Agm 17 Mins
Agm 17 Mins
Agm 17 Mins
Tyron Stalberg (Chairman) (TS) Paul Livermore
Ming Majoe (President) (MM) Heidi Smith
Dave Cowlen (Gen. Secretary) (DJC) Peter Duke
Dan Powley (Reg. Secretary) (DP) Filippo Rotunno
Sarah Maris (SM) Hugh O’Neill
Malcolm Cole (MC) Bob Everest
Nick Smith (NS)
TS continued by reflecting on the trends affecting the sport as a whole and WKTTA in
particular and the need for everyone to work cooperatively to maintain and develop
TS advised the meeting that item 1.6 of the agenda (Proposals) would be brought
forward to follow the Secretary’s and Treasurer’s report.
3. Matters arising
There were no matters arising from the minutes.
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4. Reports
A proposal was received from the floor to adopt the accounts which was also seconded
from the floor.
5. Proposals
TS referred to the presentation that had been circulated to the membership prior to
the meeting and outlined the reasons for arriving at the conclusion that we should
move to two player teams, playing two matches on each match night on 1.5 tables per
match. He also noted that a variation on this proposal had been suggested from the
membership which involved playing one match only, consisting of two singles and a
Discussion took place on the relative merits of the two proposals and also the
possibility of using other venues for match nights such as Byng Hall, Leigh, and
Meadows which would be feasible with a one table per match scenario.
A vote was then held and it was unanimously agreed that two player teams would be
adopted for 2017/18 season, but with two singles and a doubles played on one table. It
is likely that matches will be played at Tn2, Meadows and Otford but more work is
needed to establish how matches will be distributed between the venues and the costs
It was also agreed to adopt the more flexible approach to substitutes, with any team
being able to field a substitute from any other team of the same division.
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A note is to be issued to the membership advising this decision and Clubs will then
need to start putting teams together. It was suggested that the greater flexibility
around substitutes should be emphasised to avoid unnecessary large squads to ensure
two players are always available.
TS asked if there were any members that wished to join the committee. DJC referred
to a conversation with Paul Homewood who had expressed interest. DJC will follow up
with PH. TS stated that he would ask Graham Windram who is responsible for Kent
League this year.
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