Youth Questionnaire Curec
Youth Questionnaire Curec
Youth Questionnaire Curec
Class number
GPS Coordinates
Sex 1= Male
2= Female
Date of birth [dd/mm/yyyy]
1 9 Y Y
January = July = 07
01 August = 08
February = 02 September =
March = 03 09
April = 04 October = 10
May = 05 November = 11
June = 06 December =
Have you ever had vaginal sex with someone (that is to say when
the penis was in vagina)?
1= Yes
2= No
Have you ever had anal sex with someone (that is to say when the
penis was in the anus)?
1= Yes
2= No
3.7 If you have had sex, the last time you had 1= Yes
sexual intercourse, did you use a condom? 2= No
STI Symptoms
4.1 1= Yes
WOMEN ONLY: Sometimes, women experience an unusual
discharge (smelly, discoloured) from the vagina. During the last 12
months, have you had an abnormal vaginal discharge?
2= No
4.2 1= Yes
WOMEN ONLY: Do you currently have an abnormal vaginal
discharge (smelly, discoloured)? 2= No
4.6 MEN ONLY: Is your penis circumcised that is, has the 1= Yes
5.5 Have you ever used any drug to make you 1= Yes
Feel high?
5.8 During the PAST MONTH, how 1= Not once in the past month
often did you take this/these 2= Daily
3= Several times per week
4= Once a week
Kule NYANGA IPHELILEYO, 5= Once a month
uzisebenzise kangakanani
HIV prevalence
6.1 Do you PERSONALLY know anyone with 1= Yes
HIV testing
7.1 Have you ever been tested for HIV? 1= Yes
2= No
Ukhe walenza uvavanyo lwe HIV?
I would like us to talk about your views about your friends and sexuality ….
Ndicela ukuthetha nge zimvo zakho malunga netshomi zakho ne into zesondo
9.1 How much pressure do you get from your friends 1= No pressure at all
to have sexual intercourse, would you say . . . ? 2= Not much pressure
3= Some pressure
Ingakanani ipressure oyifumana kwitshomi zakho 4= A lot of pressure
ukuba ulalane, ungathi i….?
9.2 How many of your friends do you think have had 1= None of them
sexual intercourse? 2= Less than half of them
3= About half of them
Zingaphi itshomi zakho ocinga ukuba zikhe 4= More than half of them
zalalana? 5= All of them
10.1 Are you concerned about getting HIV? 1= Yes
2= No
10.2 Do you believe HIV/AIDS is a serious problem? 1= Yes
2= No
I feel that I can go to my parent/guardian with questions
about sex.
1= Agree
Ndingakwazi ukuthetha nabazali bam okanye abantu 2= Disagree
abandigcinayo ngezinto eziphathelele nokwabelana
Community-level Stressors
HIV Knowledge
The following list contains statements about HIV/AIDS. Please mark these
statements as either true, false, or don’t know
Coughing and sneezing DO NOT spread HIV.
True False Don’t
Ukukhohlela nokuthimla AKUYISASAZI intsholongwane eyiHIV. know
A person can get HIV by sharing a glass of water with someone who
has HIV.
True False Don’t
Umntu uyakwazi ukosuleleka yintsholongwane ye HIV xa ethe wasela know
nge glass ebekusela kuyo umntu onentsholongwane ye HIV.
Pulling out the penis before a man climaxes/cums/orgasms keeps a True False
woman from getting HIV during sex.
A woman can get HIV if she has anal sex with a man.
True False
Umntu wasethyini angosulelwa yintsholongwane eyiHIV xa know
enokulalwa yindoda ezimpundu.
HIV/AIDS can be cured by having sex with a virgin.
True False know
Xa uthe wabelana ngesondo nomntu oli virgin kuyakwazi ukuphilisa
isifo sikagawulayo.
Showering, or washing one’s genitals/private parts, after sex keeps a
person from getting HIV.
True False
Ukuhlamba kwi shower. Okanye ukuhlamba iparts zakho zangasese know
xa uthe wabelana ngesondo kuyakwazi ukunceda ukuba umntu
angosulelwa yintsholongwane eyi HIV.
People who have been infected with HIV quickly show
serious signs of being infected.
True False know
Xa abantu besulelwe yintsholongwane eyiHIV babonakalisa iimpawu
zokosuleleka yintsholongwane eyiHIV ngokukhawuleza.
HIV/AIDS. know
Taking a test for HIV one week after having sex will tell a person if she
or he has HIV.
Xa kuthe umntu wazithesta ukuba unentsholongwane eyiHIV emva True False know
kweveki idlulile ebebelane ngesondo angakwazi ukuyazi okokuba
unesifo sikagawulayo (HIV/AIDS).
A person can get HIV by sitting in a hot tub or a swimming pool with a
person who has HIV.
True False
Umntu uyakwazi ukosuleleka yintsholongwane ye HIV xa ethe wahlala know
phezu kwe thobi langasese okanye xa ethe waqubha kunye nomntu
onentsholongwane ye HIV.
A person will not get HIV while taking antibiotics (medicine). Don’t
True False
Umntu akosulelwa yintsholongwane eyiHIV xa esebenzisa izikhuselo
zomziba (antibiotics).
A person can get HIV from oral sex (kissing/licking private parts).
True False
Umntu angosulelwa yintsholongwane eyiHIV xa ekhotha incanca, know
okanye ikuku ngolwimi.
HIV can be spread by mosquitoes. True False
Intsholongwane eyiHIV iyakwazi ukwanda xa umntu etyiwe know
Using Vaseline or baby oil with condoms lowers the chance of getting
True False Don’t
Xa uthe wasebenzisa iVaselina okanye iBaby oil ngaxeshalinye know
necondom kuyawathoba abathuba okufumana intsholongwane eyiHIV.
1. For me, not having sex until I’m older would be:
Circle One
Very Very Somewhat Neither good Somewhat
bad good bad nor bad good
2. Friends that I respect think I should not have sex until I’m
Circle One
Very Somewhat Neither true Somewhat Very
true true nor untrue untrue untrue
9. For me, buying condoms or getting them for free would be:
Circle One
Very Somewhat Neither good Somewhat Very
bad bad nor bad good good
10. Friends that I respect think I should buy condoms or get
them for free, during the next two months.
Circle One
Very Somewhat Neither true Somewhat Very
true true nor untrue untrue untrue
12. During the next two months, I’m planning to buy condoms
or get them for free.
Circle One
Very Somewhat Neither true Somewhat Very
true true nor untrue untrue untrue
Circle One
Very Somewhat Neither good Somewhat Very
bad bad nor bad good good
16. During the next two months, I’m planning to carry condoms
with me.
Circle One
Very Somewhat Neither true Somewhat Very
true true nor untrue untrue untrue
Tell us how you feel about using condoms every time you
have sex during the next two months.
If you don't think you will have sex during the next two
months, answer all of the questions below anyway. When
you answer, tell us what it would be like to use condoms if
you did have sex.
17. If I have sex during the next two months, using condoms
every time would be:
Circle One
Very Somewhat Neither good Somewhat
bad bad nor bad good
18. Friends that I respect think I should use a condom every I
have sex.
Circle One
Very Somewhat Neither true Somewhat Very
true true nor untrue untrue untrue
20. If I have sex during the next two months, I’m planning to
use condoms every time.
Circle One
Very Somewhat Neither true Somewhat Very
true true nor untrue untrue untrue
Please tell us what you think about the risk of getting HIV or
Please tell us what you think about abstaining from sex (not
having sex at all, until you are older):
2. People who don’t have sex until they’re older are very
Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Agree
Disagree Somewhat Nor Disagree Somewhat
3. People who don’t have sex until they’re older are usually
unpopular people.
Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Agree
Disagree Somewhat Nor Disagree Somewhat
Please tell us what you think about using condoms. Please try
to answer every question, even if you’ve never had sex or never
used a condom. Just do the best you can.
Circle one:
2. How hard or easy would it be for you to tell your partner you
are not going to have sex with them? (If you don’t have a
boyfriend or girlfriend, please answer as if you had one).
Circle one:
Circle one:
Circle one:
Circle one:
Circle one:
Circle one: