Self-Expression, Independent Research, Constructive Activities, Etc., Are Some of The Opportunities Provided by The Science Clubs

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The Scientific and technological advancement of today is a long forward

journey from Stone Age. As we live in an age of science, It is essential that the
students have a deep insight into the back ground of science .Learning by doing
and learning by living are two essential of learning science. Children are interested
in making things, breaking things and handling things. Self-expression, independent
research, constructive activities, etc., are some of the opportunities provided by the
science clubsAn organization when eaters for the inculcation of scientific attitude and a
genuine interest in science and also can supplement the work of the classroom and give
the syllabus a practical dimension may be called a science club. Science clubs form
the back bone of school responded co-curriculum activities in science. The science
club present a less formal atmosphere in which to work than does the usual class
room. In the science club much more then in the classroom. Learning is fitted to be
abilities a and interests of the individual. The basic principle involved in the formation
of organization called Science Clubs meant for learning by doing


Objectives of science club
1. To develop a general interest in science
2. To inculcate scientist attitude and provide opportunities for training in scientific
3. To develop interest in scientific hobbies.
4. To develop habits of exploration and creative faculties.
5. To encourage individual and group activities.
6. To dev elope in children a sance of healthy competition.
7. To make the student and public science minded.
8. To stimulate active participation and initiative among student.
9. To keep the students in touch with the recent advances in science.
10. To provide challenging opportunities to the gifted.

Organizing a science club
Sponsorship of a club is not a responsibility to be undertaken lightly. A sponsor
must be willing to devote considerable time and energy to the club, especially during
the initial stage
Facilities Needed
Before a science club, can be established, the administration must be willing to grant
the use of certain facilities and to provide time for meeting and other activities. The
club will need the use of one a more classroom, depending on the size of the club.
The administration must also provide time for club meetings, perhaps after
school, or in the evening , which ever is must practical. The administration must also
be willing to provide time for special activities special assemble programs, science fairs
and the like.

The sponsorer must make an early decision as to whether the club will deal with a wide
range of science interests or to be confined to a limited area.

The number of members in a club has an appreciable effect upon it operation but
clubs with as few as ten or twelve are often successful .
In forming a new club a sponsor may find it wise to select a nucleus of pupils who
have demonstrated special interest in scientific work. This carefully selected nucleus,
which in effect an executive committee, will help setup the general organizational

Meeting times vary in different clubs over the country .Some meet weekly, some
once in a month. It would seem that monthly meetings should be supplemented by
other activities to keep interest from cooling off between times .Many clubs meets after
school hours .

The first meeting of a new club serves to introduce prospective members to the
type of activities in which the club might engage . Its purpose is to stimulate the
enthusiasm of youngsters who are energetic and easily challenged by intellectual
problems. This meeting needs careful planning, not to oversell the club, but to hold
attention of the young people who will benefit most by the club.
During the first meeting of the club, members must be concerned with the
details of club organization .This is a phase that does not appeal to many adolescents,
particularly to those who are eager to begin experimenting, doing photography , and
taking field trips.
Club members are responsible for the program me almost from the beginning .
A science club needs a forward look; it cannot succeed with day planning. It is better
to prepare a draft which will be filled out as the year proceeds.
The club make undertaken service projects , perhaps for science department, such
as helping with an inventory, or for the schools such as planning bulbs as part of
Christmas celebrations.

The club may set up special science exhibits;
1) It may produce an assembly program;
2) It may sponsor school science fair.
3) Maintenance of a science bulletin board in the corridor of the science department.
4) The preparation of a science column for the school news paper.
5) Presentation of a regular series of science radio programs.
1. Establishing a museum.
2. Science assembling programs like presenting demonstrations or exhibits to the
elementary school.
3. Making demonstration materials for the science classroom.
4. Maintaining an inventory of science materials and equipment.
5. Repairing and maintaining science equipment
6. Setting up demonstration for the community.
7. Finding resources people in the community.
8. Guest lectures on topics of current importance.
9. Conduct debate, seminar ,symposia, and panel discussion.
10. Collection and preservation of samples of chemical compounds.
11. Observing days of scientific importance.
12. Organizing street plays to con scientist common man.
13. Publishing school magazine in science.
14. Paper reading on various topics of scientific interest.

Science clubs are a fantastic opportunity for learners to explore aspects of
science that are always possible Swithin the constraints of a normal school timetable.
They can stretch and challenge gifted and talented learners, motivate and appeal to the
interests of struggling learners. In general science clubs motivate and encourage learners
of all ages and abilities
These clubs can enhance the positive experiences that learners have with science
by allowing them to explore their own ideas and interests as well as by exposing them to
role models (scientists and engineers) who may encourage them to think of becoming
scientists themselves.
Science clubs can also help to build confidence of the learners as well as change
their attitudes towards science, technology and engineering. They can also help learners
develop problem -solving skills. Further learners can also develop social skills such
cooperative learning, communication and leadership.
Members of the club always have readily available projects and studies for their
formative assessment. The clubs can serve also as support base for learners participating
in science expo, science Olympiads as well as science fairs.
Science clubs encourage links between schools and industry, schools and science
centers/ museum as well as schools and science research institutes. Clubs can also serves
as links to other local schools as well as international communities and scientists.


Dr.TK Mathew & Dr. TM Mollykutty ,Theoretical Bases of Teaching &Pedagogical
Analysis (2006) Rainbow Book Publishers. club...



Submitted To Submitted By,

Bini Teacher Shincy Scaria
Physical Science
Training College

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