Catholic Hythe Newsletter 13 December 2009
Catholic Hythe Newsletter 13 December 2009
Catholic Hythe Newsletter 13 December 2009
Martin of Tours
2, Lower Blackhouse Hill, HYTHE, CT21 5LS 01303-266430 Chapel Road 135 Queen’s Rd.
THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT Fax: 01303-264773 email Dymchurch,TN29 0TD
124 High St.
Littlestone, TN28 8NA Lydd, TN29 9BA
Catholic Parish served by: The Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (S.O.L.T.) Parish Priest: Fr. Frederick W. Alexander
In residence: Fr. Robert Copsey Deacon: Rev. Raymond Partridge (01303-873835)
Confessions: Saturday 11.00-11:45, 6-6:30pm
St. Augustine’s RC Primary School: St. Johns Road, Hythe, CT21 4BE (Tel: 01303-266578) Headteacher: Mrs. P. Parnell
SUNDAY M ASS INTENTIONS - HYTHE St. Edmund’s Catholic Secondary School: Old Charlton Road, Dover, CT16 2QB Tel: 01304-
Sat 6.30 pm Elizabeth Conrath - birthday This week’s second collection will be for REPOSITORY CHRISTMAS ITEMS DJM meeting Tuesday 15h December, 7pm
blessings Altar Christmas Flowers Visit our wide range - including Advent cal- CANCELLED
8.00 am Jim Smith endars, Christmas cards, gifts & cribs….
9.30 am Priests of the Parish HYTHE COFFEE SUNDAY Come and See: Classes will resume 7th January 2010
11.15 am In reparation for contraception Coffee and refreshments will be served after First Holy Communion Classes start
and abortion 9.30am Mass next week by Saturday 9th January 2010 at 9.30am PARISH ADVENT PREPARATION 2009
7.00 pm Well-being of Carmel UCM It is requested that enrolment forms located at led by Canon Cronin on the Fridays of Advent, 2
Bruggemeyer’s daughter the rear of the church, be returned to the -3pm. This will include Lectio Devina on the
ROSARY In St. Martin of Tours Church, Lydd Presbytery and that parents accompany their Sunday Gospel during Holy Hour and concluding
SUNDAY M ASS INTENTIONS - THE MARSH or opposite at 8, The Green on Wednesdays children to the first class.
at 11.30am. Also after weekday Masses in with Benediction.
Dym 8.30 † Christian Gradenecker Hythe. All Most welcome. Bring a friend.
L’stone 10.00 All Parishioners Shop Online and Support the Parish
Lydd 11.30 † Matilda Joyce HYTHE LECTORS for next week: Visit where over 150
SAT 6.30 pm G. Strowbridge popular retailers’ stores may be accessed. Every CHRISTMAS NOVENA OF MASSES
SUN 8.00 am Cecily Partridge purchase made earns the parish a donation at no White ‘Novena’ Envelopes are available in
P ARISH D AILY M ASS 10.00 AM 9.30 am Linda Fisher the churches for your intentions & offering to
extra cost.
Mon † Mary Bean Simon Fisher the priests.
Tue Intentions of Conrath family 11.15 am Ada Foreman Novena Christmas Cards are available,
7.00 pm Stephen Lagrue Thanks to M. Smith and all who supported the free, for you to send to those you have
4pm Reception of body into Church Exhibition of Paintings - £220.00 was raised enrolled in the Novena.
All Sunday Readers
Wed Requiem Mass - Thomas Stewart for Aid to the Church in Need.
Please let Ada Foreman or Shirley (in
Thu Holy Souls the office) know if you can read at any *** FOR YOUR DIARY ***
Fri † David Cross First Holy Communion 2009 - DVD of the ser-
of the Christmas Masses. Christmas Carols with Nativity & Christmas
vice now available, please collect from Presbytery.
Sat 12noon † Monique Smith Songs with the families of Imagination Theatre.
LEGION OF MARY Saturday 19th December, 3-4.30pm in the Hall.
*** T h i s W e e k ***
No meetings until further notice
SISTERS’ M ASS (Convent) Celebrating Family - Sunday 13th De-
Sat (vigil) Sr Finnian Service of Lessons & Carols
Holy Father’s Intentions for December cember, Carmel Centre, see notice at rear.
Mon Sr Mary Frances General: That children may be respected and Sunday 20th December,
Tue Private Intention (c) loved and never be the victims of exploitation St Augustine’s Primary School 2.30pm in Church, followed
Wed Sr Pauline O’Neill in its various forms. Tuesday 15th December - School Mass - 9am by tea in the hall.
Thur Mission: That at Christmas the peoples of the Wednesday 16th December - Carol Service - 6.30pm
Fri Private Intention (c) earth may recognize in the Word Incarnate the
———————————— light which illuminates every man and that the ADVENT PENITENTIAL SERVICE Next Traidcraft weekend 19/20th December
Nations may open their doors to Christ the Tuesday 15th December at 7pm in
F EASTS / M EMORIALS Saviour of the world. Hythe.
Monday St John of the Cross, priest & doctor Please pray for the sick & those in hospital:
Gabriel Sanchez, Louisa Allwright, Frances Stacy,
STEWART , AND THE SOULS OF THOSE WHOSE ANNIVERSARIES OCCUR AT THIS TIME: Maureen Small, Mary Plumbly, Eileen Russell, Klare Schooling,
EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED S ACRAMENT Elizabeth Pluck, Sally Ann Senior, Rita Cauldwell, Flora Davies, Olive Scruton, Bridget Walsh,
Beatrice Hamilton, William Carmody, Joanne Howard, John Hynes, Denis Holmes, Mary Eberhard Stickler, Catherine Riddell, Barbara
In Hythe Mon - Wed after Mass till 11.30am Broughal, John Gilmore, Catherine Lucas, Ellen Tribe, Anne Kerry, John Tilling, Harry Malek, Vickie Pineda, Mary Griffiths, Una
Sat 11am - 12 noon Waltham-Smith, James Maguire, John Bayles, George Richey, Kate Murphy, Eileen Hearty, Gradden, Mary McDonald, Theodora Jones,
Nora Nicholson, Fr. Tom Hartnett OSA and Anthony Byrne. MAY THEY REST IN PEACE Jean Williams, Christene Burket, Rosemary
Griggs, Jim Emerson and Jo Jenkinson.