Overview of GP: Human Resource Planning
Overview of GP: Human Resource Planning
Overview of GP: Human Resource Planning
Grameenphone has so far invested more than BDT 24,600 crore to build the
network infrastructure.
There are now more than 94 Grameenphone centers in all the divisional cities.
Grameenphone has about 4500 full and temporary employees.
300,000 people are directly dependent on GP for their livelihood, working for the GP
dealers, retailers, scratch card outlets, suppliers, vendors, contractors and others.
Sources of Recruitment
i. Internal Source: In any business, existing employees expect that they will have chances
of promotion and will be considered for higher positions before outsiders are considered.
Managers, therefore, promote and transfer existing employees to all the vacant positions.
The advantage of internal Recruitment is that it is easier for managers to all vacancies
from within the organization.
ii. External Source: All vacancies cannot be filled up from within the organization.
Workers and office employees at the lower level are always recruited from outside the
organization. Some times when managers do not get suitable persons from within the
organization, recruitment takes place from external sources. Existing employees may lack
the skill, initiative, and qualification needed for higher level jobs. Hence managers have
to depend on recruitment from outside the organization.
Some sources of recruitment both internal and external are shown below:
Advertising Vacancies of GP
Advertising vacancies in newspapers and journals is the most popular method. If anyone is in
search of a job; they may look up various vacancies advertised in different journals or daily
newspapers. People read the advertisement and, if they are qualified for the job, they apply for it.
Training at GrameenPhone
GP provides multi-level training courses well as management training and on the job training to
help its employees attain their full potential. GP encourages open communication, works to
improve and leadership philosophy and behavior of its employees making the workplace a
learning organization for each and every GP employees.
For the top management or senior managers there is provision for overseeing training
arranged by the parent company.
For the mid-level manager or other managerial level there is provision for regional
training courses.
Also for non-management level there are training programs arranged in different
institution and also within the organization.
GP also sends some selected employees to other countries for attending need- based
technical or management training.
Types of Training
There are two types of training GP arranges for their permanent employees.
Training Techniques
GrameenPhone uses different training technique depending on the training content, purpose of
the training program, participants of the program as well as time required for the completion of
the training.
1. Lectures: A lecture is the best way to present a basic outline of a subject in a shorter time
to a larger number of trainees than any of the other techniques. When information about
GrameenPhone's products, new services, and new findings in the research and company
information, market condition is to be given to the trainees then the training department
adopts lectures.
2. Discussion: In Grameenphone when any new product is launched or when there is any
need for changing the technique or policies, discussion is used as a training method
where both the trainer and the trainees can share their thoughts and opinions.
3. Demonstration: Sales force of GP also uses demonstration as the training technique
because it enables the trainee to see what is the appropriate way to handle the customers
in varying situation that are difficult to describe.
4. Role-playing: When Grameenphone focus on the effective techniques, they use role
playing. Suppose, a sales person fails to make a sale to a prospective client. role playing
can be a useful method to teach the person how he/she should have behaved in that
particular situation and could have made the sale. So for the training of teaching basic as
well as advanced selling technique and for improving communication skill of the
trainees, role-playing is said to be the most effective by GP training department.
5. On the job training: GP uses on the job training program for both the new and existing
employees for the purpose of teaching selling skill, communication skill, improved
customer relations, improved self-management etc. During the training program, trainees
are placed in real life situations where they can learn from their senior executives and
representatives through on the job training because this is the most effective way of
learning from real life situations.
1. Workplace Environment:
As a global company, GP always keep in mind that the design, layout color inside the
office space will affect the minds of its employees.To influenc and motivate the
employees for working efficiently GP provides them healthy working environment.
The layout of the office has been used to develop organizational structure that are team
oriented. It gives better communication and better interaction among all of the
employees. GP want to create harmony, among its employees and with its technology.
2. Employee Motivation Factors:
Jobs at GP has become attractive to many in motivation through reward system,
perfomance system, performance appraisal programs, employee events and suitable
promotion /career path etc.
3. Compansation and Benefits:
Compensation is what an employee recives in exchange for his/her physical and mental
works,and contribution to the company. Compansation does not represent only salary but
wide range of benefits and service are part of the total compensation package.
Grameenphone provides rewarding and competitive salaries that means each employee
should be rewarded in accordance with:
What the post requires?
How Skilled the employees are? And
What the market pays for work of the same type organizaton?
Grameenphone designed a compensation system that has strong positive impact on
employees and ultimately on the company’s performance. Keeping company’s strategic
objectives and unique characteristics and environment in mind,Grameenphone
determines a number of criteria for designing a compensation system. The criteria are:
i. Internal and External Equity: Internal equity means that there should have
fairness of the pay structure within the company as example similar level of jobs
get similar pays. External equity assures that jobs are fairly compensated in
comparison with similar jobs in the job market.To achieve throught the company
should be conducted on the other hand,to achieve external equity periodic market
survey and cost of living adjustment should be taken into account.
ii. Competitiveness: There are obvious affect of market forces on compensation.
Compansation must respond to the supply of and demand for employees in the
market since employers compete for work force.
iii. Cash and non cash benefits: Cash payment motivates employees through
monetary rewads such as salary and allowances. The company pays cash benefits
according to ability to pay. Non cash benefits such as job security and making the
job interesting is also taken into account.
iv. Perfomance based pay: Employee productivity ,Skills and performance are
also important determinants of the compensation system of the company
v. Consistency: All out efforts are made to ensure that compensation system is
consistent with HR policies and it uniform and stable.
vi. Bonus: All Emplyees are eligible for two bonus in calendar year which is an
amount equivalent to their two months basic salary. One bonus is paid durig Eid-
ul-Fitr to all employees. Another bonus is paid as per the following festival of
different religious affilation.
a. Muslim: Eid-Ul-Azha
b. Hindu: Durga Puja
c. Christian: Christmas
d. Buddhist: Buddha Purnima
Succession Planning