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Research conducted by

Barna Group

Research commissioned by
Josh McDowell Ministry

January 19, 2016


The Porn Phenomenon

Who Was Surveyed in the Study? 3

All participants completed an online survey, and data is weighted to be nationally

representative. Conducted July and August 2015.

Audience Definition Sample Size

TEENS 13 – 17 303
YOUNG ADULTS 18 – 24 510
ADULTS 25 + 1,188
PASTORS Senior Pastor 432
YOUTH PASTORS Youth Pastor 338

Note: colors correspond to graphs throughout this report


The Porn Phenomenon


The Porn Phenomenon


Porn: What Is It and Why Use It? 6

Porn is notoriously difficult to define.

For Americans, it’s more a question of function than form.
• Function: for the purpose of arousal, masturbation
• Form: images that depict sex, or sexual scenarios, or nudity that is sexually arousing
• Most people do not believe full nudity or especially partial nudity qualify as porn.
• There is a wide range of definitions across various segments of society.

People use porn for the obvious: arousal. But also for boredom, curiosity, and fun.
• Younger adults and teens tend to use porn for boredom, curiosity and fun.
• 25-50-year-olds tend to use for getting sex tips or to set a mood with a partner.
• “Being less risky than actual sex” is higher motivation among both teens and older
adults—for different reasons, presumably.

Teens are sensitive to and affected by porn, especially compared to young adults.
• One of the patterns in the data is that teens are not entirely sure what to do with or
make of porn, but those feelings of caution tend to dissipate among young adults.
Is that Porn? 7

Sexual intercourse is the most common defining factor for considering an image porn—
sexual arousal also plays a large part in people viewing an image as porn.
a partially nude image a fully nude image a fully nude image that is sexually arousing
an image of a sexual act that is not intercourse an image of sexual intercourse

96% 95%
90% 89%
87% 86% 87%

78% 79% 80%

63% 64%
57% 58%
53% 54%


24% 25%

10% 10%


Which of these things would you consider to be “porn”?

What is ‘Definitely Porn?’ 8

Teens & Young Adults generally consider more types of images to be pornography,
compared to Adults.

sex scenes that make up most or all of a

83% video, with very little story 84%

70% still pictures of sexual acts 66%

55% close-up still pictures of genitals 61%

47% fully nude show or dance 32%

46% fully nude still pictures 26%

sex scenes described in a written story

41% (no pictures) 30%

sex scenes that are a short part of a

31% broader story in a movie/video/TV 22%

chatting/texting about sexual acts with

23% someone you do not know personally 32%
ADULTS 18% partially nude show or dance 11%
14% partially nude still pictures 9%


What of these things would you definitely consider porn? Among those who currently use porn.
Why Use Porn? 9

“For personal arousal,” is the most common reason people use porn. Boredom is more
common among younger generations. Young Adults (18-24) also cite “fun” and “sexual
expression,” more than other generations.
For personal arousal



It’s just fun

To get tips or ideas for my
own sex life
Because it’s less risky than
actually having sex
To express my sexuality

To set the mood with a
Ages 13-17 18-24 25-30 31-50 51-69

Why do you use porn?

Why Use Porn? 10

The most common reason why people use porn is for personal arousal. Boredom is more
common among younger generations. Curiosity is also a common reason.

13-17 18-24 25-30 31-50 51-69 70+

+ For personal arousal For personal arousal For personal arousal For personal arousal For personal arousal For personal arousal

To set the mood with a To set the mood with a

Boredom Boredom Curiosity girlfriend/boyfriend/partn It’s just fun girlfriend/boyfriend/partn
er er

To get tips or ideas for my

Curiosity Curiosity Curiosity Curiosity Curiosity
own sex life

To get tips or ideas for my Because it’s less risky than

It’s just fun It’s just fun Boredom It’s just fun
own sex life actually having sex
To get tips or ideas for my To get tips or ideas for my
It’s just fun It’s just fun Boredom Boredom
own sex life own sex life

To set the mood with a To set the mood with a

Because it’s less risky than To get tips or ideas for my
To express my sexuality girlfriend/boyfriend/partn Boredom girlfriend/boyfriend/partn
actually having sex own sex life
er er
To set the mood with a
Because it’s less risky than To get tips or ideas for my Because it’s less risky than
To express my sexuality girlfriend/boyfriend/partn To express my sexuality
- er
actually having sex own sex life actually having sex

To set the mood with a

Because it’s less risky than Because it’s less risky than
girlfriend/boyfriend/partn To express my sexuality To express my sexuality
actually having sex actually having sex

Why do you use porn?


The Porn Phenomenon

The Morality of Porn 12

One of the favorable realities uncovered by the research is the degree of

transparency respondents display on the topic.
• Porn is a much more readily “researchable” topic than it was two decades
ago. It’s a subject that does not have the same social taboo that it once did.

Big generational changes on whether porn is good or bad for society.

• Adults over 50: believe it’s bad
• 31-49 and teens: split between bad or neutral
• Young adults: most likely to believe it’s good

Only small minority of adults who use porn report much “guilt” about porn.
• Teens are most likely age segment to experience feelings of guilt, although
it’s still a minority of teenagers.
• Practicing Christians are twice as likely as others to experience guilt.
The Morality of Porn 13

Teens and young adults have “encouraging” or “accepting” conversations toward

• When they talk about porn with friends, 89% of teens, and 95% of young adults
say they do so in an either neutral, accepting, or encouraging way.
• Only one in 20 young adults and one in 10 teens say their friends think viewing
pornography is a bad thing.

Teens & young adults view “not recycling” as more immoral than viewing porn.
• 32% say viewing porn is "usually or always wrong" compared to 56% who say
not recycling is "usually or always wrong.”

Only child porn and non-consensual sex are considered “always wrong” by a
large majority of Americans.
• Less likely to be “always wrong” – depictions of teens, painful or forced sex,
demeaning situations, same-sex scenarios, and more than two people at once.
Is Porn Good or Bad for Society? 14

Young Adults (18-24) are the least likely age group to say porn is bad for society

it is very bad for our society it is somewhat bad for our society it is neither good nor bad it is somewhat good for our society It is very good for society

13-17 27% 16% 47% 9% 2%

18-24 14% 17% 48% 14% 8%

25-30 30% 21% 32% 13% 4%

31-49 24% 20% 44% 10% 2%

51-69 37% 22% 36% 5%

70+ 59% 22% 19%

Overall, do you think that porn is a good or bad thing for our society?
Feelings About Porn Use 15

Teens (13-17) are least comfortable with the amount of porn they use, compared to
other age groups. Middle-aged adults are the most comfortable with their use.
Comfort Level with Porn Use I feel a sense of guilt when I use porn

13-17 26%
68% 21% 17%
14% 15%
18-24 22%
10% 13-17 18-24 25-30 31-50 51-69
I am comfortable
with how much
69% porn I use
25-30 19% It really doesn’t bother me to use it
I would rather
72% not use it as
31-50 10% much as I do, but
18% some is OK 54% 54%
50% 51% 47%
I would rather
64% not use porn at
51-69 12% all
13-17 18-24 25-30 31-50 51-69
The Guilt of Porn 16

Minorities, practicing Christians, and conservatives are significantly more likely to

experience a sense of guilt compared to others.

Demographic-Based Segmentations (Adults) Belief-Based Segmentations (Adults)

Northeast 7% Practicing Christian 29%

Midwest 17% Not Practicing Xian 12%

Protestant 23%
South 19%

Catholic 11%
West 17%
Protestant Mainline 18%
white 11%

Protestant Non-Mainline 25%

all non-white 24%
other Christian 28%
less than $50K 17% conservative 25%

$50K to $99K 17% moderate 11%

$100K plus 8% liberal 13%

Do any of these apply to your personal experience with pornography?

How Immoral Is Porn? 17

Teens & Young Adults consider not recycling more immoral than viewing porn.

+ Teens & Young Adults

• Taking something that belongs to someone else

• Having a romantic relationship with someone other than a spouse
• Saying something that isn’t true
• Not recycling
A • Viewing pornographic images
N • Thinking negatively about someone with a different point of view
• Reading erotic or pornographic content
• Watching sexually explicit scenes on TV or in a movie
• Wanting something that belongs to someone else
- • Overeating
• Significant consumption of electricity or water
When Friends Talk about Porn, Context Is… 18

More than half of teens and young adults talk about porn in a way that is completely
accepting. Only a small minority talk about it in a way that is disagreeable.

Encouraging - we talk about pornography in a positive, 13%

even lighthearted way; no one is ashamed of viewing it 17%

Accepting - it’s just assumed we all look at porn 40%

sometimes 43%

Neutral - we don’t really discuss the morality of it

Disagreeable - my friends think viewing pornography is 11%

a bad thing 5% 18-24

When you and your friends talk about pornography, is it most often in a way that’s disagreeable, neutral,
accepting, or encouraging?
Sexual Images That Are ‘Always Wrong’ 19

Only child pornography, non-consensual, and painful sex are considered “always wrong”
by the majority of people.

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Depictions of children under the age of 12

Depictions of sexual acts that are not consensual (one or more of the people
did not agree to the act or to sharing it with others)

Sexual acts that may be forced or painful


Someone being depicted in a demeaning way


25-30 Depictions of teens

Sexual acts between two people of the same gender

Sexual acts involving more than two people at once

What sexual images that involve any of these things are considered always wrong? Among those who
currently use porn.

The Porn Phenomenon


Porn in the “Screen Age” 21

Pornography has gone almost completely digital.

• Example: 71% of adults, 85% of teens and young adults who have viewed
pornography did so using online videos
• Magazines, graphic novels, on-demand videos and cable or
rented/purchased DVDs are a very small part of the “market.”

Not only is porn more accessible in the digital context, but unsolicited porn
has increased as well.
• Nearly half of young adults say they come across porn at least once a
week—even when they aren’t seeking it out.
• Nearly three-quarters of young adults (71%) and half of teens (50%) come
across what they consider to be porn at least once a month, whether they
are seeking it or not.
Porn in the “Screen Age” 22

While porn has typically been a man’s domain, its usage among young women
seems to have become more common, perhaps due to digital access.
• Teenage girls and young women are significantly more likely to actively seek
out porn than women over age 25. More than half of women 25 and under
ever seek out porn (56% versus 27% among women 25-plus) and one-third
seek it out at least monthly (33% versus just 12% among older men).
• In contrast, among teen and young adult men, 81% ever seek it out and 67%
at least monthly. Among men ages 25-plus, the comps are 65% and 47%.

Most teens are “sexting”—either on the receiving or sending end of sexually

explicit images.
• 62% of teens and young adults have received a sexually explicit image and
41% have sent one (usually from/to their boy/girlfriend or friend).
Porn in the “Screen Age” 23

More than one quarter (27%) of young adults ages 25-30 first viewed
pornography before puberty.
• This is significantly higher than the Gen X cohort, of which only 13% started
viewing porn before puberty, and the Boomers (6%). And while the research
does not prove causation, the increases may be related to digital exposure.
Avenues of Porn 24

The Internet is by far the most frequented avenue for viewing pornography.

13-17 18-24 25-30 31-50 51-69








videos online online pictures images in an app graphic novels magazines images sent via on-demand videos rented or
(on cell phone or text on cable or purchased DVDs
tablet) satellite

What are the ways that you normally view porn?

Personal Avenues of Porn 25

Younger generations are more likely to have viewed porn before puberty and on their
phones. Very few people actually pay for porn.
You mostly view pornography online You mostly view pornography on your phone
66% 64% 66%


13-17 18-24 25-30 31-50 51-69


I started viewing 13%

pornography before puberty 6%

25-30 31-50 51-69

I sometimes pay for porn 6%

5% 5%

25-30 31-50 51-69

*65% adults say they mostly view porn at home while only 1% say they mostly view porn at work
Social Porn and ‘Sexting’ 26

Two-thirds of Teens and Young Adults have received a sexually explicit image and 41%
have sent one, usually from/to their boy/girlfriend or friend.
Received a nude image? Sent a nude image?
Teens & Young Adults

no yes
37% 41%

yes no
63% 59%

Who is receiving? Who is sending?

57% 69% 69% 51% 47%

44% 33% 24%
Male Female 13-17 18-24 Male Female 13-17 18-24

Has anyone ever sent you a nude image, via text, email, social media, or app?
If yes, who sent it to you?
In Search of Porn 27

Teenage girls and young women are significantly more likely to actively seek out porn
than women over age 25.
Teens & Young Adults

Male 19% 32% 16% 14% 19%

Female 2% 15% 16% 23% 44%

daily weekly once or twice a month less often never


Male 9% 18% 20% 19% 35%

Female 1%5% 6% 16% 73%

daily weekly once or twice a month less often never

How often do you actively seek out porn?


The Porn Phenomenon


Porn and Pastors 29

Like the general population, faith leaders are quite likely to admit being
exposed to porn that they didn’t intend to find.
• Most likely to have been exposed to porn on a website accidentally, a pop-
up on a computer or tablet, or via an unsolicited email with sexual content.
• Youth pastors are more likely than senior pastors to find sexual content via
social media like Twitter or Instagram.

Most pastors (57%) and youth pastors (64%) admit they have struggled with
porn, either currently or in the past.
• Overall, 21% of youth pastors and 14% of pastors admit they currently
struggle with using porn.
• About 12% of youth pastors and 5% of pastors say they are addicted to porn
• 87% of pastors who use porn feel a great sense of shame about it.
• 55% of pastors who use porn say they live in constant fear of being
Porn and Pastors 30

The vast majority of faith leaders who struggle with porn say this has
significantly affected their ministry in a negative manner.
• It is not clear why, but youth pastors are twice as likely as pastors to report
this kind of unfavorable impact.

There is a big difference of opinion between faith leaders and congregants

when it comes to the consequences for pastors who struggle with porn.
• Only 8% of pastors think that a pastor should resign his/her position if s/he
is struggling with porn. Most pastors think s/he should deal with the
struggle through counseling or accountability.
• In contrast, 41% of adult Christians think that pastors should be fired or
asked to resign if they are found to be using porn. Younger Christians are
more likely to take a lenient approach.
Pastors Coming Across Porn 31

The differences between what youth pastors and pastors come across is likely a
reflection of their age.
Youth Pastor Pastor

came across a website where I found pornography, accidentally came across a website where I found pornography, accidentally
75% 73%
received a solicitation via pop up ad on a computer or tablet received a solicitation via pop up ad on a computer or tablet
66% 58%
received a solicitation via email received a solicitation via email
56% 57%
went to a website where I knew I would find pornography went to a website where I knew I would find pornography
50% 37%

flipped through adult TV channels or movies flipped through adult TV channels or movies
46% 37%

searched for it on social media, like Instagram or Twitter obtained a magazine or other printed material
30% 23%

obtained a magazine or other printed material received a solicitation via text/phone

27% 17%

received a solicitation via text/phone searched for it on social media, like Instagram or Twitter
17% 12%

none of these none of these

5% 7%

Have you personally ever come across the following types of pornography, even if you did not respond or
engage with it?
Pastors’ Struggle with Porn 32

Just over one in five youth pastors currently struggles with using porn, and they use it at
least once a month. About 12% of youth pastors and 5% of pastors are addicted to porn.
Youth Pastor Frequency Addicted?

yes, this is a current daily 0%

21% YES multiple times per
not sure
22% 23%
yes, this was a struggle a few times per
43% 35% yes
in the past month
no 56%
every few months 19% 21%
no, I have not struggled
36% less often
with this 19%

Pastor Frequency Addicted?

yes, this is a current daily 1%

14% YES multiple times per
not sure yes
week 26% 33%
yes, this was a struggle a few times per
43% 35%
in the past month
every few months 26% no
no, I have not struggled 41%
with this less often 21%

Have you ever struggled in your own personal life with using pornography? How often do you/did you
actually use pornography? Would you say you are/were addicted to pornography?
Porn’s Impact on Ministry 33

BASE: Pastors Who Currently Use Porn

The use of porn negatively impacted my ministry

very true somewhat true not really true not at all true

YOUTH PASTOR 44% 31% 14% 12%

PASTOR 18% 46% 27% 9%

For these items, please rate them according to whether each is true of your personal experience using
Church Leaders & Porn 34

Only 8% of pastors think that a pastor should resign his/her position if s/he is struggling
with porn. Most pastors think s/he should deal with the struggle through counseling or
How much does the issue of porn interfere with your ability to find strong lay leaders in the church?
very somewhat not too not at all

1% 22% 49% 29%

Which of the following do you think are usually a good idea when a pastor is struggling with porn?

find a professional counselor 82%

have a group of mature Christians who can hold him accountable 59%

tell the spouse (if married) 58%

find a counselor who is a pastor 45%

tell the elders/deacons/board at his church 21%

resign his position 8%

tell the congregation 1%

How much does the issue of porn interfere with your ability to find strong lay leaders in the church?
Which of the following do you think are usually a good idea when a pastor is struggling with porn?
If a Church Finds Out its Pastor is Using Porn… 35

41% adult Christians think that pastors should be fired or asked to resign if they are
found to be using porn. Younger Christians are more likely to take a lenient approach.

he should be fired or asked to resign 41%

he should be asked to take a leave of absence until he is no longer using it 29%

he should be allowed to teach and be given the help he needs to deal with it 16%

nothing; no action should be taken by the church 5%

other 5%

he may remain on staff but no longer teach 4%

Millennials (25-30) Gen-Xers (31-50) Boomers (51-69) Elders (70 plus)

32% 30%
27% 25%
23% 24%
13% 11% 10% 10%
6% 7%
4% 4% 5% 4% 4% 2% 0%

he should be fired or asked he should be asked to take a he should be allowed to nothing; no action should be other he may remain on staff but
to resign leave of absence until he is teach and be given the help taken by the church no longer teach
no longer using it he needs to deal with it

What do you think should be done if a church finds out that its pastor is using pornography?

The Porn Phenomenon


Porn and Churches 37

The vast majority of the faith community, including leaders and laity, believe
pornography is a bigger problem in the Church than it was two decades ago.
• 93% of pastors and 94% of youth pastors say it is a much bigger or
somewhat bigger problem than it was in the past.

More than half of youth pastors have had at least one teen come to them for
help in dealing with porn in the past 12 months.
• Although teens seeking help are mainly teen boys, there is still a significant
amount of teen girls seeking help from youth pastors.

Men of all ages and stages, but especially married men, are coming to pastors
for help with pornography struggles.

Despite the awareness of the problem, most churches do not have programs
specifically designed to assist those struggling with porn use.
Porn Compared to 20 years ago 38

The vast majority of the faith community, including leaders and laity, believe that
pornography is a bigger problem in the Church than it was two decades ago.

Pornography compared to 20 years ago, specifically for the "Church”

a much bigger problem  a somewhat bigger problem  about the same  smaller issue

23% 34% 33% 10%

Practicing Christian 51% 24% 20% 6%

Youth Pastor 75% 19% 6%

Pastor 70% 23% 7% 1%

In your view, how does the issue of pornography compare to 20 years ago, specifically for the "Church" in
Teens Struggling in the Church 39

More than half of youth pastors have had at least one teen come to them for help in
dealing with porn in the past 12 months. Although teens seeking help are mainly boys,
there is still a significant amount of girls seeking help from youth pastors.
In the past 12 months, how many teens have come to you for help in dealing with porn?
9% 7% 3%

0 1 to 5 6 to 10 11 to 24 25+

Which types of youth have sought help in dealing with pornography?




high school boys middle school boys high school girls middle school girls

In the past 12 months, how many teens have come to you for help in dealing with porn?
Which types of youth have sought help in dealing with pornography?
Adults Struggling in the Church 40

Men of all ages and stages, but especially married men, are coming to pastors for
help with pornography struggles.

Pastors: who has sought help in dealing with pornography from your congregation?

married men 59%

unmarried men 36%

teenage boys 33%

none of these 29%

married women 5%

unmarried women 5%

teenage girls 4%
Who Is Struggling in the Church?
Men of all ages and stages, but especially married men, are coming to pastors for
help with pornography struggles.

Pastors: sought help in dealing with porn from your congregation How Often Do Practicing Christians Actively Seek Out Porn

married men 59% 8% 10% 21% 61%

single men 36% 6% 15% 15% 23% 42%

teenage boys 33% 10% 20% 6% 21% 43%

none of these 29% daily weekly once or twice a month less often never

married women 5% 2% 11% 87%

single women 5% 2% 5% 7% 84%


teenage girls 4% 2% 15% 81%

Church Programs for Porn Use 42

Most churches do not have programs specifically designed to assist those struggling with
porn use.

Does your church currently run a program specifically designed to assist those struggling with porn?

yes no not sure

Adults: 9% 44% 47%




The Porn Phenomenon


Questions about the research,
please contact:

David Kinnaman

Roxanne Stone
Editor in Chief

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