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Spheres of Devastation

Black Sorcery of the Realms

Somnus Dreadwood


S pheres of D evastation : B lack S orcery of the R ealms

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in whole or in part,
digitally, or mechanically in any form, by any means, without written permission from the author.
Violation will result in prosecution to the fullest extent of the law.

Copyright © 2018 Somnus Dreadwood. Black Court Ascendency.

Temple of Maergzjirah & The Cabal

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T he Planar Texts

B ook I. B ook IX.

T he Dark Gate...7 Faerac’laen...44

B ook II. B ook X.

Ithalembor...9 Eldtaressa...49

B ook III. B ook XI.

T’laeoriis...14 Zanisztahr...53

B ook IV. B ook XII.

Eblion...20 Szhelkyree...58

B ook V. B ook XIII.

Aphenterro...26 Vaelharin...62

B ook VI. Book XIV.

Ibrinarxes...30 Kezhpharen...65

B ook VII. Book XV.

Nezricarn...35 Celestial Anguish...70

B ook VIII. Book XVI.

Volosthos...40 T he Realms Beyond...72

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Introduction to the Planes
Congratulations. You possess an actual grimoire of value and worth
in this age of charlatans, rehashed spells of little to no substance and where the
term “Left Hand Path” conjures up imagery of atheistic “Satanists” trying only
to disturb their Christian parents and neighbors while hiding behind some idiotic
dogma of their “faith” being about equal rights; where grimoires are laced with
rituals intentionally scribed and altered by Jewish and Christian zealots to harm
the spirits and the sorcerer alike.
This tome is very different. It is a composition of rites and powers drawn
from years of studying other realms which border our own and can be accessed
through precision, attention to detail, patience and a steadfast spirit. We’re talking
about using magickal rites and spells from those planes of existence. If you think
that sounds too fantastical, then you’re clearly blocked with skepticism. How can
one believe in sorcery and working with demons, yet deny the possibility of there
being other planes of existence or our ability to interact with them? Seems rather
self-defeating. So, let’s remove any notion of skepticism and openly engage in the
works ahead in this tome.
As we begin, you will be introduced to each plane I visited via soul journey.
To help you gain a better understanding, I have detailed my sojourn so that when
you too reach the threshold, you will know what to expect.
Each plane’s rituals begins with a gate sigil which will be your cornerstone
to tapping the vein of the planar current from Aphenterro all the way to Zanisztahr.
This will allow you to make contact via your spirit to the living spirit of the
plane for the purpose of channeling that innate spiritual energy. Incantations will
accompany virtually every operation within these pages so I have taken the liberty
of breaking down pronunciation for you to assist in their oration. Yes, these
words are foreign to the Earth-dwelling human as they are spoken by the demons
of the planes below. Their very language is sorcery given life, so understand that
what you speak carries power and therefore should be directed with proper intent
and never idly spoken without genuine purpose.
The Rites will be laid out in an easy to understand manner as each step is
paced out for you and detailed so you won’t miss anything along the way. Study
these rites first and commit the whispers (words of power spoken in the demonic
tongue) to memory so that you can confidently engage in ritual without being
distracted with reading back over the ritual or how to vocalize the whispers. You
fight the way you train, so don’t slack when it comes to making yourself versed in
the arts of this tome.
You will find that most of the rites here are morally questionable in the
weak Etherian perception of the dross who think in terms of good versus evil, but
understand that this is a machination of pacifists, perpetual victims and misguided
religious fanatics. Spiritual warfare is the act of fighting with the power of your
spirit, so use it just as you would any other weapon. Do what must be done and
never regret the choices you have made. You acquired this tome to gain power and
control of forbidden energies, so use them without regard for who is devastated
along the way. Such is the way of demons; tread through the fire and cleave your
enemy’s head. Wear his crown and claim his throne. This must be your mindset.
Use the rituals as you will, but know that those dreaded forces you will call upon
will observe you and should you disappoint, they will undoubtedly twist your
fortunes and make curses of your boons. The bottom line is: if you want to act
like a demon, you had better think and feel like a demon.
My personal mission is to completely break the chains upon this realm
which is why this grimoire has been penned and released. If you have questions,
feel free to send your inqueries through the Cabal’s webpage (see the url by the
copyright notice on page two). Someone—perhaps myself—will answer you and
help you along your way. Now, let’s get to the ritual work...

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T he Dark Gate
To begin the great work contained in this grimoire, you will require a few
items first. You will need a blood letting device such as a diabetic mechanical lancet,
a dagger, a sharp rock or tooth; whatever you wish to use. You will also require
parchment or natural (cotton or linen) cloth. Natural paper is a fine option and can
easily be picked up at many arts and crafts stores. Using blood inks, you will end
up drawing a series of sigils together in a vertical manner as this is the quintessential
tool for tapping into every plane’s current. The sigils are set in a vertical manner
on paper or cloth. The top sigil will be that of the Grand Threshold and the
sigil beneath it will be the chosen planar seal encircled by the Rings of the Veil; a
layered, ciricular sigil which pries open the veil and allows the planar current from
the achored realm. This creates what we would call the Dark Gate.
You should create a Dark Gate for every
plane in this tome, unless of course, you
have no desire to work with a specific
plane’s current. Though, that would
defeat the purpose of using this grimoire,
so again, do yourself the favor and create
the Dark Gate before you proceed into
the ritual workings as this is requisite for
not only tapping into the planar energies,
but also to channel and control them. Of
course, you will use other components
and ritual tools throughout the process.
However, if you fail to possess a Dark
Gate for the plane, you will fail to harness
it’s planar energies and consequantly
rendered unable to use them.
When you have the Dark Gate set up
before you on your altar, you will light a
T he Dark Gate of Kezhpharen black candle on either side of it and focus

deeply on the encircled planar seal as you meditate on what you seek to accomplish.
Focus your true intent and pure desire. When your intent is deeply concentrated,
you will move your gaze to the Grand Threshold. Afix your gaze to the bottom left
sigil within the threshold and slowly move your awareness around to the other sigils
clockwise until you’ve reached the bottom right. Now, move within the threshold
and examine the sigils in a clockwise motion until they rest on the black caltrop-
like sigil to the right. Now, move your gaze inward to the encircled sigil in the
middle. From here, you will refocus your intent on the plane you’re tapping into
and strongly orate the following incantation to shatter the Etherian planar veil and
open the channels for invoking the anchored planar current:

“Zanish-katakra, indviir olu (Name of Plane)!

Zoshaera atu kanvogàhl rïïos (Name of Plane)!
Zanish-katakra, indviir olu undsté,
zoshaera atu kanvogàhl rïïos dolusek (Name of Plane)!”

The force of a powerful and successful veil break usually creates the
auditory manifestation of sonic disruption; cracks, rumbling, wind tunnel noise,
white noise, whispers and disembodied voices, muted hearing, underwater swishing
and gurgling. Physical manifestations result in darkness surrounding the edges of
your vision and opening up to light around the Dark Gate, tremors and quakes,
sudden rushes of cold, wind gusts and pressure. If you don’t experience all or even
any of then, don’t worry about it. Keep going. Don’t be disheartened; know you
did the work and continue. The manifestations will grow more powerful as you
become more adept on these arts.
There is no closing of the gate as this will typically happen on its own
as soon as you remove yourself and consequently remove your energetic ties and
will to keep the gate open. Sometimes it can remain open, which might allow
for other entities to come through. However, in the event that despite removing
yourself you find the gate is still open, simply take some palo santo wood or
incense or white sage and allow it burn, the smoke rolling over the Dark Gate.
This will purify the energies and end up closing the gateway for you.
You can open multiple Dark Gates to have their energies converge, but do
so at your own risk and it is likely to yield some unexpected results or backlash.

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Ringed Planar Sigil of Ithalembor

T he Unchained Realm
Perpetually locked in a scene common amongst most Etherian fantasy
novels, Ithalembor is a lush realm full of flora, fauna, monstrous creatures and
unrestrained magickal potential. The western coast of Ithalembor is home to
many of the more civilized nations and races which are more concerned with
commerce and invention while the Eastern side of the realm is shrouded in

mystery as many of the nations and races dwell in dense jungles, upon great
mountains and massive floating clusters of land which soar amongst the clouds.
Some regions are truly remote such as the Frozen Wastes of Volkras or the harsh
deserts of Mirulen. Volkras for instance is virtually impossible to traverse due to
the magickally augmented surges of cold that will instantly freeze anything they
cross. Undead and ice, snow and air elementals are about the only creatures that
can cross the vast, unmapped space. Mirulen on the other hand is more friendly,
though no less deadly as the days are wrought with crippling heat waves and the
nights are frigid and cold, dropping into freezing tempertures regularly.
The very essence of Ithalembor is sorcery as the gods here are many and all
of them are invested in contesting one another for power and control. Therefore,
the races—which are just as numerous and varied as the Ithalembrean pantheons—
are bolstered with immense power, blessing and control over magickal currents.
It is not at all uncommon to witness incredible storms roll in due to a talented
sorcerer’s will, to see sorcerers fight with instantaneously manifested bursts of
fire, lightning or ice, or to even witness the dead rise from their graves. Magick
is everywhere and it is commonplace. The very concept of a world without freely
accessible magick is terrifying and alien to them. For this reason, Etherians like
us are seen as prisoners, weakened or cursed. This statement can be seen as quite
true as we are prisoners in this realm and the warden is the false light of Christ,
Allah, Jehovah & etc. However, on the rare occsssion that an Etherian escapes
this prison, they are seen as terrifying creatures of limitless resourcefulness, power
and virtually as demigods amongst Ithalembreans.
The nature of faith in deities in Ithalembor greatly outweighs the faith in
science as the gods and goddesses here regularly appear to their faithful and will often
bestows far grander blessings than were requested. However, unlike in Etheris where
blessings of sorcery are bestowed almost exclusively by other powers, in Ithalembor,
it is also quite common to be able to simply tap into the energetic current of the
plane and channel it to manifest magickal effects as well. That means that sorcery
through pure force of willpower and divinely infused sorcery are independant of each
other. Quite an interesting concept for Etherian magicians to study.
Realize that as you tap into this energy, you’re tapping into the unlimited,
unrestrained. Remove the concept of limitation and embrace the rites that follow
as they are common rites for Ithaelembrean sorcerers and they execute without
doubt which is why they always manifest. Adopt this mindset for everything!

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Destructive Force
In this realm, we use sorcery for myriad purposes, but many times we
simply can’t pack enough of a punch to handle the situation in a timely enough
manner. In Ithalembor, a realm known for its incredible manifestation of spirit
and psychic energy, such rites as this tend to be a prelude to regular ritual so that
sorcerers can unleash a wave of destruction to break down unseen barriers so that
their will can more easily slip through and manifest as they desire. The nature of
this application of spirit is geared more toward delivering destructive impact to an
individual or their protections. This is not to say that will a little bit of tweaking
to your alignment with the spiritual atmosphere of the plane that you could not
alter this to serve other purposes.
Whisper: Kakouradinis (Kah-koo-rah-dih-nis)
After unleashing the power of the Ithalembrean essence seal, you will
focus on a particular energy. For instance, fire would be depicted with literal
fire, explosions, heat, passion, speed, embers or even smoking. Death could be
seen as watching plants wither, the dead trees in a wintery swamp, envisioning a
battlefield or a funeral. Use your imagination to connect to the energetic force
you wish to amplify. This should grow rather quickly within. Now, focus how
you wish to extend it. Upon a target individual for instance, you could simply see
them setting themselves on fire while cooking or falling asleep while smoking.
Perhaps they’re overcome with anger that they lash out at someone who shoots
them. See clearly how the conjured energy will affect your target.
If you are within a personal distance, simply cast forth your hand and
command the word of power. Otherwise, from a distance, use a candle flame
to stare into while similarly reaching out through the æther and uttering the
whisper. Remember that the success of this powerful rite relies directly on how
well you focus your intent. Also, you will find that this, like the other rituals
contained within the tome are more easily manifested the more attuned to the
planar atmosphere that you’re working through.

Alter Quantum Application

Controlling a quantum aspect grants one incredible power over
circumstances as the sorcerer has the ability to control more than just a perception
of time. Used to hasten or burden both the ambient time in an area down to
individuals or simply an individual or entity, this very simple rite holds the capacity
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to alter many aspects of life for the sorcerer. It doesn’t take much thought at all to
envision the myriad ways applying this lesser control over time could be utilized
to great ends for oneself.
Whisper to Hasten: Rizhahk-n’razel (Rih-zhah’k-nih-rah-zel)
Whisper to Burden: Ko-lydos Senasar (Koh-lih-dohs Sehn-ah-sahr)
This is rather straightforward in that as you seek to speed up or slow down
time, or even to hasten or burden yourself or another entity, you should simply
focus on your target and allow your will to swell within. When it has surfaced
enough, usually by causing a strong vibration in your third eye region, turn your
thoughts to a sort of ghostly clock turning quickly forward (to represent sped up
time) or backwards (representing a quantum burden) and simply commanding
the appropriate whisper.

Torment Glyph (Spirit Trap)

The necessity of a spirit trap is something few individuals in this realm
consider to be of much use, if even a truly plausible construct. It is however used by
laypeople in Ithalembor quite often due to the many spiritual and planar entities that
roam about freely seeking to do as they so desire, especially through the exertion of
their will over the mundane folk. Hence, this rite become first popularized among
the rural sorcery-minded folk as they were most susceptible to spiritual attacks.
Consider honestly that as you read this book, you must also deal with spirits on
a more than scarce occurrence. Therefore, consider those entities which you align
yourself with and those you’re set apart from. This spiritual alignment creates the
very framework for the types of entities you will set this against.
Whispers: Meshan-dolu Shin-rish (Meh-shahn-doh-loo Shin-rihsh)
Requirements: Lunar water, three drops of your blood, grave dirt
Once in your properly aligned state of Ithalembrean planar invocation,
laying a spirit trap is quite simple. Make a mixture of lunar water, three drops
of your blood and a bit of grave dirt. Lunar water is simply made from taking
a bowl of water mixed with some salt and allowed to charge all night beneath a
full moon. You’re not going to make mud from this as you’ll only apply a few
pinches or maybe even a shallow palm full of grave dirt to the water followed by
your blood. During the creation of this process, envision the entities you seek
to trap and destroy. In this realm, we might think of white light celestial entities
and archangels, demons of various classes, or even certain groups of ancestral

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spirits. Mixing the ingredients together, swirling your hand about, let this need
for protection fully cement in your will.
Now, you shall use the water to draw upon the walls, floor, ceiling and
doors leading outside your protected space with a glyph. This is very simply made
by drawing a circle with an “X” through it. In each of the quadrants you will draw
yet another “X”. Once done, place your palm flat against the center of the glyph
and speak the incantation. I will use my own incantation as an example using
celestials as I ruthlessly abhor these entities more than anything. “In the name
of Akraeoth I seal this ward in place against (this is where you insert your chosen
entities) agents of light, celestials, archangels, heavenly entities of the celestial
spheres and all that which is born of the spiritual light. Be bound, tormented and
destroyed should you step beyond this ward. Meshan-dolu Shin-rish!”
Keep in mind too that the water should not be very murky either. If
anything there may be a slight outline on the wall. If this wears off over time,
that’s okay. Learn to utilize your intuitive senses to feel the reactivity and integrity
of the ward and simply set them up again if they weaken.

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Ringed Planar Sigil of T’laeoriis

Twas a Dark and Stormy Night

Glimpsing the realm of T’laeoriis, the sorcerer will become intimately
aware of just how dreary and gloomy the terrain is. The realm itself is trapped
in time where flintlock pistols and horsedrawn carriages are the pinnacle of
technology and where attire similar to the Etherian Edwardian and Victorian eras
is worn by commonfolk and aristocracy alike. From the perspective of our world,

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T’laeoriis seems more like a mixture of Edgar Allen Poe’s literary atmosphere,
Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” and the Brothers Grimm fairytales. By day, most of
the world goes about its regular business of trade, politics and farming. Schools
and universities are in session and bluebloods go about their privledged lifestyles.
However, by dusk, everyone is rushing to get indoors and settle in while keeping
their livestock secured and the oil filled up in their lamps. The city gates are
closed and heavily guarded by militia and royal guards equipped in armor, swords,
halberds, black powder pistols, rifles and blunderbuses.
Ingrained in the psyche of the people of T’laeoriis is a deeply rooted
fear of the dark and the horrors that lurk therein. Tales of vampires, werewolves,
zombies and child-stealing fey terrorize every man, woman and child. However,
these are not just mythologia; they are in fact all based on the reality that T’laeoriis
is indeed a different world by night where all of these horrors and more arise from
their hidden dwellings and crypts and feed on the stray mortals that dare be
caught out beneath the moon. Drunkards staggering home from the taverns, the
homeless alley dwellers and travelers caught on the darkened roads are all easy
prey for the nocturnal denizens of the realm.
Sorcery is seen more like a special arena of scientific study where its
potential is not denied, yet scholars seek answers behind its operation. It is not
restricted in its use as we experience here, yet the inhabitants of T’laeoriis are
very superstitious and therefore are less inclined to take up sorcery due to the
many ways by which it could manifest unexpected or counter results. In fact, the
silent, ancient gods of T’laeoriis are incredibly mysterious and while they receive
no veneration of their own, due to the fact that most aren’t even aware of their
existence, they are a cruel sort. Karma is their plaything and often times they will
use a sorcerer’s use of magick as a way of delivering blessings and curses based on
their whims. Many wicked souls who use sorcery find that their very magick has
somehow manifested a curse from which they cannot undo. Unless of course, the
sorcerer is quick to adapt and is able to stay ahead of the powers which would be
their undoing.
Understand that you will not be subject to the T’laeoriisian gods’
retribution or their blackdrafts in the current. However, realize that since so few
actually utilize sorcery in T’laeoriis, you will have more control over it and have
prime choice of what you can harness. Work sincerely and take control of some of
those horrific magicks which the few dark sorcerers in T’laeoriis dare to command.

— 15 —
Summon Shades of Death
The Sea of Sorrows is a black water sea in the northwest reaches of this
plane. No one knows why the waters flow darkly, though scholars and theologians
believe that there is a gate to the Underworld at the sea’s floor. The waters cannot
be ingested either as they are highly toxic to organic bodies such as our own.
Ships that have gone out from nearby ports have never returned. However, for
those necromancers who speak often with the dead know well that in the midst
of the sea the waters become less physical and more spiritual. Indeed after a
point of wading or sailing in, you enter a shadowy realm of darkness, pain and
death. In truth, you’re entering into Ghasitaer, a ghostly realm of lost souls that
overlaps many planes at once. However, what follows is a forbidden rite among
the T’laeoriisian necromancers which allow them to reach through the veil and
call forth the service of the shades of the dead.
Whispers: Hasoun (Hah-shoon) Divelsiis (Dih-vell-see-ihs) Asounae
(Ah-shoo-nay) Verikithos (Vaer-ee-key-tho’ss)
Requirements: Human bones, black ink (India ink), blood of a sacrifice, white pouch
In the requirements, I noted human bones in particular as in this realm we
do not live among non-human, intelligent races as is observed among the many
humanoid races in other realms. Animal bones will not suffice either as they carry
too low of a vibrational energy to tap into planar essence for such a rite.
In your ritual space, you shall take your bones and lay them across your
altar. Make a sacrifice of some small animal (at a minimum) or if you are so
inclined, offer your own blood. Human(oid) sacrifice is not requisite in such a
rite as such is reserved for far more grandiose ritual. Take what you can from the
blood offering and mix in with the ink. Then use it to paint the bones completely.
India ink and blood both have a tendency to dry quickly so you may perform the
next part rather simply while they dry. Use your blood now to completely saturate
the white pouch. It should be entirely red in color, including the string. If you are
more of a purest, use a large swatch of white cloth and hair to tie it shut. If not hair,
use white cord or twine. In these latter two examples, fully soak them in blood so
that their white or brown color does not show. If, after this is complete, the bones
are still wet, simply meditate on the death current for a time until they’re ready.
The final aspect of this rite is simplest. Place the bones in the bag and seal
it shut. Shake the bones in the pouch in a rhythmic manner while you chant the
whispers. Continue this until the veil parts and the shades of the dead come forth

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to obey your command. Those that come forth will be of varying numbers so work
with them well. You will also find that as you call them forth, using that same bag,
the same shades will also emerge. Always treat them with a level of businesslike
professionalism and respect or they will certainly seek to kill and consume you.

Silent Death
The ugly reality of cohabitating among those whom we despise, or simply
need out of the way of our ambitions is a trying task. T’laeoriis is known for its
political struggles fought through clever politicking and assassination rather than
all-out war. Certain lords or barons have certainly made use of hits, but with the
discreet immersion of black sorcery into one’s court by virtue of necessity, spiritual
assassination has become more widely accepted. At least off the record. Therefore,
like the cloak and dagger ‘mancers that we are, we took take the utility of killing
someone through nonphysical means. This particular rite was especially designed
to neutralize one’s target through a matter of ill chance… or so it would appear.
Whispers: Karezhka-kani (Kah-rezh-kuh-kah-nee) Illfaethos (Ill-fay-
thoh’s) Biandaer (Bee-ahn-dare) Suligni (Soo-lig-nee) Vershekva (Verr-shek-vah)
Isili (Ih-sil-ee) Soniszaea (Soh-nee-shay-ah)
Requirements: Heart of a juvenile pig, lamb or cow, stake or sharp knife,
effigy of the individual, twine or natural cord, three black candles, black cloth triangle
The rite is quite straightforward in that you shall lay down the cloth
triangle and place a lit black candle on each point. It needn’t be very large in
size, just enough to fully close around the heart. Place the victim’s picture or
effigy before the triangle as a focus and place the heart in the middle of the
cloth. Begin to chant the string of whispers. Do so with airy breath so that the
phrases are wispy in sound. Build your murderous lust (more than usual) while
you chant, staring at the effigy. When you’ve reached the frenzy point, finish the
oration of the whispers you are currently on and then impale the heart on your
stake or blade. Do so until you are satisfied with the carnage. This should be
accompanied by a very strong visual in your mind of you driving this instrument
through their beating heart; their screams of pain and terror echoing in your head
until finally all goes quiet and the heart is still.
Once this is executed, place the effigy facing the heart and wrap it up. Tie
it closed and bury beneath a dead tree or in a cemetery over a fresh grave. Allow
time for Death to create the scenario and do not seek to rush the manifestation.

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Soon, your target may well be choking on a chicken bone or falling down the
stairs late at night to their certain demise.

Nocturnal Cloak of Beshyana

In a realm such as T’laeoriis, which is wrought with many perils—mostly
of a supernatural nature—it would only seem logical to have created incredible
protections from these dangers. While having invoked the planar aspect, you
will find that this rite will bestow upon you an immense layer of protection from
multiple forces at once throughout the time frame of a new moon to new moon or
full moon to full moon. This rite is also to be completed during the second hour
of night, so plan accordingly. If you do not know what this means, then all you
need to do is find out the hour of nightfall or moonrise where you will conduct this
rite. Then, count two hours up. For instance, if moonrise is 9:00 post meridian,
then you will begin at 11:00 post meridian. Consider some level of adjustment so
realistically begin about ten or fifteen minutes after the second hour strikes.
Whispers: Sesularae (Seh-soo-luh-ray) Ignithos (Ig-nee-thohs)
Castunarae (Kah-stoo-nah-ray) Ithvaerithos (Ihth-vayr-ee-thohs)
Requirements: Create a circle of stones or overlaying branches to stand
within, a great deal of smoke from a fire or incense
Prior to the second hour of night, you should prepare your ritual space
with the required natural elements as noted above. Preserve your area as you will
and ensure you will not be disturbed. When you are ready, step into the circle
and hold your arms out in any form that is comfortable to you. The objective
is to make your arms a sort of pair of energetic lightning rods so that the planar
energy can circulate through and around you. Gaze into the darkness above or
the full moon and chant with great command the string of whispers three times.
After the third oration, relax and allow the energies to begin circulated within. As
they do, call forth the T’laeoriisian goddess of night and darkness, Beshyana as
such, “Lady of Night, Beshyana, cloak me in the splendors of your grace and may
your black aura shroud me from (insert the person(s) or force you seek sanctuary
from) so that I may be obscured from all senses; all spells to pass through me
without harm and all psychic eyes blind to my workings.”
Continue this process once or twice more if need be, each time repeating
the whispers thrice followed by the invocation of her blessing. After the third
petition, you shall speak, “And by your dark grace, so it is stitched in the fabrics

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of the night, O Lady Beshyana.” This ends the rite and you may now step from
the circle. Remember that this will need to be performed again on the coming
new or full moon based on when you started. Also, do not seek to gain protection
from more than three sources or Beshyana will confound you and reverse the
blessing so that you will be a beacon to your enemies. The Lady of Night can be
rather fickle at times, seeing extended petitions as ungratefulness. Lastly, should
you no longer require protection from something, simply burn much incense or
light a fire that will produce a lot of smoke, such as with leaves and call her name
thrice and explain that with great thanks, you appreciate her blessings, but no
longer require protection. Allow the incense or burnt offering to burn out on its
own as again, to snuff it out will be seen as a slight.

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Ringed Planar Sigil of Eblion

T he Eternal Conquest
Eblion was once a paradise carved into the multiverse by a series of
benevolent deities. They sought to create a utopia which would take in anyone in
the multiverse and teach them how to live in perfect peace and among the gods.
However, as any race will do, the inhabitants began creating individual societies
built around personal ideals which often ran contrary to the gods’. They warred

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against one another, seeking to gain land and control, expanding their kingdoms
and subjecting the people of the realm under a single throne. Eblion quickly
broke out into total war and soon, four provincial kings seized control of large
ranges of the plane. The four kings attacked one another relentlessly; each one
trying to outmanuver the next with new weapons of war and rituals set forth by
their synods of sorcery.
The gods were appauled and tried to intervene. The provincial kings even
revolted against the very gods which gave them all they could ever desire. Their
quest then became to consume divine power and set the gods against their enemies,
though in the end, the gods were forced to abandon Eblion. As a final act of spite,
the gods cursed all of the realm’s inhabitants with amnesia and a twisted form of
immortality in which the individual is reborn days after their death and the quantum
path they walked leading to their death is rewritten. Therefore, Eblion is a constant
warzone which is recycled daily and everyone is wiped of the memory of the day’s
combat. Tactics change and yet the war continues without possibility of an end.
Some of the sorcerers amongst the synods became immune to this amnesia
through unforeseen ritual side effects and have now become aware of this anomoly
after having then seen the dead return to service in the military during that days long
recycling process and notes were well detailed. This has led to the understanding that
something is amiss, but with no clear direction as to how to end the curse. In an
attempt to escape this curse through dominating the battle, the sorcerers of Eblion
have become quite creative in their approach to sorcery in hopes that perhaps one day,
they might be able to see an end to battle and a return to grace amongst the gods.

Alter Knowledge
Like any king, you must have certain knowledge perceived in a very
particular light, else you may be viewed unfavorably or others whose cooperation
you require may be lost over disputes and skewed ideas. Therefore, we utilize
this rite of deception to alter the way an individual will comprehend certain
information. This may be something as simple as causing one to agree with your
beliefs or even turning drastically against lifelong indoctrination. Obviously,
the more drastic the change the longer it will take to manifest fully. Though
sometimes not. Remember, a king simply commands and his kingdom obeys.
Whispers: M’touralindis (Mih-toor-ah-lin-dis) Risenka’odaevri (Ree-sen-
ka-oh-day-vree), Nisilunos (Nye-sill-oo-nohss) Nisikanvaer (Nee-sy-kahn-vayr),

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M’douraszan (Mih-door-ah-zhan) Illous’siandravae (Ee-lohs-see-ahn-drah-vay)
This rite is composed without any required component, though I personally
prefer to stare into a black candle’s flame or into the eyes of my target’s picture
or effigy. Without required foci, you are free to use whatever you prefer or simply
work within your own mental sanctum. Meditate on the individual you seek to
infect with this mind-altering hex. See their mind being opened and your words—
like a gentle breeze—caressing their face, slowly crawling into their ears. When
your desire spikes, speak the series of whispers in succession as shown with a soft,
airy breath so that they’re carried effortlessly upon the atmospheric propulsion
from your mouth. You are not speaking or yelling, but truly whispering the
whispers. After the first oration, push your intention of seeing the whispers
zombify your target. Orate again, this time, as you whisper, see an energy leave
your own mind and reach into theirs. Orate a third time, with this you shall
envision them acting in a way as you desire based on the information having been
taken to heart and altered by your will. Close your eyes and cement this vision
in your mind. Continue, “Lords of Deception, ye who remain nameless, carry
my charge through the mind of (target’s name) and ensure that the powerful spear
of knowledge is firmly thrust into his/her mind. Break the blade so that the
wound of their prior knowledge may never return.” Now you shall explain exactly
what knowledge needs to be altered and explain how your target is to respond to
this new perspective. Be to the point without needless details or rambling on.
The more precise you can make it, the better. Once finished, speak, “(Name of
target), Illous’siandravae.” Now you need only sit back and watch as the target’s
mind is shaped. Do not seek to perform this rite again unless some aspect of
the knowledge has changed. Do not look for ways in which it may or may not be
altering perception; simply allow it to manifest.

Crown of Kings
Much like the provincial kings of the realm, in order to perform the
grander rites such as this, you will require to first enchant a special piece of
headwear. When considering this, you should elect a very unique item such as a
crown, diadem or circlet. Some type of headdress that would not be mundanely
worn out in public should be utilized as it will create a more empowered connection
to the realm’s atmosphere. It should reflect your personal style and vision of
power as well. Also, if you were to use something as simple as a baseball cap,

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you would be sullying the rite and cheapening the splendor of it with the overly
mundane influence of dross material. Seek to be as the Dead Kings and strive
for majesty. When worn after being enchanted, you will find that a halo will be
brought upon your that will create a sense of submission and awe by those in your
presence. You will have inherited the mantle of deathless majesty.
Whispers: Visalos (Vee-sah-lohs) Gatenri (Gah-ten-ree) Sianvae (See-
ahn-vay) Qaliqtos (Kah-leek-tohs)
Requirements: Special headpiece to be enchanted and channeled through
for the invocation of this power, two white candles and two black candles
Because of how important it is, I will repeat that it is utterly paramount to
select a proper ritual headpiece that will always be recognized by you as something
of great importance and spiritual power. Upon your altar, place the chosen
garment. Place the candles at the four cardinal directions, staggering them black,
white, black white. Once lit, focus your power inward and draw in the power of
Eblion’s atmosphere through the planar seal. As you feel your emotions turn
strictly toward the acquisition of power, begin directing your intention into the
headpiece, pushing your will into it while you chant the whispers in progression.
Continue the chant and the directing of energy and intent into it until you feel
exhausted. Then, place the headpiece on your crown and breathe deeply for a
short time, allowing your energies to balance out. As your energies calm, turn
your focus once more to the headpiece, recognizing the empowerment that has
settled within you. Hold it tightly and speak, “Aelon, may war come to my
doorstep, let it be returned with might. May all who gaze upon me be struck
with awe and fear. Breathe into me the aspect of thy power to reside upon me as
a crown to a king. Visalos Gatenri Sianvae Qaliqtos!”
With this completed, you may continue to wear it and receive the
empowerment or rest. Each time you place it upon your head after an extended
time without (as the effects of this rite will wear off) you shall invoke it once more
by chanting the series of whispers before placing it upon your head. Remember
not to wear it as a mundane article as this is a ritual garment of kings.

Armor of the Undying Kings

As with the above rite, you will be required to select a unique set of
clothing to enchant. Further, you will treat this set just as you would the crown:
a priceless artifact of immense spiritual and magickal power. Like any king, your

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fineries should represent your individual power and dominion, project confidence
and strength as well as cunning and vigilance. Therefore, do not shame the Eblioni
mystics and their art by setting out a pair of pants and a t-shirt not unlike the rest
of your wardrobe. Instead, wear a specific suit or dress, perhaps something even
fantasy-like as would be seen at a SCA event or medieval festival. It should not be
something you would particularly wear normally. It should be sacred in its own
way to you. It doesn’t matter if others would feel it is strange or out of character.
It should resonate with your truest idea of power and self-mastery. This will
become your armor. Your armor, when enchanted and worn will bestow a lesser
aspect of apotheosis, that is, your spiritually perfected self. This will bring about
many internal changes which can actually be quite terrifying for many individuals.
However, those who possess spiritual fortitude and fearlessness will find that their
blessings and powers have exponentially erupted from within.
Whispers: Visalos (Vee-sah-lohs) Agrikat (Ahg-rih-kaht) Sianvae (See-
ahn-vay) Riaktos (Ree-ahk-tohs)
Requirements: Unique set of clothing (this includes underwear, socks
and footwear, jewelry, etc. that you will wear only while invoking this powerful
aspect and will not be worn mundanely), two white candles and two black candles
Upon your altar, you shall place the folded pile of clothing, setting the two
black candles to the left and the white candles to the right of it. You shall begin
your rite by orating the following, “Mighty Lord Aelon, Demon of Endless Battle,
take charge of these garments. Bless them with your fury and strength. Grand them
the transformational qualities of pure godly power so that as I enshroud myself with
this sacred ritual flesh, my second skin will be grafted against my mortal body. May
the purity of apotheosis flow through me and may it remain on me as my armor
in my war against my enemies, leading me to the throne of my ascent.” From
here you shall begin chanting over your garments with the full series of whispers.
Ceaselessly command these words of power over them until you have pushed your
spirit so hard that you’ve grown entranced and on the verge of hallucination. It is
then that Aelon will place his final blessing over the garments for you will feel an
abrupt temperature shift. When this occurs, speak, “Lord Aelon, Relentless Demon
of Pursuit in Bloodshed, assist me in becoming.” It is time now to garnish yourself
with your empowered attire. As you are fully dressed in it, bow your head before the
altar and speak, “Through me, my spirit flows forth into the fray. My senses are
sharper than any sword and my mind swifter than any arrow. My soul is the great

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aegis against all foes. Agrikat Sianvae! Visalos Riaktos!”
Take some time to meditate in this seat of power that will come surging
forth. Learn to ease into the opening of your chakras and into the full alignment
of spirit with the planar essence. You may become overwhelmed with visions or
emotional impulses, quaking of your body or sudden knowledge of things you
were unaware of before. Allow this to settle. Do not fight against it. Rather,
pay attention and break calmly until this aspect of apotheosis roots itself. From
here, just as with the Crown, when you wear these clothes again, simply unleash
their power by speaking the series of whispers before putting them on. Do so
reverently and with command. While under this effect, your psychic and spiritual
powers will be far more explosive than they were before so use this power wisely
for Aelon will devastate those who squander the gifts he has given.

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Ringed Planar Sigil of Aphenterro

T he Heart of Evil
There are few places in the multiverse which can rival the depravity and
evil found in Aphenterro. In all respects the entire realm appears like a series
of giant towns all of the dark ages, medieval period or during the European
renaissance. However, there are many spires, castles and temples which ascend
into the clouds; all of which are testaments to the privlege and pure intellect of

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those in control of them. One must be cunning, ambitious and bloodthirsty to
dwell in Aphenterro as anything more than the lowly and poor who dwell in the
warrens and underground.
The warrens are a city beneath a city where the assassins, slavers and
peddlers of questionable goods barter and cheat beside struggling families, beggars
and the worthless, forgotten members of society. Where the “high city” is home to
aristocrats, sorcerers and the wealthy, the “low city” houses the more nefarious sorts
and even abominations such as cancer and disease augmented magicians, twisted
and cursed lycanthropes and half-bred progeny of infernal on celestial or monstrous
race on humanoid race rape. A syndicate of well-connected sorcerers operate a rather
execrable black market where literally anything can be obtained for a price.
Understand that the nature of Aphenterran sorcery is highly involved in
pain, enslavement and torture. One of its many appeals is rooted in the arts of
spiritual warfare against celestials and operating charms which give one immense
control over the dead. To work the magicks of Aphenterro, you must learn to
think, act and feel like a creature of pure wickedness. You must be unmoved by
the evil you weave and spread. Don’t lie to yourself and think you can do it if
you’ll only hate yourself later. Learn to become as an Aphenterran and lose your
morals and codes. Your life will be much more enjoyable.

Demonic Chains
As this realm prides itself on expressing the most depraved and wicked
of aspects in all beings, it would come as no surprise that mortals would seek
most to be like the demons they worship and honor. Further, while many civil
laws in the realm are overlooked, strict tyrannical order dictates how “productive”
members of society should govern themselves. Therefore, to keep the weak and
rebellious tame, hexes such as this are employed to harshly bind someone to serve
their master and to relinquish their ability to serve themselves. While they may
hate you, they will be unable to do anything against you, their Master.
Whispers: Zatorazhin (Zah-toor-ah-zheen) Aknavaesa (Ahk-nah-vay-sah)
Requirements: Chain
Again, you will find that this rite is rather straightforward in its approach
for that is the way of demons. Also, it is more simplistic as realms outside of
Etheris do not hold spiritual and psychic powers in states of oppression as they
are here. Therefore, simply invoke the planar aspect accordingly and find a place

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where you will have some room to swing your chain and where you may shout
without drawing undue attention.
Gather your strength within until your will and rage overflow. Simply
begin smashing the chain against the ground, each time commanding however
you will, “Zatorazhin Aknavaesa! (Name of target) I own you and command
you! Come and serve your Master/Mistress!” Continue this until you are fully
fatigued. Then, in a final explosion, summon and expend all of your strength to
crush the ground with your chain, orating, “(Name), you are mine! Come and
serve your Master/Mistress now! Zatorazhin Aknavaesa!” Meditate now for a
time to allow your energies to balance. As you do, calmly, but with authority
chant the whispers while you focus on the individual serving you without option.

Extinguish the Light

The essence of celestial light is something that those who walk a darker path
simply cannot suffer. It brings with it physical, emotional and spiritual discomfort
as well as the oppressive force which consistently perpetuates mindless servitude to
insecure “heavenly” beings over the power of one’s own spirit. In Etheris, just as
elsewhere in the cosmos, we are faced with spiritual conflict. Therefore, the sorcerers
of Aphenterro had taken it upon themselves to devise a spell to radiate within their
aura a sort of anti-celestial energy. This has proven to operate in a very functional
way here by stopping the usual energies that would disgust and discomfort us as
soon as they would cross into our field of influence. It is hard to recognize except
by those trained souls who have developed the ability to clearly read auras and souls.
Whisper: Allotokejzni (Ah-loh-toh-kezh-nee)
Requirements: Dirt or ashes
Some sorcerers prefer to use special ashes made from select burnt
offerings while others take a more natural approach and use dirt from wherever
they may find themselves. Regardless, rub the ash or dirt upon your palms and
fingers. Stand to face your shadow (if you are in the light or it is daytime
out) otherwise, remain in the darkness. From here, you will drive your energies
downward from your head and neck into your chest. Pull the energies from your
hands and arms into your chest as well. Now guide it downward through your
abdomen and pelvis. Lastly, allow it to disperse through your legs and feet until it
flows into your shadow. Ensure that all of the energy you can focus on and drive
is pushed down into your shadow. Now, you will draw it back up in reverse order,

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invoking the very essence of your shadow. Raise your hands as you do, coating
your legs, pelvis, abdomen and chest. From here, split it and drive the energy into
your hands. Cross your hands over your face and as you swing your hands out
again as if you are thrusting open window curtains, speak the whisper and allow
the dark energy to enshroud you.

Gifts of the Dead

Morbid as they may be, many rituals throughout the ages in all realms
have involved using the remains of the dead to accomplish incredible tasks.
This can be likened to the fabled Hand of Glory, using the bones of criminals
or the heart of a pious virgin which all have relevance in Etherian grimoires.
Aphenterro—with its constant focus on the dark and seemingly evil—make every
attempt to use that which will garner the most power. After all, human remains
contain vital essence, memory and aspects of spirit. This rite in particular uses
the eyes to shroud oneself from divination by both oracles and spirits alike.
Whisper: Rizeo-E’shotoni (Rih-zhee-oh-Ay-sho-toh-nee)
Requirements: Eyes of a mortal entity, jar, equal parts eyebright,
chickweed, elderflower, blood, petition, spiced rum or red wine
You shall first begin by gathering your required components. Write down
a quick petition that states: “I, (your name) am unseen. Like a ghost I shall be,
for no eyes may lay upon me with clarity.” Sign your name either in your blood
or strike it through with blood after written with your pen. Place it within the jar.
Take about a fistful of the herbs and place them within the jar. You shall bleed
generously over the mixture of herbs as you speak, “Spirits that dwell beneath the
earth and whisper in the wind, curse the eyes of those who seek me. Let them gaze
upon empty space and nothingness of life or spirit.” Pour the liquor into the bottle,
leaving enough room to add the eyes without it overflowing. As you do, speak,
“Spirits that dwell in the rivers and around infernos, curse the eyes of those who
seek me. Let their eyes burn out within their skulls and their minds be plagued
with horror.” Lastly, add the eyes to the jar. Close it up tightly and speak, “Spirits
of darkness and deceit, obfuscate the world around me that none may know of
me. Curse their eyes with fire and acid. Curse their minds with horror and fever
dreams. Spirits of this accursed realm, carve out the eyes of every man, woman,
child and spirit that would seek to find me. Rizeo-E’shotoni.” Keep the bottle
hidden away so that none may come to see it, else the spell be undone.

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Ringed Planar Sigil of Ibrinarxes

T he Demon Harbor
Locked in perpetual night, the swampy plane of Ibrinarxes spawns some
of the multiverse’s most hideous and vile horrors. Mostly inhabited by demonic
entities of a decidely more evil nature, lesser beings—like humans—are often
whisked away to be used to food, slaves or harvested for ritual components. The
murkiness of the darkened plane is also quite the metaphor for their native sorcery

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which has developed over aeons of crossbreeding by entities across the universe,
either as part of lineage rites or through rape. This form of sorcery directly assails
the mind and soul; focused more on breaking one’s sanity and strength of spirit.
It is truly a deceptive art.
Sorcery and vices go hand-in-hand amongs the denizens of Ibrinarxes as
was mentioned, many aspects of one’s body will be used for pleasure (as twisted as
it may be) or for the completion of ritual. Much akin to Aphenterro, anything can
be acquired here for a price. However, those who dare to walk upon Ibrinarxian
ground should be quite sure they can handle the terror and contention of the
native fiends which rule the plane. Again, as was said with regard to working with
the sorcery of Aphenterro, in order to rightly use it, you must think, act and feel
like a creature of the utmost vile nature.

Curse of Hopelessness & Sorrow

Few rites compare to the level of wickedness that are found in Ibrinarxes.
This in particular is truly sinister in that the sorcerer seeks to create such depression
in an individual or group of people that they resort to suicide as a means of
escaping the torment they feel. The sorcerer must simply attain an effigy, picture
or personal effect from the individual(s) he or she seeks to destroy as well as gain
knowledge over some type of sorrow that can be exploited. Perhaps the death of
a loved one, past failure or missed chance; all of these are easily weaponized to
optimal effectiveness.
Whispers: Atruo-shuka (Ah-troo-oh-shoo-kah) Nizano (Nee-zhah-noh)
Exkanaixni (Eks-kah-nah-iks-nee)
Requirements: Effigy, picture or personal effect as well as exploitable
focus of sorrow for each individual you target, five black candles
Place the black candles at inverted star points with the bottom point facing
you. Place the collected item(s) within the center of the candles. Light the candles
and allow them to burn while you meditate on your malevolent intent. Understand
that you will take the voice of their sorrow. If your focus is on a deceased loved
one, you will speak as though you are that spirit addressing the target. Perhaps a
lost love that feels betrayed, neglected or hurt. Perhaps you must take the guise of
the individual you target to torment them with their own failures. Be creative and
enjoy the opportunity you have to emotionally impale your target.
When you are focused, speak, “(Name of target), do you not feel woe?

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Has sorrow not been sown?” Now describe the focus of their sorrow, but do
so in a horrific manner. Example: ‘You allowed your baby to die. It could have
lived if you had only paid more attention and fought harder.’ Or, ‘I loved you, but
you betrayed me. You pushed me away and we were meant to be, but now we are
nothing but damned.’ Another example, ‘You’ve failed to secure a job you know
you could’ve done. Now your family suffers, they starve and resent you for the
failure that you are.’ All of these work well and are basic. Again, be creative and
expressive in your malevolent oration. When you have finished, speak, “There is
no fortune nor release. Only death. Only death may quell the heart that beats
without life. Seek death and find peace. In the name of Setezhan, Atruo-shuka
Nizano Exkanixni.” Now you need only allow the hopelessness and depression
to take root. The rest will work itself out.
As a note of empowerment, this rite works especially well if performed for
five consecutive nights during the waning moon, finishing when the moon is new
and dark. It is in a sense, replicating the extinguishing of the light of hope.

Defile Purity
Celestials and the genuinely pious alike share a certainly cleanliness of
spirit that amplifies their self-righteousness and zealous fervor. As they gaze upon
themselves, they see themselves without stain nor sin. Typically just a matter
of ego, but on the rare occasion, you will cross paths with one that does indeed
possess and certain purity of being. This purity, when sullied and desecrated will
cause their inflated sense of power and holy entitlement to utterly implode. Once
the black mark is upon them and their purity is forfeit, you will observe as certain
ruin befalls even the most holy and righteous. The stain of evil can run deep and
it is through ritual that we may violate and desecrate without ever having to get
our hands dirty… as rewarding as that may be.
Whispers: Ikalaszo (Ih-kah-lah-zho) Eirenitni (Air-ehn-iht-nee) Vokaeras
(Voh-kayr-ahss) Alurokanae (Ah-loo-roh-kah-nay)
Requirements: Effigy of your target, Ruiner’s Incense
This rite is unlike others. For this in many ways is an act of war. It is direct
and hateful; executed in a manner that requires you to be in a state of internal frenzy
as if you were to have physically carried out this nefarious plan. Therefore, you will
use your effigy to focus your intent as well as the projected energy of your spirit when
unleashed. Begin by making the effigy as primitive or as detailed as you prefer. For

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many of us, especially the sorcerers of Ibrinarxes, some type of cloth poppet will be
made to depict the individual as well as be filled with items that either belong to or
represent the individual. An example of this in our realm would be to stuff a cloth
doll with a picture, torn up article of clothing, hair, representations of their purity
such as a scapular they wear if they’re Catholic or a cross necklace, perhaps a torn
up prayer cloth if they’re Jewish, something to represent their favorite hobby and so
forth to make as many personal connections to the target as you can. Draw a face
as closely as you can to the target or more horridly accurate, to depict their tearful
expression, smeared makeup, bloodied visage and gaze of distant horror so that as
you look upon it, you see the face of your intended full of fear, pleading for you not
to brutally desecrate their altar of flesh and spirit.
The incense is rather simply to make, though it will require some time for
preparation. The incense is made up of equal parts: bayberry, hemlock, lobelia,
tormentil, chopped hot peppers (Etherian peppers include: Carolina Reaper,
Trinidad Moruga Scorpion, Pakistani Naga, Bhut Jolokia, etc.), cinnamon and a
half part dried blood powder. The easiest way to create blood powder is simply
to bleed on glass and once it dries, scrape it off. Again, this will take some time
to collect a large volume, but the incense is well worth the time and effort.
Burn the incense over charcoal and begin chanting the series of whispers
while you gaze upon the effigy. You must restrain your desire to physically touch
(or attack) the effigy for now. As you chant, allow your hatred to build. Do not
rush if you needn’t do so. Instead, take the time to allow your hatred to take shape;
filling you in body, mind and spirit. Continue this chanting and focus of intent
until you can no longer restrain yourself by any act of willpower or supernatural
intervention. Your logic must be removed as you descend into a frenzied state of
demonic, animal-like savagery. Lash out and take hold of the effigy and destroy it.
Use whatever methods come to mind. Bite and tear it apart, punch or stab it, defile
it as you would your victim and leave it in a state of ruin. Return to this ritual as
often as you desire and simply watch as the “mighty” fall from grace.

Consume Soul
When a mortal or immortal has been broken down to the threshold of
squelching the last embers of their life, a skilled sorcerer can consume the fleeting
aspects of their foe’s dying flame of life. This bestows many benefits including
expansion of personal powers, empowerment of one’s spiritual dominion, gaining

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knowledge and memories unique to the soul consumed, extension of one’s vitality
and more. Solidifying this ability requires an incredible amount of willpower and
command over the current of the spirit. Your malevolence must overflow as you
are consuming the very spiritual existence of someone. This is something that
requires a complete lack of remorse or compassion. Therefore, do not deceive
yourself into believing you can manage carrying out something like this as would
a demon incarnate if you yet struggle with a sense of humanity.
Whispers: Meh’n-dohlu Shiinrah (Men-doh-loo Shin-rah)
Requirements: Jade
As stated, you must begin by breaking down your foe. They must be
weakened and debilitated so that their resistance in whatever form it takes is
continuously losing ground against your forceful push of energy, or should we say
your soul-targeted energetic vortex. The greater the differential, the more in your
favor this working will be and the swifter it will manifest.
Gather a piece of jade that takes up most of your grip. It should by
no means be a small sliver or polished cabachon. Jade has long been used by
Chinese necromancers to command the souls of both the living and the dead.
Jade also is found in other realms such as Ithalembor, T’laeoriis and Aphenterro.
Hold the jade in your left hand and clench it tightly. Focus your
awareness on the spiritual essence of your target. Attune your senses to its fleeting
strength, losing battle to hold power in existence. Feel it yielding to your desire
to consume it. Pull it forth as you would channel any form of energy. However,
this is designated and amplified to feed into the jade as you forcefully chant the
whisper. You will feel an electrical or cold jolting sensation as the jade is imbued
with the spirit. When it finishes, you will feel a stronger surge of energy blast
outward as it seals into place. Then, it is finished.
Like any cruel tyrant or overseer, you may then command the spirit,
torture it, or in any other way you choose compel it to function. You can also
draw upon its raw spiritual energy to amplify your other ritual workings.

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Ringed Planar Sigil of Nezricarn

Where the Gods Retreat to Die

Through defeat in warfare, discontinuance of their cult, their temples
desecrated by rival deities, or through perversion of their doctrine by their faithful
a god or goddess may succumb to total spiritual death. Those who pass into
dissolution or are in the throes of the final fade are taken to Nezricarn by the
Myrennos; a sort of cult of silent spirits dedicated purely to tending to the divine

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tombs regardless of the deity’s disposition for “good”, “evil” or whatever its
chosen dominion may be. They function to serve as cosmic undertakers and
groundskeepers. Once interred, they are kept there and mourned by none for
there are no longer worshippers to be found in the realms.
The realm itself is dark as if constantly thrown beneath a new moon sky.
Endless stars can be seen above, yet there is very little illumination. The entire
plane is quite massive, yet it appears like a massive graveyard with stone roads,
tall spiked iron fences to line the sections of the plane, massive mausoleums and
tombs for the interred deities. Ghost lanterns, or lanterns possessed by minor
spirits create minimal light and travel designated paths around the grounds. Not
all of the plane is set up in this manner as some areas are quite putrid and serve no
purpose to the good of interrment. This is because the realm itself is built upon
the corpse of the first cosmic god of death, a now forgotten and nameless husk.
Many planar necromancers, treasure hunters, and black magicians come
here seeking to siphon what they can from the fleeting essences of the dead gods.
Other divine entities do attempt to do the same, but this is often met with disdain
and distrust from other deities; seeing them as little more than vultures to quickly
be cut down. However, with the sorcery available to you here, you can bypass this
risky task and simply tap directly into the vein of the planar current.

Consume Divinity
In the fight for personal transcendence, we must always find ways to
empower ourselves and given the nature of Nezricarn, by consuming the divinity
of a dead or dying deity, it will forcibly push your power levels into grander
heights while also expanding on your ability to automatically manifest energetic
anomolies associated with the consumed deity’s dominion.
Whispers: Mae’ellou (May-ell-oo) Trianoukszhae (Tray-ahn-ook-zhay)
Requirements: A ring or pendant made from pure silver, gold, iron, or
possessing a fine quality diamond, emerald, or ruby; a box to contain it.
Understand that you are dealing with gods, albeit dead or dying ones
and therefore, you won’t be so hard pressed to stand toe-to-toe in battle. That
said however, you should not be attempting this work if you have not been able
to command the powers of a sorcerer as a true master of the craft. It will also be
helpful to be adept in divination, spirit projection (astral/soul journey), or have
spiritual attendants who can deliver information to you.

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Before you can begin this rite, you must first have discerned the deity
that you will be consuming the divinty of. This is where your own discovery or a
spiritual informant will be paramount as you can’t consume anything if you have
no designated target. Though, once you have this decided, you may then proceed.
You will begin by opening the Dark Gate to the House of Dead Gods.
When you have altered the planar atmosphere in your ritual space, you may then
hold onto your chosen piece of jewelery or place it upon your altar with your right
hand hovering just over it. Your left hand will be aimed at the Nezricarn Dark
Gate to draw the energies forth therefrom. You’re creating a circuit from the dead
deity’s energy through the gate; through you and into the stone or jewelry piece.
All you simply need to do is chant the whispers until you feel the energetic current
die out completely. Once its done, there’s nothing more to consume. Wear the
relic you now have and draw on the energies as needed. Worry not, it will not
need to be charged, nor will it “run out” of energy like a battery. As it is now tied
to you, it will grow more powerful as you grow in personal mastery.

Mark For Deicide

Among the many deities and other immortal celestials you’ll encounter,
you will find that most are heavily protected from direct death impact unlike
mortal humans. As you’ve already seen in this tome, you can mark mortals to
be cursed with the looming shadow of death to quickly overcome them. To do
the same to immortals requires that powerful push from the spirit that you’ve
been building upon. It also requires that you masterfully orate the dark whispers
in the full ferocity of the demons who gave origin to them. Using these vocal
powers along with a conduit for your hatred, you’ll be able to place a mark upon
an immortal that will then bring death to it as well as grant access to other acts of
destruction and extirpation through ritual to befall the entity.
Whispers: An’taras-niioul (Ahn-ter-ahs-nee-ool)
Requirements: A death conduit (doll, inverted/descecrated sigil of the
entity, “X” upon the entity’s name upon piece of coffin wood, etc.)
As you have seen in previous rituals, the power of this working lies in
the combination of using both a focus item and the oration of demonic words
of power. This rite truly relies on this pairing of elements fueled by your own
strength of will. You will find that the latter is more important as ritual foci and
the whispers already entail their own innate power. The success or failure of your

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ritual work, especially when you’re attempting to slay an immortal entity is hinged
directly on your ability to push past doubt, intimidation, fear, and other mental
and spiritual blockages to deliver the coupe de grace.
When making your focus, utilize virgin materials that have not been used
for any other ritual purpose before. This is a massive undertaking and therefore,
needs to be treated with special care. Use a doll that is formed in the image of your
foe. Utilize its sigil inverted or surrounded by sigils of torment (if you’re versed in
such ritual works). Even take a piece of coffin wood if you can acquire it and write
the name of immortal or use its desecrated sigil. X it out with blood drawn in a
hateful rage. This last method is a personal favorite as I have access to old coffins
and enjoy the surge of energy that flows when shedding your blood upon the altar.
Once you have this readied, you will then proceed to make regular,
nightly ritual out of this. You will focus your hatred in your darkened ritual
space. Zero in on the focus item and envision you are viciously driving a ritual
dagger through the heart of you sworn immortal enemy. Each plunge of the knife
is accompanied with a wrathful oration of the whisper. Continue this unto the
point of exhaustion. When you reach this fatigued level, remove yourself from the
ritual space and immediately cleanse yourself with something strong like sage.
As you continue this nightly ritual—and it will take some days, if not
weeks—you will eventually feel something shift in the veil. This shift will feel
fully energetically as the pain of your targeted foe will rip through the aether.
This is when you will be ready to launch a new attack at it directly. Know that
the deathmark placed on the immortal can be healed and removed if you do
not continue to attack it relentlessly, so do not cease your works until you have
committed deicide and consumed its power for yourself.

Aspect of Godhead
Any sorcerer of focus, ambition and value will seek nothing less than
to achieve apotheosis. Therefore, as your innate powers begin to grow, your
ascended spirit will begin to form in the quantum aether. There will be times,
such as when you seek to kill an immortal when you will need all of the power you
can muster. There is no better way to solidify your personal strength and resolve
than to invoke your ascended self in apotheosis.
Whisper: Yz’nii kilan-haras Nishaeo (Yiz-nee kih-lahn-har-ahss Nih-shay-oh)
Requirements: Black candle, your own blood, ritual mirror

— 38—
Begin your preparations by selecting a black candle that will be used as
your focus candle. You can carve your true name, craft name, or a personal sigil
into it and dress it with your blood. The more of your crimson essence that
you can sacrifice for this, the better. When dressing the candle, you must focus
on your ascended self: your unrestrained power, the realm of influence you will
possess, and the legionnaires that will serve you. You should be able to envision
your true self in all full glory as real as any demon you’ve conjured to stand in the
ritual space. This is requisite and by this point, you should have no issue with
basic envisioning and projection of will and desire.
In ritual, the candle is to be lit and you shall gaze into your mirror. See
your reflection show your ascended form and begin chanting the whisper, “Yz’nii
kilan-haras Nishaeo”. Utilize the chanting of the mantra and deep spirit gazing
through the ritual mirror until you reach the point of energetic overflow. When
you overflow with your aspect of apotheosis, you will be forcibly shaken from
your focused meditation with a predator’s awareness of all that is your current
realm of influence.
As you emerge with this aspect invoked deeply in your spirit, you will
be able to unleash immense power in ritual and call forth incredible energies
to accomplish the seemingly impossible. Be warned however, as when this
invocation dies out, it will leave you drained beyond comparison. You will likely
be bedridden or simply be too fatigued to go about your daily activities for the
next day or two. This is normal and a minor sacrifice for the ability to unload the
powers of a god over a few hours.
Be careful when using this power as well, as you will usually polarize your
own mode of thinking which will cause you to act and perceive wildly different
than you normally do. This can create adverse effects in your social circles and
may even draw a great deal of negative attention amongst the mundane folk of the
realm. Using your power with wisdom and discretion will make the difference
between being able to shroud your true self and operate discretely among the
dross and being subjected to negative attention and being hunted by many who
would love nothing more than to destroy those of sorcerer’s blood.

— 39 —
Ringed Planar Sigil of Volosthos

T he Great War Machine

Deep in the planar web lies the plane of Volosthos. Seemingly perpetually
dark and with the massive island realm surrounded by a swirling torrent of lethal
smoke, Volosthos is home to a sorcery-blooded race of humanoid entities who
are born with the singular purpose of waging war and shedding blood. This was
paired with great intellect and the patience of veteran assassins.

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While most of the race are recruited by other planar militaries to fight for
them as bloodthirsty mercenaries, their sorcery-blooded kin are concerned with
quick-to-manifest sorcery which focuses on changing the battlefield. This is seen
in how they utilize their magicks to augment weapons of war and alter the mystic
properties of the very current they draw their arcane power from.
Utilizing the Volosthosian magicks will grant access to powers that
can slaughter mortal and immortal entities alike, unleash a eruption of power
through the veil that carries your will upon the rites you complete and even send
an energetic backdraft deep into the current that will blow up in the faces of enemy
sorcerers when they attempt to tap into the current. As you are seeking to alter
the current, it will require a level of internal mastery as strong as that required to
kill gods. Therefore, you must be hyperfocused and resolute.

Awaken Spirit of War

Many of the spiritual legionnaires native to Volosthos are like the mortal
inhabitants of the realm: forged in the current to be heralds of conflict and
destruction. Therefore, you will inbue one such spirit into a chosen weapon that
will be created for the purpose of killing the very soul of any mortal entity it
carves through and can also kill any spirit which it is able to cleaves through the
core of. The creation of this relic weapon requires a great deal of blood, sacrifice,
and energy to fully awaken in your hands.
Whisper: Adasra-makiin (Ah-dahs-rah-mah-keen), Qiradikas (Kee-rah-dih-kahs)
Requirements: Chosen weapon to enchant, sacrifice of an intelligent
creature, black candles (x3), red candles (x3)
You will require to operate this ritual each night between midnight and
three ante meridian. You will require to begin on a new moon and continue until
the next new moon. The sacrifice will take place on the full moon. The sacrifice
you make can be anything such as a dog or cat, or even a human being. It doesn’t
matter what you use as the bloodshed that washes over the weapon is the bait for
the spirit you’ll be binding to it.
The first half of your ritual workings will require you simply to meditate
on killing anyone, anything, anywhere with the chosen weapon. Use the mantra of
“Adasra-makiin” continually until you reach an ecstatic state and are broken from
your meditation. With this, you will being to fill the weapon with your own will
and bloodlust. It will also soon join with that of the summoned Spirit.

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On the night of the full moon, you will take your sacrifice and slaughter it
with the weapon. Bathe the weapon in the sacrificial blood and anoint your third
eye with it. Now, as the frenzy is strongly whirling throughout your mind and
spirit, speak, “Come forth, O Spirit, Come and take residence in this instrument
of death and suffering. (Chosen name of your weapon) calls you, O Spirit,
Kanzheta, forth through the aether! Feast on the blood and rest from your veil
walk in (Name of weapon). Do so now, O Spirit! By the God of Supreme
Desolation, Kanzheta I bind you now, by His Eternal Will, Qiradikas!”
For the last half of the ritual nights, you shall meditate on the spirit that
is now within the weapon sharpening your senses, assisting in your hunt and kill.
You shall utilize the mantra of the whisper, “Qiradikas” to seal this violent truth
into the weapon and into a part of your own spirit. Continue this throughout
the night of the coming new moon and when it has passed, your weapon will be
eternally sealed with the power to slay the souls of mortals and immortals alike.

Flood the Current

The name of this ritual power is rather straightforward. Essentially, you
will be forcibly concentrating the spiritual current so that when you draw upon
it to fire off your spells and rituals, it will erupt like a volcano, rather than as a
shaken up bottle of champagne. This focused power normally carries with it
the ability to quickly blast through quantum restrictions, personal shields and
barriers of faith.
Whispers: An’surak Menzaress (Ahn-soo-rahk Mehn-zah-reh’ss)
Requirements: It must be paired with another rite or spell
The power of this rite lies in the whispers themselves as they are verbal
manifestations of the very command over the planar fabric to move as you direct.
However, it needs a variable: the rite you’re pairing it with. To help you understand,
I will pair it up with the example of Extinguish the Light. You’ve opened both
necessary Dark Gates, you’ve faced your shadow, pulled the darkness upward and
as you unleash it outward, you command, “Allotokejzni An’surak Menzaress!”
This would in essence allow you to completely rebuke and destroy the light even
if you were standing in the presence of some mighty celestial deity.
As you can see and imagine, pairing this whisper’s power with a multitude
of other rites and rituals, even from your own personal grimoire can have incredible
effects. Therefore, you would do well to use this well and often.

— 42—
Backfeed the Current
As flooding the current was used to create an eruption of aligned energy, to
backfeed it will create a horrific backdraft aimed at another sorcerer. Backfeeding
the current is successful when you can push hard with your personal force of
will and also focus deeper on becoming one with the current your enemy will be
tapping into. Therefore, you should have some foundational understanding of
different energetic and spiritual currents before attempting this rite.
Whisper: Da’zhen Nasfaerouk (Dah-zhehn Nah’s-fay-rook)
Requirements: Knowledge of your target’s magickal source, spiritual immersion
As I said, you will need to have an understanding of various spiritual
currents on a personal level. I am not advocating trying to initiate yourself or
dabble like a fool in everything you can find. Rather, having knowledge of sacred
incenses, oils, symbols, music, etc associated with different magickal currents.
Becoming one with that current can be accomplished through meditative
immersion. That is, you enter a deep trance while overwhelming your senses with
the symbols, music (even that which simply triggers the feeling of being in that
current), incense, colors, and so forth. While speaking with an associate about
this, he mentioned that such immersion can be attained simply by listening to a
soundtrack from a video game or movie where the setting is similar to what you’d
think of containing that current’s magicks.
Now, for example, say your enemy is known to work often with the Norse
magickal current. You might surround yourself with a strong, forest-like incense,
candles which give off hearty wood aromas, softly play folk music or that which
was taken from some other media such as a game or movie that captures that
feeling. Perhaps keep your room cool to replicate the Scandnavian winter. Wrap
yourself in an animal skin or fur if you have one. Meditate on icy fjords, Viking
longboats sailing outward from the port, the clammor of battle or of live sacrifices
made to various Norse deities. This is a proper form of meditative immersion.
From this point you will focus on your enemy performing their ritual works
in that current. See this in very intense detail, just as you did while immersing
yourself in the current and becoming a spiritual chameleon. Follow their ritual
work, glimpsing psychic insight into their craft. Then, as they reach the climax of
their ritual, you will command with overwhelming force, “Da’zhen Nasfaerouk!”
to backfeed with ruthless intent. Whether or not your enemy is actually in ritual,
when they do try to fire their spell or climax in ritual, retribution will be unleashed.

— 43 —
Ringed Planar Sigil of Faerac’laen

T he Hidden Land
Like provinces, countries and states, in the cosmic geography, there
are planes which border others and can be freely crossed over into without even
realizing it. Due to the native deities who rule over them, there are usually some
type of magickal safeguards in place to keep other realms’ deities from crossing
over, but there are rarely such things to isolate the mortal races or restrict passage.

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Faerac’laen, pronounced “fair-ah-sih-layn” borders Ithalembor in the
eastern lands through hundreds of miles of thick, nearly impossible to trek forests.
There are no hamlets or outposts set up between the Ithalembrean and Faeraci
borders. This is due to the fact that the vegatation is highly resistant to blade and
fire and that which is weaker, will grow back overnight, claiming whatever might
be in its path upward from the root to canopy.
Traversing the hidden path requires one to be blessed by the elements,
either through direct gift from the primordial elementals, powerful invocation, or
other working which will give you the ability to walk freely amongst and through
the elements without restriction. What’s more is that having this blessing, one
can see that the dense foliage will unwind and reveal a magickal path which guides
one to the borderlands of Faerac’laen. This magickal path allows one to walk
miles in a matter of steps. Hence why it is nearly unheard of to find outlanders
in this realm.
Stepping out from the hidden path and glimpsing the first sights of
the realm will make you wonder how it is any different than Etheris (Earth)
or Ithalembor as its geography is very similar. However, once you’ve reached
any of the major cities within this plane, you will find that it is populated by
many different races, similarly to Ithalembor or Zanisztahr, as you’ll learn about
later on. The spiritual world of Faeraci folk is deeply focused on the intelligent
manifestations of the elements, ancestral spirits and animal spirits. Further, this
deep, organic spirituality is combined with a very rich sense of justice amongst
the ruling class. This has bred what we might consider a highly moral society
throughout the realm, which places more importance on healing, law, order,
harmony and maintaining a beneficial way of life for all. Hence, we see that
even in sorcery, there is a focus on workings that can be used in the process of
maintaining law and order, healing or holding the line as it were.

Spirit Waters of Saeradukas

One of the great wonders of Faerac’laen is the mighty river known as
Saeradukas. This name comes directly from the ancient Water Elemental demigod
that is said to inhabit every drop of water that flows therefrom. The waters have
been known to heal many ailments, both mundane and supernatural and have also
helped to ease the transition of the dying into the afterlife. Therefore, in this

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rite we seek to replicate the power of the spiritual waters of Saeradukas by firstly
creating magickally enchanted water and secondly to apply it to healing rites and
direct physical application such as through massage, reiki and acupressure.
Whispers: Alloules Nuresh Nio (Ah-loo-less Noo-rehsh Nee-oh)
Requirements: Bottle of clean water
We begin as with all rituals: focused on our true intent. In this instance, it
is twofold. First, we seek to make a powerful healing elixir to be used as ingested
spiritual medicine, a dressing over wounds, to empower ourselves in healing rites,
and to be given up as an offering to Spirits who assist with such rituals. Gather
a chosen vessel to contain your water. You can be as mundane as purchasing a
bottle of mineral water from the market. Though, if you don’t have a special
vessel, I would suggest you at least make a nice label or something for it, to honor
the aquatic relic you’re creating.
After opening the Dark Gate, you will hold the bottle in your hands and
begin to chant the whispers as a mantra. Use the planar energy to empower your
intent and focus. Envision yourself in this picturesque river; crystal clear, almost
sparkling with radiant, healing energy. See that on either side of this wide yet
calm river tall, ancient trees standing watch. Animals similar to, but altogether
different from those of this realm running along to forage for food, play and build
their nests. Follow the river with your eyes and see how it takes its origin atop a
mountain lost in the snow white clouds. As you’re immersed in this river, every
minute ache and pain is pulled from you. You drink a little bit and it soothes
every part of you internally. Push all of this into the energies you’re driving into
the water. Turn your whispers into a long, breathy oration that sounds more like
a faint voice in the wind. Continue this until you achieve a gentle, euphoric state
at which point you may cease your chanting. By all means however, continue as
long as you feel is necessary.
This will seal the enchantment of the water. It can be ingested to heal
internal problems or dressed upon wounds or aches to expedite healing, used as a
wash to cleanse your hands and prepare them for hands-on healing, etc.
To use this power for healing, you will open the Dark Gate and either
drink some of the sacred water or lightly wash your hands. Then begin to channel
the energy via touch. Softly chant the whispers as you do to fully channel the
healing energies of Saeradukas through your hands. Maintain this as necessary
or until your healing session is complete.

— 46—
Circle of the Mandate
The Enforcers of Order who take to the realm to keep peace and justice
in a healthy balance utilize this rite often during interrogations and even simple
questioning. While it can be used for virtually any purpose, it is commonly used
to detail when one is telling the truth versus lying. By using a simple candle spell,
the area in effect will be under the influence of perfect order. The candle will react
to the stimuli of the heart chakra (in this instance) and the individual questioning
can quickly discern lie from truth.
Whisper: Alouras’naeoum (Ah-loo-rahs-nay-oom)
Requirements: Black candle, a drop of your fresh blood
For explanation, we will focus on the Enforcers of Order’s use for lie
detection. Understand that the black candle is to draw in trace energies and the
stimuli will force it to react accordingly.
Open the Dark Gate and focus on your intent. (Example: “I will ask
a series of questions of ‘Individual’s name’. Should a lie be told, then may the
flame show the chaos being woven against me.”) As you seal this thought in your
mind, project it into the candle while simultaneously pricking your finger and
orating the whisper. Anoint the candle and the wick with your blood and then
begin. You will notice slight movement in the flame as it always will tend to do.
Sometimes, the flame with wildly dance or stand perfectly still and enlarge itself
to the stimuli. Learn the baseline and you’ll see as well as feel the difference in
the reactive energy in the area of effect. This will also make you hypersensitive to
all other energies in this zone. Your personal sensitivity to such things and your
ability to discern the difference in their meanings is a matter of personal training.

Sustained Spirit
There are times when we must invoke or avatar different Spirits, Demons,
entities or deities. While this power is incredible and can move mountains, it too
often fades out due to our own chakral, energetic or spiritual weakness. We simply
lose hold and cannot sustain the presence of this immortal power. Therefore, we
utilize this rite to sustain ourselves further while in the midst of ritual.
Whispers: Nesarinii Rakosh Urvata (Nay-sar-ih-nee Rah-koh’sh Err-vah-tah)
Requirements: Sigil of the invoked entity, your blood
You should prepare the Spirit’s sigil ahead of time and have a blood
letting device, such as athame or even a diabetic lancet. Now, begin you ritual
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by opening the Dark Gate and then invoke the Spirit or entity you seek to work
with. This may be done in a multitude of ways and you should use whatever
form is most comfortable (and respectful to the Spirit) for you to achieve a full
invocation. Do you work from there as you need to.
Should you begin to feel the invocation fade due to strain or weakness,
or from some other reason beside the Spirit wishing to vacate, then you shall
immediately draw blood and trace the Spirit’s sigil until it has been completely
covered in your blood, powerfully orating the whisper as you do. This will increase
your vital energies and seal a stronger bond between you and the Spirit so that you
can sustain the invocation as long as needed.

— 48—
Ringed Planar Sigil of Eldtaressa

Exquisite Pleasure Reside in All T hings

An outerlying realm that is connected only through Szhai’larah and
Zanisztahr, Eldtaressa is a plane of endless pleasures. Nothing is too taboo or off
limits for all tastes are catered to. Beauty is honored and sensuality is currency.
Every entity is seeking something beyond the norm and that is how this realm
functions. The carnal energies created through the endless rendevous, give life

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force to the plane itself and forms an obsessive addiction to the realm’s allure.
The plane itself is alive and manifests itself intelligently in any form it chooses,
though normally this is done to appeal to any of the realms visitors.
Rites and rituals that have developed within this realm focus on maximizing
pleasure, warping the mental faculties of others, binding their emotions and
affections, creating a genuine sense of feeling where there would otherwise be
none. We work with some of these here. The key to really activating the power
of these rites is found in your desire. We know well that intent and desire make
the combination for ritual, but in these rites you must truly allow your desires to
manifest the energy you require as the more aligned it is, the more insidious the
need for self-gratification, the more empowered it will be. That said, understand
that in Eldtaressa, nothing is made from selflessness and altruistic thinking. All
is born of carnal desire and the need to satisfy one’s selfish needs.

Aura of Pleasure
By invoking the planar essence of Eldtaressa, you will be able to project a
wide aura of power which will enhance the nerve endings in the pleasure centers in
those around you, making them feel comfortable in your presence, find a sexual
pleasure arise within from speaking to you, and even creating extremely potent
orgasms from physical touch and intimacy.
Whisper: Akalou’a-saraenam (Ah-kah-loo-ay-sahr-ay-nahm)
Requirements: None
As said, personal desire is the make or break variable in these rites, so you
can do this one of two ways. The first is geared more for those getting used to
Eldtaressan rites. You will build your desire. This can be through visualization,
stimulation, or however you prefer. After opening the Dark Gate, set your focus
on being the object of unparalleled affection, comfort, and gaining the attention
of anyone that suits your desires. Continue this while chanting the whisper. At
the point of overflow, release the energy through your aura.
The second form is for veteran sorcerers with an affinity for the Eldtarresan
energies. You simply allow that carnal ferocity that underlines everything in the
realm to flash through you and as it does, you harshly zero in your focus and
determined will while orating the powerful command through the whisper flowing
from your lips. It is like a sudden burst of lightning or a bomb exploding. Allow
that to become a part of your ritual practices for optimal effectiveness.

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False Affection
Virtually all love spells are some form of creating false affection within
your target. However, few come close to the beguiling power of Eldtaressan love
spells. In this rite, we will manipulate the emotions and feelings of a target to
create a sort of willful, conscious sexual thrall.
Whispers: Meshan Darashaeoun Esl’ae Comandura Issa (May-shahn
Dahr-ay-shay-oon Es-el-ay Koo-mahn-der-ah Ee-sah)
Requirements: An effigy of your target, sexual fluid, your blood, personal
effects of your target (if available), black cloth, twine or cloth
We begin by creating your victim’s effigy. I say victim, because your target
is likely completely unwilling to offer their mind, heart, and body to you. This
effigy should be at least of a vague shape or image of your target. The more true
to form is appears, the stronger your connection will be, so dress it up, draw a face
or do whatever you need to in order to align it to your desire. Personal effects—if
you have access to them can be tied to or inserted into the effigy. The best form is
a doll as it possesses the human form and can be tailored to look like your victim.
When you have the effigy ready, you can begin your ritual. Focus your
dark desires about your victim into the effigy. Draw blood from yourself to
stimulate your frenzy and anoint the pelvic region, heart, and third eye of the effigy
and speak, “My blood to your blood, my will overcomes your own. (Name), I
bind us through my command. You shall obey and submit yourself to me.”
Now, you will require to stimulate yourself sexually while envisioning your
victim bowing to your every desire. Every last command you can think of he or
she bends literally and figuratively to your will. You needn’t discuss it; they simply
know how to please you and they do so like its their existence’s highest honor. Feed
your desire until you climax, at which point you will powerfully orate the whispers
throughout the duration of your orgasm. Ensure that your sexual fluid anoints the
effigy as well. Allow your fantasy to fade out and your energies normalize.
When everything in your ritual space calms down, wrap up the effigy in
the black cloth and tie it up as well. Keep it someplace secret and perform your
work regularly until your victim completely submits to you.
Keep in mind though that once completed, it doesn’t mean that the
bindings will remain permanent. You will need to come back and renew this ritual
regularly to keep the bindings in place. Again, the harder you hit is dependant on
how powerfully and pure you allow your carnal desires to flow through you.

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Bind the Heart
Sometimes we need to affect others’ emotions in negative ways, such as
creating hate, depression, disbelief, changing loyalties, and so forth. Therefore,
using such a rite will grant the sorcerer access to the heart strings of your target.
Pluck away at those strings and make a puppet of your intended.
Whispers: Maken-naraz Rakmannon (Mah-kehn-nah-razh Rahk-mah-nehn)
Requirements: Picture or effigy of your target, your blood
This rite is very direct. You shall enter your ritual chamber and open
the Dark Gate to Eldtaressa. Then, wind up your emotions; be they anger, lust,
depression, etc. Let the raw feeling overcome you and focus what you want your
target to feel and how they will react to certain individuals. For example: You
want a target to betray his wife through infidelity and leave her, or perhaps make
two brothers or friends come to hate and distrust one another. You may require
someone to suddenly develop the utmost trust and belief in you. Allow the
necessity to fuel you through the emotions that are conjured within due to the
situation which has forced your hand in ritual.
Now, zero in your focus and push it to the point of overflow. As it begin
to spill over internally, draw blood from your hand however you wish and smear
it all over the effigy; thrusting your will into their spirit and orating the whisper
with the utmost authority. This will result in your target feeling the immediate
upheaval from within, leading to their heart being bound as you so direct. Again,
come back to this ritual as often as needed to accomplish your goals. It must be
fed regularly else your target will build a sort of spiritual immunity and can rebel
against the rituals you’ve set into motion to control them.

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Ringed Planar Sigil of Zanisztahr

T he Never-Ending Crossroads
At the center of the cosmos, Zanisztahr rests as the great planar nexus where
all other realms meet. Entities from all realms can be found cohabitating, selling wares
from their native planes, partaking in an incredibly rich planar cultural experience.
Zanisztahr is the purest expression of peaceful coexistence. The gods
are not permitted here as they would immediately attempt to seize power and the

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ruling authorities of the realm operate more like golems and automations than
as intelligent entities keeping order in their realm. This is not to say that there
are not crimes or that there are no types of difficulties, for as we know, should
you stick two people in a room, they will quickly draw a line in the sand and
attempt to dominate the other for their own survival. The difference here is that
in Zanisztahr, such pettiness is not tolerated and the realm has become more a
hub for planar merchants in various trades, including slave trades and as a place
to acquire otherwise illegal goods in different realms. Those who have taken
up residence here are usually exiles or individuals who are truly attempting to
disappear from the existence. New names and identities can be acquired along
with permanent glamouring effects to totally reshape an individual’s appearance.
The skies of this realm are an abysmal black overhead, but closer to the
horizon become a deep rusty red. The miniature cities scattered around the realm
depict the varied styles of dozens of races intermixing. Most buildings tend to
wrap tall into the sky and defy any sense of gravity. When sorcery is involved,
virtually everything can be defied and redefined.
Sorcery in Zanisztahr is as varied as the occupants of the realm.
However, from the massive arsenal of rituals acquired through my studies of
this plane, I have chosen three rites which exemplify the spirit of the plane: that
which manipulates the quantum elements and reconstructs them to the will of
the sorcerer. Interestingly enough, because Zanisztahr is connected to all other
realms, it isn’t always necessary to open its Dark Gate after you’ve become fully
attunded to the planar essence. However, for best results, definitely open the
Dark Gate and keep it flowing properly through your ritual space.

Infinitesimal Gate
As we work in our craft, sometimes, we need to call forth a Spirit or other
spirits to assist in through invocation or to ask their assistance in completing some
type of mission we’re on. However, sometimes we don’t have the ritual components,
time, privacy or ability to call them forth. Using this simple rite can allow you to
contact and call forth different Spirits through the power of Zanisztahr.
Whispers: Arakshina Ieresnae (Ahr-ahk-shee-nah Eer-ehs-nay)
Requirements: None
Begin by opening the Dark Gate, which given the simplicity of the
opening rite, allows the sorcerer to keep a portable Dark Gate with you at all

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times and can be quickly set up in private to open the ritual space. Once the Dark
Gate has been opened and the energies of Zanisztahr have flooded into your ritual
space, then you may proceed. Kneel down and with your finger, trace a circle
thrice against the ground. Then, make the mark of an “X” extending through the
circle thrice. From here, you need only pull the energy upward from this primitive
sigil while chanting “Arakshina Ieresnae, (Name of Spirit)” until you again feel
the energies around you shift with the emergence of the Spirit. Then you may
conduct your business as necessary.

Return to the Past

Life offers us many unpleasant experiences and circumstances that often
cause some type of damage to us psychologically, spiritually and even physically.
The damage stays with us and the scars can sometimes leave horrific reminders.
Perhaps the circumstances of life destroyed opportunities to gain something
beneficial in our lives that would’ve made the otherwise unpleasant journey of
life worth all the strife and struggle. This rite allows one to soul journey back
in time with the power and knowledge they currently possess and take control of
the situation; possessing our prior self to change the outcome of a situation and
therefore, alter the present moment.
Understand that with such a ritual, you will be working through many
layers of quantum resistance. That said, things will take time to catch up or
manifest in a way that still would yield the same or similar result as if everything
was undone completely. Remember, that quantum resistance equates to other
people involved, the circumstances that happened because of that initial encounter
and so forth. Example: Your car was repossessed because you broke you leg
playing in contact sports and therefore could not work. You use this rite to never
be in that game to begin with and therefore work, which would have caused you to
retain your vehicle. Coming out of ritual, due to the layers of quantum resistance
(the financial institution’s employees, the towing company, the auction and so
forth) you may not have your vehicle outside your home. However, something
would catch up to yield the acquisition of a new vehicle, such as a random bonus
at work, windfall, inheritence you were unaware of, or some other financial boon.
Another example might be... You fell in love with a woman you knew for
a time, but ended up breaking up over some type of mistake made or a foolish
argument. You’ve felt incomplete ever since and there’s no hope of getting her

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back. When you perform this ritual, she might suddenly seek to make ammends
with you, or she becomes completely infatuated with you as if the break up never
happened in the first place. Perhaps she doesn’t come back, but instead, a woman
exponentially better and is everything you ever could’ve hoped for and dreamed of
comes into your life and is obsessed with you. Either way, you win.
Nothing is too far beyond the scope of undoing with this ritual, so you
should go forth without any reservations or doubt and take to the quantum path
in a fiery conquest to retrieve your lost past.
Whispers: Qafinak-rikar Noshae Myros (Kah-fee-nak-rih-karr Noh-shay
Requirements: Healing or purifying incense, black candle
To enter into this state, you shall begin by opening the Dark Gate. Seat
yourself comfortably and light the black candle. Light the incense in the candle’s
flame and it aside. Now, you must focus on the depths of your life. Decide the
furthest point back that you need to go to. This is the most important part of
the ritual, because once completed, it will much harder to jaunt back consecutive
times, so definitely ensure that where you go to is exactly where you need to be.
From there, you will work chronologically forward toward the present.
You will address everything in your past that needs to be corrected. Like
a lucid dream, you can control this vivid soul journey and you will need to possess
your old self and command the events that transpire. Use the whispers as a
mantra to enter a deep trace; focusing on your entry point into your past.
With each point you jaunt to, possess your past self and correct the
situation as you would’ve had it done knowing then what you know now. Continue
with this process until you’ve eached the present moment and then return to your
body as you would with astral projection or remote viewing.
It is imperative that you do not allow doubt to manifest in your mind after
you’ve completed this rite. Simply allow things to catch up on the quantum level
and in the end it will be far better than you could’ve ever imagined. Others may
not immediately take to responding to you like anything happened, or they may
suddenly seem to react quite differently and in unexpected way. Memories will
fade from your mind and new ones will take their place. Knowledge you recently
gained will seem as though you’ve possessed for far longer. This is a strange
fluctuation, but give it time and all will settle. Regardless, know that your work
was successful and bask in the new you that has emerged from the ritual chamber.

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Invoke Planar Mantle
This is a two-part rite which will allow the sorcerer to obtain the powers
of multiple planes at once by using Zanisztahr’s natural link to all realms. The
first part of the rite will create a near permanent alignment between your spirit
and the planar essence of Zanisztahr. The second part allows you to call upon
the planar essence you require through focus and oration of the reality-altering
whispers of power.
Whispers: Malakounaer (Mah-laah-koo-nay’r)
Requirements: Blood, seal of the plane you seek to invoke, nail, twine
As is the requisite, you will once again open the Dark Gate aligned with
Zanisztahr in order to flood your ritual space with planar essence. Now, you
will draw blood from yourself and fully blood anoint the sigil so that every line
is traced with crimson. As you do this, slowly chant the whisper until you have
completed the anointing.
Now, you shall prepare other planar sigils as desired, blood anointing
each in kind. When you have them prepared, you shall stack them upon the
Zanisztahr Dark Gate and drive the nail through them. Use the twine to tie
knots above and below the sigils along the nail to hold them in place. Keep this
Dark Gate sigil wrapped in black cloth and hidden away, or tucked away in your
personal altar somewhere, so that it will not be exposed to UV lights.
Finally, when you require to invoke a planar mantle, you will simply focus
on allowing that plane’s sigil to “burn” or radiate within your mind as if projected
against your third eye. Now, you shall orate the opening of the Dark Gate,
following the name of the plane with the whisper above, “Malakounaer”.

Example: “Zanish-katakra, indviir olu Ithalembor Malakounaer! Zoshaera

atu kanvogàhl rïïos Ithalembor Malakounaer! Zanish-katakra, indviir olu undsté,
zoshaera atu kanvogàhl rïïos dolusek Ithalembor Malakounaer!”

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Ringed Planar Sigil of Szhelkyree

T he Womb of Worlds
All derives from emptiness. In Szhelkyree, the myriad seeds of mortals and
immortals; all of the many races throughout the cosmos are found here to exist in
a seemingly infinite array of racial combinations, each exhibiting special powers and
control over considerable energies. This is due to the nature of the realm, for all
that is or ever shall be; even that which can be through simple desire and direction

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of energy is all to be had. The powers of the realm exalt the maternal principle of
creation and breeding all manner of entity, creature, flora and fauna alike.
The great realm is a bustling expanse of incredible cities built around
nature. Grand spires rise beyond the clouds and small hamlets are nestled into
the corners where lakes and forests meet. Just like nature, wherein both predator
and prey may coexist without quarrel at times, the intelligent races of Szhelkyree
do so in a state of perpetual tranquility.
Of the races, the most abundant are the fae. Being so very close to
nature and indeed being a living extension of the elements, the fae understand the
natural and supernatural process of creating anything from the universe’s natural
inclination to stay in a cycle of life, death, and rebirth, thereby using the energy of
the cosmically recycled to create something new. Sorcery gained here explores this
in more detail so that all who learn to operate the Szhelkyrean energies can also
display an ease of manifesting the formation or creation of anything they desire.

Invoke Elemental Powers

Tapping directly into the planar fabric, we learn to call upon the primordial
elements to augment the innate powers of our chakral energies.
Whisper [Earth]: Akrashnasen (Ah-krah’sh-nah-sehn)
Whisper [Water]: Allaliss (Ahl-ah-lihs)
Whisper [Fire]: Adrinis (Ahd-rihn-iss)
Whisper [Air]: Athrasien (Ath-rah-see-ehn)
Whisper [Void]: Inamitier (Ih-nah-mih-teer)
Requirements: None
Opening the Dark Gate is the beginning part of this rite, as before,
however, once opened, we may call upon these unique elemental forces which are
alive and intelligent to empower ourselves for general health and spiritual ritual as
well. It is important to understand the nature of the elements in how they relate
to different physical, psychic, and spiritual functions. Rather than define what
could be a rather exhaustive listing, I will leave that realm of study and personal
implementation to you. Onto the ritual work...
Upon identifying what needs to be amplified and the Dark Gate is
opened, look inward, focusining on a chakra that represents the element, or
perhaps simply concentrating on what you require to manifest. You will utilize
a minor invocation and speak the five whispers in sequence, ending with three

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commanding orations of the elemental whisper you require to surge through
you with power from the primordial forces. This creates a cyclone of energetic
power which also helps to balance out the internal aspects of self while raising
internal energy with the harmonious alliance of essence. I will use the element
of fire for the incantation example. Orate with sincerity and appreciation; focus
and determination and the Spirits will answer: “I call to the Ancient Spirits of
Szhelkyree! From the Earth, Mighty Spirit of the Oamaros Tree, Edugwannil;
Wandering Spirit of Silvaeroon Lake, Ishelan; Wrathful Spirit of the Mountain of
Morith, Satul; Judicious Spirit of the Wandering Storm, Avakan; Watchful Spirit
of Nothingness, Norithaes! Join together within my soul and awaken my power!
Akrashnasen! Allaliss! Adrinis! Athrasien! Inamitier! Adrinis! Adrinis! Adrinis!”

Invoke Fae Aspect

The powers of the Fae, or fey, have been detailed much throughout the lore
of our world. Human interactions with the fae have often been described along
the spectrum of mischevious to fatal, so it is no surprise then that we can observe
the fae having many supernatural powers. Many detailed in lore have to do with
trickery and illusion. Therefore, with this rite, we call upon the supernatural link
between Szhelkyree and the fae native to that plane to invoke said powers into
ourselves for a time. Be it to capture the heart of another, causing obsession,
misguiding someone, making them forget something important, making someone
or something completely disappear, or even driving someone mad, they can be
yours for a time. That said, do be careful as invoking the fae’s supernatural power
for a time can adversely effect the sorcerer, so be careful that you do not succumb
to it as would anyone targeted by them.
Whispers: Amah Krii Esthae Nala (Ah-mah K’ree Ehs-thay Nah-lah)
Requirements: Visual effigy, written petition, blood
Begin by opening the Dark Gate and allowing the planar energy to fil
your ritual space. Take some time envisioning what traits you require to invoke.
Solidify how they would effect your being. While you do this, draw a picture to
symbolize you. It doesn’t need to be detailed; it could even be a vague human
silhouette. Now, within or over top of this, write the traits you require while
pushing energy into the effigy. When you have completed this, begin to focus
your intent into your blood. Chant the whispers unto the point of energetic
overflow and then forcefully command the whispers as you draw blood from

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yourself. Fully anoint the effigy with your blood until the wound dries up. All
the while, forcefully command the energies with the whispers as you draw on the
energetic conversion taking place through the Dark Gate.
When this is done, calm yourself and meditate, allowing the manifestion
of your invocation to settle into your being.
Note: This rite is prone to being temporary, though unstable in regards
to time. Some invocations may last a short time, while others may last for days
or even weeks. However, the more you invoke these traits, there is a greater
probability that they will permanently settle into you.

Summon Fae Spirits

The Fae can assist us just as any other Spirit can, however, be prepared to
make a deal. The Fae often require trinkets, food and drink, a favor in return, or
something else entirely, but they are usually more open to bartering for services.
That said, we focus on summoning the Fae to assist us through use of Dark Gate
conjuration in this rite.
Whisper: Sibales’karae (See-bah-less-kah-ray)
Requirements: Gifts for the fae (alcohol, old jewelry, cakes or pastries,
flowers, craft beads, honey, or bones for example; the fae you contact may like
something else, so be prepared to acquire it.)
Being very straightforward, you need only open the Dark Gate and then
focus on the type of fae you seek the audience of. You will speak, “Ancient Spirits
of Szhelkyree, I beg of boon! Send to me a/an (type of fae) and do so swiftly.
By the power of your word eternal, may it be done: Sibales’karae!”
You may wish to softly chant the whisper in rhythmic tone while gently
ringing a bell or chimes. This will help to usher in the spirit you seek. According
to its cardinal element, you may also wish to keep something for it manifest from.
Examples include a glass of water, tree branches, a small fire pit, incense, etc.
Always ensure that you greet the Spirit and learn its name. Offer it
something as thanks for showing, and a gift for having sealed an agreement with
you. Thanks and humility will go a long way with the Fae.

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Ringed Planar Sigil of Vaelharin

T he Rowan Court
Locked away in the expanses of the cosmos is Vaelharin, a densely forested
plane connected to Szhelkyree, Faerac’laen, and Ithalembor. Also known as the
Rowan Court, it is home to many lesser fey and elementals. Among them is
also the Kindishan race, a people who look remarkably human, save for their
greenish-hued skin and eyes which are fully colored; no pupil, iris, or white, just

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a shimmering sphere which looks more like masterfully tumbled and polished
crystal ranging in hues to cover the entire color spectrum. They are slender in
build and hairless, save for the smooth, straight hair atop their heads.
The Kindishan are an exceptionally attuned culture who are empathic with
others and with nature. As such, their methods of sorcery are deeply rooted in
working with natural components and like spirits. Further, while a rather peaceful
people, they are a bit shy with outsiders, and trust will be a fairly won prize.
The Kindishan live in harmony with the nature spirits, fey, elementals,
and animals of the realm and life is exuberant. It is with this harmonious current
that the sorcery of Vaelharin is rather easily accessed and channeled. Work well
in the current, and you may find yourself visited or even assisted by the Kindishan
who will come to promote the potency of their deeply spiritual nature worship.

Illusory Second Skin

Like the animals in the wild who require natural camoflage to hide from
predators, so too may we assume a magickal guise to disguise ourselves and create
an illusion which causes those who look upon you to have difficulty in recognizing
your identity, often believing that you’re someone else, or simply just not you.
Whispers: Anmak Lahaninae (Ahn-mahk Lah-ah-nee-nay)
Requirements: Caccoon, blood, vial and cord (to make a magickal pendant)
When planning your creation of this little relic and the rite to enchant it,
remember that it needs to be a found object. Go for a walk in a park or along a
nature trail. Spend time in nature, observing it, feeling and smelling it. Become
lost in it for a time.
When your search concludes with finding a used caccoon, you will take it
back to your ritual space. After opening the Dark Gate, insert it into a vial and
add three drops of your blood to it. Breathe this incantation into the bottle, “A
transformation, an end to a phase, illusory forms in adaption’s haze; shedding old
skin to grow anew, I disband my old face and am reborn like you. As I was, as
I am, as I shall be; skin shifting under my beguiling mask. Anmak Lahaninae.”
Seal the bottle and attach a cord if needed.
When you require to take a new form or beguile the senses of those who
might be looking for you, wear the pendant and focus on your intention and allow
its energies to fill you. At the moment of energetic overflow, speak the whisper.
The rest will take shape as needed.

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Elixir of Life
For this rite, which is both of healing and longevity, we will brew an elixir
and use a bit of sorcery to empower it so that when inbibed regularly, or even in
times of a crisis will drastically improve one’s health, hasten the individual’s time
to heal, fight illness, and extend one’s lifespan.
Whisper: Ebliassaena (Eh-blee-ahs-say-nah)
Requirements: Equal parts goji berries, ginseng, astragalus root, angelica root, cat’s
claw, red clover top, slippery elm bark, milkthistle, blessed thistle, luo han guo, he shou wu
With equal parts, you will need to break down the herbs and roots so that
they will steep well in hot water. Making the tea itself should be part of your ritual
in that, before opening the Dark Gate, maintain your focus on living forever.
Imagine how that might be to be five hundred years old and still in sound health.
With your focus held and your elixir made like loose leaf tea, bring it into your
ritual space and place it upon your altar in a centeral location.
Open the Dark Gate and hold the elixir beneath your face, so that the
steam barely reaches your mouth. Begin chanting the whisper, creating a powerful
circuit of energy which flows through your arms and into the vessel holding your
elixir. Maintain the chant along with your vision from earlier of it being a cure-all
and tonic for immortality. This will continue until you feel the planar energies
from the Dark Gate peak. Then, you will drink of the now sacred and enchanted
elixir. Perform this regularly on the new or full moon for maximum potential.

One With Nature

Being akin to the Kindishan, you will utilize the power of this rite to
incite and maintain a state of spiritual resonance with nature, thus enabling your
soul to push beyond the vessel. This results in the ability to speak with nature
spirits, fey, animals, and does wonders for those seeking to befriend and gain the
assistance of such entities.
Whispers: Ma’alaena Resheh (Mah-ah-lay-nah Reh-sheh)
Requirements: None
Either surround yourself with natural things such as branch art, trees and
plants, stones and minerals, or engross yourself outside in nature. You will very
simply open the Dark Gate and then proceed to chant the whispers while focusing
your intent. Continue this until the planar energy wanes. The manifestation will
gradually take place and will often last for about twenty-eight nights before fading.
— 64—
Ringed Planar Sigil of Kezhpharen

Sand, Dusk & the Forgotten Gods

Kezhpharen was once a glorious tropical realm which catered to all
walks of life. The gods and goddesses walked among their faithful, universities
were erected beside massive temples and statues to teach the arts of sorcery and
divine mysticism. It was an honor to serve the gods—who often partook of their
favored’s major moments in life. It was a strange utopia. The gods were not

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distant and their faithful were not slaves, but rather, intimiate friends who made
up a larger community. The gods took care of their people, who in turn, fed them
with energy and sacrifices. All needs were met.
This was until the false light laid waste to the unsuspecting pantheon of
deities in search of a new stronghold. They had grown fat with comfort, while
the false light was sharp with wit, tactical thought, and combat. In the end,
Kezhpharen was forever scorched and the gods were so brutally beaten that they
faded from the density of existence to share with their devotees.
The realm was left in a state of perpetual dusk and the life of the realm
was almost entirely sucked dry. Now, the realm appears like an endless desert
wasteland, populated only by remote cities built alongside the lonely river or oasis
here and there. Most of the realm’s population was also destroyed with the inferno
that swept across the plane. The people knew their only hope for survival was in
the hands of their gods and goddesses. Therefore, they gathered their best and
most spiritually able to commune with them. The gods replied and gave them what
resources and blessings they could manifest. Though now, they lie silent. Some
believe the gods abandoned them, others believe they are dead, or at best, in a deep
slumber. However, due to the conflict, the gods’ spiritual essence has become part
of the planar fabric and is so entwined that when calling up the planar energy, you
are also invoking the powers of the forgotten gods of Kezhpharen.

Invoke Godly Senses

Due to the extreme closeness and resonance with which the priests and
priestesses faithful to Kezhpharenean deities, they were often able to enter deep trance
states wherein they would spiritually meld with their chosen god or goddess, or even
other spirits such as messenger or avenging spirits. With this rite, you will be able to
attain supernatural senses while temporarily sacrificing your mortal senses.
Whisper: Odou Sa’kabesh (Oh-doo Sah-kah-behsh)
Requirements: Blindfold, egyptian musk or oud incense, black candle (x3)
The blindfold should be black to further shroud the vision. The choice
of incense is ultimately up to you, but I have found the energetic response is
much stronger with egyptian musk or oud incense. The black candles may be set
horizontally before you upon your altar or at the three points of a triangle placed
around where you will be seated. This replicates the ritual chambers of the clerics
of Kezhpharen when they would call forth their gods’ powers.
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Your rite begins by opening the Dark Gate to Kezhpharen, allowing the
planar energies to course through the ritual space. Now you shall light the candles,
incense, and wrap the blindfold around your eyes. Sit comfortably and become
one with the darkness. If you require, cover windows and turn off electronics so
that you’re at one with the darkness, incense smoke, and fleeting candlelight.
Rhythmically chant the whisper and clear you mind of everything, save for
a focus on attaining the immortal senses of the gods in order to attain knowledge
of something in an otherworldly manner, or to glean the other side; the realm of
the gods. Continue this until your trance deepens and you lose self so that your
spirit can pass beyond your body. During this separation, your mortal senses will
be temporarily silenced and you will be seeing with the eyes of the Kezhpharenean
gods, hearing with their ears, touching energies, and tasting the heart of anyone
you turn your focus upon.
Take in this truly otherworldly experience. It is incredibly hard to explain
in words, so work with this often and learn to fully be in this state. When you
are finished, simply return your focus back to self and you will return to body;
feeling as though you’ve just woken up from a dream or returned from a deep

Pass T hrough T ime

One of the great powers of the ageless Spirits of Kezhpharen was the
ability to use the godly senses as discovered before, but to attain an extremely
accute focus. Unlike the previous rite, you do not need anything, except a mirror
and the whispers to glean visions of the past, present and future with perfect clarity
around an object, person, place or circumstance.
Whispers: Nakaren Daken-ensha (Nah-kar-ehn Dah-kehn-ehn-shuh)
Requirements: Scrying mirror or sphere
Being very straightforward, firstly open the Dark Gate. Then, you are to
sit before your scrying mirror or sphere in a relaxed posture that you can remain
in for some time without having to move, or discomfort settling in which would
break you from your focus.
Turn your attention now toward any person, place, thing, a circumstance,
or event that you require to learn more about. Perhaps you’re scrying to find a
lost object, to learn of treachery that had passed or may yet happen in the future,
or perhaps you’re even trying to learn the details of a situation that is currently
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unfolding. Regardless, you are to turn an earnest focus upon it while comfortably
gazing over your chosen ritual implement. Begin to chant the whispers in a soft,
rhythmic form. Allow the chant to reverberate in your chest and abdomen; creating
a near perfect loop of humming vibration within your torso. This will rattle up the
neck, face, and eventually into your third eye. Allow this to continue until your gaze
begins to be overtaken with the spirit sight. This will emerge with the vision you
are seeking to attain in your mirror or sphere. Maintain the chant while you focus
your intent on discovering different aspects of information until you are satisfied.
To finish your rite, withdraw your vision and close your eyes. Cease
the chant, and allow for the vibration to settle naturally. Do not overlook this
application as it can alter your sensory percetptions coming out of the ritual
chamber. The more you perform this rite, the stronger your vision will become.

Eternal Resonance
Maintaining your alignment and strong, positive relationship with any
Patron or Patroness Spirit is absolutely essential to attaining spiritual self mastery,
claiming the blessings of your Lord or Lady, and to channel much stronger currents
of sorcery. With this rite, you will amplify your state of resonance with spirit by
also silencing mundane aspects of self. This means that as you complete the rite,
it will have at least temporarily (though many times permanently) shutting off
mundane, human responses, and the all too common mechanisms of the mind to
attempt to overly rationalize the otherworldly, as well as the subconscious need for
validation which leads to misinterpretation of spiritual communication.
Whispers: Anumaksha Adu-ranes Ikria Daszae (Ah-noo-mahk-shah Ah-
doo-rah-ness Ih-kree-uh Dah-shay)
Requirements: Sigil of your Patron, Patroness, God, Goddess, or other
Spirit which you have devoted yourself to, your blood, lancing device, black candle
This heavily devotional rite requires you to begin with a basic meditation
to focus your mind and emotions, slow your heart rate and breathing. Now, open
the Dark Gate. While in the midst of the planar energies flowing forth into your
ritual chamber, draw the sigil of your Patron or Patroness. Once finished, speak,
“Lord/Lady (Name), take my blood as sacrifice. In your name I submit myself.
Upon your altar, I sacrifice. Through you, I may remain. Together, another soul
will find a place seated beside your throne. Exalt me as I have exalted you. Make
me in your image. Destroy the weaknesses that keep me from attaining perfect
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resonance with you. My Lord/Lady, in your eternal name, I bleed. Anumaksha
Adu-ranes Ikria Daszae!”
Anoint the sigil now with your blood. Proceed to anoint continue the
anointing until the wound dries up. By this point, be it your pricked finger or
such will have grown cold and pale. This is good. Now, before the sigil, light
the candle and allow it to burn out. Utilize this time as the candle burns to
meditate on your Patron or Patroness; how they have influenced your life, helped
and blessed you, protected you, and how you have grown. This will create a major
energetic flux which will alter your state of mind, spirit, and grant a new level of
spiritual resonance between yourself and your deity.
Understand however, that if you stray from your path, break any oaths
or move away from your Spirit, the resonance will weaken and may then break.
At this point, you will not be able to simply perform this rite again. You will be
required to make ammends proper and re-earn your graces.

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Celestial Anguish
Sigil of Celestial Anguish

Bane of the False Light

In traversing the realms via soul journey and utilizing the planar rites of
Aurashniya, I came to understand that by far, the greatest obstacle we face is in
the celestial occupation which holds this realm, Etheris, hostage. The power we
obtain through sorcery, and the promise of eternity which we also gain through its
use is not looked upon kindly by celestial and angelic entities. The sorcerer who

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grows into such power threatens to dismantle the integrity of their illusion over
this world. The JCI powers which strangle the life and power out of this realm
strictly condemn the path we walk, wherein a sorcerer may achieve immortality,
control lesser beings, forge a kingdom for himself, and open gates to walk beyond
this world. That alone, even for a single individual to do so weakens their clutches.
Further, the sorcerer who utilizes this knowledge will undoubtedly know the truth
behind the celestial lie and will teach others. This rebellion is one that will free
Etheris from this tyranny and unleash the full spiritual potential of sorcerers
worldwide. This has always been the goal of the Maergzjiran Cabal. Personal
mastery resulting in apotheosis is only one milestone, for breaking the chains of
this realm frees every man, woman, and child, allowing their true spirit to emerge
and all of the JCI illusions, bondage, and imprisonment is forever shattered.
In the eternal struggle between light and dark, we must utilize whatever
forces and resources we have available to us. Hence, this tome was compiled from
the necessity to discover other realms, use sorcery unknown to this realm, and
learn to find the loophole to manifest what we need. This is why we use the Dark
Gate. As you’ve learned, the celestials cannot control the other planar energies
when you have opened a Dark Gate, and therefrom you anchor to another plane
and draw on its essence.
To further combat our celestial foes, the Blighted Lords and Ladies of
Maergzjirah had gifted a few members of the Cabal’s Black Council with this
sigil. Some have etched it into large crystals, others have made talismans, a few
have drawn it in their blood on sheep skin, and even a couple have tattooed it
upon their flesh. This sigil cannot be gazed upon by celestial, “holy”, angelic, or
otherwise light-bound entities without it causing them extreme discomfort, pain,
sickness, and incites a need to retreat. Its very energy forms a great repulsion
which sends celestial entities running.
Keep it in your personal grimoire, under a pillow, upon the altar, in your
wallet, or even ink it upon your flesh. Use it as you need and let nothing stop you
in your quest for apotheosis, reaching other realms, and mastering your craft.

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T he Realms Beyond
As you have gone through this tome, you have undoubtedly seen the
immense potential of the rites. You must reserve skepticism in order to fully
unleash these workings, but once you have learned how to understand each realms’
current and channel the magickal essence achored therefrom, you will have the
opportunity to completely change your craft. Perhaps you will go beyond this
realm and discover new entities or rites, as what has been contained in these pages
are only an introduction to each realm’s sorcery and spiritual current.
Work at your own, comfortable pace, and don’t try to force working with
any particular rite or energy if you’re not able to handle it at the current time. In
times of difficulty in working with a specific realm’s energy, open the Dark Gate
and simpy meditate in it’s essence. This will open your spirit to new energies and
the spiritual response to them. It will become more natural, and with time, you
will have come to innately understand it.
Like with the Spirits we work with, the planar energy too will begin to
speak to you, whispering new wisdom and power into your ears. Therefore, keep a
journal or personal grimoire at the ready to take down this newfound knowledge.
Allow yourself to be guided by the Spirits and planar intelligences without
forsaking them in lieu of your own perceived knowing. You must, especially when
working with ancient and immortal powers, suspend the self enough to be able to
accept and process their wisdom. Just as in the Eternal Resonance rite, we seek
to shut off the human side in order to grant life and control to the ascended self
and the aspects of self which are already anchored to the immortal powers beyond
this world. Learn to gracefully partake in this regularly, and you will certainly
become a most potent spirit and sorcerer reborn. Therfore, with the powers you
now possess and the astuteness to allow yourself to fully become a part of the
eternal current which ties all realms together, and awakens the sorcery within our
veins, step beyond Etheris and unchain your ascended spirit.

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