Recruitment and Selection Procedure of BBQ Chicken

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As MBA degree require equal attention practical as well as theoretical aspect of the business, various
problems are to be dealt with in these courses, that is why assignments/report are there to give
deep as well as thorough knowledge of the subjects.
I have attempted to live up these requisites while preparing this assignment. With the help of
Human Resource Management course, I can able to understand the work undertaken in a company. In
todays competitive world, employees performance plays a very important role in the growth of a
particular concern. The employee must have the theoretical and practical knowledge of the
work, they are required to perform. The theoretical knowledge can be gained in educational
institution but for the practical knowledge, training is required, so training acquaints the employees
with the real situation of the work and helps him in the faultless accomplishment of the work.
Therefore, this assignment includes all the detailed aspect of recruitment and selection procedures of
employees hiring for my organization. Success of an organization depends largely on successful
handling of its human resources. Employee Training and motivation are vital tools for
individual & organizational development training not only motivates the employees, but also
prepares them for future needs of the company.
This report has been prepared keeping in mind the organizational needs. It describes recruitment
selection and guidelines adopted in BBQ Chicken, which was developed, conducted & evaluated
for imparting hiring to its employees and developing them for making more effective whilst in
job & their life.


While I was doing this assignment, there were many difficulties, but I got support from some people
to whom we are very much thankful.

First of all, we grateful to our honorable course instructor, .......... without motivations and
guidelines of whom, it would not have been possible for us to conduct this type of term paper.

Secondly, we would also like to thank warmly the officials of BBQ Chicken. Especially to Managing
director and Admin & HR Manager for providing us all the required information.

Finally I would like to give thanks to my friends, for their enthusiastic encouragements and
helps during the preparation of this report and for their assistance in typing and proof reading this

The Report titled RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION Undertaken in BBQ Chicken.
The report starts with an aim and objectives and the limitations, than introductory remarks and
general overview of BBQ Chicken. BBQ Chicken a Korea's based fransise fast food shop loacated
in Gulshan 2. BBQ Chicken is a global brand, which is 1st time operate their busness in Bangladesh.
They are kin to serve best chicken and other fast food product here in Bangladesh.
The report is about recruitment and selection process of BBQ Chicken. In fact, recruitment and
selection gives a home ground to the organization insight that is needed for proper functioning of the
organization. It gives an organizational structure of the company. Its a methodology in which the
particular organization works and how a new candidate could be recruited in such a way that he/she
would be fitted for the right kind of career.
There are two types of factors that affect the Recruitment of candidates for the organization,
Internal factors
External factors
The objective of selection decision is to choose the individual who can most successfully perform the
job from the pool of qualified candidates. Selection process or activities typically follow a standard
patter, beginning with an initial screening interview and concluding with final employment decision.
I have taken all the reasonable care to ensure the quality of the report and I hope that it
includes all the necessary information which is in the scope of my ability.
I would like to express that my effort for this report will provide a better picture regarding the subject
matter of the study. Finally I come up for some recommendation which is suitable for BBQ
Chicken future prospect.

The aim of this report is to help to understand the importance of HRM in recruitment and selection
process and the give an overall idea how effective HRM practice can change the recruitment process.
The purpose of this study is to give a clear understanding what are the HRM practices used by the
employer to select and recruit employee at present.

Although, I have worked as Executive in Accounts finance department of BBQ Chicken, I obtained
whole-hearted co-operation from every employees of BBQ Chicken. All the day, we were so busy,
but Admin & HR department gave me much time to make this report properly. But they were not able
to give me many documents that I would require, on the way of my study; I have faced the following
problems that may be terms as the limitation of the study.
Limitation of time
The first obstruct is time itself. Due to the time limit, the scope and dimension of the report has been
curtailed. I could not spend sufficient time for my report because the time limit given for submitting
the report was very short.
Data insufficiency
There is not enough data to analyze the proper growth according to market economy. Moreover, all
strategic information is not possible to collect.
Fear of disclosure
Another limitation of this report is organization policy of not disclosing some data and information for
obvious reasons, which could be very much useful.

In the past 15 years, the manner in which organization recruit people for their business has changed
into a different level. The practice of human resource management in recruiting people has made a
significant changed in the food industry across Bangladesh. Peoples food habit and as well as
recreational activities has also changed. Moreover, for changing those activities fast food played a
very vital role in society. The competition among the competitors become intense as this is a very
profit oriented business. As the competition gets intense and moves into higher value added work,
strategic recruitment and selection is vital for organizations success.
The practice of HRM into the fast food industry was present from the beginning but in many cases in
was written or not classified as a necessary step. However, in recent years the fast food chains bring
themselves under very strict rules and policies. Trained staff always brings more profit to the
business. And also for the past sevaral years the kind of people interested in getting those job has
changed significantly. The main principal for any job is the right person for the right job. BBR
Chicken always give importance for its manpower as they are their representative and profit maker of
the organization. The operative manpower is equally important as managers working for the
enterprise. BBQ chicken needs different people to operate different activities inside their organization
and it is equally important to select and recruit suitable candidate for that job.

It is a Korea's based fransise fast food shop loacated in Gulshan 2, Dhaka. Its moto is We dont make
the Chicken... We make the difference. Currently its operate only one branch. BBQ Chickens main
appeal is in their unique practice of using 100% olive oil the first in the world to do so. Unlike off-
the-shelf olive oil that burns in the fryer, the olive oil used at BBQ Chicken is specially purified to
enable it to have a higher burning temperature. No pre-cooked or readily prepared meals are served at
BBQ Chicken. Using only the best and freshest ingredients in our restaurants, consumers can be
assured that they are served with quality chicken meal. Every item on the menu is clearly
differentiated by its taste and quality. BBQ created its own inimitable formula with flavors and
ingredients of Korean cuisine like Ginseng and authentic barbecue sauces etc.

Human Resource Management is a strategic approach of processing or recruiting, developing,
maintaining and utilizing the human resources of an organization. If a firms competitiveness depends
on its employees, then the business function responsible for acquiring, training, appraising and
compensating those employees who has to play a major role in the firms success. As part of
an organization, Human Resource Management must be prepared to deal with the effects of the
changing world of work. This means understanding the implications of globalization, technology
changes, work-force diversity, changing skill requirements, continuous improvement initiatives,
the contingent work force, decentralized work sites, and employee involvement.
BBQ Chicken tries to discover industrious and innovative people ready to embark on a
challenging career. During hiring and search for talent, BBQ Chicken carries out a number of
activities such as:
Online Database
Advertisement in daily newspapers
Accept hard-copy submission of CVs in Human Resource Division
Occasionally from Job Fairs
BBQ Chicken Before going to the selection procedure, BBQ Chicken adopts some factors that are
considered in selection process. These factors are:
Resignation and terminations.
Quality insurance and nature of Employee.
Technological and administrative changes of the Employee.
Financial availability of the candidates.
Trend analysis.
These are done by the HR & Admin Manager of BBQ Chicken when forecasting personnel needs.
Finally the selected candidates are estimated the volume of output.
BBQ Chicken follow comprehensive and moderate selection procedures in search for the most ideal
and competent candidate . The testing methods are effectively designed in order to accurately evaluate
the required competence and skill for particular jobs.
BBQ Chicken procedures for selection involve the following steps:
Concerned department will inform the HR of any vacant position so that HR can co-ordinate / notify
the other offices of the vacant position. Whenever needed, the head of HR will review the available
records and database if there is any qualified and suitable candidate available from BBQ Chicken
internal sources or prospective external candidates already identified earlier. In special circumstances
and to make a quick decision the head of HR may propose any suitable staff within the BBQ Chicken

for the position to the respective Unit/Department Head and/or project.
Job description is the basis of BBQ Chicken recruitment, selection and placement, training,
performance appraisal, salary administration, promotion and other personnel actions for its
Job description will be prepared and provided to the employee when he/she is appointed, promoted,
newly assigned or when deemed necessary.
An effective recruitment always starts with the correct selection of sources of human resources. A
recruited employee who has not the right skill cannot perform effectively. As a result, the overall
performance level is sure to deteriorate which has significant effect on the company performance.
Therefore, BBQ Chicken has been on continuous search of effective recruitment sources.
Internal Sources:
It is BBQ Chicken policy to give preference to appoint internal candidates, provided that the
employee is suitably qualified for the vacant or new position and also meets the existing and future
requirements. Appointments may be made by the way of promotion, up gradation or transfer with the
approval of the authority.
External Sources:
Whenever job vacancies are required to be circulated outside, the main objective will be to attract a
pool of candidates to apply from which qualified candidates for job vacancies can be chosen. Here are
a number of external sources that is used by the company:
Newspaper Advertisement:
Vacancy announced is circulated by publishing advertisement in the national dailies. The newspapers
that are widely circulated are chosen for publishing advertisement.
Walk-in interview:
Often job seekers arrive at HR department in search of a job. They are walk-in people. Write-ins are
those who send their curriculum resume for suitable position. Both groups may be asked to fill up an
application blank. Their relevant information may be kept in active database file for any suitable
position in future.
Web site:
Modern information technology such as web site is also used for advertising job vacancy of different

Depending on circumstances, other professional / employment agencies, technical institutes and
journals may be chosen to give wider coverage of job openings.
The role of HR personnel is very important in dealing with external job seekers because the outsider
individuals draw an impression about the company on the manner their candidature has been dealt

HR department collects job applications against each vacancy announcement. There should have a
minimum time period for application receiving. The period should normally be around 10 days.
All applications are sequentially numbered in HR. applications are not accepted that are received after
the deadline. Under special circumstances, applications after deadline may be accepted provided the
concerned Manager gives written authorization.
Short listing is done on the basis of appraising information on the application form in the light of job
specification of a position. The job criteria are critically reviewed during short listing. The short-
listing method is qualitative one where managerial judgment plays important role.
Before short listing of candidates for tests, job criteria are set by HR and authority. There are general
and technical job criteria that a candidate has to meet for consideration of next step of selection. HR
determines general criteria while line manager determines technical criteria. Both the types of the
criteria are important; however, it is the nature of job that determines which type of criteria should
give more priority.
Educational Qualification: Whether the candidates have the required educational qualification
Relevant job experience and required skills:
The candidate may have the irrelevant job experiences and skills that are not considered during short
listing. The candidates having the relevant job experience are enlisted in the short list.
Administering tests and interview
After short listing of prospective candidates, call for interview. Through the test selected
psychological factors such as intelligence, aptitude, temperament and attitude of the candidates are
measured and observed.
The main focuses of employment tests are on Job related questions to assess in-depth knowledge of
the candidates
Assessment of mental ability, reasoning, memory, etc.
Assessment of potentiality and ability to learn
Proficiency in performing tasks

Assessment in line with job analysis
The selection is made based on successive hurdle approach. The candidates are rejected following
each of the stage or test being administered.
In BBQ Chicken, the job offer is contingent on passing medical examination conducted by the any
diagnostic center. The medical examination is conducted once preliminary decision for recruitment is
made but the employment offer has not yet given. The purpose for a medical examination is to obtain
information on the health status of the applicant being considered for employment and to determine
whether the applicant is physically and mentally capable of performing the job. The cost of medical
examination is borne by the company.
Once a preliminary selection decision is made, HR verify certain information as provided in the job
application such as educational degree, work experience, last employment status. The purpose of
reference check is to obtain factual information confidentially about a prospective employee and
seeking opinions from professional referees and previous employer about his/her suitability for the
Based on positive report on health status from the medical center, and positive reference check, the
candidate is selected for appointment. At this stage, the selected candidate is offered employment. The
appointment authority of BBQ Chicken issues an appointment letter to the selected candidates. The
appointment letter includes:

1. Job title, Grade/Step and Salary
2. Nature of appointment
3. Place of posting
4. Name of section or department
5. Effective date of appointment
6. Probationary period, conditions of confirmation and notice period
7. Ending date of employment (applicable for contract employee)
8. Standard terms and conditions
A current job description is also attached with the appointment letter. The appointment letter and job
description will become valid only after signing by the Admin & HR Manager, Managing Director
and the employee, in the space provided for the purpose.


BBQ Chicken uses an in-house function which ensures consistent recruitment from opening
to opening. As they use in-house functions, they have greater control on the recruitment
process and they can easily execute different aspects of recruitment properly.
Generally, they post the advertising on The applicants send their resumes
through bdjobs. Later on the Admin & HR Manager sorts out the resumes according to the
There is fair and equal treatment in different categories of the jobs in BBQ Chicken. Male and
female employees are treated equally in BBQ Chicken. There is no gender discrimination.
There is no proper guideline in BBQ Chicken regarding the recruitment budget.
There is little effort of Admin &HR division for continuous development in recruitment
process. The world is changing and recruitment process as well. They are using the same
methods and strategies year after year because they are familiar with the practice and it is

The applicants send their resumes through bdjobs and own carrer mail address. These
resumes are then sorted for particular competencies. These sorted and varied resumes are then
entered in the database to weed out any probable entry mistakes.
The persons who are selected in the process are only contacted.
When selection took place, BBQ Chicken loses more qualified candidate because within this
time most of the candidates joined in another organizations.
In case of security guard, tea-boy and cleaner, they follow outsourcing. That is they hire the
employees from employment agencies. Those workers work on temporary basis in BBQ
Chicken. There is a contract between BBQ Chicken and the supplier.

Based on objectives, findings and analysis some recommendations have been developed. It would be
valuable for the HR to follow these:
The CVs of applicants should be sorted based on degree or skill as early as possible, which
will save valuable time to internal CV sourcing.
An online database of all employees should be developed so that every employee has
individual online profile account and more than one employee can access it at a time.
Customer service skill are needed some improvement and effective steps should be taken to
provide one stop service related training as early as possible.
There should be sufficient budget for recruitment and selection purpose.
For some valuable positions, selection decisions can be made centrally to avoid time.
Reference should not be used as selection criteria because there is a chance to select a wrong

Recruitment is an important issue for any organization. Recruitment and selection allows an
organization to assess the vacancy and choose the best personnel who will lead the organization in
future. So the organization should give more emphasize on selecting a person. A person who can
carry forwarded the organization in terms of development, values and ethics. Mainly the precious
resource for any organization is their knowledge based efficient workers. The organizations should
more cautious on this issue to ensure the quality and ethics.
The recruitment process at BBQ Chicken to some extent is not done objectively and therefore lot of
bias hampers the future of the employees. That is why the search or headhunt of people should be of
those whose skill fits into the companys values. Most of the employees were satisfied but changes are
required according to the changing scenario as recruitment process has a great impact on the working
of the company as a fresh blood, new idea enters in the company.
Selection process is good but it should also be modified according to the requirements and should
job profile so that main objective of selecting the candidate could be achieved, that will
increased the productivity as well as revenue.


BBQ Chicken: < >
Recruitment and selection process of the fast food industry. 22,
2014[online] Available at :<
French R and Rumbles S (2013).Leading, Managing and Developing People (4th
Edition). CIPD, chapter 9 entitle Recruitment and Selection.
Thompson, P. and McHugh, D. (2009) Work Organizations: A critical approach, 4th
ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. In Chapter 19 entitled Masks for Tasks.

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