Buccal Corridor

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M ethods m easuring buccal corridor A la'a A l-O taibi, 2014

definition by Frush and Fisher: buccal corridor spaces were the negative space created between the buccal surfaces of the
posterior teeth and the inner wall of the cheek.
According to H ulsey:
T e buccal corridor ratio appeared to be of no signifcance to an attractive sm ile. confrm ed recently by Ritter et al
- H ulsey CM . A n esthetic evaluation of lip-teeth relationships present in the sm ile. A m J O rthod. 1970;57:132144.
- Ritter D E, G andini LG , Pinto A S, Locks A . Esthetic infuence of negative space in the buccal corridor during sm iling. A ngle
O rthod 2006;76:198203.
A- M easurem ents on photograph:
Before taking a sm ile shot:
1- T e patients should oriented to pose sm ile as natural as possible
2- w ith the teeth in U M I (U sual M axim um Intercuspation)
3- frontal view should taken
4- patient sitting dow n in an upright position, keeping the natural position of the head
5- the lens should adjust at the level of the lips.
M ethods:
a- Johnson and Sm ith m ethod:
Buccal corridor w idth = (outer com m issure + m ost distal tooth visible) (outer com m isure + inner com m isure)
Johnson D K, Sm ith RJ. Sm ile esthetics afer orthodontic treatm ent w ith and w ithout extraction of four frst prem olars.
A m J O rthod D entofacial O rthop. 1995;108:162167.
b- Buccal corridor = (inner commissure width visible maxillary dentition width) inner commissure width ! "##
$he ideal buccal corridors Female %& male ""&
he excessive
buccal corridors
Female "'& (ale ")&
Parekh, S., Fields, H . W ., Beck, F. M ., & Rosenstiel, S. F. (2007). T e acceptability of variations in sm ile arc and buccal
corridor space. O rthodontics & craniofacial research, 10(1), 15-21.
c- Space betw een outer com m issures and the m ost visible m axillary right and lef tooth
1- narrow buccal corridor 6% w ith 3% for each side
2- m edium w idth corridor 16% , w ith 8% for each side
3- w ide corridor 26% , 13% for each side.
Castello Branco, N uria Cabral, Janson, G uilherm e, Freitas, M arcos Roberto de, & M orais, Juliana. (2012). W idth of buccal
and posterior corridors: diferences betw een cases treated w ith asym m etric and sym m etric extractions. D ental Press
Journal of O rthodontics, 17(5), 138-144.
M ethods m easuring buccal corridor A la'a A l-O taibi, 2014
d. Buccal corridor linear ratio (BCLR):
Bhat R, Subrahm anya RM . Factors afecting buccal corridor space in A ngle's Class II D ivision 1 m alocclusion. J O rofac
Sci 2014;6:31-6
e. Branco etal. Technique:
A - Sm ile W idth (SW ): distance betw een the corners of the lips.
B- U pper Intercanine D istance (U ID ): distance betw een the m ost distal point on the
right and the m ost distal point on the lef.
C- D istance betw een the Last Visible Teeth of the M axilla (D LV TM ): distance
betw een the m ost distal point of the last visible posterior tooth on the right and the
m ost distal point of the last visible posterior tooth on the lef.
Castello Branco, N uria Cabral, Janson, G uilherm e, Freitas, M arcos Roberto de, & M orais, Juliana. (2012). W idth of buccal and
posterior corridors: diferences betw een cases treated w ith asym m etric and sym m etric extractions. D ental Press Journal of
O rthodontics, 17(5), 138-144.
f- Yang et al. Technique:
(A ) Buccal corridorlinear ratio = ([C to C / Ch to Ch] 100 [% ]),
C m eans distal surface of the upper canine
Ch, corner of the m outh.
(B) Buccal corridor:
area ratio ([buccal corridor area / sm ile area] 100 [% ]).
M ethods m easuring buccal corridor A la'a A l-O taibi, 2014
B- M easurem ents on study m odels:
Intercanine w idth = from canine tip of one side to other on m axillary arch.
Interm olar w idth = from m esiobuccal cusp tip of frst m olar on one side to
another side on m axillary arch
C- M easurem ents on cephalogram :
Lef and right m axillom andibular w idth = perpendicular distance
betw een m axilla (point J) and frontal facial plane
(ZR-G A /ZL-AG ).
M axillary w idth = distance betw een J points (JL-JR).
M andibular w idth = the distance betw een points AG and G A .
Facial w idth = the distance betw een points ZA and A Z.
G ood luck

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