Oil & Gas Development Company Limited: TENDER ENQUIRY NO. PROC-FD/CB/DO-0565/2012 Hiring of Coring Services

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Page 1 of 8 of OGDCL TENDER ENQUIRY N0.PROC-FD/CB/ DO-0565/2012.



Page 2 of 8 of OGDCL TENDER ENQUIRY N0.PROC-FD/CB/ DO-0565/2012.
Terms of Reference



Oil and Gas Development Company Ltd (OGDCL) referred to as the Company is
Pakistans leading E&P sector company, committed to Exploration/Development
Well Drilling in the areas of various Oil & Gas Projects located in Pakistan. The
Company is listed and traded on all three stock exchanges of the country with
highest market capitalization. Recently the Company, through GDR process, has
also been listed on London Stock Exchange. More details about the Company can
be obtained from its website www.ogdcl.com.

In order to meet oil industry international standards, the Company intends to hire
Coring Services on Two (02) years rate running Contract basis.


1. OGDCL invites comprehensive and competitive proposals from the service
companies of international repute to hire Coring services for OGDCL wells.

2. The successful service company is to provide Coring services for+ 08 OGDCL
wells per year. However the volume of work will increase or decrease
according to Companys plan.

3. The services will include 6-3/4 & 4-3/4 core barrels including inner fiber
glass tubes, handling tools, core recovery and preservation.

4. Core handling, layout & marking of barrels

5. On-site Core preservation according to standard industry practice for
unconventional cores. Preservation will be

Wrapped in cellophane and aluminum foil
Wrapped core is placed in heat sealable foil laminate bags or wax
dipped three times.

6. Gas Content Analysis Canister Desorption Test including fee + adsorb and
gas species. Cost per meter gas content analysis equipment & personnel,
cost per Canister Desorption Test and Analysis, Detailed core description &
coring operations sheet as per sample (sheet attached).

7. Detailed core description & coring operations sheet.
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1. The bidding procedure will be two envelope system i.e. technical & financial.
Technical bids will be opened first and evaluated.

2. After technical evaluation of the bids, the financial proposals of successful
bidders will be opened for further evaluation.

3. After Financial evaluation, the contract will be awarded to the financially
lowest bidder.

4. The bidders are to quote the rates and evaluation will be undertaken as on
the given format at Annexure- A.

5. Reputable oilfield Coring Service Companies having minimum five years
active experience of such services are invited to participate in bidding

6. The Service Company is to be capable (with respect to equipment inventory
and personnel availability) to handle the two simultaneous OGDCL coring
jobs of the same size.

7. The Service Company is to have established base office in Pakistan or surety
to have a base, to be able to supply and equipment /personnel and back up
as per job requirement.

8. In order to asses capability for provision of services, the bidders will have to
provide equipment detail, technical data with inventory quantity and detail
of base office in Pakistan.

9. The Coring Supervisors offered for the job will have minimum of two years
active field experience of the similar jobs. CVs to be attached with

10. Proof to support the experience of the Company, detail of Coring contracts
for the last five years showing name of client with duration of work to be

11. In case of bid submission without above mentioned information, the bid will
be considered non-responsive.

12. The selected Service Company will be responsible for mobilization,
demobilization, transportation of their equipment and personnel within and
outside Pakistan as per cost to given in the rate format.

13. Boarding and lodging of contractor personnel except while working at
OGDCL location will be the responsibility of contractor.
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S. No. Description Weightage
1 Minimum 05 years experience of Company as Coring
Services provider.

2 Service Companys established base in Pakistan or
assurance to set up a base.

3 Availability of required inventory with the Company to
undertake two simultaneous OGDCL jobs for the same

4 Coring Supervisors with Two years experience.


Technical evaluation will base upon above criteria. Minimum qualifying marks
for each discipline are 75% Overall aggregated marks for qualifying will be

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I. 6-3/4x 4-1/8 Core Barrel & Allied Tools

S. No Description Amount
1. Lump sum cost per meter Core cutting including Core
barrel, Fiber glass inner tube, Core heads, handling
tools, Crossovers including Core recovery and

2. Cost per meter for gas content analysis/ equipment

3. Cost per Canister Desorption Test and Analysis

4. Cost of any other related item

5. Day rate of Coring Supervisor

6. Equipment Mob/De-mob on per KM basis. Cost.

7. Personnel Mob/De-mob cost

8. Any other cost


Detailed Core description and coring operation sheet is attached as sample.
The analysis to be provided as per the sheet.

Charges for Coring Supervisor will commence after his arrival at OGDCL
well location.
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II. 4-3/4x 2-1/8 Core Barrel & Allied Tools

S. No Description Amount
1. Lump sum cost per meter Core cutting including Core
barrel, Fiber glass inner tube, Core heads, handling
tools, Crossovers including Core recovery and

2. Cost per meter for gas content analysis/ equipment

3. Cost per Canister Desorption Test and Analysis

4. Cost of any other related item

5. Day rate of Coring Supervisor

6. Equipment Mob/De-mob on per KM basis. Cost.

7. Personnel Mob/De-mob cost

8. Any other cost


Detailed Core description and coring operation sheet is attached as sample.
The analysis to be provided as per the sheet.

Charges for Coring Supervisor will commence after his arrival at OGDCL
well location.
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S. No. Description Amount
1. Total cost of 160 Meters Core cutting job with 6-3/4
core barrel including Core barrel, Fiber glass inner
tube, Core heads, handling tools, crossovers
including Core recovery and preservation. Cost of gas
content analysis equipment, Canister Desorption
Test and Analysis of above said volume of core.

2. Total Mob/De-mod cost for equipment and personnel
up to 200 KM x 08 jobs (Estimated).

3. Any other cost.


Detailed Core description and coring operation sheet is attached as sample.
The analysis to be provided as per the sheet.

The total cost will determine the lowest responsive bidder.

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The sheet is attached at sample for job results

Start End
Can Sealed

hh:mm:ss hh:mm:ss mm:ss No. date hh:mm:ss No.
Core Service Company: General

7792 7793 6:10:00 6:15:00 05:00
Core Bit Type: PDC

7793 7794 6:15:00 6:19:00 04:00 4-26 4/9/2008 15:08:04 100-1
Core Bit Size1: 8-1/2"

7794 7795 6:19:00 6:24:00 05:00
Core Barrel Type: Conventional / RL

7795 7796 6:24:00 6:27:00 03:00
Liner Type: Al

7796 7797 6:27:00 6:31:00 04:00
Coring Fluid: Water

7797 7798 6:31:00 6:36:00 05:00
Fluid Density (ppg): 8.8

7798 7799 6:36:00 6:41:00 05:00
Fluid Temp. In (
F): 82.0

7799 7800 6:41:00 6:44:00 03:00
Fluid Temp. Out (
F): 86.0

7800 7801 6:44:00 6:48:00 04:00
Pump Pressure (psig): 700.0

7801 7802 6:48:00 6:53:00 05:00 4-38 4/9/2008 15:21:00 100-2
Pump Rate (spm/gpm): 110 / 319

7802 7803 6:53:00 7:01:00 08:00
Weight on Bit (lbs): 7,000 - 10,000

7803 7804 7:01:00 7:12:00 11:00
Pipe Rotation Rate (rpm): 50

7804 7805 7:12:00 7:18:00 06:00
Type Core
7805 7806 7:18:00 7:24:00 06:00

7806 7807 7:24:00 7:29:00 05:00
Formation Name: Marcellus Shale

7807 7808 7:29:00 7:36:00 07:00
Method for TOH: Conventional

7808 7809 7:36:00 7:40:00 04:00
Date/Time Start Coring: 4/9/2008 2:08

7809 7810 7:40:00 7:44:00 04:00 4-43 4/9/2008 15:32:06 100-3
Date/Time End Coring: 4/9/2008 8:22

7810 7811 7:44:00 7:48:00 04:00
Date/Time Start TOH: 4/9/2008 8:51

7811 7812 7:48:00 7:51:00 03:00
Date/Time Last Stand at Surface:
4/9/2008 13:40
7812 7813 7:51:00 7:55:00 04:00
Date/Time Last Stand at Surface:

7813 7814 7:55:00 7:59:00 04:00
Core Barrel Trip Out Time

7814 7815 7:59:00 8:03:00 04:00
(hh:mm:ss): 4:49:00

7815 7816 8:03:00 8:07:00 04:00
Interval Cored (ft): 59.0

7816 7817 8:07:00 8:10:00 03:00
Core Length Recovered (ft): 58.9

7817 7818 8:10:00 8:14:00 04:00 4-52 4/9/2008 15:36:26 100-4
Reservoir Temp (
F): 160

7818 7819 8:14:00 8:17:00 03:00
Surf. Temp/Press(0f/in-Hg): 72/28.85

7819 7820 8:17:00 8:20:00 03:00

7820 7821 8:20:00 8:22:00 02:00

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