3rd Custodian Surprise
3rd Custodian Surprise
3rd Custodian Surprise
Surprise Party
by Kelly Hashway
Emma hung the streamers, not really paying attention
to where she was placing them. She was too disappointed
to focus. After all, it was her birthday too and no one in
her class had even said happy birthday. They were
all busy planning the surprise party for r. Stinton,
the custodian.
Sure r. Stinton was great. !e "new everyone#s birthday and made cards and
coo"ies for them. !e high$fived you when you got an A on a test, and he offered
encouragement when you didn#t do as well as you#d wanted. Emma "new r. Stinton
deserved a surprise party, but she wished %ust one person would have remembered it
was her birthday too.
Emma glanced at the giant card the class had made. &t was the length of the
blac"board. r. Stinton wouldn#t li"e it if they bought presents for him, so Emma had
suggested the class ma"e a card and ba"e goodies %ust li"e he did for them. She#d
spent a lot of time planning the surprise party. She wanted r. Stinton to feel special.
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'&#m going to call r. Stinton now,( rs. )owman said. 'Emma will you turn off
the lights please*(
rs. )owman called r. Stinton saying the lights in the classroom had gone out.
As soon as rs. )owman hung up, Emma too" one last loo" around the room and
turned the lights off with a sigh.
Emma heard r. Stinton#s boots thumping down the hallway. The door"nob
turned and Emma flic"ed on the light. Everyone yelled, 'Surprise+(
r. Stinton was surprised, but so was Emma. r. Stinton was carrying a bunch of
balloons and a tray of coo"ies.
'A surprise party for me*( r. Stinton said. !e wal"ed over to the giant card.
'This is the most beautiful card &#ve ever seen.( !e turned to Emma and handed her a
card. '&t ma"es my birthday card for you loo" "ind of small.( !e gave Emma the
balloons and the tray of coo"ies. '!appy birthday, Emma. & was so e,cited when &
found out we have the same birthday.(
'!appy birthday, Emma,( her classmates said.
'&#m glad we share the same birthday, too,( Emma said, smiling at r. Stinton.
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Name: __________________________________
Surprise Party
by Kelly Hashway
1. -hy was Emma disappointed in the beginning
of the story*
Three .easons -hy Everyone
&n the /lass 0i"ed r. Stinton
3. Appro,imately how large was r. Stinton1s card*
a. about two feet long b. about fifteen feet long
c. about seventy feet long d. about twenty yards long
4. -hat is the author1s purpose for writing this story*
a. to teach readers how to throw a surprise party
b. to persuade readers to throw surprise parties for school custodians
c. to entertain us with a story about two people that share a birthday
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Name: __________________________________
Surprise Party
Part 1: .eread 'Surprise 2arty( by 3elly !ashway.
As you read highlight the following vocabulary words in the story.
streamers custodian encouragement
deserved glanced sigh flic"ed
Part 2: atch each vocabulary word on the left with its definition on the right.
_______ 1. streamers a. positive, supportive words
_______ 2. custodian b. turned a switch on or off
_______ 3. encouragement c. breathe deeply and heavily
_______ 4. deserved d. party decorations made from paper
_______ 5. glanced e. loo"ed 4uic"ly
_______ 6. sigh f. person who ta"es care of a building
_______ 7. flic"ed g. was worthy of
Part 3: 5se a vocabulary word from the list to complete each sentence.
8. Shannon _________________________ at her watch every few minutes.
. The school _________________________ fi,ed the s4uea"y door.
1!. Ale, hung _________________________ in the house on his sister1s birthday.
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"#$%&' K&(
Surprise Party
by Kelly Hashway
1. -hy was Emma disappointed in the beginning
of the story*
None of her classmates remembered that it
was her birthday.
He h)gh*f)+ed the, whe-
2. they got a- " o- a test.
Three .easons -hy Everyone
&n the /lass 0i"ed r. Stinton
He offers e-courage,e-t He g)+es the, cards a-d
whe- they do-.t do well treats o- the)r b)rthdays
3. Appro,imately how large was r. Stinton1s card* b
a. about two feet long b. about f)ftee- feet lo-g
c. about seventy feet long d. about twenty yards long
4. -hat is the author1s purpose for writing this story* c
a. to teach readers how to throw a surprise party
b. to persuade readers to throw surprise parties for school custodians
c. to e-terta)- us w)th a story about two /eo/le that share a b)rthday
Super Teacher Worksheets - www.superteacherworksheets.com
"#$%&' K&(
Surprise Party
Part 1: .eread 'Surprise 2arty( by 3elly !ashway.
As you read highlight the following vocabulary words in the story.
streamers custodian encouragement
deserved glanced sigh flic"ed
Part 2: atch each vocabulary word on the left with its definition on the right.
d 1. streamers a. positive, supportive words
f 2. custodian b. turned a switch on or off
a 3. encouragement c. breathe deeply and heavily
g 4. deserved d. party decorations made from paper
e 5. glanced e. loo"ed 4uic"ly
c 6. sigh f. person who ta"es care of a building
b 7. flic"ed g. was worthy of
Part 3: 5se a vocabulary word from the list to complete each sentence.
8. Shannon gla-ced at her watch every few minutes.
. The school custod)a- fi,ed the s4uea"y door.
1!. Ale, hung strea,ers in the house on his sister1s birthday.
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