Khaibit: Background: The Khaibit Stand As One of The Oldest Known Bloodlines. Most That

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You say you know the darkness. You know it like a child thats read a fairy tale. I know
it, because its part of me. Its in my blood. My eyes. My seed. My spit. Unless you
know me, you dont know the darkness. And nobody knows me. Nobody still standing,
at least.
The Khaibit are an ancient line, drawn from Egyptian stock. They come from a
Mekhet cult that all but died off centuries ago. Their role was initially to serve Set,
and to do his will in forcing back some greater, unknown darkness. While the
specifics of their role have been lost to the ages, they now have a different calling
they!re the best known line of defense against the Stri".
To fight the darkness, they became the darkness. Set endowed their blood with a
darkness beyond the simple absence of light. The blood in Khaibit veins mutates, and
becomes an inky blackness they can call forth as a weapon against the unnatural.
Background: The Khaibit stand as one of the oldest known bloodlines. Most that
know of them know they come from Egypt, their name meaning #shadows$. %n recent
history, the Khaibit rose to prominence as a reaction to Stri" attacks in South &merica
and the Mediterranean. &s cities fell victim to the 'wls, a few Khaibit took up the
task of fighting them back. While they!re not widely known, they!re a rumor on
numerous tongues.
(or more on the Khaibit, you can read a thorough history in )loodlines* The +idden,
and other information in (all of the ,amarilla.
The Becoming: Khaibit are chosen for their will and integrity, and often their ability
to fight. +owever, while the first two are of the utmost importance, the third can be
taught. Khaibit often Embrace their prospects directly into the lineage. When outside
Mekhet are brought into the line, it!s because of a specific need. 'ften, recruits are
inducted to fill a highly speciali-ed role. (or e"ample, a Khaibit may need an
infiltrator that knows computer.based intrusion techni/ues. While they could Embrace
a mortal with those skills, it!s impractical to find a good fit that both has the desired
skills, and can learn what they need in the time frame necessary.
In the Danse Macabre: Khaibit act as sentinels and bodyguards. While the details of
their calling are lost to all but the most scholarly, their abilities have an obvious
application in fighting off the Stri". This gives them a protected status in besieged
domains, where courts with known Khaibit will overlook most minor crimes they
commit. &fter all, the Khaibit represent their clearest weapon against the 0arliament
of 'wls +owever, this sometimes goes to e"tremes. 0owerful Kindred will bribe or
coerce a Khaibit into Embracing their bodyguards, or acting as an &vus to their
associates in order to proliferate further defenses.
%ndividually, many Khaibit sell their services to the highest bidder. & bodyguard who
can stand against not only other Kindred but the yellow.eyed monsters under the bed
is a valuable asset. Khaibit are also masters of intrusion and stealth, and can escape
situations too sticky for their Kindred.
When Khaibit 1oin the &ll 2ight Society, they tend toward the ,ircle of the ,rone as a
way of e"ploring and understanding their spiritual heritage. Some more knightly
members 1oin the %nvictus.
Nickname: &sps
Clan: Mekhet
Bloodline Bane: Khaibit blood is so attuned to the darkness that they suffer in
immense light. %n any light bright enough to inhibit normal vision, the Khaibit suffers
the )linded Tilt and lose access to their 3d1at gift for the scene.
Bloodline Disciplines: &uspe", ,elerity, 'bfuscate, 4igor
The Khaibit gift of 'btenebration e"presses their affinity for the darkness within their
blood. %n addition to the ability to control and shape shadows, Khabit can temporarily
become darkness and travel through the darkness. 5astly, they can wield the shadows
as a weapon against otherworldly forces. This makes them invaluable against the
&ll Khaibit gain the first 6evotion, the 3d1at, upon 1oining the bloodline. &dditional
6evotions have prere/uisites as normal, and cost 7 E"periences each. (or those that
have never seen 'btenebration, it can inspire deep, instinctive fear. The first time a
character e"periences a clear manifestation of 'btenebration, he must succeed at a
8esolve 9 ,omposure roll or suffer the Shaken ,ondition.
This most basic gift of Khaibit heritage gives them perfect sight in even the utmost
darkness. Khaibit never suffer penalties from darkness, and see subtle shifts in heat
and movement where others would be blind. They are unaffected by blindness
induced by in1ury or supernatural forces.
)y focusing her attention and spending a point of 4itae, a Khaibit can attune her
senses to the unseen. This allows her to see spirits, Stri", angels, and other immaterial
beings for the scene. This includes beings in Twilight. While she has her senses so
enhanced, she!s immune to the Stri"!s possession.
)y opening a vein, the Khaibit can release the darkness within her blood as an instant
action, blanketing the area in darkness. With the e"penditure of a single 4itae, the
cloud of shadow e"tends out from the wound in a radius a number of yards :or
meters; e/ual to the vampire!s )lood 0otency. The Khaibit can e"pend more 4itae to
e"pand the cloud further from its center. &lternatively, the Khaibit can e"pel the cloud
from her mouth instead of an open wound.
Shadows touching those the Khaibit has created with the Tyet become hers to shape.
She can manipulate their forms, absorb them into the cloud, and otherwise mold them
to her liking. While the shadows have no physical presence, they can be used to
divert, trick, and distract.
rere!uisite: 4igor 7
This signature gift of the Khaibit allows her to draw the shadows into a palpable form
with the e"penditure of one or more 4itae and an instant action. She can use this to
coat simple tools or weapons. Weapons so coated cause < additional lethal damage to
physical targets :including Kindred;, but cause her )lood 0otency in lethal damage to
noncorporeal entities, including spirits and Stri". ,oated ob1ects add her )lood
0otency as 6urability, and the number of 4itae spent as Structure. %f she possesses
Tyet as well, she can manipulate the item coated with 0seshkf as if she were touching
it with her hands.
rere!uisite: 4igor 7
Khaibit can draw shadow to themselves, and become one with the darkness. To use
the )a, the Khaibit must be touching a shadow at least as big as herself :this could
include her own shadow in many cases, or shadow created by the Tyet;. She spends
three points of 4itae, and at least one instant action, or more if her )lood 0otency
means she cannot spend the entirety in a turn. 'nce she!s become shadow, she!s
immune to anything short of fire, sunlight, the 0seshkf, or things that specifically hurt
ephemeral entities. 'ther ephemera can affect her normally. She is immune to
%n this form, she cannot directly affect her environment. +owever, she can activate the
0seshkf if she possesses it, and can assail spirits and other ephemeral creatures. While
in this form, fire, sunlight, and other forms of harm cause her two additional levels of
damage. She travels at half her Speed, and must travel along solid ob1ects. +owever,
she!s not constrained by anything that wouldn!t stop light.
rere!uisite: 'bfuscate 7
With this gift, the Khaibit can travel rapidly through shadows. She dissolves into one
part of the shadow, and emerges anywhere along the same patch of shade. This can be
shadow created by the Tyet. Spend a 4itae refle"ively, and the character fades into
and out of the shadow instantly. %f using this as part of a 6odge action, roll her 6odge
with the rote /uality once per scene.
rere!uisite: ,elerity 7

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