Caterham Sea Cadets - Ts Zephyr Minutes of The Annual
Caterham Sea Cadets - Ts Zephyr Minutes of The Annual
Caterham Sea Cadets - Ts Zephyr Minutes of The Annual
Tony Skilbeck (TS - Chair), CPO Pete Atkins, Aaron Clarke (CO), Sally & John Bradstreet, JN Briggs (former
Treasurer), Wendy & Derek Ellsmore-Creed, Stevie Eteson, Judith Fearis, Richard Fearis (PPO staff), Marian Flint
(CI - Admin), Simon Flint (Treasurer), Frances & Mark Franklin, Bob Frost & Andrea Frost (Chair – PSA), Mr Jim
Greenwood (CI Bandmaster), Helen Haggard (Vice Chair), E Hartnup, Melanie Jones, Martin McCluskey (Business
& Management Director, South Area), Chris & Marian Milne, Kieran Miles (PO staff), Nick Morcey, Jo Piper, Martin
Rawlinson, Heather Rose, 1 Lt Juliette Rose, Mitchell Sheldon (PPO staff), Richard Smith (District Chairman),
Graham Tanner (PPO staff), Sheila Wallace, Peter Wilkins and Valerie Wilkins (Secretary)
The evening started with the Cadets‟ parade, inspection and colours, followed by group photographs.
4. Matters Arising
There were no Matters Arising.
5. Chair’s Report
5.1 TS started by thanking the UMT for their dedication and for supporting the Unit. The Unit was now a happy
and friendly place; a very different place from 2 years ago and a number of former staff have returned
thanks to the CO‟s enthusiasm and commitment. A lot of good work has been done however there are still
improvements to be made and maintained.
5.2 TS asked that the efforts of Helen Haggard (Vice Chair) be recognised for her valiant fund-raising efforts
and Andrea Frost (Chair PSA) for her fund-raising, tuck shop and catering provision skills – in particular the
Cadets‟ Christmas Mess Dinner. He continued that Simon Flint (Treasurer) was ever efficient and works
hard to curb CO‟s enthusiasm! He thanked Sarah Webster for her involvement with PSA and was standing
down because of work commitments and Valerie Wilkins who is standing down as Secretary for family
reasons; he said she will be sadly missed for her efficiency and lovely smile.
5.3 TS continued that TS Zephyr was the first Unit to become Westminster compliant and Marian Flint (Admin)
is keeping things up to date and maintaining the status quo. Marian was recently honoured with the
Civilian Award Rose Bowl at the Unit‟s Presentation Evening in January.
5.4 TS said that was sorry to say that he couldn‟t say the Unit had purchased a new minibus, but it has
acquired a larger and slightly more modern one. The nominal mini-bus replacement fund now stands at
£9,000 – this has increased in recent months by £1,000 due to appeals by HH which resulted in donations
from, among others, David Gold and Warlingham & Whyteleafe Parish Councils. A further 100 letters
appealing for sponsorship have been sent out to local commercial organisations; we are in difficult times
but we must keep trying to obtain funding.
5.5 Grant funding from MSSC in the past year has enabled the installation of an emergency lighting system,
the purchase of a new cooker range and the start of works to address DDA (Disability Disadvantage Act)
requirements. The female heads are being converted to be disabled friendly (thanks to Roy Holman) and
several doors are being widened. These are works in progress.
5.6 TS continued that, starting this month, works will commence to re-clad the damaged roadway elevation in
solid timber (which will then be painted white) and improvements will also be made to provide fire exits at
each end of the building. He thanked Bob & Andrea Frost for arranging the electrical enabling works.
When these works are completed, a DDA compliant ramp will be installed at the main entrance, thanks to a
6. CO’s Report
6.1 CO first thanked TS for joining the Unit last year, becoming Chair and providing stewardship to him. He
thanked the UMT, uniformed and civilian staff. The staff is the main reason the Unit is driving forward; last
year there were just 8 staff (5 in uniform), a temporary Chair, vastly expanding numbers of cadets and
much uncertainty. Now staff numbers have increased to 13, with uniformed staff increased to 10. Staff
development is increasing, with 10 staff attending MAST in April and all staff are now First Aiders.
6.2 CO continued that not much boating had been achieved last year (with only 778 cadet hours on water) but
changes to Friday nights (until 10pm) mean that already 215 cadet hours on water have been achieved.
6.3 CO is investing in B Tech and Duke of Edinburgh‟s and a letter has been sent to all cadets nearing their
14th birthday to take up the opportunity of the Duke of Edinburgh‟s Scheme. He continued that he is
running the Unit like a business, with all that entails. Health & Safety checks and Risk Assessment are
carried out every night, particularly while boating. CO himself carries out a nightly check. Donations have
paid for fire alarm equipment which will allow Residential Weekends.
6.4 Organisational re-structure has enabled CO to be overall responsible for the Unit but delegation will enable
him to have a night off as staff knows what is best for the cadets.
6.5 The Unit has been criticised in the past for mis-communication. The CO shouldered responsibility; he has
improved the website, has information boards and a diary at the Unit, and there is always a member of staff
who knows what is going on.
6.6 CO continued that there is now a good social structure; staff are happy, which makes for a happy Unit.
Enrolment Nights are good and Presentation Nights are slick.
6.7 The Cadet Working Group is headed by PO Fearis and Leading Cadet Flint. Nineteen cadets are going to
Summer Camp, nine to HMS Raleigh and a Summer Camp for juniors is in the pipeline. The highest
number of cadets is doing Class 1 & Class 2 and the Unit‟s Parade Guard led the Remembrance Parade
last November.
6.8 Finally CO said that it is important for him to have the following goals:
To pursue the Staff Development Plan, with courses throughout the year
Seek out staff for the Band (which has folded because of lack of staff)
Build upon Succession Planning, through UMT and staff
Maintain and improve standards
Continue with ambitious promotion regime.
6.9 Finally, CO told a story. The moral of this tale is that, occasionally we should all just stop and take stock to
ensure we are doing the right thing.
7. PSA Report
7.1 Andrea Frost advised the floor that the PSA accounts were available for inspection at the front if anyone
was interested.
7.2 The opening balance at 31 March 2009 was £1,295.49. Income from fund-raising activities raised £161.60
and donations raised another £35.60, making a total of £1,492.25.
7.3 Outgoings totalled £290 - £88.34 for cadet‟s Christmas Mess Dinner, £70 for trophies and £131.79 catering
for various events, making the closing balance as at 31st March 2009 £1,202.12.
7.4 AF continued that PSA will attend the Coulsdon & Caterham Fête, to raise money for social events (ie
Christmas Mess Dinner, and socials). The Cadet Working Group asked for sweatshirts and these have
been designed by the cadets themselves and cost £14 each. They can be worn for competitions, etc. A
letter has been sent to all parents asking if their cadet would like one.
7.5 Helen Haggard took up the reins here and said that she has been involved in House-to-House collections
and Flag Days. The next House-to-House is being held on 15-19 June. After September more funds will
be needed. House-to-House collections are held at Coulsdon, Warlingham, Oxted, Caterham & Kenley
and three times a year parents are required to accompany the cadets in these fund-raising efforts.
7.6 HH continued that approx £7,000 a year is needed just to run the Unit. And, to increase the Minibus fund,
more funds must be raised and this is where parents can help. Thanks must be given to staff and UMT for
giving up their time to fund-raising.
7.7 Last year Carol Singing raised a disappointing £157 but this year (11 December) it will be held outside
Caterham Station, so will hopefully raise more. House-to-House collections have raised £5,907 and bag-
packing raised £1,208. HH continued that Saturday morning is a great day for street collections BUT more
parents are needed to ensure that more cadets can be out with their tins. Bag packing is being held again
this Christmas and also in July. Parents were asked to support their cadets. CO mentioned that he has
obtained permission for 15 cadets to go on board a Dover – Calais ferry the last weekend in June. Those
who collect will be nominated for this trip.
7.9 Finally, HH said that she and AF will be having a stall at Caterham Carnival and asked if anyone had any
spare bottles or jars or new or good quality used toys for the TS Zephyr stall.
10. AOB
10.1 Q5 Derek Ellsmore-Creed said that there were two people who had 67 years of experience between them
and yet were not allowed to visit the Unit. Why? A5 TS replied very calmly that both Derek & Wendy were