Catholic Hythe Newsletter 11 April 2010
Catholic Hythe Newsletter 11 April 2010
Catholic Hythe Newsletter 11 April 2010
Martin of Tours
2, Lower Blackhouse Hill, HYTHE, CT21 5LS 01303-266430 Chapel Road 135 Queen’s Rd. 124 High St.
EASTER Fax: 01303-264773 email Dymchurch,TN29 0TD Littlestone, TN28 8NA Lydd, TN29 9BA
11TH APRIL 2010 Catholic Parish served by: The Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (S.O.L.T.) Parish Priest: Fr. Frederick W. Alexander
Assistant Priest: Fr. Paul Johnston Deacon: Rev. Raymond Partridge (01303-873835)
Confessions: Saturday 11.00-11:45, 6-6:30pm
St. Augustine’s RC Primary School: St. Johns Road, Hythe, CT21 4BE (Tel: 01303-266578) Headteacher: Mrs. P. Parnell
SUNDAY M ASS INTENTIONS - HYTHE St. Edmund’s Catholic Secondary School: Old Charlton Road, Dover, CT16 2QB Tel: 01304-201551; Head of School: Mr A. Reed
Sat 6.30pm (Vigil)†Martin O’Neill
HYTHE COFFEE SUNDAY ***This Week & Diary Dates*** UCM
8.00 am Patricia O’Mahony & family Coffee & refreshments will be served after
9.30 am In thanksgiving to the Father for Wednesday 21st April - Lunch at Lathe Barn
the 9.30am Mass next week by DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY Saturday 24th April - Southwark Diocese AGM at the
His Mercy Music 2 - Richard & Jackie DEVOTIONS Cathedral
11.15 am (sung) All Parishioners
Sunday 11th April, 4pm in
7.00 pm Easter blessings for Mary Griffiths
ROSARY In St. Martin of Tours Church, Hythe with Exposition, Benedic-
Lydd or opposite at 8, The Green on tion, Recitation of the Chaplet Parish Council Meeting
Dym 8.30 Holy Souls Wednesdays at 11.30am. Also after week- and Veneration of the Image. Wednesday 21st April at 7pm
day Masses in Hythe.
L’stone 10.00
Lydd 11.30 † Brenda Draper The next Marist Way meeting will be on The Knights of St Columba
HYTHE LECTORS for next week:
SAT 6.30 pm Frank Hadfield Wednesday 14th April at 7pm Will be conducting a recruitment drive in Hythe on
P ARISH D AILY M ASS 10.00 AM at the Marist Convent 25th April. They are active in many Parishes through-
Mon † Elizabeth & David Bryce SUN 8.00 am Cyril Hardy
9.30 am J McCormick out this Diocese, and Fr Fred now wishes to reopen the
Tue local Council of Knights in this Parish. By belonging
Wed 11.15 am Alan Foreman to the Knights you will maximise your contribution to
Learn more about your faith & what it means
Thu † Anna Schneider - anniversary 7.00 pm to be Catholic - Thursdays, 7.30pm in the Hall. the Parish community, deepen your faith and at the
Fri Birthday blessings for Julie same time enjoy the fraternity of others who are like
Lorenz Prater Covenant of Love marriage group minded in their aims.
Hearing Aid found in Church
Sat 12 noon † Capt. DRJ Sharp Please apply to Presbytery Friday 16th April from 7-9pm in the church
hall. See poster at back of church or contact The Augustinian Pilgrimage in Honour of
SISTERS ’ M ASS (Convent) Mark & Gill 269225 Our Lady of Good Counsel at Clare Priory
Sat (vigil) Sr Stanislaus Easter Duty Sunday 9th May
It is still not too late to complete your Coach leaves URC, East St. at 8am. Cost
Mon † Mrs Andrews Next Traidcraft Weekend
Easter Duty. You have until 30th May £20. Contact Evelyn Lagrue - 269973
Tue Private Intention (C) to receive Easter Communion. Also, it 17th/18th April after all Masses
Wed Sr Anne is required to go to confession at least
Thu † Timothy Wilson once a year (or before receiving Holy Marriage & Family Life - Events in 2010
Fri Private Intention (C) Communion) if you have any Mortal CONFIRMATIONS 2010 Grief in Loss - Hope in Christ : 23-25th April
____________________ sins. Mass in Celebration of Marriage - Saturday
Confirmations will be conferred on Tuesday
12th June - for those celebrating
FEASTS /M EMORIALS 28th September 2010 on all who have reached 10/25/40/50/60+ anniversaries, apply to
Marsh Churches Gift Aid Boxes - please their 12th birthday.
Tues St Martin I, pope and martyr can all who have gift aid boxes on the Presbytery by Sunday 25th April.
Classes will start on Tuesday 20th April 2010 For more info. and for other events See notice-
——————————— Marsh inform me which church you wish at 7pm in the hall. Parents please fill out forms board at rear of Church.
to collect them from, as it doesn’t necessarily in back of Church and bring them with you to
EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED S ACRAMENT follow that the town you live in is the church the first class. Please pray for the sick & those in hospital:
In Hythe Mon - Wed after Mass till 11.30am you attend. (Shirley, Parish Office) Louisa Allwright, Frances Stacy, Hannah Forse,
Sat 11am - 12 noon Dolores Jennings, Mary McArdell, Mary Plumbly,
——————————— THOSE WHOSE ANNIVERSARIES OCCUR AT THIS TIME: Irene Whadcoat, Winifred (Molly) Townhill, Eileen Russell, Klare Schooling, Eberhard Stickler,
E ASTER OFFERING: Thank you for all your generous Stewart Fagg, Edmund Foley, Thomas O’Connell, Josephine La Rue, Peter Benson, Patricia Dabin, Sr. Catherine Riddell, Mary Griffiths, Theodora Jones,
Marie Pia, Peter Sherlock, Arthur Crowe, Ron Renton, Roland Brewerton, Christina Mitchell, Iris Church, Christene Burket, Jim Emerson, Mahin Daneshvar,
Easter contributions to the SOLT community. Pearl Herring, Nina Joyce, Sr. Adeline Chapman, Victoria Doherty, Alex Henderson, Norah & George Bill Kelly, Peter Power-Court, Bro. Duran SOLT,
HOLY PLACES: £240.36 - THANK YOU Crofton, Margaret Miller, Linda Harris, Mary Bamber, Margaret Bowder, John Hearty, Zita Higgins and Gerry McSorley and Nick Mansfield.