The document outlines the planned activities for children in nursery school during the autumn term. It includes activities focused on personal, social and emotional development like choosing toys and talking about feelings; physical development like using writing tools, climbing, and balls; communication and language like talking, singing, and asking questions; understanding the world like discussing families and things done outside school; early mathematics like sorting and counting; literacy like phonics, reading books, and writing marks; and expressive arts like music and art materials. It also provides important information about homework, reading books being sent home, and suggested activities families can do at home.
The document outlines the planned activities for children in nursery school during the autumn term. It includes activities focused on personal, social and emotional development like choosing toys and talking about feelings; physical development like using writing tools, climbing, and balls; communication and language like talking, singing, and asking questions; understanding the world like discussing families and things done outside school; early mathematics like sorting and counting; literacy like phonics, reading books, and writing marks; and expressive arts like music and art materials. It also provides important information about homework, reading books being sent home, and suggested activities families can do at home.
The document outlines the planned activities for children in nursery school during the autumn term. It includes activities focused on personal, social and emotional development like choosing toys and talking about feelings; physical development like using writing tools, climbing, and balls; communication and language like talking, singing, and asking questions; understanding the world like discussing families and things done outside school; early mathematics like sorting and counting; literacy like phonics, reading books, and writing marks; and expressive arts like music and art materials. It also provides important information about homework, reading books being sent home, and suggested activities families can do at home.
The document outlines the planned activities for children in nursery school during the autumn term. It includes activities focused on personal, social and emotional development like choosing toys and talking about feelings; physical development like using writing tools, climbing, and balls; communication and language like talking, singing, and asking questions; understanding the world like discussing families and things done outside school; early mathematics like sorting and counting; literacy like phonics, reading books, and writing marks; and expressive arts like music and art materials. It also provides important information about homework, reading books being sent home, and suggested activities families can do at home.
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Personal, Social & Emotional
We will be encouraging the children
to choose the things they want to play with. We will be talking about feelings and our own interests. We will be talking about our own families. Physical Development We will be having a go at holding pens, pencils and crayons using three fingers. We will be climbing on, off, through and under our climbing euipment. We will be having a go at kicking, throwing and catching large balls. !ommunication & "anguage We will be doing lots of talking to each other. We will be singing many different songs and rhymes. We will be having a go at asking and answering uestions, that start with who, where and what. #nderstanding the World We will be talking about our families and things we have done out of school. $athematics %he children will be sorting out ob&ects by shape and si'e. %hey will be having a go at saying numbers, out loud, in order, to (). In Nursery we change our topics, depending on the childrens interests! At the moment we are very interested in, maps. holidays and water! "iteracy %he children will be working on *ead Write +nc and phonics based activities. Reading We will be developing a love of books. We will be reading lots of stories with the children, encouraging them to ask uestions and to talk about the pictures. We will demonstrate reading by pointing to the words as we read them. Writing , We will be encouraging the children to make lots of writing style marks. We will be doing lots of writing ourselves, in front of the children, to show the children the purpose of writing. E-pressive .rts We will be singing lots of nursery rhymes and e-ploring the sounds that musical instruments make. We will be using lots of different art materials. +mportant information Homewor! Encourage your child to use their busy book Reading "oos! Story books and reading records will be sent home daily. /ursery .utumn %erm 0)(1,0)(2 .ctivities you could do at home %alk to the children about things you have done and are going to do. Share photographs with your child. *ead lots of stories and sing lots of nursery rhymes When you write something such as a note to yourself or a birthday card, show your child and tell them what you have written.
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