This lesson plan outlines a sex education class for year 6 students about puberty. The class will discuss both male and female changes during puberty through worksheets and labeling diagrams of body parts. Students will think about and write down physical and emotional changes boys and girls experience. They will also have the opportunity to anonymously ask questions. The goal is to increase knowledge and understanding of the changes that occur during puberty.
This lesson plan outlines a sex education class for year 6 students about puberty. The class will discuss both male and female changes during puberty through worksheets and labeling diagrams of body parts. Students will think about and write down physical and emotional changes boys and girls experience. They will also have the opportunity to anonymously ask questions. The goal is to increase knowledge and understanding of the changes that occur during puberty.
This lesson plan outlines a sex education class for year 6 students about puberty. The class will discuss both male and female changes during puberty through worksheets and labeling diagrams of body parts. Students will think about and write down physical and emotional changes boys and girls experience. They will also have the opportunity to anonymously ask questions. The goal is to increase knowledge and understanding of the changes that occur during puberty.
This lesson plan outlines a sex education class for year 6 students about puberty. The class will discuss both male and female changes during puberty through worksheets and labeling diagrams of body parts. Students will think about and write down physical and emotional changes boys and girls experience. They will also have the opportunity to anonymously ask questions. The goal is to increase knowledge and understanding of the changes that occur during puberty.
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Sex and Relationship Education
Lesson Plans for Year 6
Lesson Content Week three - Puberty, body parts and puberty leaflet Date and timings Learning objectives Activities Resources Evaluation and reflection Week three One hour To identify changes for both boys and girls that occur during puberty To increase knowledge and understanding of body changes Introduce / reisit puberty changes fro! work in "ear # using resource sheets $ and %& 'sk the children to co!plete the sheets in s!all groups and then co!pare their sheets& Clarify any !isinfor!ation and areas !issed& (or infor!ation see resource sheets ) and * Additional/alternative worksheet if needed P.! " # $ealth %ear & 'Prim(Ed Publishing) Work sheets To learn the anato!ical na!es for !ale and fe!ale genitalia and reproductie syste!s *od+ bits ,icture ,acks In groups, ask the young people to label the pictures& +o through each one, e,plaining the different body parts and their functions& -ee resource sheets # - $% for the answers and descriptions/functions& Picture packs Anon+mous -uestion bo. +o through and answer any releant .uestions that are in the .uestion bo,& -ae others for the lesson they link to& /esource sheet $ /hanges at ,ubert+ In your groups think about the changes girls go through during puberty& Think about physical changes and those that affect the way they think and feel about the!seles during this ti!e& Write or draw your answers below& /esource sheet % /hanges at ,ubert+ In your groups think about the changes boys go through during puberty& Think about physical changes and those that affect the way they think and feel about the!seles during this ti!e& Write or draw your answers below& Resource sheet Changes at puberty 0 +irls The fe!ale body produces the hor!ones progesterone and oestrogen, which start the changes of puberty& The body1s changes occur gradually and the whole process can last a few years and can begin as early as age eight or nine& The changes a girl1s body goes through during puberty are2 3reasts grow 4ipples beco!e larger and fuller and they !ay beco!e darker in colour (ace shape changes and beco!es less childlike 5oice beco!es slightly deeper, although not as noticeable as with boys 3ody shape changes as hips widen +rowth spurt which includes lengthening of ar!s and legs Weight gain 6ands and feet grow bigger 6air grows under ar!s and on legs& 6air on ar!s and legs !ay beco!e darker +rowth of pubic hair on ula 5agina !ay begin to discharge a sticky whitish fluid& This is nor!al and helps to keep the agina healthy Oaries grow and begin a !onthly cycle of releasing an egg, which if not fertilised by sper! is broken down and shed with the lining of the wo!b& This is known as !enstruation or a period& 6or!onal changes can lead to girls e,periencing !ood swings +irls !ay feel !ore attracted to others 7 !ale or fe!ale8 +irls begin to want !ore independence fro! parents 76arris 6& and 9!berley :& $;;# Lets Talk 'bout -e,,& Walker books8 /esource sheet * Changes at puberty 0 3oys The !ale body produces the hor!one testosterone, which starts off the changes of puberty& The body1s changes occur gradually and the whole process can last a few years and can begin as early as age eight or nine& The changes a boy1s body goes through during puberty are2 Testicles grow larger and fuller Penis grows larger and longer Pubic hair around the base of the penis Testicles start to produce sper! and se!en which boys can now e<aculate -pontaneous erections and wet drea!s begin -crotu! sac beco!es darker in colour :ore hair grows on the body which !ay beco!e darker on the ar!s and legs +rowth spurt including ar!s, legs and feet growing larger 3ody shape changes as boys deelop broader shoulders and chest and beco!e !ore !uscular (ace shape changes beco!ing less childlike 5oice bo, grows which !akes the 'da!s 'pple look bigger and the oice breaks and beco!es deeper 6air and skin beco!e !ore oily which !ay lead to spots and in seere cases acne 3ody sweats !ore +rowth of facial hair 6or!onal changes can lead to boys e,periencing !ood swings 3oys !ay feel !ore attracted to others 7 !ale or fe!ale8 3oys begin to want !ore independence fro! parents 76arris 6& and 9!berley :& $;;# Lets Talk 'bout -e,, Walker books8