The District is home to approximately 650,000 Americans who bear all of the responsibilities of citizenship for our
country, yet are not afforded full representation in Congress. This assault on our citizenship must end.
The District is home to approximately 650,000 Americans who bear all of the responsibilities of citizenship for our
country, yet are not afforded full representation in Congress. This assault on our citizenship must end.
The District is home to approximately 650,000 Americans who bear all of the responsibilities of citizenship for our
country, yet are not afforded full representation in Congress. This assault on our citizenship must end.
The District is home to approximately 650,000 Americans who bear all of the responsibilities of citizenship for our
country, yet are not afforded full representation in Congress. This assault on our citizenship must end.
Our city needs a strategy for self-determination, and no one understands that better than David. CATANIA ON DEMOCRACY FOR THE DISTRICT Real People. Real Challenges. Real Solutions. DAVIDS RECORD Secured passage of a resolution in the New Hampshire House of Representatives expressing support for Congressional voting rights for the District Fought for the removal of federal budget riders and spoke out against eforts to undermine our local democracy Organized the rst National Conference of State Legislatures event dedicated to promoting District statehood, which was attended by over 150 elected ofcials from across the country DAVIDS VISION FOR D.C. Create and pursue a strategy for statehood and voting rights through state legislatures Advocate for complete budget autonomy for the District Safeguard the Districts interests and prerogatives Support a Political Action Committee to defend the District CataniaForMayor @DavidCataniaDC #DCCanDoBetter 109 CATANIA ON DEMOCRACY FOR THE DISTRICT Real People. Real Challenges. Real Solutions. CataniaForMayor @DavidCataniaDC #DCCanDoBetter 110 The District is home to approximately 650,000 Americans who bear all of the responsibilities of citizenship for our country, yet are not afforded full representation in Congress. This assault on our citizenship must end. District residents sacrice by serving in our nations armed forces: 195,000 since World War I, with 2,000 giving their lives for our country. These brave individuals fought many volunteeringin wars declared by the U.S. Congress, a body in which they have never had a vote. More recently, nine District residents were killed in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Ironically, both nations permit the citizens of their capital cities voting representation in the national legislatures. District residents also contribute by paying the highest per capita federal taxes in the country. In 2013, District residents paid over $37,000 per person in federal taxes. In total, District residents paid more than $24 billion in federal income, employment, and estate taxes. At the same time, residents of states with smaller populations than the District enjoy full voting rights in Congress and can play a real role in shaping the national policies that impact their everyday lives. Further, these states, unlike the District, are in full control of their local spending authority and do not face the constant specter of federal veto of local laws and legislation. And with the second highest population growth rate in the nation 7.4% between 2010 and 2013 more and more District residents will be disenfranchised in the years ahead unless we take action. As Mayor, David will launch a new and more expansive strategy to provide District residents with the full representation we deserve. David will take action to defend our local interests, safeguard District priorities, and bring the movement for statehood and voting rights nationwide. The District has more residents than than Vermont and Wyoming District of Columbia 646,449 Vermont 626,630 Wyoming 582,658 Source: US Census Bureau Federal Taxes Paid Per Capita in 2013 CATANIA ON DEMOCRACY FOR THE DISTRICT Real People. Real Challenges. Real Solutions. CataniaForMayor @DavidCataniaDC #DCCanDoBetter 111 State District of Columbia Delaware Minnesota Connecticut New Jersey Massachusetts Nebraska Rhode Island New York Ohio Gross Federal Taxes Paid* $24,464,351 $20,061,828 $90,703,773 $53,703,341 $128,051,899 $90,463,675 $23,801,959 $13,011,125 $231,879,838 $124,730,951 2013 Population Estimate 646,449 925,749 5,420,380 3,596,080 8,899,339 6,692,824 1,868,516 1,051,511 19,651,127 11,570,808 Taxes per Capita $37,844 $21,671 $16,734 $14,934 $14,389 $13,517 $12,738 $12,374 $11,800 $10,780 Source: US Census Bureau, 2013 IRS Data Book ( *in thousands) John Klenert FORMER BOARD MEMBER, D.C. VOTE, WARD 2 David is the rare public offcial who recognizes the need to take our fght for democracy across the country. Though a daily reality for District residents, many of our fellow citizens in states around the country are simply unaware of the Districts lack of voting rights and desire for statehood. It is long past time that we expanded the dialogue through a national education campaign. David has a demonstrated record of working to expand the Districts ght for statehood, self-determination, and voting representation. In August 2008, he organized the rst National Conference of State Legislatures event dedicated to promoting District statehood, which was attended by over 150 elected ofcials from across the country. In 2014, he secured passage of a measure in the New Hampshire House of Representatives expressing support for Congressional voting rights for the Districtone of only two such measures to be passed by a state legislature in the 30 years since the failure of the District of Columbia Voting Rights Constitutional Amendment. Because Congress continues to be either unwilling or unable to address these issues, it is time to begin building momentum and support for our cause elsewhere. As Mayor, David will pursue a state legislative strategy, identifying and fostering support among like-minded state legislators and legislatures to expand support for statehood and congressional voting representation for District residents. David will lead that effort and will not rest until our goals are achieved. CATANIA ON DEMOCRACY FOR THE DISTRICT Real People. Real Challenges. Real Solutions. CataniaForMayor @DavidCataniaDC #DCCanDoBetter 113 Create and Pursue a Strategy for Statehood & Voting Rights Through State Legislatures Build Alliances With Like-Minded State Legislators and Legislatures CATANIA ON DEMOCRACY FOR THE DISTRICT Real People. Real Challenges. Real Solutions. CataniaForMayor @DavidCataniaDC #DCCanDoBetter 114 Source: US Census Bureau Budget autonomy is a critical component of any jurisdictions ability to self-govern. Without this authority, a government cannot truly address the needs of its residents. Unfortunately, the District knows this all too well. Despite the highest HIV/AIDS rate in the nation, we were prohibited from implementing evidence-based practices that would help prevent the transmission of HIV as the result of sharing needles. Congressional oversight and approval of the Districts budget means that we are at the whim of individuals pandering to voters back home. It also means that the District bears the brunt of Congresss failure to act. If the federal government shuts down, the District could be barred from paying for local government functions, such as motor vehicle services and trash collection. David has long been an advocate for budget autonomy, co-introducing a series of legislative measures during his Council tenure. He has also lobbied against federal riders that infringe on the Districts ability to spend its own money. As Mayor, David will put the full weight of the government behind the cause of budget autonomy. David will work tirelessly to convince those in Congress that the District deserves to have the same rights as any other jurisdiction in the country, to spend our own money. Advocate for Complete Budget Autonomy for the District Secure and Preserve the Districts Ability to Spend Our Own Money From his early days on the Council, David has spoken out and stood up for the rights of District residents to govern our own affairs and spend our own money. He has a history of ghting against federal budget riders regarding the Districts highly successful needle exchange program, reproductive rights of District women, the Districts medical marijuana program, and domestic partnerships. Most recently, when a Congressman from Maryland inserted language into a federal appropriations bill prohibiting the District from spending money on its planned decriminalization of marijuana, David spoke out against it. As Mayor, David will be unwavering in his dedication to the pursuit of self-determination for the District and full democratic representation for our residents. CATANIA ON DEMOCRACY FOR THE DISTRICT Real People. Real Challenges. Real Solutions. CataniaForMayor @DavidCataniaDC #DCCanDoBetter 115 Safeguard the Districts Interests and Prerogatives Speak Out When Congress Disregards the Will of District Residents By now, District residents are accustomed to what happens when federal lawmakers overrule the democratic will of District residents. There is a great deal of hand wringing, frustration, sometimes a protest that results in symbolic arrests, and then nothing. The time has come for that to change. As Mayor, David will encourage the creation of and help raise private funds for a Political Action Committee (PAC) with the expressed purpose of deploying resources in a lawmakers home district or state when they intrude into District matters. Members of Congress may be deterred from undermining our democracy if they will face consequences in their home districts. In addition, a sufciently resourced PAC, which David will support, can help extend the message of statehood, voting rights, and budget autonomy beyond the Districts borders. Support a Political Action Committee to Defend the District Take Action when the Districts Democracy is Threatened