Physical Quantities
Physical Quantities
Physical Quantities
The foundation of physics rests upon physical quantities in terms of which the laws of physics are expressed.
Therefore, these quantities have to be measured accurately.
Among these are mass, length, time velocity, force, density, temperature, electric current, and numerous others.
Physical quantities are often divided into two categories: base quantities and derived quantities.
Derived quantities are those whose definitions are based on other physical quantities. elocity acceleration and force
etc. are usually viewed as derived quantities.
!ase quantities are not defined in terms of other physical quantities.
The base quantities are the minimum number of those physical quantities in terms of which other physical quantities can
be defined.
Typical examples of base quantities are length, mass and time.
Conversion of unis
1 kilometer (km) 1000 meter (m)
1 meter (m) 100 centimeter (cm)
1 centimeter (cm) 10 millimeter (mm)
1 millimeter (mm) 1000 micrometer (m)
10000 cm
1 cm
100 mm
1000 ml = 1 liter
1000000 cm
1 tonne (t) 1000 kilogram (kg)
1 kilogram (kg) 1000 grams (gm)
1 gram (g) 1000 milligram (mg)
1 day 24 hours (h)
1 hour (h) 60 minute (min)
1 minute (min) 60 second (s)
1 second (s) 1000 millisecond (ms)
1 milli second 1000 microsecond (s)
"ength is the distance between two points.
#.$. unit of the length is meter %m&.
$nitially the standard of the length was the distance between the two mar's engraved on a platinum(iridium bar at )
'ept by the $nternational !ureau of +eight and ,easure at #evres near paris.
$n -./) the --th general conference on weights and measures redifined meter in terms of waelength of a certain orange
line in the spectrum of 'rypton isotope of atomic mass 0/.
Note: "ength is a scalar quantity.
"ength can be measured using micrometers, vernier calipers, rulers and measuring tapes.
Length to be measured Example Measuring instrument
Long length (Several
Length o the class room !easuring ta"e
!edium length Length o ta#le !eter rule
Short length
$%ternal or internal diameter o the
test tu#e
&ernier calli"er
&ery short length 'iameter o the (ire !icrometer scre(gauge
,icrometer is used for more accurate measurements of the small lengths. e.g measuring the diameter of a wire or
thic'ness of a small plate.
Micrometer - Zero error
Zero error occurs when the measuring instrument registered a reading when there should be none, which cause by an
incorrect position of the zero point
Zero error
1. A zero error arises when the measuring instrument does not start from exactly zero.
2. Zero errors are consistently present in every reading of a measurement.
3. he zero error can be positive or negative.
The #.$. unit of time is second.
$nitially a second was ta'en as -10/2)) of a mean solar day of the whole year of -.)) AD.
$n the 3eneral *onference on +eight and ,easure in -./4 the second was redfined as 5the time interval ta'en by
.-.6/7-44) vibrations of cesium(-77 atom under specified condition5.
Multiples / submultiples of time
1 day 24 hours (h)
1 hour (h) 60 minute (min)
1 minute (min) 60 second (s)
1 second (s) 1000 millisecond (ms)
1 milli second 1000 microsecond (s)
$t is a specially designed watch by which time of an event can be measured accurately in minutes and seconds.
$t consists of two hands , a small minutes hand and a long second hand. !oth the hands are set at 8ero by pressing the
button 59eset5.
+hen the second handle completes one rotation equal to sixty seconds , the minute hand advances by one division.
+hen we want to start the watch we press the button 5start1stop5 and when we we want to stop it, we press the button
again 5start1stop5.
This ma'es the position of the minutes and second hand stationary and record the time interval lapsed by noting the
positions of the hands.
Stanar form
#tandard form is a way of writing down very large or very small numbers easily.
-): ; -))), so < = -): ; <)))
#o <))) can be written as < = -):
This idea can be used to write even larger numbers down easily in standard form.
#mall numbers can also be written in standard form. >owever, instead of the index being positive %in the above
example, the index was 7&, it will be negative.
The rules when writing a number in standard form is that first you write down a number between - and -), then you
write = -) %to the power of a number&.
12 000 m 1)2000 * 10
m (to + sig) ig)) m
0)002 mm 2 * 10
mm= 2 * 10
m (to 1 sig) ig))
0)000 002 m 2 * 10
m (to 1 sig) ig))
Parallala! error
Parallax error
A parallax error is an error in reading an instrument due to the eye of the observer and pointer are not in a
line perpendicular to the plane of the scale.
Simple penulum
A point mass attached with an inextensible and weightless string whose other end is connected with some rigid support
%e.g. stand& is called simple pendulum.
"mplitue of simple penulum
$t is the maximum displacement from the equilibrium position.
$ts unit is cm %centimeter or meter&.
Time perio of simple penulum
$t is the time ta'en to complete one oscilation of the simple pendulum.
$t is measured in seconds %s&.
$f pendulum has brought at position ?A? and then released freely, it passes through ?@? and reaches to !, then returns
bac' and after passing through ?@? reaches at ?A?. $n this way pendulum completes one oscilation.
Determination of time period: *alculate the time for ten oscilations with the help of stop watch and then use the
following relation to determine the time period.
Time Period ; Time ta'en 1 number of oscilations
-( Time period of simple pendulum depends only upon its length.
6( Time period is represented by T.
#requency of simple penulum
$t is the total number of oscilations in one second.
$t is measured in >ert8 %>8&.
Time period and frequency are related with each other by the formula
Arequency ; - 1 Time period
Time Period ; - 1 Arequency
The mass of a body is the amount of matter in the body.
The S.I. unit of mass is kilogram (kg).
Mass can be measured with the help of spring balance.
$ravitational "cceleration
The earth exerts a costant gravitational pull on a body at any point on its surface.
This gravitational pull will give an uniform acceleration to a free falling body %the body falling freely under
the action of gravity ignoring air resistance&, increasing its velocity by approximately ..0- m1s %-)m1s&
every second.>ence the value of g is approximately ..0m1s
%-) m1s
Different values of Gravitational
accleration (m / s
Sun 2-4)13
!ercury 3)+.
&enus /)/-
$arth .)/1
!oon 1)62
!ars 3)--
0u"iter 2+).+
Saturn 11)0/
1ranus 10)6-
2e"tune 14)0-
3luto 0)42
+eight is the force of gravity on the obBect.
$t is measured in Cewtons %C&.
The weight of obBect depends upon its mass and the gravitational field strength %gravitational
Any mass near the surface of earth has weight due to the earth?s gravitational pull.
+eight can be calculated using the equation
+eight ; mass %m& D gravotational field strength %g&
w ; mg
The value of the gravitational field strength on earth is ..0- C1'g, through we roound it up to -) C1'g or
-) m 1 s
to ma'e the calculations easier.
3ravitational field is the region arround earth for any body, in which obBect enters will get the force of
atarction towards the center of earth.
$f you will stand on the moon, you will feel the gravity of the moon pulling you downward towards the
center of the earth.
The gravitational field strengh on the moon is very less as compared to the earth.
@n the moon gravitational field strength is -./ C 1 'g or -./ m 1 s
&ifference bet'een mass an 'eight
-. ,ass is amount of matter in an obBect but weight is force of gravity on the obBect.
6. ,ass is measured in 'ilograms but weight is measured in newtons as it is a force.
7. ,ass is a scalar quantity but weight is the vector quantity.
2. ,ass can be measured by using level%physical& balance while weight is measured by using
spring balance.
<. ,ass remains constant everywhere but weight varies from place to place.
Aor example if your weight on earth is <)) C so your mass is <) 'g.
$f you stand on moon still your mass would be <) 'g, but your weight would be 0)C only because g ; -./
C1'g or -./ m 1 s
on moon.
Spring balance
A spring balance can be used to determine the mass of the obBects.
The upper end of the spring is hung from a hoo' and the spring is stetched by the weight of the pan
attached to its lower end.
The scale then can be adBusted so that the pointer is aligned with the 8ero mar'.
The balance can be graduated by placing 'nown mass in the pan.
$f the spring balance shows 7) C then the mass would be + 1 g ; 7) 1 -) ; 7 'g, +here g is the
acceleration due to gravity.
$f this balance is moved to the moon the weight would be less and spring would not stretch so far.
$n fact the pointer would indicate a weight of 2.0 C %!ecause the value of g on the moon is -./ m 1 s
which is the - 1 /
of the gravitational acceleration of earth&
#o spring balance measures the weight of the obBect in Cewtons.
9emember: ,ass of the obBect remains same every where %either on the moon or the earth&
Density of a substance is defined as 5the mass of substance per unit volume5.
Density ; ,ass 1 olume
The #.$ unit of density is 'g1m
or g1cm
,ass of the substance can be found by using common level balance. olume of a substance can either be
found by calculation from linear measurements or by usning measuring cylinder.
Density of water ; - g 1 cm
; -))) 'g 1 m
&etermination of ensity ()egular shape ob*ects+
!y measuring the dimentions of regular shaped obBect we can detremine the its volume by using
mathematical formula.
olume ; "ength D +idth D >eight
!y using balance we can find mass of the obBect.
Putting the values of mass and volume in the following formula, we can detrmine the density of the
regular shaped obBect
Density ; mass 1 volume
&etermination of ensity (,rregular shape ob*ects+
To determine the density of irregular shaped obBects, we use displacement method to calculate the
volume of the iregular shaped obBect.
Ese the balance to find the mass %m& of obBect choose the measuring cylinder that will accept the
obBect.add liquid to the cylinder to fill it enough,so that the obBect will be completely submerged.measure
volume v- of liquid.
"ower the obBect into liquid and measure the new reading 6 so volume of obBect is
Density ; mass % m & 1 volume % &
This method can only be used for the obBects having densities greater than density of water.
&ensity of ifferent materials
Denity of different materials are as under.
Substance Density in g/cm
Density !g/m