacity and the commitment of various
stakeholders at the different levels. It $ecomes an esta$lished and essential management
practice that e5tends $eyond the time2frame of the pro%ect. 95tension Workers, in their
supportive role, play an important part in consolidating the practice of monitoring and
evaluation at the community level and in ensuring the regular flow of reAuired data from
communities into the districts, into the national data$ase.

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