The document provides the program for the 4th International Conference on Marketing – From Information to Decision, held on October 28-29, 2011 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The conference included plenary sessions and parallel sessions over two days, covering topics such as marketing during crisis, e-commerce, consumer behavior, and service quality. It was organized by the Marketing Department of Babeş-Bolyai University and included presentations from numerous Romanian and international universities. A workshop on cross-cultural negotiation processes was also included on the second day of the conference program.
The document provides the program for the 4th International Conference on Marketing – From Information to Decision, held on October 28-29, 2011 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The conference included plenary sessions and parallel sessions over two days, covering topics such as marketing during crisis, e-commerce, consumer behavior, and service quality. It was organized by the Marketing Department of Babeş-Bolyai University and included presentations from numerous Romanian and international universities. A workshop on cross-cultural negotiation processes was also included on the second day of the conference program.
The document provides the program for the 4th International Conference on Marketing – From Information to Decision, held on October 28-29, 2011 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The conference included plenary sessions and parallel sessions over two days, covering topics such as marketing during crisis, e-commerce, consumer behavior, and service quality. It was organized by the Marketing Department of Babeş-Bolyai University and included presentations from numerous Romanian and international universities. A workshop on cross-cultural negotiation processes was also included on the second day of the conference program.
The document provides the program for the 4th International Conference on Marketing – From Information to Decision, held on October 28-29, 2011 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The conference included plenary sessions and parallel sessions over two days, covering topics such as marketing during crisis, e-commerce, consumer behavior, and service quality. It was organized by the Marketing Department of Babeş-Bolyai University and included presentations from numerous Romanian and international universities. A workshop on cross-cultural negotiation processes was also included on the second day of the conference program.
International Conference MARKETING FROM INFORMATION TO DECISION 4 th Edition 28-29 th October 2011
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
PROGRAM Friday, October 28, 2011
09:00 10.00 Registration - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration - Ground Floor
10:00 11:00 Plenary session - Room 118
11:00 11:30 Coffee break
11:30 13:00 Parallel sessions - Rooms 314 & 315
13:00 14:00 Lunch break Panorama Caffe
14:00 16:00 Parallel sessions - Rooms 314 & 315
16:00 16:30 Coffee break
16:30 18:30 Parallel sessions - Rooms 314 & 315
19:00 Dinner Hanul Dacilor, Iulius Mall
Saturday, October 29, 2011
09: 00 11.00 Workshop - Room 314
Prof. Bernhard SWOBODA, Dr., Dr. H.C. University of Trier, Germany Prof. Horst TODT, Dr., Dr. H.C. University of Hamburg, Germany Prof. Jzsef BERCS, Dr. Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary Prof. Dirk MORSCHETT, Dr. University of Fribourg, Switzerland Prof. Thomas FOSCHT, Dr. University of Graz, Austria Prof. Nicolae Al. POP, PhD, Dr. H.C. Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania Prof. Valeric OLTEANU, PhD Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania Prof. tefan PRUTIANU, PhD Al. I. Cuza University of Iai, Romania Prof. Gheorghe Alexandru CATAN. PhD Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania Prof. Ioan PLIA, PhD Babe-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania Prof. Marius D. POP, PhD Babe-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania As. Prof. Marcel C. POP, PhD Babe-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Prof. Ioan PLIA, PhD Babe-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania As. Prof. Marcel C. POP, PhD Babe-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Teach. Assist. Alexandra M. DRULE (RCA), PhD Babe-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Teach. Assist. Raluca CIORNEA, PhD Student Babe-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Teach. Assist. Andreea I. MANIU, PhD Student Babe-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Teach. Assist. Lcrmioara RADOMIR, PhD Student Babe-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Teach. Assist. Andrei M. SCRIDON, PhD Student Babe-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Teach. Assist. Luiza M. SOUCA, PhD Student Babe-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Teach. Assist. Monica M. ZAHARIE, PhD Student Babe-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Friday, October 28, 2011
10:00 11:00, Room 118 Chair: Prof. Ioan PLIA, PhD
What next? Marketing during crisis
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Clin GURU GCSM Montpellier Business School, France
Friday, October 28, 2011
SESSION 1 (Room 314)
11:30 13:00
Chairs: Prof. Gheorghe Alexandru CATAN , PhD; Lect. Ovidiu Ioan MOISESCU, PhD
1. Influence of adoption factors and risks on e-commerce and online marketing Ciprian ADAM
2. Consumption-based segmentation: An analysis of a telecom companys customers Mihai Florin BCIL; Adrian RDULESCU; Ioan Liviu MRAR
3. Company social responsibility in Romanian and German students vision Gheorghe Alexandru CATAN; Doina CATAN
4. Study regarding the quality of teaching in higher education institutions Alexandra Maria DRULE (RCA); Raluca CIORNEA; Marius Dorel POP; Alexandru CHI
5. Internet and e-commerce tools for creating value in the e-marketplace Mircea FUCIU; Lucian LUNCEAN; Luigi DUMITRESCU
14:00 16:00
Chairs: Prof. Gheorghe Alexandru CATAN, PhD; Lect. Mihai Florin BCIL, PhD
1. The analysis of the risks assumed by the entrepreneurs in tourism industry Marinela GHERE; Alexandra GOGOZAN; Iuliana POP
2. Removing biases: the physical elements affecting left digit price cognition Chien-Huang LIN; Jyh-Wen WANG
3. The rise of the internet the new force of the consumer Simona Silvana MRGINEAN
4. A prototype of on-line database for internet consumers of on-line stores in Romania Loredana MOCEAN
5. An empirical and exploratory investigation of Romanias country brand image Ovidiu Ioan MOISESCU
6. Marketing of public organizations. The case of Romanian public agency an action research approach Sorina Diana MONE; Nicoleta Dorina RACOLA-PAINA
7. Customer valuation model adaption based on the case of a large public service provider in Hungary kos Andrs NAGY; Pter FODOR; Krisztin SZCS
16:30 18:30
Chairs: Lect. Mihai Florin BCIL, PhD; Lect. Ovidiu Ioan MOISESCU, PhD
1. Should we segment the mobile phone market in case of the Romanian teenagers? Mnika Anetta ALT; Zsuzsa PL
2. Factors affecting e-procurement adoption Corina POP SITAR
3. The behavior of health care services consumer Ruxandra RADOVICIU
4. Future trends in alternative banking Mihai-Florin TALPO
5. How SR management can help marketing? Tami ZILBERG
6. Qualitative research in order to determine a conceptual model of integrated marketing communication to increase the efficiency of communication within the bakery industry in Romania Olimpia OANCEA
7. The effects of the economic crisis over consumers behaviour. Empirical evidences from Romania Amalia PANDELIC Ionu PANDELIC
1. Definitions and classifications of shopping centers Ioana Abrudan
2. Measuring luxury value perception: additions to the model of Wiedmann et al. (2007) Raluca CIORNEA, Marius Dorel POP, Mihai Florin BCIL, Alexandra Maria DRULE (RCA)
3. The impact of assortment on satisfaction, trust and loyalty in retailing Dan Cristian DABIJA
4. Advergames: marketing advantages and risks involved Alina GHIRVU
5. Marketing and supply chain paradigms: convergence and integration Clin GURU
14:00 16:00
Chairs: Prof. Ioan PLIA, PhD; Assoc. Prof. Clin GURU, PhD
1. The evaluation of inflation forecast uncertainty for the improvement of marketing plan Mihaela BRATU
2. Marketing communication: a conceptual approach Gianina LALA
3. The relationship between market orientation, learning orientation and performance. An approach from the point of view of the companys learning capabilities Aida Mihaela LUNTRARU
4. The dark side of shopping Materialism as a driving force in deviant consumer behaviour Andreea Ioana MANIU; Monica Maria ZAHARIE
5. La perception des roles maritaux dans les processus de decision dans le context mondial Adriana MANOLIC; Teodora ROMAN
6. The Romanian high-educated youth market for internet banking: investigating the drivers of adoption Voicu Cosmin NISTOR; Alan WILSON; Sorin Adrian TMA; Lcrmioara RADOMIR
7. Standardization - a solution to product counterfeiting in international markets Nicolae Alexandru POP; Ciprian Marcel POP; Dan Cristian DABIJA
16:30 18:30
Chairs: Prof. Ioan PLIA, PhD Assoc. Prof. Ciprian Marcel POP, PhD;
1. Cause related marketing a tool used for maintaing or improving consumers brand loyalty Ioan PLIA; Ramona CUCEA; Silvia tefania MIHALACHE
2. Positive marketing a new meaning of solution Yoram GALLI
3. Becoming a solution focused marketing team Yoram GALLI; Itshak SHAULL
5. A brief literature review on perceived value Mircea Andrei SCRIDON
6. SERVQUAL Thirty years of research on service quality with implications for customer satisfaction Maria Luiza SOUCA
7. Implementing Customer focused Service Concept in Auto Workshops in Israel Avi BALAS; Fadil TAREEF Saturday, October 29, 2011
WORKSHOP Understanding and insights of the point of balance between affective and cultural-organizational factors that are involved in negotiation processes
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